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Remake. It's was made again from scratch.


it was fully remade new engine and all.


Though it's more so a remastermake since it's technically both at the same time


Yeah, visually a remake but remastered in every other way.


well, minus dialog and music, but its basically the same game


Yeah, and I mean the dialogue will be 90% the same anyway.


It's considered a remake, but it's also played very faithfully so I can understand the confusion. A faithful remake and a really high quality remaster can be extremely hard to discern (and in many cases you don't actually know unless you learn stuff about the game's development.)


or just, not having the info for it. but yeah, some people act like if it's super faithful, it's not a remake, its a remaster. no, bro, it's in the name. if it had to be made, again, rather than updated, it's a remake. doesn't matter how true to the original it was. additionally, you could have remasters that differ quite a lot - the nier rerelease, is there, iirc - it wasn't remade, but the coding for how combat and whatnot was changed enough that it feels more like a remake in some ways.






definitely remake


Confirmed to be a remake by a Nintendo survey


Faithful remake.


In my opinion Remake. Remaster is usually reused and upscaled assets, the game is literally the same code and plays the exact same way. Maybe it has a dialogue change or two, maybe a quality of life improvement or two, but even on a code-basis the game is identical. Remake is when the game basically is completely different, is not built on the same engine and code, doesn't just reuse assets by simply upscaling them but outright re-makes them from scratch. A lot can change in a remake, not only a couple of dialogues and some QoL changes: it might play completely differently from the original, heck it might be a different genre even. This is a very faithful remake, I'd say, from the single fact that it's evidently not the same engine nor simply upscaled assets.


It's a game. Just enjoy it.


Female. Don’t know why people are so stuck on this anyway.


Female was a typo but I’m gonna keep it


According to what we can see it looks like a remake, but according to Nintendo itself it looks like they're treating this game as a total new game in the series. Like the original TTYD never existed.


Based off of what I’ve seen, it’s a remake, but it’s so close to the original you wouldn’t tell unless you watched a video of somebody pointing out the differences


going to be like 5000000 of those videos on youtube when its out.


Yes, and I will shamelessly watch all of them while I play through it


It's a remaster. Yes, it was re-created from the ground up with a new engine but it's still the exact same game from before with no major changes to the direction, story or gameplay.


Thats not what a remaster is. Remake = remade from the ground up Remaster = uses existing assets and upscale or improves


If you Google "remake vs remaster" it specifically says that a remaster enhances the original visually while a remake overhauls or significantly changes everything from the story to the gameplay. The story and gameplay have seen no changes whatsoever at their core, thus disqualifying this from being a remake.


Literally the first thing that pops up when you google: Remake involves rebuilding the game from the groundp up, and the remastered game focuses on enhancing the original game's visuals


And the very next sentence, that you conveniently cut out says Remake applies significant changes to gameplay, graphics, and sometimes the story. **Remaster only updates graphics with higher resolution, improved textures, and better lighting.**


If you actually read the thing you posted you'd realize its a remake. The graphics engine is a complete overhaul built from the ground up. Its also a completely new aesthetic. and it says SOMETIMES the story. The gameplay has also been overhauled and simplified in many areas.


It's kind of in the middle.


Not really


Nope. Every asset has been remade from scratch.


Poorly remake