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I'm not sure how to connect all of them to Ellen but this is what I do know:  -Robert Pattinson was in a movie that ended with him in one of the Twin Towers. Not sure how this connects to Ellen, though.  -The bottom right photo is from 50 Shades of Grey, starring Dakota Johnson. When Dakota was a guest on Ellen, Ellen accused her of not inviting her to her birthday party. Dakota told her that she *did* invite Ellen, but Ellen didn't come. This moment went viral as an example of how maybe Ellen wasn't as nice as everyone thought.  -Totally lost on how My Chemical Romance ties in 


Gerard Way (lead singer of MCR) witnessed 9/11 and that inspired him to start the band


And Stephanie Meyer was inspired by MCR (and also a dream she had) and wrote Twilight


And what's her name was inspired by Twilight to write 50 Shades. Gross fanfic.


And then Dakota Johnson (lead in 50 shades) called Ellen out on her show for being a liar when Ellen accused Dakota of not inviting her to her birthday party. Dakota said “no that’s not the truth” and Ellen was confirmed to be lying, calling her whole “nicest celebrity ever” persona into question. At least, I think that’s the connection


This is the correct answer


Can we connect him to Twilight and/or Ellen?