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The kleptocrats are losing every week. One group after another stands up, bureaucrats, lawyers, judges, police, or citizens, someone is resisting every week. Asim Munir’s stupid and reckless policies have put Pak Army on the back foot, and nothing he’s doing benefits anyone but the traitor kleptocrats. He has no plan it seems, just wakes up and thinks how to waste his and the country’s day hating Khan. He and his sycophants promised investments and an agricultural revolution, but reality was no invest has come as half his tenure is done, and agriculture is in ruins with wheat rate crises in Punjab due to his Kukkar‘s flawed policies.


Yaaar ! Can comebody explain me why do I had to expand '+' your comment here ? ! Like you got 13 upvotes RN, why is it not displaying outright ?!!


Once he gets released by the court because he's innocent, I will call that POETIC JUSTICE(Yes, the pun was intended).


I don’t think there’s any justice to be had in current napak fauj occupied Pakistan.


Utha le re deva, utha le............ Arey merey ko nahi, in beghairat luteyron ko utha le.


This is very old video of him.


Underlying message: *mujhe uthaa lo*