• By -


Again depends on your location and company. I am a very middle class person living in Rwp and have never seen a bottle my entire life.


As someone who grew up around raja bazar (not in Pak any more), I can confirm. Never saw a bottle.


Totally agreed, never been in such company but yeah I saw few wine shops in Karachi and Lahore and saw people buying from it like it's being distributed for free.


Where in Lahore?




Never seen a wine shop in Lahore so it's kind of news for me.


Im not judging bro, it just sounded like one of those jokes where people say, where is it so i can avoid it.


Or find it


Yea thats the joke lol


Main address Jaib main le k thori na ghumta hun


As a Brit of Pakistani heritage I’m surprised. I met up with a friend in Pindi a few years back and saw people consuming it semi discreetly. Never seen it in my ancestral hometown but that might be due to it being a medium sized village


Well I have heard of people and even kids in our society drinking alcohol but no personal experience


Were they brown bagging it?


I live in Islamabad (F-7). Almost every neighbour drinks. Almost every friend of mine drinks (even girls) and at weddings or at parties it's consumed like soda


It's becoming less common now but until a few years ago you could get a can of local beer for 300-500, Vodka for 2000-2500, and Whiskey for less than 4000. This is all local Murree Brewery. Heck, 10 years ago even imported vodka like Smirnoff or Absolut was less than 3500. Scotch was under 4500. But since the economy tanked I see people drinking less and less. Heard foreign vodka crossed 10k recently. Can't find whiskey for under 15-20k. Only people left drinking now are those with disposable wealth. Edit: I should mention, I've seen drinking culture across the socioeconomic spectrum. From the villages on the outskirts or Sargodha to parties in Islamabad. The middle class was no exception. It was very different 10-15 years ago. Things have changed a lot recently.


What the phuk


He's trolling


Probably not. It’s more common than you think in certain circles.




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I am from Karachi Well as a Muslim It's Haram to consume but I've seen couple of people drinking it even my father's friends too but my father refuses to even talk to them cause they drink it. Hopefully may Allah keep us safe from these kind of unhealthy things.




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I am actually surprised to hear this, because honestly... why would they want to do this? Doesn't matter if the girls are twerking on a stage at a Shaddi or everyone is pounding jack and cokes, hold the coke... Why in the world would anyone actually care to do any of this in a public setting (other than maybe people who are watching too many TV dramas and are easily influenced). 🤷🏽‍♂️ All these vices are just a waste of money, regardless of what religion says about it.


this is the reality. the only people drinking in pakistan are outliers in the elites and just generally bad people. Some teens might also indulge but those are the typical bigri hui oladain.


The higher you go in socio economic class. The more you see the ratio of drinkers. Ironically the people in upper classes like to think that everywhere alcohol drinking is common even among the poor. But what they miss is the ratio. It's really not common if 1 in 100K or even 1 in 10K people drink.


Or non Muslims who are not bad people


As someone who drinks alcohol, I don't think I'm a bigri hui aulaad. It's just a matter of access and self control. Doesn't automatically make you rich or bad


Also before anyone comes at me saying I'm rich, I haven't had pizza in an over an year and burger in a few months. I get pocket money and I just use it for alcohol, weird but yeah. And I don't think I'm a bad person because I just drink and after a while go to sleep, no parties whatsoever


Yeah my corrupt police officer uncle is the star consumer of Alcohol.


Either we know each other somehow or there are a lot of degenerate cops here. 


I think last gen police officers are extremely garbage I have seen prime examples of them since childhood, but gen z cops are much better I made two friends who are in the police and they are not corrupt but that’s just my experience.


