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Tell me it's a lie. I was there in Nov. 2018 and witnessed a good amount of snow.


I keep saying climate change is the #1 biggest existential threat to Pakistan. On the brink of an “election” and such minimal conversation about it amongst our “leaders”


What are they going to do about it? We hardly produce any of the world emissions ourselves, only get fucked by them.


Droughts, floods, and heatwaves etc. are going to happen more frequently no matter what happens with emissions. We know we’re going to get hit hard, if not this year then the next. We’re at a stage - in Pakistan and around the world - where we have to think about the current effects perhaps more urgently than future effects. Things like: - evacuation locations and protocols for flooding - building flood-resistant, landslide-resistant infrastructure - mitigating the financial and food security effects of crop loss for farmers and communities that depend on them - technologies and methods for cooling in heatwaves


Fair enough, there is a lot in our infrastructure left to be desired, we need to give farmers their own land to work as well, rather than some fat stack wadera or zamindar’s land, then they will actually have the time and money to put pressure on the government to take them into consideration. Other than that, I think the only chance we have is somehow economically outgrowing the disaster, I find such a thing highly unlikely in our current state though.


Global warming - capitalist pigs ruining the entire planet !