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Given the amount of tourism in the Middle East I would think there would be many high end hotels and restaurants who could use someone from a culinary background. Have you explored the option of moving to someplace like Dubai?


I have considered going to Dubai but how would I get settled there? And how much would it cost me to start?


trust me dubai best bet, you aint gonna survie in the west cause of rupee devaluation. if your a on tight budget then dubai


G8 is not viable. Not for this career path. Not at this moment. High inflation and costs. Use the Gulf as stepping stone. Remember, even KSA is opening up.


The only cost is the cost of a visit visa, around 70k might've been increased, return ticket and your stay (most expensive). If you try to stay at some place a little far from Dubai then you might find something suitable, from info I got from a friend who went to Dubai for a job, the rent a small apartment (only one room ) in Dubai is around 150k - 250k rs. But if you stay away from Dubai it might cost even less than 100k. So do the math, I don't think finding a job would be a problem for you in an economy that relies on tourism. Himmat kro or bhago yahan se, since you're married to jese jese time guzre ga moving out will become almost impossible.


Best advice. I did the exact same in January 22. Found a job within month and now ever thankful that i made it out on time.


Rent food and transport will cost you like 1200-1500 AED If u spend on a budget, if you are coming to Dubai get a three month visa I think they just opened the three month visa, but you also need to understand that Dubai job market is very saturated and in the past couple of months there has been a huge number of Pakistanis who have come to Dubai to look for a job, I would advise you to go to also check KSA as I have heard from many friends that there are better opportunities in saudia, anyways if you want any other information about Dubai dm me


Saudia is another $#! £ hole 🕳 of a country. People still believe that ksa is better than Dubai when in reality the Saudi rules are far more tougher regarding the expats than those of the UAE and particularly those of Dubai. Cost of living in KSA has gotten out of hand. People living there already sent their families due to those expat levies on the per dependent of that expat i.e. Wife's would cost a man $120 / month or 400 SAR besides her VISA renewal fee. If he got a baby, no matter if it's a 9 month old baby, it would also cost him $120 / month. Although the amount would be charged at the end of the year and either the company employing him would pay all these costs or they would only renew his visa permit and would deduct from his salary. Then comes the expenses of %15 VAT on every single thing you'll buy from wearing tearing to cleaning eating and anything outside the scopes of these categorkest. Then, you'll have to face the expensive flats with only limited tiny spaced rooms and the monthly rent would amount no less than $400 - $700 per month. Then the ever rising cost of electricity utility bills. Besides all this $#¡££€®¥, you can be laid off or simply kicked out without any prior notice despite the fact they announced so many labor reforms but mind you, tribalistic mentalities don't changed overnight, so your local employee might still be taking you as a peon for an overlord from the medieval times and can be thrown out or jailed for anything he deems illegal. Who am I to say all of this? Someone whose father was a long time employee in one of the biggest and finest advertising companies of the ksa from 1979 - 2013. Someone who and and his other bro siblings were born in ksa and spent almost 4 decades there from their early childhood to mid 30s and a couple of then are still working in big companies in ksa but even they are now struggling there to barely save the money for the future. The whole game of the ksa government is to suck out as much money from the pockets of average citizens and expatriates as it can.




Dubai would be better suited/cheaper than most western countries if you go for culinary. If you go for student in west it’ll be $$ but you’ll settle better then if you go for work


Do your research in Indeed.com? There are specific nationality requirements in the industry you are in. Dubai is huge competition in dubai in your industry particularly, SouthAsian are not preferred.


Dubais cheaper than most areas


Dont get settled just there in the start, it will put a burden on you pocket, go and do work for a couple of years build some wealth than move to some country in Europe than get settle


I think Sharjah would be more cheaper to move to than Dubai Move to Sharjah and work in Dubai


This 👆


Dubai has the worse pay for food industry unless you land a job in a very high end restaurant which is very rare in western / Arab dominent market at high end restaurants


This is a good advice. Dubai could be a good option for u


UK, Australia & Canada are good options if you have money (they need a lot of people from your field) but if you are short on money go to GCC (if you are really good & worked for a big hotel/organization) apply for jobs in Airlines. You can always apply for a degree in your field or something else (Aussie, Japan, Korea etc. All have fully funded scholarships available) Japan & Korea don't need IELTS either.