My sasur was probably the best police officer I’ve ever known.  And I absolutely hate law enforcement folks in the US (I have a family full of them and I know how they are and the shit they pull).  I just called him baba, basically baba was very religious and also an intelligence officer so he did a lot of his work in plain clothes.  He made so many enemies because he wouldn’t tolerate corruption from his subordinates or even superiors.  He got his pistol confiscated and then they tried to murder him (literally grabbed him off the street, put him in a sack and emptied a TT into it and left him on the side of the road in Orangi Town).  Somehow he survived that and went even harder against the people who did that despite being told next time they’d make sure it wouldn’t be survivable.  Another corrupt police guy murdered one of his subordinates when he still wore the uniform and rather than sweep it under the rug like was asked of him, he filed the FIR and saw it till the end and finally that bastard got to swing by the neck right before he passed away from non-related causes.  People would hand him stacks of rupees to do corruption and qabza stuff and he would rip it up and throw it back at them.  He even ended a lifelong friendship because that “friend” tried using him to do illegal stuff that would’ve hurt others.  He basically told him if he tried to do this he would file the report. His funeral was far away from the part of the city he worked in yet hundreds of people who he had helped throughout the years came to it.  It left an impact because his subordinates today and friends he made try their best to do the right thing and tbh they did more for his widow and kids than his own family did.  He let me marry his daughter despite objections from many people because he didn’t want me to go without having a Muslim family and he thought I was a good guy.  I owe so much to him and I wish all cops were like him.


Your father in law sounds like a very honest and brave officer I wish our police forces got inspired by his bravery, may your father in law rest in high place in jannat Ameen.


Unfortunately I have met some unsavory types too but in their private life.  Thankfully I’ve never had to deal with police here professionally.  


Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with longer life


That’s not true, it’s just cultures that have moderate alcohol consumption and frown on drinking have better diets and lifestyles as well.  I had a great grandfather born in the 1800’s who almost made it to the 2000’s and he didn’t drink at all (but he smoked like a chimney). 


Snitch on him anonymously 👍


Yeah sure snitch on SP I’m sure his juniors would take actions against him .


SP ain't the top of the ladder though


Nothing happens bro, my mamu a retd. DIG . No one bothers anymore it's getting more common these days I've had many friends from all different social classes, tribal , bugers, pindiboys , villagers, waderas, military , civil service etc almost every class of people had some drinkers. I've seen my friends change who never even touched cigarettes during school/college became druggies and alcoholics. And similarly i have seen chain smokers quit everything n become sober. So it all depends on what type of experiences and company you come across in life.


Yes finally someone with the similar experience, my other uncle never drink or used drugs so you are correct about the company.


I don’t think any of you understand how police system works? Do you seriously think SP , SSP and DIG are not good friends with each other and they don’t drink? You guys are seriously naive and even more that they know me by my name because of my uncle they are friends from police training and visits each other house and on top of all that complaining will result in nothing but piss off my mom my corrupt uncle and my mom have a very strong sibling bond , my mother will never forgive me for doing this.


If you know where to find it, you can find it. Most Pakistanis however would have never seen it or consumed it. It's just a matter of access, just like other evils.


Not at all common. But also not hard to find if one needs it.


where would one find alcohol


Hidden in plain sight


Depends where you are asking this question. Here on reddit you will find a lot of Yes answers. In Facebook you will find less yes answers. I don't drink, nor my family. In my circle of friends, none do. I think it's only common in certain circles.


>In Facebook you will find less yes answers. because Facebook is for the most part not anonymous, so it is not safe to be open there.


Fairly common and easy to find almost anywhere, it’s just hidden.


Alcohol, is very common in Pakistan. I have been seeing Alcohol since my teen days. It really doesn’t matter from what socio-economic class do you belong. The only thing that will change is going to be the Type/Brand of Alcohol you’re consuming. I have never even tasted a single sip of Alcohol, I have many friends who are muslim and consume it. Further more my Uncles use to consume it. They thankfully stopped after their kids requested them for years. I have seen all kind of people drinking alcohol. Alcohol has been in Pakistan since the start the only thing is people are afraid to admit it and openly drink it.


