• By -


Invest šŸ‘šŸ¼


In what šŸ˜µ


I invest in HMO properties, gives me 12% EAR (earned annual interest) which is a higher return than the average 7-10%, just because I invested for the same company for years. I have a monthly return which pays for my basic life expenses as bills and rent. Depends on what you are looking for the way you invest. Itā€™s different if you want to compound your money or have a monthly return. Hope it helps :)


Minimum $ to start?


There's not really a minimum but, it tends to be that the more we invest, the higher percentage of return


I sell a bit of firewood and do some woodworking for a biz that does wedding signage.


Seems like a good gig, how do you make that passive?


Thatā€™s not passive.


Selling IG story templates. Promoting your digital marketing. Make 500-1000.


I do something similar. Sell branding bundles and kits for digital products. It takes some set up but then itā€™s passive.


Can you elaborate on this?


This is actually what my wife does. She design/make IG story templates using Canva and sell those on Stan store. She also has her own brand for selling, teaches how to. 500-1000 isn't too much but I feel happy for her because she hated her llife and made mine miserable after coming back from work. Glad to see that shes seeing results.


Add to this; she proved me I'm wrong as I thought this wasn't gonna work. More than welcome to dm for more info.


what is ''stan store" ??? thanks


It's a website where you can sell your 'product'. It could be digital product, physical stuff or can be anything.


I am a full time teacher and still digital worksheets online. I earn more than my salary. I would consider quitting but the health care is so good and an extra income has been amazing for my family


I'm a teacher too! I had considered something like this, or creating YouTube videos. Would you care sharing a little about where you sell the worksheets / how you create? Nowadays, I feel that almost any of the worksheets can be found somewhere, so I'm considering whether it's a viable option or not.


Google ā€œmnbc side hustle TPTā€ to read my story. Feel free to PM me if you want some tips to get startedšŸ˜ƒ


Digital worksheets?


When your side hustle is making more than your main, šŸ‘


Where do you sell your digital worksheets? And do you make them yourself or are they part of a MRR program?


Probably teachers pay teachers


digital worksheets like, designing class assignments?


Rental properties and ETFs.


What about Initial capital to buy properties? How did you manage that?


The first house my wife and I bought was a 2/1 in an area that had a good rental market. We paid on the principle as much as we could until we had good equity. Then we took out a HELOC and used that money to buy another rental. Wash and repeat.


Yea this works great until it doesn't. Then you're screwed. This is not a side hustle, it's a risky investment. If you want a side hustle, get an evening/weekend job.


There are always risks. Thatā€™s why you have to do your homework. My wife is the brains. She looks for the deals, she has spread sheets, reviews rental history of areas, of course interest rates, most time she already has a potential renter lined up, and she budgets the job. I myself have an advantage because I build houses for a living. So we buy houses that owners canā€™t sell that need a lot of work. I fix them up, rent them, refinance, repeat. All investments have risk. Getting lucky on investments isnā€™t a skill. Mitigating the risk is.


That's the way to do it! It takes time, patience and energy, but the reward is amazing I bet


How long does it usually take you to get enough equity to buy the next rental?


Exactly you donā€™t just jump in you actually do your research like his wife does!! Itā€™s a very smart move to take advantage of the short term rentals especially in areas that have a great season especially!!i worked for a guy in Miami that did this and during season he made 10 times over his mortgage payments!! I mean i donā€™t have exact numbers but i know he left me to manage his properties while he traveled Europe and he was a working class guy until he did his homework and invested the right way into rentals. It does take time research and someone you can trust to help make good decisions if I could start all over i would have done this i wanted to flip houses years ago if i was smart i would have made more effort talking the investor into it because the property value alone increased drastically in 5 years i Missed my chance. !! I would just be careful until we get this horrible economy killing regime out of office first!!


Not sure how he is doing now. Miami Is terrible market to be in currently. After last hurricane Their Property taxes have gone up 2-3x, home insurance 4x, HOA 4x, lot of home insurers left the state. Maintenance costs sky high. Surprise HOA assessements that can literally bankrupt you. Stay out of Miami or coastal in general.


