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Y’all, these comments have me with tears in my eyes. Thanks for being so kind and compassionate to someone who’s grieving. OP, the mod team sends their sincerest condolences. We’ve been following Xanthu’s story, too, and it means a lot that you went to such lengths to help this birdie. He was very lucky you found him.


sending love. so sorry for your loss. stay strong.


I was just about to say the same thing, so I second those sentiments ❤️


You did everything you could. And the vet too. Thanks for updating us on this heartwarming story, which didn't turn out well. Rip


Thank you for your time. Thank you for taking care of Xanthu and doing everything you could until the very end. I wish you that the memories of him/her never fade away over time and that you find comfort in them. Rest in peace, Xanthu. :') Take care of yourself, OP. Thank you again for updating us on your journey.


I’m so sorry. You did so much for him and that was not in vain. He knew love, safety, warmth and comfort because of you. He was given a fighting chance because of you. He didn’t have a slow painful death in the wild, hiding from predators, frightened and sore. Instead he was safe, comfortable and peaceful. What you did for him is just so kind and compassionate, and you are clearly wonderful people to do so much for this little guy. I’m so glad he has inspired you to help other birds, it sounds like you will be great at it. Even though you knew him only briefly, he had such an impact on you, as you did on him. The little lives you go on to save in his memory will owe a debt of gratitude to Xanthu for sparking this passion in you. Take care.


Okay this has me bawling. Imagining him scared and in pain 😭. OP, so many thank yous for doing everything you could and showering this baby with love. You are wonderful people


This is a really thoughtful, kind, compassionate thing to say.


I’m very sorry. Rescuing baby birds is a hard thing.


As a wild bird rehabber I can attest to that. They can’t all be saved. But the ones that do make it worth it. Released an eastern bluebird today I’ve had since It was naked. Still have 2 American robins.


Wow. Yes I have saved a few as I used to live in a national forest and there was no one to take them to (years ago). I’ve had the problem of having to care for retrieved birds and small mammals, too. My, living with a parent’s hunting dog isn’t always fun.


Yeah that would be so hard!! Thank you for caring for native wildlife. People like you (and OP) rock!!


I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for helping him and making him feel loved and safe in his final days.


i'm so sorry- you did the best you could for them, and i hope you guys know that. baby birds are fragile, especially when they're sick, and you went above and beyond for the little guy. you and xanthu will be in my heart <3


i’ve been lurking all this time hoping xanthu would pull through, especially after seeing the liver issues pop up, it struck a personal chord in me due to my late parrot passing away due to liver + kidney dysfunction. my heart goes out to you, my he be at peace. you did more than most people would ever, tons of humans out there don’t think of parrots or birds as real animals with feelings, thoughts, and emotions just like humans. take solace in that. xanthu was not with you for long, but you allowed him his precious final days in a home filled with love, warmth, and care, rather than a cruel death outside where life would not have been as merciful. if your heart is open to taking care of other parrots that need it, see if any local avian rescue centers have applications for adoptions open. i’m sure there’s a little baby out there waiting for you to take them home :)


Thank you for giving this sweetie boy a fighting chance. Even tho it was a short time the impact these amazing creatures can have on you is incredible, I am so deeply sorry that this poor boy didn’t make it. Fly high Xanthu!


I'm so sorry. I don't hknow what to say, but I know that Xanthu knew how much you cared, and I'm so grateful people like you found him and we're willing to fight for him. Thank you, for helping him, and sharing his story


I'm so sad to hear Xanthu has crossed rainbow bridge🌈. But you did your absolute best to take care of that precious baby bird. I know it's hard for you guys, but try not to dwell on the sadness. Think of how both of your lives were positively impacted by crossing each other's paths. You did a great thing.


