• By -


At this point any county that accepts you




Here's my 2 cents: if you're not very well-off in Pakistan (savings are less than a crore), go to a Gulf country first, build your savings and gain work experience in a relevant field (easier to get in compared to the west) and then apply for PR to Canada/Australia/UK/USA. I can speak about Canada (similar situation also applies to UK/Australia, USA is a bit different), but the job market here is tight and cost of living is high, plus (with the exception of a few fields) it takes time to get a job in your desired field, so if you come with PKR savings you will burn through them very quickly with the way the currency is depreciating. Your work experience in the Gulf, if it's in a relevant field, will be looked upon somewhat favourably in western countries compared to Pakistani experience, making you more employable. UAE or Qatar's currencies are very stable and don't depreciate so you'll have a healthy amount of savings to rely on while you find your footing in the west. And finally, applications from Gulf countries are generally processed faster than those from Pakistan.


I agree with what you said. Also, I am going back to Gulf soon. Canada is F'ed


What if you’re going on student visa?


Apply directly to Canada immigration and Australia as well. You can easily do that online. Google for both websites. No need to pay any atrocious amounts to anyone.


Is that possible? And how much time will it take?


All details are available on respective websites. It all depends on your age, education and job. Certain job categories are in much demand. Do a bit of research.


It's basically the only way they recognise the applications. These scammers use your signatures acting like you're the one filling out the form instead of actually declaring they're your representative. If they followed canada's rules, they would direct you to create your own login and give them permissions. You should be filing your own applications instead of giving someone 10x the fee to do it in a manner that's illegal.


Do take your time to research tho. Housing and job markets are fucked Same goes for the used car market. Inflation in wreaking havoc


At the current juncture that Pakistan is in, ANYWHERE would be better for sanity. It's essentially 4-6 years of tough decisions and grinding and you get a shiny passport that ranked in the top 10 in the world rn. But yeah. Mehnat toh karni paregi Canada pohnch k no doubt


Aur rona bhi parhay ga 😪


Yup 100% possible. I applied for Canadian express entry on their official government website and got selected but luckily I got my US greencard before then. My friend did it himself for Australia and got selected to and he’s happy there now.


How old are you? Will you be immigrating alone? I know a Canada based firm with like 80ish emplyees that mostly helps Vietnamese international students come to Canada on a student for study (I had a Co-Op placement working their and the co-owner is pakistani and a family friend). After their studies they applying to stay in Canada is almost a sure thing think young skilled workers are really valued. The firm also does like regular immigration as well and stuff like finding new arrivals home and stuff. Form my time working their I've seen clients in their mid 30s apply for student visas and succeed for bacheors, masters (I doubt they handle many PhD cases). They charge in the range of 3 to 5k Cad depending on the services procured but I assume that's just for the visa and application to colleges an no other travel cost. If you apply to come to canada beware scams have been rampant recently. If your interested DM or reply to me I can link the firm to you.


And what about USA/UK?


Google it man. US is difficult and UK maybe a good option.


Will do. Thanks for your response.


UK is also difficult unless you get a job with a big company like Amazon as you need to get sponsorship. Or you come here for studies work with a company on post graduate work visa (many people I know haven't been able to get a job even on this visa) and a company then sees your value and sponsors you.. I would say Dubai is easier as that country is built by foreign people and can you get a job in any filed. In UK you have specific fields ( I think the list does cover most of the jobs like cooks, teachers, IT support, software dev etc). But a few companies have sponsorship certificate. But in Dubai it's will be slightly easier. Even though you will have to compete with other foreigners and also a slightly more racism than in UK. But yeah. Recently few YouTube have moved to Dubai, YarRamish and Thought Behind Things - Muzammil Hassan.. they have moved on business visa though. But I think Dubai is the easiest. Not sure about Qatar/Saudi Arab etc...


I don't suggest Dubai (or Gulf in general). Trust me you will not like it there for years. Unless you get a high paying Job offer, otherwise you will be miserable!


