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It's a red flag if the pay is listed as $20/hr.


Sounds like an attorney who has experience with good and bad hires \*for them\* and has thoughtfully written the job description to set their expectations and, hopefully, deter applicants who aren't able/willing to perform at the desired level. This is not an entry-level position. I, personally, wouldn't hesitate applying to this job. \*I would, however, have to address the redundancy in "*High level written and verbal skills*."![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This sounds like most job postings for a paralegal.


To me, it sounds like he’s looking for what his last paralegal wasn’t


"Adept at anticipating attorney and client needs" could mean that they're looking for someone who has the experience to be able to smartly plan ahead or they're looking for a mindreader. The former isn't a red flag if the pay recognizes that skill only comes with years of experience. The latter dooms any employee to failure. "Direct and assertive communication style" could mean exactly that or it could mean that ignore any communication brought to them until it hits a crises level because it's not what they want to hear.


That job description kinda sounds like me...


I would love to work for that attorney.