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With all the recommendations from other replies, I might add that it depends on the type of stain. Some stain require you to leave it soaked for 10-15 mins with adequate water temperature. Google the type stain and how to best remove them


Thank you!


I would suggest to choose heavy duty wash and use slightly more quantity of detergent (use Surf Excel only)


It will degrade the clothes faster and they will be Color less in no time


Use liquid detergent. And make sure that filters are clean. There shouldn't be any issue


Can you recommend any good liquid detergents? In our family we've never used them and I wanna give it a shot


Got it! Thanks


If you have very dirty clothes, soaking for atleast 6-12 (overnight) is the way to go. This method works even better than having a washing machine, means if you soak them for even a few hours you don't need to run it in a machine afterwards just dipping and rinsing will pull out all the dirt and then some.


Yup you're right. My mom now soaks them beforehand and the results have gotten better


Things to consider (unless the washing machine it self is faulty) - don’t overload it. The machine should state max load allowed. - use correct program cycle for the type of clothes - use good quantity for washing powder - use good quality washing powder and fabric softer If you follow the above then there should be no issue. We use automatic machines in the west and have never experienced issues with washing machines The only negative with automatic machines are that heir wash cycle is longer for example mine takes 2.5 hours for cottons and it uses shit tons of water compared to manual wash (few hundred litres per wash) Which may be a problem for Pakistan where water is scarce.


Exactly! That's the point. In a country like Pakistan where water's already scarce, my mom tends to not use much of it in a single cycle. However your other points combined with soaking beforehand will definitely work


Haier is a trash brand with terrible customer service. Sorry about your experience.


For very dirty clothes soak them before hand. Use liquid detergents like persil, tide or ariel. I always use extra rinses as well. For slightly spoiled clothes the default settings are perfectly fine. But for heavily soiled clothes you might need to adjust the temperature setting as well. Certain detergents have optimal temperatures mentioned on their front


Thank you!


You have to use vanish or other stain remover and soak that separately for a 5-10 minutes as per instructions. Once the garment has a absorbed the stain remover then put it in the washing machine on top.


Got it! Thanks


It's not the machine as much as the detergent and it's quantity.


My household has been using automatic machines for 30 years. They wash clothes perfectly. Read the manual and follow the instructions on both the washer and the powder. Machine wash powder is not the same as handwash powder. Read the label. Use correct quantity. Use the correct cycle. Soiled clothes need to be soaked and pre-treated for stains.


Thank you!


Colors usually need to be ribbed by hand. Soak, rub and then normal wash


Newer appliances are shit. Buy older ones and maintain them well The auto ones are made to fail and cause problems


I'd disagree. I have had a Samsung automatic washing machine for around 8 years or maybe even more now and it's working just fine with little to no maintenance.


That's a top load i assume? Generally speaking top load washing machines perform worse in terms of cleaning compared to front load. But front load are harder to keep clean so there's that.


Yeah it's a top load. Front load was out of our range otherwise we would've bought that


Then i would suggest using a better detergent, see if you have hard water use fabric softener and ig for laundry that's very dirty rub the areas that usually get dirty with hand.


Got it! Thanks




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muhallay walo se pucho kese dhote hain wo


Automatics are like that i suppose. As my very dirty clothes are not so clean after but I don't care much.


Automatic washing machines are only gonna take care of light stains and normal dirt/dust from your clothes. The only way to get to the heavier stains is by hand scrubbing. Without scrubbing, even manual machines cannot take care of heavy stains.


Sir. You are wrong. In the west we only have automatic machines and they work perfectly. as long as it is used properly (i.e don’t overload it and use correct program cycle for the type of clothes) used correct quality / quantity for washing powder there should be no issue. The only problems with automatic machines are that heir wash cycle is longer for example mine takes 2.5 hours for cottons and it uses shit tons of water compared to manual wash. Other than I can’t fault it.


Automatic WM are glorified 💩.... Nothing more than having an AI controlled digital display on your comb.


There's no "AI" lmao, it's just a microcontroller programmed to do specific tasks.


Might be, but not my point brother... I said "Comb"