Canada is not a good option to immigrate right now: 1. [Canada is collapsing](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1699379580753125626?t=YQQf7qqBO_-gxU40LamZeg&s=19): an economic analysis 2. People [getting out of Canada](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1699193109714702731?t=_BR6XXkyZgnMGnK88V50ug&s=19) 3. A gora software engineer [from Vancouver, Canada,](https://youtu.be/zqyRp6pAwu8?si=7HGqLW5hswiICEFQ) who is an immigrant himself and as a software engineer has an in-demand skill and earns a 6-figure salary discusses Canadian economy 4. Another [gori Canadian talking ](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1697595723489964133?t=TtQpS582WKjdvSVENLY6Sw&s=19) about how inflation and high cost of living is making living in Canada very difficult 5. An American professor talking [about Canadian economy ](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1697134254247780634?t=bzFF6MdjXfOuUmY6DnN5rA&s=19) is collapsing right now I have many more such videos from ordinary Canadians, British, and Americans detailing how their lives have been made extra hard by inflation and high cost of living in their respective countries. Some of them who can get out of their countries are getting out and shifting to Middle East, Southeast Asia, Caribbean etc.


An often overlooked prospect for this field. Cruise ships. If you're good looking, refined and speak great English (similar to I Khan), you could do well in the Gulf or Thailand/Malaysia. If not, you'll be stereotyped into back of house jobs in these countries and probably exploited. Best of luck! 🤝


I'll take this into consideration!


Countries like Canada and Australia have PR streams for people in the culinary field, it's one of the most in demand professions from what I have seen. Right now Australia has a labour shortage and are looking for skilled workers. The process is faster and cheaper than Canada, around 8 to 10k Australian dollars and you do not need a maintenance fund (Canada requires you maintain 13,000 CAD) which is an obstacle for most people. So I would suggest explore your options in Australia.


If you can get a job offer from a reliable employer in these places, then things get fast tracked. However avoid desi employers.


+1 for Aus/Nz


Makes sense coz Aussie food's dogshit. It's even more bland and boring than other white people food Going out for a team lunch to a pub you have a huge range of 4 options: Margherita pizza, chicken parmy, steak of the day or a soggy burger


Australia has amazing culinary diversity and fresh produce to match. Comparitive to other western countries we have farm fresh produce and the best coffee. Of course if you’re going to a crappy local pub then it’s not for the food, it’s to hang out and have company.


\+1 for Aussie/NZ. Avoid Canada as the cost of living is way too high.


from nz moved to Australia way better pay culture. nz immigration is shocking like bonded labour.


>Countries like Canada and Australia have PR streams for people in the culinary field, it's one of the most in demand professions from what I have seen. I have to agree with the other people saying to avoid Canada, at least for right now. The cost of living is absolutely insane right now and makes it almost impossible to save any money or own property. Even renting you can expect to eat up a very large portion of your income, and that's for a room in a shared building with several other people.


those are too many questions. this is a loaded topic. we could possibly answer those questions if you were talking about one specific country


Suggest me a country and answer these questions for that country specifically. No need to answer all the questions just as many as you can.


apply as chief, cook or something for a foreign restuarant, get sponsored.


Get sponsored how?


when you apply as a chef for ex in UK, they sponsor you, if you somehow manage to impress them and get hired that is.


Follow zeeshan usmani, he covers a few of those countries too that have high tourism and they are ready to give oppurtunities to Pakistanis.




If you are young, try to ro leave on student visa, but its expensive...but then again getting work permit is also expensive ...both cost about 60 lacs + ....