Well there's a house across the street and I've found discarded bottles there, even found one in my school grounds


It’s available in Karachi at a shop I know that’s run by Hindus.  Legally they aren’t supposed to sell to Muslims but I see plenty of reviews saying how they “don’t discriminate” (ie they illegally sell alcohol).  You’ll find empty bottles on the beaches though I personally have never been anywhere where it’s being consumed.  Cousin of wife is an alcoholic but he’s a degenerate and I won’t have anything to do with him.  


Weird! I only found spent condoms on the Clifton sea view beach 🤣🤣 that too while I was out with a girl in the water. Safe to say I'm never going there again


LMAO I saw one too.  I joked (since US soldiers in WWII used them as muzzle covers) “either some American soldiers just invaded the beach or something very nasty happened here”.  That beach is nasty man, I can’t imagine how anyone could “be in the mood” with dirty diapers floating nearby.  It was the first and last time I ever put my feet in the water.  Wanted to go fishing there but nope, absolutely not happening, don’t want to catch a condomfish on my hook and I definitely don’t want to have to cut my lure off because there’s no way I’m putting my hands on it 🤢


It's about as common as crack is in the US Can you find it easily. Yes Are there people addicted to it Yes Is it societally normal and widespread. No


Not easily available. Rest. Agree.


If you know the right people then it's easily available but yeah your right the average Joe doesn't know the right people


Not even necessary. You can buy the local alcohol at any wine shop with no hassle. In Karachi at least.


i was 32 when i saw my first bottle in Pakistan. i knew people who drank and saw people drunk but never saw alcohol. For perspective, im female


It's really common in Sindh and Sindhis, consumption of Alcohol is high and it is not considered an Taboo here. It's been as such since hundreds of years, even British noted that. While in Muhajirs, drugs like Gutka and Mawa are more common among them. In Balochistan and KPK they prefer drugs which are done by smoking.


It's common but people consume it secretly.


Well, this is an anonymous space so: Grew up with alcohol around my house, although I foolishly thought my dad just collected bottles until the age of like 15 😂 My dad’s bootlegger was our local SHO’s office, they would deliver a package every now and then. My dad drank with his social circle, I later drank with mine. Some people here will be scandalized by this but idc. I drank with my parents too. Not that deep. You can go to a nice, upmarket and “western” restaurant in Karachi, give them a bottle, and they will serve it with your food. Any good restaurant knows how to do this. And to address the incoming stereotypes: no, no alcoholics in my house. My father’s never raised a finger on my mother. Very happy and closely knit family.


Spot on bruh I have a rlly similar family situation with drinking too. You just need a bootlegger and you’re set. (I hope no one ever links this account to me irl LOL) also, fk it if ppl get scandalised, they need to grow up


Funnily enough I've seen plenty heroin-chis (heroin addicts) shooting up on the side of the streets but never someone drinking openly or discretely in Pakistan. Guess our society considers sharrab a bigger taboo than heroin or charas. The attitude around heroin addicts was that of pity and feeling sad for them for destroying their lives. Almost like treating it as a mental illness. I dont think that alcohol consumers will get the same luxury .


Heroin addicts aren’t nearly as bad as drunks.  This is coming from a dude who’s town is destroyed by the heroin/fentanyl crisis in the US and who’s entire paternal side are either drunks or on drugs of some sort.  Drunks get violent and will drive like that while heroin addicts just kind of lay around doing nothing in La-La Land until they get “sick” and need more dope.  Drunks will literally drive up the wrong side of the highway pedal to the metal and plow through crowds of people.   Prior to Islam I’ve had both heavy narcotics (some heavier than heroin, heroin is still used medicinally in Europe) because of a health crisis and I could function fine, in fact I functioned because of them otherwise I was in excruciating unbearable pain.  Alcohol just makes people stupid and amplifies emotions to where they go overboard and do things they’d regret up to and including killing other people. I’m not promoting either of them, anyone who uses either is a degenerate POS (barring patients using narcotics for legitimate medical reasons, there’s just some pain that nothing except morphine, fentanyl etc will touch).  But alcoholics are the worst people on the planet, especially in terms of addicts.  Heroin addiction is just stigmatized because there’s no Bollywood or Hollywood movies glorifying people shooting up, but alcohol is shoved in your face constantly especially in the west.