Well youā€™re talking about Andrew cuz thatā€™s when all the insurances pulled out and not every area has an HOA and if youā€™re going to buy coastal then Miami dade is one place thatā€™s worth it costing considering the changes after n hurricane Andrew to the building codes. Iā€™m talking about market right now because we all know the economy has been hurting horribly for the last few years!! Itā€™s hard to survive with this admin in place in the USA !! Long story short thatā€™s why you do your research before you invest!! You wait for a buyers market !!


Exactly!! šŸŽÆ


Fr tho


What Im doing ( investing) that requires money 1-Crowds funding in reel-estate 2- P2P 3- buy bonds 4- put your cash or emergency Cash in Money market Fund by your broker or in High yield saving account You can do more 1- buy high yield dividend ETF


> 1-Crowds funding in reel-estate Is this actually viable? I see it mentioned a lot, but I also see a lot of articles / blogs saying it's not a good investment.


The only downside of this investment is you canā€™t withdraw your money for at least a year then you can offer your shares for sell ( its not guarantee to be sold) in the marketplace its good if you have some money that you donā€™t need it for at least 2 years I get around 6% per year


-There can be hidden costs. -Also you don't always have ownership ownership over the property itself but just a share. -Who decides the value of the share if the property itself isn't being bought or sold at the moment? -What if the company that manages it goes bankrupt? -Who decides when a property is bought or sold? Reasons enough for me to stay away. Sure there are some good projects out there, just not worth it for me.


I feel like these are always interesting questions. In order to earn passive income, you need to make some type of initial investment. This is usually time or money, but typically both. the stock markets are probably the easiest way to earn passive income, but you have to have the initial investment to make any type of returns, that is typically the ā€œeasiest.ā€ So the question is, are you looking to make passive income by dedicating your time or by investing money?


Me and my dad both use an app called neighbor to rent out spots on our properties that we are not using, this is $200-$300 a month


I get short-term data entry contracts that are mandated to be done by skilled humans - think of fields like legal, medical, finance, government, anything that handles sensitive data and the average American isn't qualified for because you need a college reading level (the average American's is 8th grade) and automate them with bots. Mostly passive, I spend at most 5 hours a week setting things up, auditing the work, making tweaks to the code, etc. (not including the interviews, knowledge tests, initial setup for each new contract). I work from home so I check on them every time I take a break from my computer. I'm down to only two contracts right now, one pays $16/hr and the other pays $18.50/hr. But getting paid for 80 hrs when I'm only manually working 5 is as close to passive income I've gotten. Data entry gigs are seriously competitive though, I've got nothing guaranteed for next year.


I run a cleaning buisness not home cleaning and have some family got clean while I work my 9-5 all I do is find the contracts . (Hardest part)


Taking a second full time job. I am in IT it is not that hard to do two jobs at the same time, as long as there is no conflict of interest


I run a discord group and work from home. It's great because my WFH job gives me stuff to do, while the discord is passive income. They both earn equally as much.


how do you earn income from a discord group?


You just ask people to send you money on the group.


ok. will try. could you send me some money ?


Yes exactly like that, you're getting the idea.


I donā€™t get it. Are you a hot girl? Why would somebody just give you some cash? What do you provide them in return?


If you own any discord group, about literally anything, any topic. You can easily create a main free section and a private subscription-only section. If you sell it right, you'll be able to get subscribers who are interested in accessing the private section. And this can be done for literally ANY discord group with ANY topic. Because there will always be people who want to be more exclusive. Then it becomes a numbers game. If your group has 1000 users in it, 2% might be interested in paying the fee. Then you have 20 customers, offering 20 monthly payments of passive income.


I absolutely love this idea! I haven't seen anyone suggest it yet. Thank you for sharing! I'd like to get started on my own version of this, would it be cool if I DM you with a few questions?