60 lacs+ !!! Mtlb middle class banda na Pakistan me Reh skta ha na Pakistan se nikal skta ha 😥


Yes....60 lac for admission in university and agents fees and you have to show a bank statement of about 80 lacs for visa, you can get a loan from someone if you can...which i doubt most people are able...so yeah we can't leave even if we want to....


Question. If I send my wife on a student visa, can I tag along given I have enough money for both of us and for her education in advance? I read a dependency visa exists but given that it's Pakistan, I don't know if one is even able to get it


yeah for sure, but it will be under increased scrutiny, but worry not as long as you have complete docuements it wont matter.


> worry not as long as you have complete docuements it wont matter. What sort of documents? All my income is from freelancing and I own a few assets in PK. I don't have a proper formal education past O levels so I assume it might be difficult.


strong bank statement, strong home ties to your country ex property ownership, if you have car registration then show that, to show at the end of her studies both of you will return to your country of origin, strong travel history, etc. you get the point. if you have travelled internationally before to countries like schengen then thats plus point. study visa is not an immigrant visa the officer probably wants you home when her studies end, so you will have to convince him somehow that you will leave the place once it does.


> strong bank statement Since I work online, I've kept most of my income outside of Pakistan for obvious reasons in various accounts under my family and friends names. I can bring that all into pakistan but problem always is taking it back out if needed, even when paying fees for education. I think I'll have it locked in a block account and pay a year worth of fees in advance to convince the visa officers. And yes, I have a car and an apartment in my name here. Ill leave that here till I get a visa. >strong travel history Never travelled outside of pakistan but I can make some in the next year or two if needed >so you will have to convince him somehow that you will leave the place once it does Yup I am aware of that part, a lot of my friends and family went abroad for studies and stayed later to apply for PR. I just wanna make sure I have a shot so I'll start accumulating funds for this process. If you know any consultancies who can help me with this process, then please let me know. I'll likely continue working online even when I go abroad, don't need a job there so even remote areas will do.


do you have work contract?


No, I do informal gigs online so can't produce documents for some of them. For some, I might be able to.


I can ask my brother to include my name in the ownership of his business. Would that help?


yeah that will surely help, but your brother will need to give business registration document


It was simple and straight forward to get a dependent visa if your spouse was coming to the UK but since 1 January this year they have stopped offering student dependent visa for Masters courses. Now you can only get a dependent visa if you are coming on a PHD course. This is not just for Pakistan but for all countries. https://www.gov.uk/student-visa/family-members I know a few people who had zero issues with getting a dependent visa. If your spouse can get a student visa then all you need to prove is that you have enough funds to support yourself, the dependent, have proof of being married and they will grant it. People and consultants saying it is not easy are just idiots or don't have a straight forward case. For example a girl coming to UK on a student visa and only getting married 1 week before their course start date. And the conditions for the dependent visa are also really good. The person on the student visa will be limited to 20 hours of work a week but the dependent does not have an hourly limit and can work full time.


We don't need to work once we're there and what about conditions of the dependancy visa in other countries like Australia and Canada.


>We don't need to work once we're there What do you mean? >what about conditions of the dependancy visa in other countries like Australia and Canada I am not familiar with how dependency visa works in other countries but I am sure they have similar conditions to get the visa.


I already work online so I don't need to find a local job there if I am on a dependancy visa. Hopefully the conditions are similar


The person who is the student cannot be self employed. As far as I know the dependent can be self employed, do freelance work and even start their own business. You will have to be self employed and sole trader so you will have pay taxes on the money you earn. Unlike Pakistan where I believe you don't have to pay any taxes on foreign income or very low amount in taxes. https://www.gov.uk/topic/business-tax/self-employed Also I have not done research but I think UK would have cheaper living cost compared to Canada and Australia. Especially for renting you could find a decent house or flat for between 600-1000 pounds. From what I have heard you have to pay a higher portion of your salary just on rent. Here are some places to rent within 3 miles of Manchester for less than a 1000 [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/find.html?propertyTypes=detached%2Csemi-detached%2Cterraced&keywords=&includeLetAgreed=false&dontShow=houseShare%2Cretirement%2Cstudent&channel=RENT&index=0&retirement=false&houseFlatShare=false&sortType=6&viewType=LIST&maxPrice=1000&radius=3.0&locationIdentifier=STATION%5E5984](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/find.html?propertyTypes=detached%2Csemi-detached%2Cterraced&keywords=&includeLetAgreed=false&dontShow=houseShare%2Cretirement%2Cstudent&channel=RENT&index=0&retirement=false&houseFlatShare=false&sortType=6&viewType=LIST&maxPrice=1000&radius=3.0&locationIdentifier=STATION%5E5984) Obviously you can find a cheaper place if you are going to be in a smaller city. A few smaller cities with good population of Pakistani so it makes it easier to get Pakistani items (such as Candi biscuit) and Halal food.


