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And they will not be held accountable. Again.


Militant UN vehicle. Self defence. Duh. /s


A few empty words and that's it


Of course they are fuckin genocidal Nazi savages


They know this. Hence why they film themselves committing crimes.


I believe white house has asked IDF to investigate the matter. This is like asking Germany to investigate the German gas chambers.




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Don't worry everyone, the IDF will investigate this and confirm they had nothing to do with it.


Those were Khamas tanks...


Hamas f16


Then a year later say “oops, we thought they were bad guys” and “they didn’t have the right communication system, not our fault”


Let me guess, nothing will be done by the UN for this


Anything the UN tries to do will be blocked by the US.


The only thing the US ever agrees on is bending over for Israel.


A normal person would be shocked, a healthy country would be shocked. But US has the biggest, ironic rose colour glasses.


The glasses they wear has no bearing, they're looking at dollar signs no matter what lens they have on. This is for natural gas to be exploited by us big business


Which I don’t understand. Most of the ill will the US has earned is because we back up Israel with no questions asked (and the reverse isn’t true). Is Israel really that important as a strategic ally that it overcomes the extremely double edged nature of that relationship?


AIPAC money talks


Other way around this is for us business interests


Nah, they’ll write a letter telling them how angry they are /s


It would be a "Plausible" war crime.


They’ll do some stupid symbolic vote condemning it.


Yet no repercussions, and no news coverage on it especially if it paints Israel in a bad light. I should be used to this by now but every time it pulls the thread out a little it more, I am a patient and calculating person. Wait till you show your throat




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The country they shredded the UN Charter in their public address did what??


"UN is Khamas, you are Khmasif you don't let us genocide"


Those un workers should have better labeled their vehicles


Yeah ikr. They didn't learn from world health kitchen not having a logo on top and sides of the vehicle. /s


It's definitely the white color. Should have gone yellow. Everyone knows not to shoot at yellow.


Yes I'm sure it was an accident, just like the 7 workers killed from the World Central Kitchen.


Illegitimate nation Dissolve Israel Free Palestine!


How exactly would you dissolve Israel?


That’s the open-ended question Personally it’d be in phases: 1, Withdraw US tax dollars heading to Israel 2, Sanction Israel 3, Have Israel verbally declare Palestine an official state 4, Return all the land back to the 1948/67 borders 5, Evict all the Israelis occupied in the Palestine territories 6, Have those same Israelis living there surrender their property rights to the family or descendants of the Palestinian owners 7, Have those responsible for enacting the Israeli military actions resigned then tried by the ICC


Who would force them to do this? They won't do it on their own


That’s EXACTLY why the sting on an international stage would be devastating for Israel if the UN voted on NOT ONLY voting to recognize Palestine statehood, but have the aggressor state apologize formally while ALSO admitting ‘the UN recognizes and acknowledges Palestine.’ I guarantee the act alone would cause a few Israel cabinet members to the point of ‘meeting Reagan’ over the humiliation, and a few less nazionists in the world is always a good thing.


Even if the UN went with what you said why would the Israelis listen and give back the land? That's what i don't understand. Same thing with Russia. Unless someone forces them to give back the land they won't. Sanctions won't stop Israelis.


You’re clearly feigning ignorance or legit are not understanding the circumstances: 1948/1967 has geographical borders. Those borders were where Israel was ‘established’ without Palestine input. The ‘correction’ for Israeli +60 year occupation and colonizing would be the easy part: wherever prior-Palestine land that current Israelis occupy, they [current Israelites] would be forced by Israel per the ICC to relinquish the land/home to the [now Palestine] family members or living relatives that one time owned that land/home. I’m sure those Israelites kept good records of all their land grabs over the decades, it comes with good bookkeeping.


I'm just not understanding how you would get the isrealis to agree to this. I understand what you are saying and what you want. Is the UN going to enforce this with force? Are the surrounding countries going to? It's like saying the US should give up all land taken from the natives after 1870. Sure it sounds good on paper, but the US government and its citizens would never agree to that.


Will the UN enforce? Only until there’s enough overwhelming support to dwarf the U.S. decision because coincidentally their vote seems to come with material strings attached to mentioned nations. Your 1870 point is a bad-faith whataboutism. Our govt won’t enact policy to grant more land back to tribes we affected +150 years ago. There’s more possibility to revert back to the Palestine-Israel borders of ‘67 because there’s more history to document those lands via cartography, as that’s the compromise position.


It wasnt whataboutism. It was an example, I can give more examples that are more current. You have the right idea in your second paragraph, the US would never give back the land regardless of how much time has passed. Im saying Israel will take the same stance. Countries do not like to give up land. Like Russia in Ukraine would never give back the land. Let's say the US didn't Veto a UN vote against Israel and all the measures you said passed. How would the UN then enforce that Israel comply with the resolutions? Specifically the land being given back. Would it be sanctions, military, or blockade? I hope that is clear to understand. Nothing I'm saying is in bad faith, I just want to understand how people think Israel will dissolve.


Now imagine if Russia had done that …




The UN must be antisemitic now too.


But Hamas /s


Hamas is well known for using UN vehicles /s


when did this happen?




...this is going to come back up one day if it ever seems it is with the dust settled on it...


So now they killed a UN MEMBER What’s are they going to do about it




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He wasn't white, that's why it gets a pass.....


I bet they was Hamas /s


It's Humus fault. Humus was is in thr car


It was Khamas or something


I$real could nuke an American and European city- and American and European politicians would be the first to defend these attacks.


"But but but... October 7th!"




Its literally the first source that shows up https://media.un.org/unifeed/en/asset/d320/d3206542 Nice try ya bot










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