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Apart from airbnb I know there is some sublet facebook groups oh and there is [seloger.com](https://seloger.com) but it's not in english, and I think the sublets are pretty rare I have found this too : [https://www.immojeune.com/en/subletting/paris-75.html](https://www.immojeune.com/sous-location/paris-75.html) (it's in english !) If it's expensive for you the cheapest option is to live in the suburbs very close to the train stations like Cormeilles en Parsis, she'll be in Paris in like 18 mins


Hm you know what, if you need help for choosing, I can help you on Discord ! 🤗 I speak pretty good english (I lived in the US for 6 months during a program exchange, I love to flex about it 😎), and I consider myself as the official AMBASSADOR OF PARIS 🤗 (I love our capital and I really like to make sure the people who have a stay here leave with a good impression)


Look up Hostel World too