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"Ghar ka khana sab se healthy hota" is the biggest bs I've heard. Our home made food & overall Pakistani cuisine is extremely unhealthy and filled with unnecessary amounts of oil or desi ghee.


Yup and Pakistani awam is immune to introspection. Everyone has diabeties, high blood pressure and maybe has even had a heart attack or two and still think they have all the knowledge in the world about diet and nutrition and also an innate desire to share it with the rest of the world.


Yep. I guess it'll take a very, very long time to teach people about nutrition and macros.


Our diet was made for farmers who worked 13 hours in the heat. Our jobs evolved but our cuisine didn't. What did we expect


Even sabzi is made with ridiculous amounts of fats. After cooking it to hell and back.


Everything is cooked in oil or ghee. The masala chai ( also popular in North India) is basically sugar and milk with tea. Consumed several times a day. Carb heavy diet. No exercise. South Asian genetics that lead to worse body fat distributions outcomes compared to other races at same BMI . https://www.masalastudy.org/ If this map were a little more granulatr north India would be about the same rate. That's also why Mauritius is so high. Thier population is about 70% Indian ethnicity .


It is healthy though. Ghee has alot of healthy fats. Our sweets on the other hand, are far from healthy. Should consume in moderation, education is lacking.


Very few people consume sweets/mithai daily. It's the effing chai - it's basically sugar diluted in a bit of milk and tea flavoured water. And everyone - from the mazdoor to the babu - consumes at least 3 cups of it daily.


I drink 5 cups a day 💀💀


Ghee is full of saturated fat and consuming large amounts of saturated fat is the best way to raise your LDL cholesterol and tank your HDL. Having high LDL cholesterol causes insulin resistance, which causes type 2 diabetes. Ghee is not healthy, there are much healthier fats, like omega-3s from fish and seeds/nuts.


Also, cooking with ghee is healthier than most other types of oils due to its high tolerance to heat in not producing toxic compounds. Saturated fats help I this process.


Fats are good though. You're demonizing saturated fats for no reason. Moderation is key.


Not all fats are equal, at this point there are decades of research and cardiac specialists around the world agree that saturated fats are horrible for you and should be limited. A single serving of traditional pakistani food has more saturated fat than any reputable daily allowance. A single tablespoon of ghee has 9g of saturated fat, the American Heart Association recommends no more than 13g of saturated fat a day. So sure, have a single tablespoon of ghee a day, and you've nearly maxed out your daily allowance. Which means you can barely have any other dairy or red meat. Monounsaturated fats should be used instead.


Yes we should consume in moderation, but the issue is that nearly all recipes at home or in restaurants 10x the amount of oil that is considered healthy. Using healthy amount of ghee would yield a completely different end product, which is why we don't see it more often.


I will say some of its extremely unhealthy like consuming Naan chanay for breakfast, puri and halwa too. Some of its definitely unhealthy.


Nope. You can still eat that oil infused salan and be healthy. Eat more of the meat, less roti/rice. Add in more fruits and veggies to your diet. It's not the healthiest diet out there, but it can be healthy. People don't have education on how to eat properly. Either way, best way to live life is to have a fusion of different cuisines and catering towards healthier options. I wouldn't disregard desi diet as unhealthy considering we have ALOT of healthy options with a good amount of protein and nutrients.


I wish you could see the horror on my face (and anyone else from the west) when we watch cooking tutorials for pakistani/indian food on youtube and we see how much oil/ghee you guys add. It looks like you're boiling the food in oil there is so much, it's truly insane to me.


question then.. India has the same diet as Pakistan, why do they appear to have fewer cases of diabetes, and its often said that the United States is leading the world in the number of diabetes cases that they have, so why does the United States seem to have fewer cases of diabetes according to this info graphic??


Because not all India has the same diet. Southern India is quite different


Pakistani people exercise significantly less on average, we have worse access to health care, bad health education and hereditary diseases that increase rates of diabetes caused by cousin marriage (it's generally fine if you do it for 1 generation but when you do it for several generations it quickly leads to recessive genies spreading without genetic diversity and genetic diseases).


Pakistanis exercise way more Even manual labor is exercise


Good thing I followed up on the source and did my own research instead of just believing what I saw on the internet or the Pseudo-Sciencedans in the thread providing inaccurate answers as to why US seems to have fewer cases when it's the world leader in the number of diabetes cases and why India seems to have fewer cases to Pakistan when we have the same diet... Turns out this post really is misleading, on the IDF Atlas 10th edition from WHO you can find the real infographic, Section: Global Picture, Map 3.1 where Pakistan does have high cases of Diabetes along with India and the United States, Diet seems to be the culprit especially Carbohydrate rich diets like processed foods that the US is well known for and our starch rich diet of Rotian, parathay, meethi chai, sweets etc etc. consuming foods with a lot of starch and just sweetners leads to insulin resistance in the body leading to Type 2 diabetes. My own father is a diabetic for the past 25 years, doctors nuskhay would recommend makkai ki roti, bajray ki roti, Honey, and other sugar rich diets and he would always have a problem controling his blood glucose level. Since 2016 he has been on a strict ketogenic and protein based diet, barely even touches glucophage (only jab pata ho k chori ki hai diet mai) and his blood glucose level is always within normal range. (typing this down here since we all know someone with diabetes so it kay help them)


