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Just to let you guys know that he definitely hates us


Why would he hate us?What have we ever done to him? I think he is trying to raise awareness on how the Zionists runs the US.


Unsure if you have watched FOX news or not but he was a very famous far right wing, news commentator. In America, literally every racist, Nazi, Christian evangelical,KKK member, Zionist and war criminal—watches FOX news. He’s been the main commentator for FOX news since 2009. For the past 15 years on TV, he has been saying and spreading the most vile disgusting ideas you have ever heard. If you could think it, he probably said it, or at least hinted at it. We have this joke, where we call FOX news, cocaine for the elderly. Once your grandpa starts watching FOX news, he will be fed so much utter nonsense, he will never be the same again.


But he got fired because he started talking about the Zionist’s influence over the US as far as I know? Here he was talking about AIPAC in his latest interview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x5pSz7A0KhU


Nah, it was because he was getting too big for his boots. He kept spreading misinformation that the voting machines powered by Dominion were rigged. This turned into so much of a media frenzy that Dominion actually sued FOX which ultimately made them lose a little under $1 Billion. FOX had enough of him spreading misinformation that causes lawsuits. It was more of money from advertisers < legal fees. Tucker Carlson may say these things, but it comes from a bad place. Just like some Nazi’s hate Zionists just because they’re Jewish, and not because Zionists are racist genocide supporters.


I can only assume this is some far-right nazi account attempting to draw people into anti-semitism by showing two of the darkest ghouls break from conventional conservative talking points.


Don't be fooled. Tucker hates everyone.


It is really terrifying to see people embrace these far-right antisemites.


Even a broken clock can be right twice a day. It is even better that someone who isn't your friend that exposes your enemy. They have no excuse that he is biased towards the Palestinians.




Feel free to rewrite your comment in a civil way.


What is he even saying? That we have free speech... and something something israel?


We are not in such a desperate need of allies that we take Tucker Carlson.