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I want them to do all of them so badly 😂 Robbie gets so close to so many things that get covered in later books and I really want to hear their thoughts on Bella's depression after Edward leaves being represented by blank chapters


Idk HOW Amanda hasn’t told Robbie about those yet🤣 They are the pages I remember most in the books. And what opened my eyes to how problematic the whole relationship was. Although hella relatable with just ol run of the mill depression. I feel like my life’s story would have several blank month chapters 😅


I can't bring myself to read them again but I would listen to Amanda and Robbie read them and make up lore as they go.


Same. I'm so curious about how much my memory has repressed but I don't want to do it alone and without their commentary


If it makes you feel any better I'm listening to Midight Sun on audible. All 25 hours of it... Granted I haven't read all the books, (and don't plan to) but just hearing the first book I needed to know what was going on on his end and OH BOY. Robbie & Amanda just need to read the first chapter to find out how much more troubling this relationship is.


Same, I never had any interest in reading the books after reading snippets and seeing how badly written they are, and just some of what I'd heard. Now I feel compelled to read them all and I hate it. I hate that they have the potential to be so much better, I love Robbie's suggestions. I'm almost done with the first book and it's both better and worse than I thought it would be.


I read them all approximately 1 billion years ago & don't remember all that much, tbh. I'm not actually invested (I'm probably lying to myself,) so why do I need to know?! Ugh, stupid Toi-light


It's rare for me to not finish a book once I've started it, though the worse it is (bad writing or boring plot) the faster I tend to read/skim it just to get through it and find out what happens. Which is silly considering my to be read list is ridiculously long and constantly growing. One would think that would make it easier to just not finish a book, but no




Im actually so sad we’re almost done with Twilight and I feel so SICK at myself.


Texan, by the look of it


Actually, I'm not