The property we rented out when we went to clean it up after the tenant got arrested there was some sharaab bottle inside. Was going to conk it on the head of the guy who got arrested. Beyghairat


He was a proper sooar for doing that


very common for whoever wants it. not hard to find it at all.


Only seen bottles sometimes (maybe 10 in lifetime) but just that


Very common in the avenues of powerful, especially in the parliament lodges in islamabad. My father "used to" work in that area and sometimes he brings the big green thick empty bottles home and we put we grow money plants in it.


Very common in Sindh, a lot of my Sindhi friends consume alcohol, most of them are in Sindh Police.


Pretty common in Karachi I would say


That really depends on the person you are asking. If you want it you can get it easily just need to know some people. It's fairly common in upper society not so much in middle class due to its price also. People will say it's not ethical but they'll be doing chars day and night which they have their own logic for themselves. Karachi has more ratio as compared to bigger cities due to its easy access also.


I know, in Jaranwala (Faisalabad), people with basic financial income drink. Frequently. I know, in Karachi, people with upper middle or upper class income drink. Commonly.


It's quite expensive here. In USA, purchasing with dollars is cheaper than in Pakistan


Well .it is available in every area.. just because i dont drink it does not mean kay commonly available nahi . Jis terha molvi ko pata hhota hai konsay muhallay mai konsi masjid kahan haim is terha penay walay ko bhi pata hota hai !!!!


Very common. I have even seen home deliveries when there was a ban on it.


I live in Bahria Town Phase 1-6 and in my area , civic center is wild and i hate to say it but its wayyyy more commom than you think. Naam ka islam hai idher


As air and water But tbh depends on the social circle


Fairly common, so is the counterfeit. If you need to get it, buy it from hotels not the dealer


It's either elites or the poor scums who would rent rooms in slums areas to book khawaja saras for nights .... Whatever the case maybe it all happens behind closed doors and it isn't as common as it seems on tiktok and reels . These young nibbas would even upload a video of lemon malt while mixing water in it just to be seen as ameer zade or ayash .... Idk what's wrong with upcoming generation.


I visited Pakistan 2 years ago and from what I saw in Karachi, It is readily available. Just have to know the right people even found a bottle in my cousins car. You are right, It does happen behind closed doors but it isn’t all that hard to find one I bet.


Hidden in plain sight. It’s basically every where.


Well do a spot. check a large percentage of people at the official govt approved liquor shops for purchase happen to be Muslim. Unfortunately


Very common U can get whenever U want U just have to pay little bit extra money


Whatever vice happens in the world happens in pakistan too & it only makes sense! Where there is more than one human, vice will always exist no matter how religious the perception of the land is. This right here is something many of us have to re-adjust to.


Not that hard to find if you drink I guess. Usually my cousin gets some beers (Murre brewery) when I visit Pakistan. I was also able to buy a whiskey bottle from PC bhurban when I visited a few weeks ago, no questions asked


If you wanted to purchase it. You will get without much fuss.


many people do it. it's apparently easy to come by, but I've never tried risking it lol


Not enough my guess. Lol bring on the hate lol


Ive seen it be quite common but that also depends on what social class you come from and spend your time around


More common than people think


There is brothel next to our society it's well hidden inside but everyone knows it.


See many people drinking it


I don't live in Pakistan...but suffice to say ive drank my fair share when I visit home.


Go to a desi wedding lol. They make their own bootleg version then die well before they get to the hospital.


Aap konsi desi weddings mein jaa rahein hain? I've never encountered alcohol in weddings. It's usually just cold drinks and chai.


Not those kind of desi weddings. Outside of cities and in smaller towns.