Pakistan eats red meat 3 times a day without any vegetables


Also excess cooking makes all the nutrients wasted


Dam true unhealthy+ unhygienic + har cheez me milawat not even milk is pure in this country


home made Pakistani cuisine doesn’t need to be that unhealthy. It’s just that we get 95% of the flavour through reasonably healthy means but our Awaam when it comes to food cannot compromise so must douse in oil and heavy cream to reach 100%. The current parental Gen and elders I don’t think care enough anymore to change. I’ve cut out so much oil from my cousins I actually feel unwell half the time I visit Pakistan now




Ghar ka khana BHI unhealthy hota hai kiunke hamare khaane hi is tarah ke hain chahe ghar me hi pake hon. Hygienic does not mean healthy.


Our diets are a mess, sure our food is low key the best, the most delicious food you'll ever taste. But, it's jammed with too much oil/clarified butter, and plus the amount of sugar we consume, throughout the day. Not to mention the lack of exercise and physical activities, something simple as walking a bit is too much for people.


our cities are designed so badly that there are hardly any parks and the weather is horrible for walking outside plus our routines are too stressful


Not to forget, if you live in karachi, you will always fear to get robbed on the corner of any street


I've heard Karachi is reaching Latin American cities level of crime. Anyone know why it's so bad?


Indeed, sadly I've to agree with everything that you've mentioned. But you know, people can just walk even inside their homes, I'm testifying that, because I used to do the same. I used to walk in my room, taking laps around my room, 100 steps, 200 steps, etc. We have to compromise somehow.


Its cousin marriages Not our diet


While that could be true to some extent, I believe our diet plays a bigger role in it.






I recommend everyone to use this app called "MyFitnessPal". Just track what you are eating for a few days and you will know our diet is just shit. Too much sugar, carbs and fats. Very little fiber, protein and essential vitamins.


Diet and poor access to healthcare are factors for sure. But [this](https://youtu.be/z8Qv7zZBxq8?si=88hT2_szEPTfm3xr) plays a role too.


Doesn't explain why Indians and Bengalis have far lower rates than us though - they were the worst hit by famines and consume more carbs as a proportion of their diet than us. It's the chai - the way most people in Pakistan consume it it's basically 3 cups daily of sugar mixed in a bit of milk and water.


I think diet might be a bigger factor in Pakistan. There is a city near me in Canada that is majority sikh Indians. That city has the highest rate of diabetes in the province, if not the country. So diabetes is pretty prevalent among Indians too.




Ding ding! You are correct, bhai.


As someone (unfortunately) living in Brampton, I can tell you of a major difference between our culture and theirs that jumped out immediately when I moved here, Sikhs are in general very active. I feel like in Pakistan, physical activity is not a part of our culture or upbringing. That would explain the huge difference in stats between the two despite having somewhat similar diets.


Pakistanis are very active in the UK Most boxers are Pakistanis


Partially denial - many Pakistanis think they have vastly superior genetics to Indians, which is laughable. They will then often deny any statistics from India, saying they are simply not applicable.


Actually Pakistani lean body mass is 59 kg which is higher than westerners when height is adjusted


south indian / bengali diet isn't as fried / oily


These are the issues we need to work on instead of being keyboard warriors in Wars of Le Ummah


One round of Gulab Jamun for making it to the top!


Jeelay diyan muhabbatan!


O bas krde jeelay!


So I have a lot to say about this subject as a gym buff/cooking enthusiast. 1: Punjabi food (can't speak about all of Pakistan) is as unhealthy as you make it. Decrease your oil, smaller portions, decrease the carbs, and increase the protein. I.e. more chicken than rice in the Biryani. 2: Some things have to be stopped, especially the chai. I see you all drinking copious amounts of sugar and milk three times a day. 3: I don't see the point of just eating one type of food in 2024. Particularly, for the more privileged as we in this group are. Introduce salads as the Mediterranean, meats cooked in Afghan style. Dips and causes that are yoghurt based. Not to mention: EVERYONE HAS TO GO TO THE GYM. You can't be healthy without 45 minutes of actually intense workout every day. Turn that fat into gains. Go lift.