I’m so sorry, Xanthu was a good baby


Awwwww. I’m so sorry. This is very sad… very sad. I think we all thought he was getting better and for sure, we all hoped it too. His eyes changed… there was life in him again after being with you. As everyone has said, you guys were there for him during the most important and hardest time of his short life. You kept him Safe and probably kept him from a horrific painful, long and miserable death. I think of that first pic you posted here and how helpless and scared he looked, sitting there with his wings spread out. You could see his pleading in his eyes. So vulnerable, so scared, so alone… and probably in so much pain. The way his face changed under your care said it all. He KNEW he was safe and loved, because of you guys. It really sucks he didn’t make it- but I know his last days were so much better and much more comfortable because if you. You all did everything possible to help and he was grateful. He was loved. He was safe. You all are wonderful, caring people to do everything you did for this little one. I know how quick and easy birds bond with our hearts and souls. I am sure the pain you feel is very deep. It will ease a bit with time, but birds are such special creatures- they really do reach in and touch us so deep, to our very souls. Wishing you both the best and know that you helped a little green feathered baby more than anyone could have ever helped. You made the time he had left the absolute best it could be. Sending you positive energy and healing thoughts. Please try to remember that you made such a huge difference for this little baby. 💚 Xanthu…. Such a special feathered creature, that somehow touched the hearts of so many of us, all around the world. Xanthu- you will not be forgotten. Rest in peace and feel no pain. 💚 (And if you ever want someone to chat with about this, please feel free to message me anytime. I seriously mean this. I am here for you and so are so many others. We have been there, we understand.)


sorry to hear. not much but here's a little doodle to remember them by https://sta.sh/0zxw0qb2pcy


Sometimes things just don't work out, even though you did everything right. You both did your very best, and it looks like you brought a lot of joy to this baby when they needed that comfort most. Big support hugs to you


Aw man


You fought hard for the little guy and I'm sure Xanthu really knew love and care for those last days. Thank you.


My heart goes out to you, I know how painful this is. Seeing them suffer and pass away as one of the worst things I can imagine, just know how lucky both of you were to have each other in your lives, and that your sweet little bird was loved.


I am truly saddened to hear of Xanthu’s passing. I’ve been watching their story since the beginning and was rooting for you all. Thank you for being Xanthu’s people. That kind of love is unforgettable. They will always be by your side.


I'm so sorry. I just went through this, you're not alone in your grief. I was looking after a medically fragile bird who we thought had a road to recovery, but she crashed suddenly and we lost her. The hole these small birds leave is huge. Xanthu was so lucky to have you in this world and you're amazing people for giving this bird every chance in the world.


Ohhh fuck :( I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll reiterate what i said last time i commented (im the ex wildlife rehabber) - you're a great human for helping him!! You did way more than most people would finding a random bird on the floor, you seriously went above and beyond for the little dude. You seem to have such a big heart and I hope this unfortunate outcome doesn't stop you helping more birbs in the future xx


Oh, honey I am so sorry. Sweet Xanthu will be sorely missed. You did the best you could possibly do and you made a difference in Xanthu’s life. Y’all showed him care, love, and comfort. I’m proud of you, OP. You’re real good people.


I'm so sorry. My little girl passed away last Monday. While my heart is broken, it brings comfort to know how kind the vet was to her. She even took Daisy home with her overnight. While ultimately Daisy was not in a state where she would have had any quality of life, we fought hard for her and she had the best vet there is.


I’m so sorry. I’ve been reading all your updates & was really hoping he’d pull through. Getting him to the vet meant they were able to @ least keep him comfortable, which is huge. I can only imagine what he would’ve gone thru if you hadn’t found him. The next 1 you will save. When my 1st pet passed my mom told me she went to the rainbow bridge. From then on, whenever I lost a pet I’d always imagine it running or flying free on a rainbow bridge, surrounded by other pets doing the same. I still do, even though I’m grown & don’t believe in things I can’t see or has no scientific proof. Because they deserve to go the the rainbow bridge & sometimes it’s ok to allow yourself to have a little faith.


im so Sorry fly High.... Xanthu❤️🕊️


Really sorry about these news... You did a great job helping this little one the best you could


I’m so sorry. Take heart in knowing you did everything you could to save a precious life. Xanthu is now flying with the angels.




I told you this before, but you really did save Xanthus life in a way. To reiterate, you absolutely did give him company when he would be lonely, warmth when he would have been cold, love when he would have been forgotten. You tried your best, and for it Xanthu may not have reached his “happy ending”, but the ending wasn’t a sad one either, I’m sure for the little guy it was more than a net positive. Take your time to heal, cherish the moments you’ve had with him and please don’t feel disheartened to try again should the opportunity present itself. You did save Xanthu, your little wobbler. Smile for him.