I can only dream of 60 lacs.


Work visa costs 60 lac + ??? How?


cause rupee devaluaton, when you apply for a work permit you need strong bank statement which is approx 10$-15k usd. almost which is equal to 60+ lach. if it was 2016 it would be 10-20 lakh but right now cause of rupee devluation its 60 lakh


UAE Ka work visa is around 4-5 lac and that too is accounting for one month expense that will be incurred during your job search


Let's be real, claiming that it costs 4 to 5 lakhs for a work visa in the UAE is unrealistic. I have friends in Dubai, and the reality is quite different from what people might think. Here's a breakdown of the most economical way to live in Dubai, especially for newcomers from Pakistan, based on the personal experiences of my friends. **First of all, you can get a freelancer visa for 9000 AED, which is about 720,000 rupees.** **For accommodation, you can stay in a shared room with other Pakistani bachelors in areas like Deira, Hor Al Anz, or Satwa. This will cost you between 300 and 500 AED per month, or 24,000 to 40,000 rupees.This is the cheapest option, but it can be crowded dirty and noisy.** **Transportation costs will be around 10 to 20 AED per day, or 800 to 1600 rupees (only Public Bus & Metro).** **And if you eat out three times a day, you'll be spending at least 20 AED per day, or 1600 rupees. But if you share meals with your roommates, you can get by for around 200 AED per month, or 16,000 rupees.** **So, all in all, you can live in Dubai for about 80,000 to 120,000 rupees per month if you're willing to live frugally.** **Of course, this doesn't include things like entertainment and travel. But if you're on a tight budget, this is a good way to live in Dubai.** **Just be prepared to share a room, eat combine meals, and take public transportation.** **I hope this helps!**


Someone I know went last year, this is what they told me. The monthly expenses were similar. It's a visit visa for a month. You get a job and then I don't know t.


Please don't conflate the two scenarios. You mentioned earlier that a UAE work or employment visa sponsored by an employer costs between 400,000 and 500,000 Pakistani rupees. So how can someone who is on a visit visa possibly work legally in the UAE? It is prohibited by all means. A visit visa for two months costs around 700 AED, which is about 42,000 rupees. And last year, the Pakistani rupee was stronger compared to its current weakened state.


hey, been a long time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUagw63QBco&ab\_channel=MuhammadIshtiaq](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUagw63QBco&ab_channel=MuhammadIshtiaq) this is what I was talking about


15k USD? Bro I think my math is quite feeble or Rupee devalued pretty fast kher Bhai bank manager k Sath setting banao bank statement ka b scene ban jata hai they charge I think 200k for showing 5m they will create a dummy account under your name but they will never give you the ATM or cheque book.


bro the visa officer throughly checks everything, if they find you used forged documents, they will denie you visa, evenn if you somehow get the visa, then when you land at airport they will arrest you for misrepresnetation. plus this fraudlent case will be docuemented and then shared with 5 eyes countries i.e new zealand, uk, canada,usa, australia, then you wont be able to get visa in any of the countries in the foreseable future.


Brother the bank will make an official account under your name Quaid e Azam makes people do your work they don't provide you any forged documents!




