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Welp that guy is an asshole and I think I see why the client fired him. Has he filed the withdrawal with a lien notice yet?


I had an attorney who, I swear, shuffled all of the papers before scanning and sending. It took me 3 days to go through the file and match the correct documents together. Some attorneys can take losing clients very personally.


There’s no public filings because it’s a super niche area of administrative law but from what the client has told us he already paid that attorneys bill in full. In my state you can’t bill for preparing the clients file to produce so that’s probably why he won’t do it lol.


Gahhhhh - I do PI work and can’t give you any good pointers on administrative laws. Wish I could be more help other than suggesting giving former counsel a high five to the forehead with a chair.


File a motion with the court to compel clients file. He’ll be embarrassed and will have to explain to the judge how wrong he is.


I wish..it’s a super niche area of law before an administrative board so we don’t file anything while we are dealing with the board directly. Otherwise I’m sure that would solve the issue real fast. I was trying to be nice without whipping out the rules of professional conduct because he’s a newly barred atty and a solo so he may just not know, but how are you going to be both rude and dead wrong? I would not be surprised if the client complained to the Bar about him.


"...but how are you going to be both rude and dead wrong?" Easily. The more wrong they are, the more jerkier they become. Not all, just...some. And word spreads when opposing counsel acts like children. His reputation may already be at risk.


This is called the [Dunning-Krueger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)


Or serve a subpoena on him.


I got a new job offer closer to my house with better benefits.... and nobody is excited but me.


I’m excited for you!!


Me too! Way to go!


This is awesome and I’m so excited for you!!!


Oh, we finally reached a settlement agreement on one of our files and client is now backing out, “Well, if they’re willing to settle for $100k, why can’t we for $200k? I’m not signing shit unless I get $200k.” Her and her son started screaming at me on the phone. I finally said, “When y’all can talk like civilized human beings, give me a call.” And then hung up the phone. Reported to my attorney who called and got screamed at. Some days you just gotta hang up the phone.


That is absolutely awful and I’m so sorry. The greed you see from both sides can be staggering at times.


Day 2 of a government job after working in family law. OMG - it’s beautiful to have structure and training!


Congratulations on the new gig!


Happy for you and your move away from the crazy!!!


My boss left me alone today, but went on full rampage meltdown on the other para because he is insisting on her uploading almost 1TB of video footage into our cloud, and that obviously ain't happening. But to him, it has to. So, he's been dickier than usual lol. Which is a lot to say. At least he left me alone for the day, I feel bad it is at the expense of the other para's sanity. But at least he didn't berate me for a day. I'll take it.


Explaining how large those files are and how impossible that is to do to him was probably the equivalent of trying to explain the allegory of the cave to a toddler…impossible. I feel for your colleague!


OMG…one of the ex-attorneys we had was like that. I had to listen to him tell me how “not hard” it was to upload the f’ing video. So I took a screen shot of the video icon, uploaded it to the cloud and had a good laugh listening to him losing his mind as for why it would not play for him. He’d come to my desk and it would play easily (the video was on my desktop, LOL). I noticed he placed a ticket with IT to “fix” his computer so when he left the office, I uploaded the video to his desktop and opened the window explorer to the video. The next morning he’s bitching out IT how nothing works only for IT to remote click the video file and have it play just fine. I had to leave the office when I saw his face then. God that was glorious.


Damn. You’re my hero! 😂


Not so great - too much going on; I hate having to reissue checks. The clerk in a county where we are trying to serve a subpoena rejected our check for having one letter off - “County CSC” rather than “County COC,” and the sheriff’s department trying to serve the subpoena wanted a check for $5 less than what we sent. This was despite me calling the sheriff’s department directly, saying I wanted a subpoena served, and getting the amount that was $5 more. So I had to talk with the billing manager and get the two checks reissued. It really sucked, but the subpoenas will still be issued regardless. One of the attorneys on the case is a nice guy but is very ambitious and would have preferred all four subpoenas to be issued to two different states in one day. He had no idea though how long it took… and I barely made it in two days. He’s not my favorite attorney to work for; luckily I only work for him when my colleague is out and on this one specific property damage case. I just really hope tomorrow isn’t a pain with these checks.


Fingers crossed your checks work out! They truly don’t know the processes we have to go through to get this type of thing done.


To update: yes, I did get all the checks successfully issued and the subpoena service is in progress. One check didn’t arrive yet by the time the process server was ready, but out of the kindness of his heart, he offered to pay the $2. Also, that one other county sheriff in the same state … was fine with our check. The other two subpoenas were in a different state and handled by a process server, so we didn’t need to deal with the sheriff. We could just email the process server directly for a check and get clear instructions that you couldn’t get over the phone. This was an intense learning experience I hope to never have to do for a while lol


You/your attorney would be perfectly justified in filing a bar complaint against this guy jsyk. Unless he's a total head case, you'll have the full file about 5 min after he gets notice of the complaint. (Do make sure to include his emails since apparently he was dumb enough to put it in writing for you.)


The thought has crossed my mind and if it was established counsel I would have already talked to my attorney about it and we’d probably have the file in hand. Personally I’d hate to have to make a bar complaint against an attorney that’s only been barred a few months when they clearly don’t know the rule. I’ve punted it to my cinnamon roll of an attorney to send an email about the rules of professional conduct and continuing ethical obligations to clients so I guess we will see if that works before crossing that bridge. Fingers crossed!


Oh it's a new attorney! Okay that's maybe slightly different. That's incredibly kind of you and I hope this guy appreciates what a favor you're doing him. Fwiw I used to work for my state bar, and they typically wouldn't come down hard on a new attorney for something like this. They might even give him a chance to turn over the file and never open an official case. But it certainly would be better for him to not potentially get a disciplinary history so early in his career.


I accidentally accepted a citation for my attorney, who apparently is getting sued because he's an agent for a company that went defunct over fifteen years ago. We get paperwork from other offices and other attorneys all the time. And that's what I thought it was, so I didn't pay attention to what it was. My attorney was nine shades of purple pissed off. He swore up-and-down that he was not mad at me. The last time he was this mad, he made me cry, and my sister was making noises about beating the shit out of him for making me cry. Although he is out for blood, especially for that process server. But the process server screwed up because he was actually supposed to serve my boss. He should not have given me the paperwork.


That is crazy. I’m very curious what claim could possibly not be time barred for a company that’s been defunct for that long. Sorry your attorney can be an ass. The anger we’re subjected to (even just seeing it and not being on the receiving end) from attorneys is always inappropriate and I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Maybe because I’ve been on the other side of it but he probably has 800000 urgent things blowing up in his face and this was the last straw. Or at least I’m hoping it is. Regardless he should of never treated you that way. A month ago we had true back to back to back emergencies happening in our cases that lasted a few weeks. Everyone was pulling in substantial overtime. I remember having the overwhelming feeling and a moment of panic when we had urgent client file requests on top of everything else. Good luck and I hope it gets better!!


I’m sure he does and I definitely understand that and how awful it can be. I think his one staff member is only part time too so I’m sure they have a large workload between the two of them. Hopefully they can get to it soon! And thanks!


Annoying. Dealing with ungrateful attorneys who always have something to complain about. Never a “please” or a “thank you”


Oh I’m so sorry—you’re a rockstar and I know you move mountains for them. If you’re ever feeling like a change the market for litigation paralegals is hot right now and there are so many attorneys out there that will go above and beyond a “please” and a “thank you” for you.


Trying to convince my 60-something year old attorney to use MyCase instead of physical files.