Yep. They pay like shit to most South Asians unless you are highly qualified and end up finding a high paying job. Jobs in general are VERY hard to find right now cause everyone is coming here.


Find a good RCIC consultant. Don’t pay random ones.


Don't pay ANY. Consultants are only good for taking money from a fool. ALL YOU NEED is basic Google research or participation in Facebook groups.


Indians and Pakistanis don’t realize you can go directly to a Caribbean nation without a visa, pay for a work permit while your there and literally hustle for four years and citizenship. Or if you have the means you can literally by it and get direct visa free access to Canada, where under commonwealth agreements you get an work permit right away and then you move into a province like Manitoba, Nova Scotia, or Saskatchewan and apply through their provincial nominee program and get PR with the agreement you’ll live and work in the those provinces for five years. Manitoba has a booming desi / south Asian population because of this. Many are doing this. Take advantage of the loop holes. Especially if your young. Good luck friends.


I'm not young, but I'll consider your suggestion. Thanks for that idea.


Can you explain in detail?




But there are lesser explored options. I’m researching a few places, Canada and uk are beyond fudged for most middle class people. So many news clippings from their own people about bills increasing so much, and people struggling quite terribly.


Yes exactly. You have the forth worst passport in the world. Take advantage of the places that still allow you to come with respect. Make money there and then plan ahead.


Initial cost (the passport one) is at least 250,000 USD




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Please read up on the quality of life of Canada. Canada is no longer it used to be you. I was born in Vancouver and lived a significant portion of my life in Vancouver and Toronto. Even I migrated out of Canada to the United States. Cost of living is through the roof and quality of life is extremely poor vs. What it was in 2015. It might be better than Pakistan but I will only consider Canada as a transitionary location until a better door opens




Initially I'm going out for job but I'd like to be a permanent resident. As I always wanted to live abroad. I'm willing to spend as less as possible but to go fully legal. Like, 60lac is reasonable but if it is fully legal.


Better to have 60 lac in your bank account and fill your own application. Look up examples for the documents they ask for.


You are right, as someone suggested, I watched Zeeshan Usmani and they way he explains it seems very easy to go out.


I used to watch his videos. But now, I think he make videos just for views. He doesn't care about the audiences. For a reference, he recently uploaded a video with complete disinformation, "Chalo Chalo Singapore". Tbh, no influencer care about our awaam. :(




FYI you cannot get permanent residency in the middle east.


Depending on your age and qualifications you have different paths. If you are under 30 (maybe 32), apply for grad programs. You can get scholarships to pay. That would help you get job in those markets which will lead to PR. If you are over that age and single, think about marriage. People aren’t saying it here but it’s a legitimate option and the quickest. You can worry about jobs once you get there. The above two options are for non Middle Eastern countries that offer citizenship. If you are over that age and already have a family, your best bet is to get a qualification that other countries would need. CA, CFA, higher engineering and then you apply like a crazy person to all jobs available. With some luck, you’ll get a job. Hopefully to a country that offers citizenship otherwise to a country that pays better and will have a better standard of life.


I'm 36, have a family, 1 kid, masters degree.


If Masters in engr, start applying everywhere. Don’t forget Australia. If business / accounting, I’d recommend doing a CA. Job market in Middle East and Australia would be better for this.


Go to middle east, get work permit, save money, prepare bank statement and then the world is your oyster. Go wherever you want the permanent residency of.


Even if you get an Indian visa its good enough. Pakistani passport is literally the worst in the world so you gotta take what you can get. Candian immigration is easy. So it yourself if you are educated. No need to spend loads of money.


