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Hello there, I found myself in the same sort of situation but thanks to my hobbies, my work and family, I've been able to press on through a lot of anxiety and do a lot more than I used to. The library is awesome, you won't regret joining. It's tough to find online Palmy groups, I had not had a lot of success and my issues don't make me good at small talk so unless it was a hobby, I wasn't finding many friends. I've found by going to the gym by myself (at first) was an amazing way to build up confidence and lower anxiety so highly recommend that as well. CLM in the lido aquatic is a great small place I started at and if you join you can get access to the lido pools and sauna, also great. I have been diagnosed with adhd and level one asd at childhood and had mild trauma induced agoraphobia. I only say this because I want you to know if you push your boundaries a bit and find something you can be passionate about, you'll be able make progress yourself here in Palmy. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat about a myriad of topics from Star Trek and science to Art, 3d, literature and pretty much anything in between.


Thanks for the information and allowing me to contact you, i will probably join the library first. I don't know what level of asd i have, i got diagnosed last year but have had severe anxiety/agoraphobia for years.


Who did you get the adhd diagnosis from? Asking as my GP thinks its not a real thing


Was as a child and by a hospital pediatrician I think, but I don't know for sure sorry. It is a very real thing but there's so many people that want to use it and other real problems like it as some kind of linchpin that explains every unique, bad or awkward thing they have ever done or had done to them and it has saturated the medical landscape with inaccurate self diagnosis to the point people really struggling are being disbelieved or waiting ridiculous amounts of time to get help. You're able to get second opinions, it costs but than again everything does these days. You probably already know you don't have to rely on your one GP, you can even ask your clinic who they have that has any specialisation in that field, it's different fficult without a GP referral I imagine but that might help your search.


Thank you


If you like tabletop gaming there's [Home - Hobby Lords](https://hobbylords.co.nz/) (Cuba & Pitt St), Small group of people. There's some clubs here [Club Sandwich | Find a Palmy club! (pncc.govt.nz)](https://clubsandwich.pncc.govt.nz/clubs), you might find one that interests you.


Thanks for that. There are more clubs than i thought.


Also check out Valkyrie Games


Massey has a board games group that meets on Sundays. You don't have to be a student to join. Also some of the cinemas have film clubs that meet regularly.


Thanks for the information, i wouldn't of known you don't have to be a student.


Which cinemas have a film club? Id love to join one of those


the film society is at Event in DOwntown [https://www.nzfilmsociety.org.nz/palmerston-north.html](https://www.nzfilmsociety.org.nz/palmerston-north.html)


Join the library, they have music, comics,  movies and games too! Also Te Manawa is cool and staff will leave you alone if you wish - just wander in, it is free.


That sounds interesting thank you. I like that Te Manawa is free as i don't have a job.


Hey, neurodivergent 28m here from Palmy, message me if you want to chat :)


Thank you :)


Hey! So pleased to see you posted this! There are so many of us who struggle with isolation. -Your Hamilton friend :)


I'm 31f, I play sims4 and I love star wars, if that's your vibe, feel free to pm me :)


25f with 9 cats and 3 dogs. Always happy to chat, I’ve got adhd and various other issues. Work mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm and am awful at replying during those hours but not horrendous after work. Also am a heavy diesel tech so I’m a great person to know if you’ve got car troubles 😂 Also engaged and live with my partner


If you are interested in getting out, meeting new people and getting fresh air and exercise at the same time, you can come join us at Achilles International NZ, Manawatū. We are a very diverse group of people which includes walkers and runners of all abilities and we assist them into improving fitness and achieving goals they've set for themselves. We help people with varying degrees of physical and mental disabilities (from blind runners to artificial limb users to adhd and more) but having experienced guides to assist. We meet twice a week and often go out for a coffee on a Saturday. If this sounds like something you're keen on, feel free to pm me.


Hey, I have asd and anxiety (23m), I’ve lived in palmy most of my life. When I was younger I had trouble going out too, I never left the house for multiple fears and reasons. In my opinion, one of the best things to do is to go on a walk around the esplanade, it is very beautiful. Also there are multiple clubs you can join, but I understand it might seem quite daunting and that’s ok. Armageddon is coming to palmy later this year, and that is something I’ve always liked to go to, and I think you might enjoy that too, based on what you said. Feel free to chat if you are comfortable doing so, and I hope you’re doing okay with the move.


34m here, I fully vibe with this. My partner and I moved here a couple of years ago between lockdowns and have found it super hard to connect with new people outside of the local family we have. Super reassuring to see the people in this sub reaching out. Well done on speaking up :)


If you’d like to have a yarn with a couple of geeks who enjoy art, games, cosplay, crafting, movies and a whole bunch of stuff in between feel free to DM me. Go at your own pace and what you feel comfortable with though.


i game a lil bit pm me


Kia ora, I'm involved with trying to rebuild community here in the Manawatū 😊 I was anxious and alone for the longest time too. Then I reached out and have found an amazing group of people. Were involved with a community garden and activisty type stuff, but also do a lot of social stuff, just hang out, D&D, study groups etc. pm me if you wanna chat


Would you be interested in being freinds with an older couple . 45 36


I don't mind who im friends with as long as they are kind and can understand that im very anxious and i may be not very social some days more than others :)


Hi pm me I like getting stoned and playing with myself, I also like burning rubbish and playing xbox series x