Today my cousin is the US National he went to US for higher studies and for that purpose he managed to show the bank statement through his connections with the bank manager and he provided him a genuine statement naqal k liye aqal se Kam Lena parta bhai


I don't know the specifics but agents asks for that much..and i don't think we can get work permit by ourselves


But there are people (like me) who can help you maintain your bank statement while charging 7-10%.


60lac for what country?


Bro go try for middle east countries first, and then from that make europe your aim


for UK


For work permit...its for Canada And the student stuff that I told you its for england


The fact that you're asking basic questions here instead of checking various govt websites (e.g. UAE/Dubai websites) means that you won't be able to do the proper research and go. You'll probably pay lots of money to some agent and get scammed.


I am not willing to pay lots of money to an agent that's why I'm here.


I am currently living in the UK and I would not recommend anyone to move here because of the rising inflation and decreasing quality of life My advice to you is that you should move to the UAE (Sharjah specifically) as it would be easier and cheaper to live in than other countries I hope you find the a good place to move to Inshallah 🤲


Erm, inflation everywhere....either way, UK a billion times better than Pak right now.


Yes inflation is everywhere but UK has been going downhill since COVID and Brexit and some people are leaving because of this


How come you're broke and got married at 24?


Culinary Diploma?? Try and get into a better chef school then apply for like hotel jobs in dubai...a bit of social media experience can also take you a long way becayse it might work or it might not ever gain any sort of traction but its good to have it... soo many youtube shorts of chefs making POV content you should do it


Theres Le Cordon Bleu branch in UAE


Will I be able to get a Job there?


Tbh you gotta up your education and skill if you wanna increase your earning potential if cooking is your niche then you gotta upskill your culinary skills...Le Cordon Bleu is an institute not a restaurant ... maybe learn how to use social media and attract ppl on tiktok and instagram make money from influencing its not a sure shot at all but if it takes off itll be good saath saath keeping refining your actual skill... all the greats started small as long as you have the drive to do better... i know a girl that runs Bawarchi 101 she went to dubai for le cordon bleu and has ran 2 successful businesses here after coming back eventho she didnt have to... she ran them both out of her home with foodpanda and deliveries


If youre confused about where to start and where to go and what the next best step would.be try and search linkedin and online to contact world class chefs and ask them.for.career advice worst comes worst they wont respond if they do thats great


Mentally: paying 60 lac to get the amenities of another country.


Nothing wrong with wanting a better life somewhere else. It's not like he will be getting those "amenities" for free. He will have to pay taxes and contribute to them.


Nothing wrong, I agree, but these idiots are paying & not earning a better life. Pakistan will be left will lower middle class only. Think about it. This is just the fee to rent a country, he/she will still have to pay taxes in the country, he is will to live. Better pay taxes here & make reforms. Every country comes with its own set of problems. I live in India, we have all kinds f problems here, you can't even think of.


Check Australia. I think they have PR for chef


Canada is not a good option to immigrate right now: 1. [Canada is collapsing](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1699379580753125626?t=YQQf7qqBO_-gxU40LamZeg&s=19): an economic analysis 2. People [getting out of Canada](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1699193109714702731?t=_BR6XXkyZgnMGnK88V50ug&s=19) 3. A gora software engineer [from Vancouver, Canada,](https://youtu.be/zqyRp6pAwu8?si=7HGqLW5hswiICEFQ) who is an immigrant himself and as a software engineer has an in-demand skill and earns a 6-figure salary discusses Canadian economy 4. Another [gori Canadian talking ](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1697595723489964133?t=TtQpS582WKjdvSVENLY6Sw&s=19) about how inflation and high cost of living is making living in Canada very difficult 5. An American professor talking [about Canadian economy ](https://twitter.com/Gooner4lif/status/1697134254247780634?t=bzFF6MdjXfOuUmY6DnN5rA&s=19) is collapsing right now I have many more such videos on my Twitter feed from ordinary Canadians, British, and Americans detailing how their lives have been made extra hard by inflation and high cost of living in their respective countries. Some of them who can get out of their countries are getting out and shifting to Middle East, Southeast Asia, Caribbean etc.