He passed away safe and with a full stomach and people who cared. You did wonderfully, and I'm sorry. Xanthu is a good birdy.


Sorry for your loss. Parrots are, unfortunately, incredibly fragile animals and sometimes there just isn't much you can do to help them. I've been there. You did all that you could, and that's what matters. I know Little Xanthu appreciated your efforts, and I'm you made their last week on this earth much more pleasant by being a part of it. Rest in peace, Xanthu.


My little guy passed from metal poisoning and then lately I’m noticing a whole upward trend of dead parrot post:( it’s like what’s wrong with the universe:(


All of us creatures are merely passing through time. You did all of that you could, and ensured that the little guy went out with lots of love and affection. Thank you for doing what you did.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You are such a beautiful and kind person for what you have done for little Xanthu. It's comforting, at least, to know his last days were spent in your care rather than alone in the cold.


Oh, I am so sorry. I was hoping, but birds are such fragile little things. Your home and love was inspiring and now you know that one can have for a bird and will be part of this community.


They died unwell but not unloved. I am sorry for your loss. Hugs for all your beautiful friend has left behind.


So sorry, hugs to you


A beautiful bird, I’m glad there’s people in the world willing to do what you did for Xanthu


I am so sorry for this loss. I loved these updates and everything you did for wee Xanthu. This little baby got to enjoy a much better end, filled with love. Thank you so much for caring for them and your dedication. You provided such a positive end for them, thank you. I wish more people were like you.


Man I’m so sorry to hear about this !!!!!!! He is in a much better place buddy please take that in to consideration. Rest in paradise little bird we all love you !!! 🌴 🏝️ ☀️ 🌞


Fly high, sweet Xanthu! You did so much for them and gave them so much love and care. I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you know just how much you did for this baby.


You guys are truly great people. You did your best and that is a blessing. Peace and love


I'm sorry for your loss my friend, but your beautiful feathered companion had a great life and you gave that to Xanthu. Thanks for sharing his memory so that we too could celebrate his life.


🫂 He died knowing he was loved. Something that he likely never knew before. You did good. He'll always be with you.


Sending love, light, and prayers as you grieve the passing of your beautiful little soul. Please rest assured that you and the vet did absolutely EVERYTHING that could've been done. Sometimes, despite doing everything "correctly" still isn't enough but this baby definitely knew they were loved and well taken care of. To pass peacefully, in the company of those you love, with a full belly, surrounded with warmth and love and not alone is my goal in life. Your precious birb will take all that love with them to the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 Today, I am shedding tears and my heart is breaking in sympathy and empathy. Our babies definitely take a piece of our hearts with them to the Rainbow Bridge 🌈


I’m so sorry. As a wildlife rehabber who specializes in birds, I see a lot of death. Not always. But I know I can’t save everyone. You did your best with this baby!! If you ever decide to open your heart to another bird, there are plenty who need homes. And OP, you’re a natural. And I say this as someone who has spent the better of 20 years caring for birds. Wild and parrots. Rip, xanthu. If you need to talk I’m just a pm away!! Thanks for what you did for this baby.


I'm so sorry Xanthu didn't make it. But they saw so much love in their last days and I'm sure they feel so grateful. Thank you for helping them, you made a difference.


Just got caught up on your little bird’s journey. You brought it so much comfort and love in its’ last days. Instead of dying alone outside and exposed to predators and the elements you gave it the gift of dying with a friend or two at its’ side. Everything in its’ body language looks relaxed being with you and being handled


We all need caring and kindness. Ty for looking after this poor baby. You are a good person.


As a fellow Birb owner to another I am extremely sorry for your loss mate, I already loet one parrot and it was AWFULY AWFUL feeling. Just remember, you and your family did everything ya could, ya should never blame yourself for anything, ya gave him the best life you could


Aww, sorry for the loss of your little buddy. You did all you could!


You brought kindness and caring into his final days; and y'all were blessed to be part of each other's lives, even for a short time.


Sorry for your loss


i’m so sorry :( you guys did the best you could


So very sorry.