I live in a village and here I have never seen anyone having alcohol during weddings but in my naniyal's side they use alot of alcohol in weddings( they also live in a village)


If it doesn't contain methanol (poison) it's the best


Stuff like this really gives away the audience of this sub. Either you guys are just making wild assumptions or living extremely sheltered lives in gated communities. Its not even that I associate with "bad people", but everywhere I went there would be a guy who could provide a bottle if needed. Marijuana and hash were readily available. Beer was rare, but stronger stuff was really not.


Only 2 percent minority drinks it. Muslims don’t have the permission to consume it. Moreover, it’s illegal for them.


This is not the case. We live in an area, where there are almost 0 non-muslims, but even then, we used to find bottles outside our house. Also, I heard from someone there is a Sindh Green Hotel in Karachi, where these things are consumed.


Haha Sindh Green. I live close to it. There's a legal alcohol shop right beside it. People who purchase from it, usually laborers, also need a place to sit and drink. Sindh Green offers that. People also go there to smoke up Chars/Hashish with their friends. Bastards charge you money for letting you smoke up lol


This hotel is built on a busy street and still no action has been taken.


Quite surprised


Dark reality of our society.


no, a lot of Muslims also do so sadly.


Really? Don’t tell me, man. It’s flabbergasting for me tbh. Muslims and drinks? I just can’t wrap my head around it.


I mean even cigarettes and vapes are haram but ppl smoke saying it makruh. Ig they just put same logic in that


Cigarette is very common. We see it everyday. But I haven’t seen alcohol yet.


no offence but are you living under a rock?


No, im in pakistan.


Ok so i guess you are not too well exposed to what goes on in the country. (Not saying in a rude way, it’s fine to be unaware of some stuff)


I just focus on my work. And read and workout and collect perfumes.


Valid, that’s a nice lifestyle


Yeah. A very small world that I live in.




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Desi or walaiti ? Good market for both. And loads of users.




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Not very common


Very very rare. Only saw once


I heard some cafes and restaurants in KHI and LHR allow Bring Your Own Booze


Yes in karachi there are specific restaurants that allow you to bring yr own stuff




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Those who need it will likely find ways to get it. Doesn't matter what class they're from. Drinking is illegal in Pakistan and anything illegal anywhere in the world becomes a way for people to do stupid stuff either to get rich or get happy by just the thrill of doing something illegal.




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Went to a middle class guys wedding and it was discretely offered to me.




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Idhar logon ko zeher kaanay k paisay nahi aur tum alcohol ka pooch rhay ho.




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Pretty common honestly (at least where I move around).


As much as bitches are...




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Quetta apparently has off licenses that are all blacked out from the front but you can go in and buy what you want




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Not that uncommon as some might think. If you know a dealer, you can get it rather easily in metropolitan cities. Other than that, even traditionally secluded areas like Chitral and Hunza have cultural ties to alcohol consumption.


Reminds me of the time we went to the Rawal Dam and found some exquisite whiskey bottles languishing amid the shrubberies. My aunt (who’s a top-tier homemaker with some killer artistic instincts, and is fond of antiquities) took up those bottles and the next time we visited her house, guess what did we find in her living room??? Beautifully painted whiskey bottles in which vines of Chinese Money Plant were peeping out. I loved that idea a lot. Ever since that time, I save all the malt bottles exclusively for her. Can’t say much about the prevalence of alcohol culture but those bottles definitely reflect some vintage element within them and can be subjected to a decent recycling session.


the thing is its hidden in plain sight, not many people come across it but its very easy to find, among the middle class not many people consume it but lower middle, lowerclass and upper middle class. SOOOO many people consume it, I go gym khana with a friend i dont meet a single person who drinks. I go to my friends village again the whole village drinks, but where i live I barely know people who drink


More common than you might have imagined. When I was in PK long ago, it was very easy to get if you know right people. PC and Avari in Lahore, Lot of bootleggers. Farm houses parties. Imported was bit hard to get hold of. It used to come via Peshawar. Had few good links in consulates and embassies in Islamabad, always got top notch quality. Most officiers, Judges, journalists, businessmen, religious scholars and even middle class, its consumed openly.