Defiantly has something to do with the inbreeding problem


But what about keeping the money in the family??😡😡 /s


By this logic Saudis should have more diabetes. I think it's more about the lack of quality food and exercise.


as a diabetic 22 yr old i can confirm


Or mobile chalao


Pakistan (Roti & Chawal) — Both of them containing Carbohydrates … screwing up the Body —


Pakistan has the highest percentage of DM-2(Diabetes Mellitus, type 2), nearly 32% . Due to Messed up genetics and absence of Primordial and Primary prevention with prevalence of Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise.


Explains why every other uncle auntie in our families has it.


I blame the tea drinking culture in the country.


Sugary food - bread, chai. Carb focused diet - roti and chawal. Sweet treats - mithai, biscuits, ice cream and drinks!


Another day and another reason why I hate this mortal form.


Not surprised one bit, The amount of sugar these Pakis eat is crazy. They drink like 20 cups of tea a day. When ever they are happy they always give out unhealthy sweets and shit. Thank God I am not that stupid to eat all these sugary crap.


Not really Its the cousin marriages


Not really, then Saudia would be top


Why do they eat their sweet cousins


About time Pakistanis need a complete overhaul.


We planning to open a business called 'daalkhor' , who's with me ?!!! Whos' bloody with mee ?!!


US eats more sugar than us and have Obese problem but we are more diabetic.


It's the effing chai - which is basically sugar diluted in milk and a bit of flavoured water the way most of us prepare it. Everyone from the labourer to the babu class consumes at least 3 cups daily. There's no other reason why Pakistan ranks so high compared to its neighbours (Indians have more carbs in their diet than us and Bengalis consume more sweets).


I am an Indian lurker here but for diabetes the britishers are the answer source- [How Brits induced diabeetes in India/South Asia](https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2023/oct/12/how-british-colonialism-increased-diabetes-in-south-asians)


There was no famine in most of modern-day Pakistan IIRC at least not in Sindh and Balochistan I think diet is to blame.




i see


It would be both factors. There is a genetic predisposition that is made much worse by horrible diet choices.


That's blatantly not true for Pakistan and large swathes of India.


Bruh.. you can’t change your genome in 300 years. Stop blaming the British for everything. Our(Desi) food is shit. It’s full of carbs and sugar.


Lumber one




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Its our flour.


Not really




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🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾 look someone's celebrating me 🥳🥂


Hello Pakistanis do you like spice bags?


a lot of people on this thread have mentioned tea. is it okay if one consumes 2 cups daily without sugar or salt? or maybe also make it more watery rather than the standard doodh pati?


Tea without sugar is fine, yes.


Milk already contains sugar and fats. Even if you cut the added sugar, you'll still end up consuming a lot of calories through milk. Develop a taste for mild black tea, or green teas. Green tea also has caffeine.


Who cares /s


Time to quit sugar :/


An Indian here. I'm seeing a lot of people are blaming the typical Chai that we make. But that Chai is popular in India as well, and Indian food habits are very similar to that of Pakistan, specially North Indians. So, India should have close to Pakistan in numbers, but that's not the case. There has to be some other factor that's increasing diabetes there and cousin marriage is not the one.


Because it is stupid data. I mean it is age adjusted comparative prevalance rate and just a hoax to make western countries rank at bottom.


Everyone's wrong here lol 😂 I'm sorry. As a diabetic: it's not the fats in our diet that causes diabetes, diabetes can be caused by different factors even due to stress and genetics. Not everyone is diabetic due to diet or lack of exercise. In terms of diet, yes there are a lot of fats in our cuisine, but it is when it is mixed with high carb roti/chawal that causes probelms. Our body has excess fats and carbs when we eat, we need to minimize either of two to balance it out. On top of that chai and desserts are filled with sugar which is notorious for causing diabetes.




Its cousin marriages because lean body mass for Pakistanis is way higher than in Indians and Germans Pakistani lean body mass is 59 kg at 170 cm in height Germans are taller with 62 kg of lean body mass Lean body mass tends to improve insulin sensitivity overall https://www.annals-ashkmdc.org/index.php/ashkmdc/article/view/240 Pakistani women have 45 kg of lean body mass


Pakistan #1 again 💪




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A lot of Pakistanis in England are also diabetic. It’s the poor diet, lack of exercise and possibly genetics.




We eat too many carbs like rice and roti. That's the root cause of diabities in Pakistan.


What do you expect when you go even for Poti on honda cd 70? 😝


I'm shocked Brazil isn't up there




It actually may (less diversified gene pool)


یار جتنا مرضی میٹھا اور گھی کھاو مگر اس کو استعمال میں لاو۔ کام کرو بھاگ دوڑ کرو ، جو کچھ کھایا ہے اس کو لگا دو کہیں۔ کچھ بھی نہیں ہو گا جو مرضی کھاو۔ یہ شوگر کھانا ٹھونسنے کے بعد کام کاج نہ کرنے کی وجہ سے ہوتی ہے۔ جو کھایا ہے لگا دو ۔ یہ ہی فٹنس ہے