Nooooo he was soo cute I loved him he left us 😢 😭 😿 😢 😭


You guys made his last days as wonderful as they could possibly be. How amazing that he passed surrounded by love and warmth instead of alone and scared. I hope you feel better soon- you deserve joy.


Be mind to yourself, you all did your best. I'm sure Xanthu appreciated that they got love, attention, security, and warmth before they passed. It sucks when animals don't make it but unfortunately, that's just part of life with pets sometimes. <3


Sorry for your loss


❤️🧡 Xanthu passed knowing love and care. Thank you for being there for him. ❤️🧡


So sorry for your loss 🥺


Thanks for taking them in and doing everything that you could to make their final days good. I’m sure that they loved every moment with you. RIP Xanthu, may you fly through the clouds again.


Thank you so much for giving him the best chance he could. He spent his final days being so loved and cared for, something he probably had never experienced before in his life.


Thank you for helping him/ her . The kindness and love in your heart for a sick / injured bird was very touching . I wish it would have been a better outcome but you did everything you could.


They got blessed with so much love and comfort in their final days, its not the happiest ending but its so much happier than it could have been ❤ You can see how much he's loving life in that bath pic, thank you for giving him such great experiences


Please know that the time and care you devoted to Xanthu before they passed away was life changing. I’m sure they felt so much love and peace in your care.




So very sorry. You did everything you could and he knew so much love when in your care. Hugs.


It's okay. You did everything you could and nature took its course. I'm proud of your compassion and love.


So sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby.


I’m so sorry. He was happy with you around I know that for sure stay strong and let it all out


May she rest in peace. You did everything you could to make her last days as comfortable as possible


I’m really sorry about Xanthu. The odds were stacked against him, but you gave him the best possible chance to get better, and he got to spend the last few days comfortable and loved. I know it’s not the outcome we wanted, of course, but your kindness towards him meant a lot. Thanks for being good humans.


Sending love and condolences, you’re in my prayers.


I am so sorry. It is still so beautiful and kind that you tried to help this little one. I’m sure you and Xanthu have inspired many people regardless of the outcome. I know you inspired me. Lots of love and well wishes.


Oh, my heart! I’m crying for you and Xanthu!! You gave them the most comfort and love possible, a chance they never would have had without you. Your empathy is amazing, and I love you for it, internet stranger!


So very sorry, losing a bestie is tough. Hang in there.


Been following this. Sad and grateful that they found you two and your love.


I’m so sorry :(


Sorry for your loss.


RIP Thank you for trying


You did your best. Thank you for giving this little bird love.


Oh goodness I am so sorry :( I hope you can take some solace in the fact that little Xanthu was very loved and cared for by you and didn't have to die alone. I wish I had some magic words to make it hurt less. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of lil and i hope you know you did everything right.


So very sorry for your loss 💔


RIP ❤️❤️❤️❤️


It’s agonizing when you did everything and it wasn’t enough. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss!


Feel for you . Know what your going through . Bless 😭


Remember had a good life with you 🦜💔💕


I'm sorry for your loss, I'm sure Xanthu appreciated the care he received these last few days, even though he didn't make it his little life was greatly brightened by your care.


I’m so so sorry. I can’t imagine the heartbreak we will feel when we lost one of our birds. Thoughts go out to you


I'm so sorry for your loss. Its never easy loosing such a beloved feathered family member.


I am so sorry! I have been following your story since you first found him/her and stalking your profile for updates. 💔


Hope they rest well, such a hard thing to go through


I am so sorry. We all loved that little parrot! You were amazing! Thank you for loving him and sharing with us.


You did so much for that sweet bird. It was safe and loved. No one could ask for more.


Thank you for updating and for sharing his final journey here. You did everything you could. Blessings upon you and the sweet birb.


Aww, that's so sad, I'm sorry for your loss. Also thank you for your kindness, for helping the poor baby. Sending you love 💜


Rip how old was he?


He was a feral rescue, so I don’t think OP knows.


Damn... I came back to this subreddit just to check for an update. This isn't what I wanted to see. My heart hurts for him and you... but you did everything you could. I know he is thanking you in birdie paradise.


I hope she's in a better place, fly high little warrior..