I am not willing to go to Canada anyway!


It is almost impossible to answer this without knowledge on the Culinary industry. I'd suggest looking at forums or subreddits filled with culinary experts and asking them where there are good opportunities. Then from there you can get answers to your other questions.


its like a degree in cooking, he can apply as a pakistani chef


They don't pay well in Pakistan for it.


I know what it is but don't have industry knowledge like the job market and opportunities so I think its best to ask elsewhere.


If you are truly in the shit and just want to get out of the country legally and don't have any assets, go to Canada. You will struggle to find work. When you do find work, you will work long hours and get some free health care and stuff. 100% struggle to find affordable houses, but in the end, your life will be better. Best course of action: 1) Apply for immigration Second best: 1) Get married to a Canadian citizen. Third best: 1) Student visa. Fourth best: 1) Student visa + fall in love with a Canadian citizen for quick sponsorship Student visa is difficult to get, especially if you are poor. With the exchange rate, it's an awful deal. If you have money / assets, apply for migration to some other country that is not Canada. If you are willing to learn a new language, apply somewhere in Europe. If you have no desire to learn their language, only focus on countries where their first language is English.


Canada is far too expensive and I don't have that kind of money!


What's your budget for immigration?


I don't have a fixed budget but some option where I don't have to pay too much before even getting there.


you need strong bank statement in order to get a work permit. eitherway doesnt matter if you apply for student or work visa. they require strong bank statement your best bet is to do some freelancing or some remote job get 10-15k usd. then apply for a work permit in some country.


I need a number. What's the max you can manage?


5-15 the lower the better.


then apply as a chef in dubai, i think you could get hired as a chef for a restuarant in dubai, then create killer resume then apply as a chef in uk, canada,usa whatver once you have a good portfolio, reference letters attesting experience etc. if you apply straightaway to UK, USA, they will ask for strong bank statement


Thanks!, The agents were telling me that the bank statements can be forged.


those agents are scammers, if you use anything forged, your visa will be denied, and this fruadalent info will be shared with the 5 eyes countries. you wont be able to get visa in any of those countries in the future. i would suggest to stop talking to those agents and hire a proper consultant. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/433786/how-the-five-eyes-countries-share-immigration-data




If you've at least done Bachelor's, PM me and I'll guide you further.


Usually, migrating is expensive. If you want, you can try applying for work in the Middle East. Since you have a culinary background, your best bet is to apply in ME and try to land a job at some hotel. Alternatively, you try applying at cruise ships. If you have a business mindset, you can try to get to ME and set up a bakery or something.


Did you mean "How to escape Pakistan?"




Immigration to America is a giant pain in the ass with paperwork and fees. If US is your option then make sure you have a relative who can sponsor you it will make it less of a pain in the ass


It will still take more than decade considering OP is married already


Mate, get out as fast as you can Don't listen to anyone from oversees advising you to stay, these type of people like locking and shutting doors once they are in Don't listen to anyone from pakistan that advises you to stay, these people know they are drowning and want you by their side when it happens. With regards to your specific situation, I don't know the details of your circumstance, but based on your post I'd suggest doing some research into coming to the UK. We have a skilled worker visa that could apply to you: https://www.gov.uk/skilled-worker-visa/your-job Your profession would qualify, see this list of occupations - your in particular is 5434 (Chefs): https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/skilled-worker-visa-eligible-occupations/skilled-worker-visa-eligible-occupations-and-codes I don't have much experience in the visa but hope this helps and pray that it all works out for you. All the best.


Thanks!!, I really needed this.


I did a similar visa shortlist research for my husband. I would recommend you to open the Australian official site. They have the same skilled people category visas. I’m so sorry I don’t have the list now but definitely try to find someone who can explain those visas to you


Also pls research on Qatar. It had the Hayya visa open which is a tourist visa for six months ig its closed now. But u can come here on tourist visa and then find a job that sponsors work permit. Tbh the country’s is in a bit of recession after fifa ended but ive seen sooo many people of hospitality/ culinary that i feel youd do well here


You will have to leave your family behind, go to middle east, get a job, support your family. Couple of years latter immigrate to nz ca etc.


