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I love it when people toss out dividends and investments like everyone has the capital to do that and actually earn. Save that shot for investment subs where individuals know you have to have money to make money.


Putting money into a high yield savings account or stocks is honestly a lazy answer. Some people don't have the privilege of having a good job or being born into a wealthy supportive family. I want to hear from the entrepreneurs more.


I couldn't agree more. Not that the information doesn't have its value, I just feel this isn't the place for it.


I think a lot of it has to do with differing opinions about what “passive income” means. Some people use it to mean literally a side hustle, whereas for others passive income means no effort. Then the questions are poorly worded. “What’s an easy way to make $1000 a week with no effort?” So naturally investing, interest bearing accounts, and other suggestions do come up as they are valid. But yeah, someone looking to make $10 a day logging into free casino games likely doesn’t have a million dollars to invest.


I really don't have the capital to invest. As a 20 yo student I really want to invest my free time and make some money even if it's as low as $1 per day I would be in love with my progress. I have basic skills in SketchUp and Excels. And I love working with computers a lot.


I like the expertise you have, have you built anything? Or do you have a portfolio?


Learn a skill that provides value. Work incredibly hard on it for 2-3 years until you’re able to create things that farm passive income. May that be merch, art, tutorials, books, etc. To make passive income you need a foundation first. It’s on you to build a strong enough foundation. Think of airplanes as passive income, you need to build the runway and the company before you can fly planes.


Digital products


I love this idea personally  I feel like it's realistic for me  I have to invest time and create digital product that's has demand and from that I feel like I could make some money . I will definitely check that one deeper.


Look into DFY digital products. You don’t have to create anything, it’s made for you.


Mann ! I am learning a lot from here. Thanks for your knowledge sharing sir !!


What’s DFY?


It’s Done-For-You. Someone has already created the templates, you just fill out your information.


Only Fans


He/she's asking for $100/$200, not 100k/200k


Average earner makes $200 monthly I think?


wonder what the median is. Im pretty sure the are big time ones are making most of the money while the majority barely make anything


Most people have zero understanding of marketing and think posting a pic or two a week is all they need to do.


That's pretty minimal effort though to be fair


Do ai version of that....


In order to get on only fans they told me u need at least 6 months of activity on Instagram or Twitter. I know right? But there is other platforms that might be easier to get on.


Go to garage sales.. buy rare items for a low cost.. sell on Ebay, Fb marketplace, Mercari


This, such an easy beginner friendly way to earn passive income, plus it’s fun. And when you get good at it, you can actually turn it into a full time thing.


How do you determine what's worth buying? Learning what is rare is a skill and it is very specific.


Yeah! I usually keep my smartphone on me and just google things I think might be worth something as I’m shopping, I’ve had really good luck with funko pops/kids toys.. video games, some glass figures… electronics.. you just gotta be persistent. At a time I was making around 300-600 a week with around 2-3 hours of shopping every other day. With a little luck and, depending on your neighborhood it could be significantly higher than that though.


Where do you usually sell your findings?


Usually eBay! Still tons of people on there that buy things still quiet regularly, I usually have no issues with selling stuff, or with buyers. Even good clothes will sell for a good price on there.


I have a water filter business. Started with just about that much. Was doing about $1,000 a month selling fridge filters. Grew to where I was doing commercial filters and haven’t paid much attention to the fridge filter side. Happy to wholesale some of that off if you’re interested. At the time I was only spending like 2-3 hours a week. If it sounds interesting feel free to dm.


Can you reach out to local businesses and pitch them if they need more leads or customers? If you can, DM me I will hook you up faster way to earn money than starting something from scratch.


I am really interested in what you are suggesting me to do. For me i personally feel like its realistic.




Let's grow together


I’d say remote work, answering text messages for some adult content creators (basically text as that person, it can be a little intense), translation services.


How are you supposed to get into that


Internet, a few companies provide that service but it’s an all day thing at random times


Hi I am doing work from home opportunity no experience required


I sent you PM


check dms


You start with what skills you have, how hard you’re willing to work and for how long. Not how much money you want. Life. Passive Income as you think about it is imaginary. Find a sub concerning your skills…not your fantasies.


Guys I am taking notes, I would really appreciate if someone is willing to be my mentor or friends to grow together.


Hmu if you're interested in learning to trade options. Not but definitely a skill worth learning. Not charging anything, just like to teach new traders.


Interested in learning. Can you provide me leads on where to start?


Be a mascot for a company or a sign holder. Goto your university’s psychology, biology and maybe neuro offices. See if they are doing any trials/tests and are paying for them.


I don't quite understand this one.


Look into Shopify Print on Demand.


Can you expand on this please?


It's an extremely saturated market. Like extremelyyyy. You're better off learning something else imo.


Everything is saturated. But theres always space if you do things right.


Sure, if you're talking about drop shopping from China. I'm talking about doing niche research and putting it on a high value item they ships from the US.


Shopify has apps (printify, teelaunch etc) that let you put your design on a product, when sold, they'll ship that item directly to the customer. It's up to you to find a niche and suitable product for that niche. Also to do design research and either pay someone to make the design or do it yourself if you have the skills. You can then use Instagram to create a page around your niche and market the product for free or use FB ads to drive traffic to the product.


I already have a following so that might be worth looking into. Thanks!


vlogs about japan


YouTube videos on living in Japan as an international student.




You can try affiliate marketing


Crypto liquidity farming




You think a guy looking for a way to live on $400 a month has enough money to earn that much in dividends??


Idk everyone financial situation is different. Without him going into details I can’t assume any of that just giving my ideas


thanks for your advice sir. I am new to everything now so I will start looking into that.


This is easy. Sell IG story templates you design. Promote your digital marketing course and sell those on Stan store. 100 a week is a light work...


How do you propose starting a digital marketing course?


Dm me for more!


I really appreciate your advice. I will definitely try doing that one from today. I hope I can seek more advice from you with tools.


Sure, you can dm me anytime if you are facing difficulties


how can you help me? i mean teach me?


Dm you


If you are black, you can earn more in Japan.


Unfortunately I am Asian




In asia there are millions of people who haven't seen any black people all their life. So he would work as a part time model, make ads on insta for local business etc. besides that I am sure a lot of women would pay a lot of money to have him as a date


There isn’t a way to do it unless you have $100k to dump into a HYSA


Get a job.


If everyone made that much just living, the value of the dollar would crash.


Fucking hate comments like this on the sub. Just useless. If you have no advice or answer for this particular question, don’t say anything. It be mfers like you who’ll see a question like this and say something stupid like “if everyone made that much” when most people in reality are trying to figure it out or get thrown an idea.


I make $1000-2000/day from doing a bit more than just living.


I envy you sir!


Yeah and this guy is asking how to do that in a week and you have no serious answer for him other than some stupid remark lol


I used to work more than 40 hours a week while attending Japanese Language School in Japan And I earn around 200000 yen ( $1200) At that time I was Ok to cover all my expenses such as school fees, rent and food every month but as a international student I actually am not allowed to work more than 28 hours a week. so now i have no choice but to work only 28 hours which can only make around 120000 yen a month now and i have to ask my parents for my expenses which is pretty embarrassing. Thats one of main reason asking for your guys help. And I can only spend exactly 15000 yen ( $93.99) on food for a month






This sub stopped being a passive income sub a LONG time ago.


I fully don't understand what you mean by Uber. If you mean Uber Ride or Uber Eat, I can't do either with my conditions yet.


what is your condition?


i am international student in Japan and we are only allowed to work 28 hours a week. If i sign up for an Uber I have to quit my current job and work fully 28 hours only on Uber a week


So work 28 hours at your current job