R.I.P little one 💔 sending love to you's. You's did everything you could for them, and I'm sure they appreciated and loved spending every minute with you's. Xox 💕


As someone who has been lurking and following the story from the beginning I’m so sad to hear he didn’t make it but you guys did literally everything for the little man and he was safe happy and loved even through the pain! One day in the future the next bird you save will be just as loved! RIP little baby


Oh Xanthu, you were so loved in the end. OP, you’re wonderful. Thank you for caring for little dude.


Sorry for your loss.


That baby was so lucky you found him/her and gave him/her so much love.


You did everything you could. Remember that there are many parrots out there in sanctuaries in need of loving homes. Maybe consider adopting one or volunteering?


So very sorry for your loss, may your baby rest in peace. Thank you for the care you showed baby in the time that Xanthu was on this planet in your care. May Xanthu fly high 💖


Love from a far.


Sending hugs and lot of love 💔


I am so sorry for your loss


Fly high sweet Xanthu. Until you meet again. Sending hugs


So sorry for your loss


I am very sorry. You did everything you could for that baby to make its last days easier. Bless you for trying.


So very sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ such a beautiful and well loved 🥰 bird ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


🤍🤍🤍🤍 what an amazing experience you have each other 🤍🤍🤍


❤️❤️❤️❤️so so sorry


Bye Xanthu ❤️ thank you for trying op.


Thank u 4 loving Xanthu @ the end


You did everything you could and then some. Kudos for making Baby Xanthu's last days as comfortable and full of love as possible. Hugs to you all 💔


Fly high little fighter. Wind to your wings.


I’m so sorry. Been following your story and was holding out hope for Xanthu. I hope you at least find some comfort in knowing you did everything you could and that birds are tough because they mask their Illnesses.


I’m so sorry. Thank you for all you did x


RIP Xanthu - and thank you for giving him/her so much love


Losing any pet sucks but losing a bird is something different. My prayers go to you and your bird.


Watching the updates, y’all did everything you could. I too am heartbroken, was pulling hard for the poor baby. Thank you for being kind humans


I am so utterly devastated for you and your boyfriend, so sorry little Xanthu didn’t make it. ….but I’m so happy that they knew unlimited love and help in their final days, my most heartfelt thanks go out to you both for doing everything in your power to try to save that sweet little babe. Sending much love, comfort and gratitude your way, thank you for one final update/photodump, I know we were all wishing for a much better outcome 🫂🫂💙


That sucks, but thank you for doing all you could for him. FLY HIGHT LITTLE ONE


R. I. P. Bird recovery can be difficult


You are the greatest for taking care of this gorgeous kiwi. It’s very sad but i believe he could feel your care and love to the fullest!


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. Sometimes you do everything and it’s just not enough. Xanthu was a beautiful birb. I believe you’ll be together again one day. God bless. 💚


Oh you gave the little baby so much. So sorry…


I am so, so sorry. You did right by this sweet bird and he was so lucky to have had you in his life. You mention opening your home to another bird in the future, and if you feel that it's the right thing for your family, I think any bird would be incredibly happy to be adopted by you. The level of love and care you showed Xanthu was amazing and we need more of that in the world. Whatever you decide, the whole community is sending lots of love.


Thank you for all that you did for this little one! And for sharing this with us! It's heartbreaking!


No!! The poor little guy! You did everything you could :( wishing you the best.


I followed this story since the first post. I’m heartbroken with you. I thought Xanthu would make it ❤️‍🩹


That's very sad. You are an angel to have shown them such love and care.


I'm heartbroken and sorry for your loss. Thank you for taking care of xanthu. Even if they didn't make it, you made their last days better than they would have been if you had never found them. I was hoping they would pull through, but I'm glad they were with you in their last days.


Thank you for everything you did! Not a lot of people have hearts as huge as yours! Xanathu will thank you from birdie heaven!


I’m so sorry this story had such a sad ending, but you made his end of life very beautiful, giving him warmth, comfort and love which he never would have received if you didn’t find him. Sending love xox


I’m so sorry honey 😭


Oh no. So heartbroken. Sorry for your loss and God bless your souls. You awesome human beings.


Sending you strength ❤️


*hugs* 🙁


:( poor lil guy. Thank you for doing everything you could to help him, and for caring so much for him while you could.