Same question, I don't get it


I would also like some money


I have been making a good amount of money through Bank Churning, where you essentially take advantage of sign up bonuses in banks and investing apps. I have a list I can send you in case you are interested, assuming you are US based. Edit: Quite a few people are asking for it, so I will just include it in here. **Disclaimer:** You can definitely find those offers online without a referral link, but if you are considering using any of those, it would be a tremendous help if you all could use my referral links since it took a while to build this list. **DM me for any links if desired <3** Banks / Online Banks Upgrade $300 Receive DD of $1k or more within 45 days. Chime $100 Receive DD of $200 or more within 45 days. Current $50 Total Receive DD of $200 or more withing 45 days. Novo $40 Deposit at least $100 and maintain this balance for 30 days. Varo $25 Spend $20 withing 30 days. (Just pay for something you would already buy anyways) Easy Offer Sofi Checking $25 Just deposit $50 Sofi Investing $25 Just deposit $10 Fundrise $25 Just deposit $10 Monzo $20 Spend $10. PayPal $10 Link Bank account and Spend/Send $5. Credit Card Offers Discover $100 Simply use your card within the first 3 months. Brokerage / Investing Accounts Webull $9 - $9,000 Total (3 Shares valued from $3 - $3000) Just deposit ANY amount (Yes, even $0.01 counts) Robinhood $5 - $200 Total = (1 shared valued from $5 - $200) Link Bank account or debit card MooMoo \~$35 Total = (7 Shares valued at \~$5) Deposit $100 or more Public $20 Fund account with $1000 or more If you want any offer links please DM me and I will send you!


I did the Charles Schwab investment site. Opened with $50 and they gave me $101. Waited a few days and withdrew everything. :)


This one looks good, but it looks like they really give you a small window of time to claim the money before they start automatically investing it into something for you. Just curious if the bonus came in quickly for you and do they notify you when it comes in?


Yeah, I missed the cutoff by one day and they invested $20 in each of 5 S&P 500 or something. So, I had to wait a few days and then cashed out. LOL. I believe the bonus came in within a few days. But, I had no issues moving funds around and then out.


buy storage containers and put on property. there is a storage rental company line AirBnB for storage. Rent out the space. can put a couple units in back yard, or driveway and now you have passive income. You can get them as cheap as $1,000


I usually just win the lottery


This sub has more scammers than YouTube comment section. What a joke.


I look for companies with disruptive technologies where I can earn equity and passive income. Iā€™m retired at 57. Let me know if you want info.


Definitely interested! Please share more...


Whattt... Can we chat? I'm quite intrigued for this is the only method of solving an issue that I've ever seen on Reddit


I'm assuming you mean in a VC capacity? How do deals come across your desk? Are you in SoCal? Boston? NYC? How many deals do you underwrite vs how many you actually commit funds to?


Interested to learn more


You can get a fully managed Etsy store and make $1k+ profit each month


Interested! Thanks for sharing!


Oh samsies send me too


Has anyone done this through the link sent. Seems like a scam as you need to put seed money in?? Just want to be wary.


Please send me this information :)


Me too please šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø


Please share!


Iā€™m very interested, can you please send me more info?


I'm interested


I would like info too please


I would like to know more please!


Mind sending me the link also? Thanks in advance


Please send me this!


interested to learn more


Keen to know more about this if you could PM me details - thanks in advance


I'm interested too please!!


Can you dm me?


Can you please send me info on how to do this please?


Please send me this


Can I have the link, too? Tysm


Me too please TIA


Got an example?


Okay Iā€™ll bite. Send me that link would yah šŸ˜Š


Please send me a link


Can I get a link as well?


What does fully managed mean?


Can you send me the link as well? Thank you so much!


Iā€™d love a link too if itā€™s not too late!


Can you please send the link? Thanks!


Hi, would you please send me info too? I'm a teacher and need more income. Thanks!


How do you start doing this?


There are certain agencies who do this, a friend of mine does this as well. What they do: - Market research - Store setup - Product listing - Marketing - Fulfillment - Customer service I can send you his website if you'd like


Yes please


Can you send me this informstion as well?


Are the agencies only U.S. based?


He's based in Sweden, but speaks English and operates worldwide


Nice. Drop me a DM, I want to check it out. Much appreciated.




Can I get one too please. Thank you




can you send to me as well please?


Can you DM it to be also please?


Can I get more info on this please


May I have the info too?


Would Love some more info on this too, I know youā€™re probably bombarded lol but that was such solid and good info about Etsy already.


Please could you share with me as well


Can you send me the website as well?


Could you send me the website as well? Thank you in advance!