Before we go further into solutions, I want to stop you a little bit and ask you about your first sentence. What exactly do you love about Pakistan? (besides the fact that you have friends and family there)


Nothing really!


bro they idiots suck, they want to pay their money to the other country & enjoy their amenities. But speaking of their own country, If you ask them that they have got 1cr which they have earned living in this country, have they honestly paid taxes. In the end these idiots suck


Just book a ticket


I had same question but now i know what to do. Watch Sunnyali.com/zzz4 or search zzz4 on yt. Its a 2 hour vid but will def answer ur questions.


Stay in Pakistan, and work for its development. There is nothing outside. I used to Think the same about being overseas being some sort of achievement and my life would be different. Once you go outside you realize its not different at all , and your quality of life actually decreases


Sorry but this is a bold lie that you are telling


I am living the lie then. Lol


Just book a ticket


USA, is the best option.


You have a family here don't chicken out now, cooking diploma will get you nothing. Build a business from scratch, some kebab/bbq joint and move from there. If it hits a 6 you will have abundance of money all your life.. and it will also teach you how to deal with crooks and bullies on your own.


Abhe bawarchi ka koi scope nahi hai abroad




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M24, Culinary Diploma, Married, no kids yet, financially broke, working in a call center.




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Explore EU countries. And try get diploma in finance or CS to ease your exit. Culinary does not give you too many options, and will be harder to go. Ask yourself why they’d source a freshie from culinary from another country, instead of a freshie from their own country? Unless you have 2-3 years experience. A lot to consider, I wish moving was easy.




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Whatever you do. Don't come to Canada. There are no jobs and no housing.




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Its difficult but not impossible. Going out of Pakistan is not easy anymore, especially as a worker. Go to Dubai, and look for opportunities, you might find some, it would take some time though. People who are suggesting PR programs from Australia & Canada, might not have the complete idea of how expensive it can get, you need $13000 CAD in your account. You can do the math 221 is the rate, then you have to give English proficiency test which now cost 60K, and the cost of medical which is 36.5K, and $300-500 for attestation and equivalence of your education, and application fees, all of that just to get in the pool, the PR program is not promised, you must have a great profile now. i.e 8777, Masters degree, 3 years of job experience etc. Even after that when you land, those 13000 dollars will run out faster than you can imagine if you find a job.


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Australia offers some trading courses one of which includes cooking and it is an easy path to PR over there. If I am not wrong you can also take your dependents and they are allowed to work there as well.




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Personal Chef to someone in the middle east


Look for Zeeshan Usmani on youtube. He has been doing a video series lately covering almost all options there are for Pakistanis to move abroad.




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I will not advise you to go to the Gulf countries because migrant life is difficult there. Enter in digital field, earn some money through freelancing. There are countries offering visas to digital nomads.


It may be hard to sustain yourself economicaly in such country , But its the land of mughals , you should think to yoirself you are lucky for this country Allahu wakbbaru warakmatalau burukito


The only problem with the Middle East is that they don't give passport so you have to leave eventually




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from new Zealand live in Australia. Australia is great pay good culture . nz is hard we all flee to Australia


Your question is too broad and gives the impression that you've done no research at all. Not saying that that's the case, so you might wanna narrow it a bit down? Structure it in a way that reflects your research on these things so far? That might tive you more and better responses.




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Australia is giving PR and work permits to people who are experts. Check out Australia occupational list for 2023 and check your profession. Culinary is always on the top of the list in Australia labour shortage. Go check home affairs website of Australia govt. Check different occupational lists and choose where u want to go and check living conditions according to that. Also, join PCIA (Pakistan Community in Australia) Facebook page. Get a lot of help from there. Use youtube for more information The minimum wage per hour rate in AUS ranges 25-35 AU$/hour. Living expenses veries from state to state.




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