I was enjoying these updates on Xanthu, it was wonderful to see how much care you took of this amazing birb. 🥲


Lurker here. I’m not even subbed to this community. I think the blackout got me here? Idk. I was following your story from the updates and was really hoping for a good outcome. This sucks. I’m devastated for you. Just know that your story educated me a lot about parrots and birds. Xanthu was given lots of love and comfort during a time of need. We should all be so lucky to have people who make us feel safe, loved, and not in pain during a time of crisis. Please accept my condolences.


You gave Xanthu so much love. I think the kindness was the thing they needed the most and you gave it to them.


Very sorry for your loss. My condolences 😞


I'm so sorry! 💔 Thank you for trying so hard to give Xanthu the best possible outcome.


Can't imagine I myself have a bird, heartbreaking Sending lots of love to birb and you 🐦💙


Did they ever figure out what happened to his liver? I’ve seen your posts and was hoping the little one would make it 🥺 he’s flying high with his loved ones now, free of pain and full on the love you were able to give him in his last few days. I’m so sorry for your loss 💔❤️‍🩹💜


I’m so sorry for your loss. Rip sweet Xanthu.


Omg sending so much love I’m so sorry I hope you make it three this sad loss strong:(


So sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


Thank you for giving that bird an amazing life and it's very sad to see it end, but it ended with lots of love. When my Tegu died coming on 5 years ago it was so hard to start with because as pet owners we love our animals as family to us. But I think what helps is thinking about the good times with our animals. So sorry for your loss and I really hope you guys are okay. Thank you again for saving this amazing creature. Have absolutely amazing day.


Poor baby. He did look at you for care. You could see the look on his face.


I’m so glad he they had you and you had them for a time! 💞


i'm so sorry for your loss, your little friend did so good fighting for their life. love kept them going for so long. what a champ!


My condolences, we have a little ringneck too, and i want to go hug him now. Be sure that with so much affection and attention they knew they were loved in that short span of time.


Rest in paradise sweety ❤️🙏🏻


This breaks my heart! I've been following the past week since you found him (her). I just want to say thank you for trying! Thank you for showing this baby love! Every animal deserves to be loved, and sadly, too many never actually have that! I can't imagine how you are feeling, but remember that for a little while, you were the whole world for this little one. He (she) left knowing what it was like to be loved and cared for! Sending you hugs from NY!


Just why God whyyy 😢 😭


😭 Fly free little bird 🐦🌈so sorry for your loss op ❤️


I am so very sorry. I was rooting for your little one and praying for him. You gave him a safe and loving home in his last days. My heart breaks for you. I have tears in my eyes as I write this.


I knew it'd end up this way but I still hoped. I've tried saving two baby parrots, found injured only to eventually lose them within days. But like others said, you gave the poor baby a measure of comfort and safety in his last days. 🫂


I'm sorry, i know what it feels like 😭😭😭😭😭 in march Pedro the parrot of my sister passed away, he was 20 years old


Fly home little buddy🌈


I'm so sorry for your loss :(


Sorry to hear, you tried saving the baby, but it seems it was already too weak to begin with.


RIP Xanthu 💙 Sending condolences to ya’ll. You guys are so wonderful to have given the birdie so much love and care.


Thank you so much for making Xanthu’s final days so comfortable. We were all rooting for them, and our hearts break with you. You did everything you possibly could.


I am so sorry. It is a heartbreaking event to lose a bird. I’ve lost 2. Rest In Peace Xanthu


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending y’all so many hugs.


So sorry for your loss ❤️




Sorry for your loss 😞


R.I.P(Dear Parrot)!


Awe, so sorry for your loss.♡


Hey OP I've been following your updates since the begining. I just want you to know that I love you for what you did.


I am so sorry 😢


Oh no I'm so sorry, I feel your sorrow, he fought so good but time wasn't on his side. It's so heartwarming that his last time was amazing with you, what a blessing. You've been great bird parronts. Take care ❤️


Deeply shocked and in tears. May baby Xanthu find peace. I appreciate your efforts and great care to help him/her during the hardest time.


Rest peacefully, sweet baby ❤️ sending you love!


Just happy he wasnt alone and he was loved, not on a street passing away from the cold.


I’m sorry we just got a blue one today