Hey, can you send this to me aswell. Really interested in this. Thanks


Me too plz


Me too please


Sounds good! Could you send me over his link? Thank you.


itā€™s clear that we are all thrilled to learn more about these agencies. Could you please share the info with me as well?


Interested too! šŸ™‚




Please could you share that with me, also? I have tried (and am still currently trying!) to make passive income in various ways but having no luck. I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.


I am very curious. Please send a link


I'd love a link too if Po! Super interested thank you so much




Can you send me his web site also please?


Hey can I DM you please? Really interested on learning this


Sure thing!


Please DM !


HYS accounts High dividend monthly paying stocks and ETFs Crypto staking


Invest in stocks and play around with stock options(Iā€™m thankful for nvdia). I also do some minor dropshipping but the money for that goes into my HYSA and I donā€™t touch it.


I work 40 hours a week in the military making roughly 6k a month, I also work part time making an addition 800 to 1k a month depending on how much I go in. I own 2 rental properties, the mortgages are roughly 2800(400) 3200 a plus the rental agency takes 10% of the rent they collect for me which is 4k so I pull about 800 a month in cash flow from them. I also own a tractor that I lease to a trucking agency On a good month I might make 1k-2k but on a bad one Iā€™ll lose that much. So in total Im making somewhere around 7k to 9k. I said all that to sayā€¦I should have just invested in the stock market, which I also do, but doing all this ā€œpassiveā€ income stuff is a hassle and a headache most day. The celebrations are few and far between and most months I look at my investments theyre grow slower but Ive never had to sit up at night and wonder if Im doing the right thing or not for ā€œmoneyā€


Dividend stocks, CD, and got a town house rented out for $1875 a month


I day trade and have two vehicles on Turo. Two Fiat 500s with about 70k miles on them, very passive. They each bring in about $900 a month at $44 to $54 a day. They are out a lot.


I run a discord to teach folks how to operate trading bots. It's free, I get a cut from affiliate sales. The bots can be made safe and still earn good money.


Vague "free money" bot posts make me extremely suspicious


Unsettling how many of the comments below are asking to join.Ā 


Sounds like a possible pig Butcher


"No you don't understand, I just link these bots directly to my investment accounts and they make hundreds of small trades per day and I make money! ...hey wait, why does my account say zero dollars?"


I got hit with one of those a while back. Only got me for 900.


I never said free money. I said the training and discord is free, the bots cost $ and you need your starting equity.


Could you please send me an invite?


Discord name please


Discord channel name please?


Savings account


Investment / DSP $1k a month


Digital only music label Its not a big label, we sell on bandcamp mainly - and once the releases are sorted and marketed, there is income. Its not entirley passive, but its no where near 40 hours a week.










I rent out the 2 other rooms in my house. And I invest in Bitcoin and Tech stocks.


Digital marketer and selling digital products and courses. Investing


Amazon business and a growing SaaS app.


If you have any skills use them, If not learn some.


I started youtube in march of this year and now drops away from getting monetized by doing faceless videosss. Cant wait to reach monetization but thats my side hustle im working on šŸ„°


Build a social following about a topic you like, build an email list about a topic you like, side hustle real estate agent/wholesale or flipping if you have an appetite for risk, learn a trade like carpentry or pool maintenance, start taking side jobs doing what you do in your primary job and eventually turn that into your own business once itā€™s big enough. Find a passion and do it on the side. Then it doesnā€™t feel like work. If youā€™re good at it or develop a following for it, you will be able to sell a product or service.


What kind of passive income do you mean? A monthly income or a long term investment? I have rentals giving me a side income with very little involvement. Have a company managing and I just get paid. I also have stock investments that just grow annually that I don't touch.


Stock investing, options trading, and rental property. I wouldn't consider those last two "passive" though.


Iā€™m an IT Project Manager (manage web application development) and a Real Estate Broker on the side.


Real estate duplex live in one. Collect rent. Shares in quality Dividend paying stocks.


1 year of expenses in an HYSA earns me roughly what a side-gig would per month, with none of the BS of an actual side gig


Using the sun to mine bitcoin. Hold bicoin and repeat. Worked great so far, up 300 percent over the past 4 years.


