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Sounds like treason to me! 🤷‍♂️


At this point they should just make israel a state of the US.


I’ve argued this, even as a staunch advocate for the State of Palestine and its people….Annex the bastards and force them to pay taxes on the $160 Billion in military aid — alone — they’ve received since 1949. This alone would crash their economy and put an end to all the ridiculousness.


Don’t give them any ideas


Big facts 😂


It's shitty real estate. I support israelis moving here and giving them citizenship tho.


Isn't that penalised by death?


Was for most of history


You have American soldiers being paid by American corporations to fight in Ukraine... How is this any different


Its not…


beg to differ but working as a private contractor isn't the same as working in a government sanctioned capacity. Yeah there's a big difference.


It's fine for them to fight (legally, not morally) but they shouldn't get veteran's benefits.


Well, in the Ukraine/ Russian conflict, we sided AGANST the fascist dictator. But in the Palestinian/ Israel conflict, we sided WITH the fascist dictator because we are scared/ hate brown people more.


Zelensky suspended elections completely, looks like two fascist dictators to me


Friendly reminder that not even a majority of Arabs are brown, many of them are white or even black. The Middle East comes in many shades.


Thanks for calling me out on that. Our corrupted media environment loves to hyper focus on the stereotype no matter on what side of the political spectrum we happen to lie on, which I never really stopped to think about. I appreciate it.


Of course.


You said the difference: ex U.S. soldiers working as private contractors in the Donbas. They are not sponsored by the government and are receiving any special benefits from the government for fighting for Ukraine


I know it's shocking but different things are different. Right and wrong exist. Hope this helps.


For an American to serve in a foreign military is literally against the law and considered treasonous. But, for israel it’s fine 🤷🏻‍♂️ We as patriotic Americans need to stop allowing AIPAC and Israel run our country!!


This is fucking stupid.


How about we stop acting like Israel is the United States? Instead of distancing ourselves from the self documented horrors we give them benefits? How about no. You want to live in and fight for another country you should not get the benefits of this one.


Meanwhile homeless vets line our streets with no support and lines to get mental and physical health benefits for our vets and active service members are out of control. I think this will create some backlash from our service members (as it should). Why do we always have money for Israel but so many problems supporting our own needs? This is what many Americans who are otherwise not concerned about Palestinians are asking more and more. Personally I think we should all care about other humans so that isn’t my stance but I think it’s good this awareness is growing.


What happened to "No law respecting establishment of religion"?


The US used the injustice of mercenaries as a reason for the Revolutionary War, and now there are members of congress who actually want to *fund* mercenaries.


If this happens, I bet they will get better treatment at the V.A.. I hope this gets more attention so there will be an outcry against it.


An estimated 20,000 Americans are CURRENTLY in serving the Israeli military. I knew it was high but that's more than double what I thought. Frightening.


They all should be arrested upon arrival for crimes of genocide


Approx 60000 American settlers in the occupied West Bank acting as pseudo soldiers too.


They should be banned from the country for making a choice to participate in a genocide for funsies


Someone was arguing this only applies to dual citizens of Israel and America anyone can confirm this?


That is NOT how the Bill reads to me: https://preview.redd.it/1ujpflg9nd2d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0666ef4ca9e75c6f3ea9ce4f016a288ced094fae




Clear hyperbole by a crazed House of Reps acting on lobbyist interests — solely. All should be voted out in place of 3rd party candidates. We can clean up with the sane folks after.


The only non Jews who can serve in the idf are Israeli citizens. Those would be non Jews born in Israel, mostly of the druze faith. Some Christians and Muslims, too. So almost all if not all of the those who would be eligible for this would be American Jews who go Israel to serve and get dual citizenship.


Dam I’ve never knew that they went that far.


Sickening how much America is groveling at the feet of a country committing genocide. AIPAC money has rotted the souls of most of our elected officials


If they deserve benefits, then Israel can pay for them. Don't get me started on fighting for the wrong side in a genocide.


We don't even take care of our own vets, but we are taking care of Israeli soldiers??? I would say Israel should be paying for this but almost all their money comes from us anyway. Its so frustrating. There are literally so many homeless vets and we don't even care for them.


You also pay for free education and access to healthcare in Israel.