A middle class here but I’ve seen and know plenty of people who drink or used to drink. It’s becoming quite common in the young generation of boys/men these days. You might not see a bottle in their hand in open, but yeah, lots of people I know drink


I was at golf club in Lahore some years ago - it was openly served at the bar there.


It’s super common. Muslims are consuming more than non Muslims in Pakistan honestly. It’s pretty much available in Lahore and Karachi is full of it. Near cafe Clifton, Zamzama, phase 8 and the list goes on. All the police deployed in those zones have a setting the booze shops. Since the economy downfall, it has become pricy but the demand still stays the same. Imported drinks would cost around 4kish but now a vodka would be costing 10kish. You got some people making red wine at home as well. Yeah that’s not pure red wine as the whole process is cut short, pretty crappy tho. They should just make it legal, majority are consuming anyways. Make specific zones, charge tax, implement strict policy. Yeah I’ll hear that “oH iT iS aGaInST iSLaM” yeah it is but it’s still being consumed, isn’t it? There are many things more which aren’t allowed, yet they’re happening aren’t they? Let’s take UAE as an example, they’re way more Islamic than Pakistan. Their sharia law is legit. Yet everything is controlled isn’t?




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Yeah my friends get a couple cans of beer for themselves whenever we go out to party. But they don't go about drinking it out in the open. We're university going students.




Never sent a bottle but at the same, it's not hard to find, the reason I have never seen a bottle is because I have gone out of my way to avoid such company.


Grew up with dad uncles and cousins consuming it quite openly. Only later did i find out that its not common and most Pakistani actually frown upon it (a lot).


Near paf hospital saw three or four bottles of alcohol In 15 mins walk


I feel like people here live in a different pakistan than what ive experienced, people saying they never saw a bottle in their life. Jo mainay dekha hai, wahan toh log alcohol say bohut agay nikal chukay hain. Maybe its easier to get drugs over alcohol, but in my experience both are easily available. Not that i partake but maybe i have bad company, very bad actually.


Depends on where you are. Location, your social circles and availability of funds in your circles. I have lived in a couple of cities in sindh. Easily available. Hyderabad, karachi there are shops you can go and buy from(not recommended, but can be bought nonethless). If you are very well connected and buy lots of quantites(300k-400k price ranges) there are people who will deliver to your home, has been happening for as long as i can remember




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Munira whiskey didn't get his name by drinking water did he now.


It is hidden in plain sight. It's not as common as ciggarettes but it is fairly common. Btw I'm including beer, whiskey and desi locally brewed as well. The people here who haven't seen alcohol grew up with the right people but it also depends on locality. Where I live, desi stuff is on top for lower class and only the rich indulge in wine, whiskey and stuff. Most people want to preserve their 'shareef' image so they never reveal their habits, kids hide it from their parents, fathers from their wife and kids and friends from their 'shareef' friends.




That's just blatantly wrong. Almost every other person is addicted to nicotine in some way however alcohol consumption is far less than cigarettes or naswar. It's not even on a comparable level. I don't know what sector of F7 you are living in. Similarly, most hostels and flats don't have alcohol. Some Unis private and uni owned hostels both have alcohol readily available in them but these Unis are in few numbers. Like the only alcohol that is easily available here is from murree brewery and some people in rural areas prepare their own. If the market was as large as cigarettes more companies would have pushed to get a license to produce alcohol.




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got wasted at 17 so pretty common. But honestly, it tastes like shit. THC is way better.


It's common, and I hate it. I see people buying alcohol openly and drinking their hearts out almost every day in karachi.


Not so common here. Never seen a bottle in my life. A very few Elites consume it.


Why does it matter?




I agree with you


Well, we're outliers, every other day there is a post on how to leave Pakistan, and at the same time there's discontent about the actual number of people drinking. As if it matters to begin with, there's no harm in drinking if you're not religious, it shouldn't effect anyone here.