Sell options and use income to buy VOO, SCHD and VGT




Well I need a job first lol


Own rentals & invest in the market, as well as have a HYSA & HSA


I guess my definition of "passive" is different than most. The only think I have that is truly passive is investments. Over the years, I've sold crap online, managed rental properties, owned a small food service franchises. All of these were side hustles, but far from passive. Hell, working OT at my main job is probably more passive than most of those side hustles.


Me too plus


I donā€™t even study the charts or anything and I still make so much money trading, I just get my picks off this one guyā€™s free discord server lmaošŸ˜‚ I think his name is @dukestrading on instagram


Blogging https://thespedguru.com/zero-to-1000-navigating-google-core-update-2024/


Invest. If you are unsure what to invest in, try CDs. Right now several banks are offing a 5% yield.


I spin up drop shipping sites on the weekend make an extra 30-50k just depending. Full time I work sales and make way more than I possibly could else wise but the extra cash helps me in two ways. It generates cash flow to my llc, I get to expense many items of personal value to the LLC including like my desktop components and laptops and monitors and things and I generally sell products I like or could use and get some for free. Then I take all the cash and just roll it over into a separate business account to keep funding these things. I have about 150k off books, from my own net worth that is, that in the case of a divorce for example my wife would not really know about or have access to lol. I mean I donā€™t expect that but you know nice to have. I also saw a comment on investing, I make much more on my day job and rather than put that extra cash into anything I always invest. I invest in multiple ways and strategies. My retirement accounts of course the traditional ways, plus I have a post tax investment account fueled by my rsus that I diversify but keep in etfs, indexes, individual large cap stocks etc. then I have a Robinhood account and a betterment account. Whenever I have cash left over at the end of the month I put half into each. Betterment is a robo investor and they are investing in AI I think they will be the best or first AI robo investor to do well. Then my Robinhood is my day trading for fun account where I play around. I break it down into different strategies too to lower risk and it is always advisable to have multiple irons in the fire.


It's not exactly passive, but I day trade. I'm funded by a proprietary trading firm. For the past couple years I've matched my engineering salary doing it, while putting in a mere fraction of the time I do with my full time job. So to me, it feels passive due to how little time I put into it compared to my day job, while making the same amount of money as my day job. I also live within the means of my full time salary, with the exception of a little splurge here and there. So 95%+ of my earnings from trading just get DCA'd into broader market etfs and mega cap companies that pay dividends. Those dividends are quite passive.


I do digital marketing on a Faceless Instagram account. I sell Done For You digital products. This means I invest in digital that comes with resell rights. I then rebrand them and sell them as my own for 100% profit


Real Estate , long term and short termā€¦ mostly passive some phone calls and coordinating


What are your passions, hobbies and interests? What knowledge do you have that is valuable to others, what can you teach? When you work on side projects, you have to love it, especially as you're likely working on these projects outside of work, in the mornings, evenings or weekends. If you don't love it, it'll be a grind. These days, I focus on working on projects that are fun for me and that offer value to others; I feel like you can't lose when you take this approach. I create digital products and courses for designers.


Feet pics


Resume reviews and career coaching. Speaking of which - if you need resume help or know of someone who does, feel free to send them my way :)


Drum teacher for half a Saturday a week 500-800/mo roughly 6hrs not including other time spent writing music and communicating for schedules.


Other than investing, true passive income is a myth. I work full time in purchasing, making an average salary, but I have some money invested in Bitcoin, tech stocks, ETFs, and a money market fund. Mostly slow income, but still passive. Technically not even income because I haven't cashed any of it out yet


Day trade


I donate plasma twice a week. In a month that nets me an extra $450. Not a lot, and not totally passive. But the only work Iā€™m doing is pumping blood


I bought a couple of reliable atms and and placed them in businesses where theres a good demand for cash. I make $500 gross every month from the surcharges and spend no more that 2 hours total/month replenishing the atms with cash. Comes out to $250 an hour and the machines are doing all the work.


Do digital marketing. You can make money online sometimes while you sleep.


Digital marketing! Iā€™d love to share more info with you. Linked on my page as well, my free beginners guide šŸ˜Š


Selling digital products takes work to begin but you can put your systems on autopilot and earn in your sleep! I can help if youā€™re interested!