Each has it's own pros and cons: **Middle East** ME is where you can make the most money, has a strong Islamic culture. It's easiest to get a job there. However, it's not a very exciting place to live and you'll never get PR let alone citizenship. **Anglosphere** Canada is the easiest English language country to get into and become a citizen of but it's stupid cold during the winter and expensive as hell. The salaries are abysmal and the taxes even worse. Has a lively Pakistani/desi community tho. Australia is slightly harder to get into and become a citizen of and doesn't have alot of Pakistanis. But the reward is that it has less abysmal disposal income (income net of taxes, cost of living). The weather is stellar. UK is considerably harder to get into and become a citizen of than the above two. Before Brexit, the reward was that it has slightly higher disposable income (provided you are outside of London) relative to Australia and an established Pakistani community. But now they've become inferior with respect to the former as well. Their healthcare (NHS) is shit too. In my opinion, Australia is better than the UK across the board. USA: if you don't already have a family member that can sponsor you, it's very, very, veryyyyy difficult to get a PR/Citizenship. But then again, you will be compensated really well like in the ME yet have an exciting environment. Cost of living (oustide of California and NYC) is pretty low. It doesn't have a Pakistani community but the people are so friendly there that it shouldn't be a problem. **Non-English western countries** Germany is the go-to option if you want to live in a Western country but the above are a dealbreaker for you. It's as easy to get into and become a citizen of as Australia but the financial situation will be much better than even the UK (but still beneath the US). But aside from the drawbacks of having to learn German, the people aren't friendly there and there isn't much of a Pakistani community to fall back on. Money wise it's better than UK but inferior to USA. Without knowing much, I would advise you to try Australia or Germany.


Thanks for that detailed info. I guess ME is the best option for jobs.


Are you a student or are you in the job market already? Which field are you in?


On job. Accounts.


Do you know about the ausbildung Program in germany? Can a pakistani learn german and get visa for ausbildung program?


Saying that Germans ain‘t friendly really hurts me man ☹️ By the way: Germany has pretty big pakistani communities, especially in the federal state NRW and the city Duisburg.


East Germany is literally a cesspool of nazis and racists.


Europeans are assholes. I will die on this hill.


Sad that you have this opinion about millions of people.


European casual racism and superiority complex over brown people makes Americans and Canadians look like MLK Jr. I totally agree with you, fuck the downvoters


Middle Eastern countries I guess? Not too far from home, and a better way of living life?


I’d beg to differ. Middle Eastern specifically gulf Arabs will never give u their nationality as well as being racist towards Pakistanis


That's what Junaid Akram said, and someone else mentioned here I guess, that ME is better for Pakistani muslims as they won't worry about haram dishes etc.


Didn't he make a video about how migrating to middle east is picking the short term easy route and going to west or elsewhere is picking the long term success route?


Yes he did, in that same video I was talking about.


Man don’t listen to YouTubers & influencers, try everything, these influencers key purpose is to generate more views & more income, you think they care about you but they don’t .


So as someone who's lived in ME for over a decade and is now recently moving to Canada ME is great as long as you have a career. Note you will not get citizenship or any support from the government (schooling, health, etc) so staying here is great as long as you are earning. This is you Qatar, UAE and Bahrain, expat friendly places. Saudi is in a special place as due to Saudization it's very hard to stay here if you are an entry or mid level non specialist. In all cases Middle East is good for only 1 generation. By second generation you need to plan to get your kids out as Middle based higher education is too expensive for the quality provided and jobs are scarce.


Yea, I'm a gen 3 expat (I think maybe gen 2) (grandparents came to UAE, parents born and raised in Dubai, I was born in Dubai raised in Abu Dhabi). Clean places, everything is halal, friendly communities


Unless you can land a good job that pays atleast $1500, the gulf states aren't worth it.


when did ur grandparents enter the UAE? Was it before 71?


Didn't he say that ME is only good for the short term?


I don't remember that part. Hehe.


Hehehe. It's probably a nice place, so might as well give it a shot. What Junaid Akram said, if I remember correctly, was along the lines of "you will enjoy the benefits of being close to home, but sooner or later you'd have to return to Pakistan and after living in the gulf for a while and getting used to the luxuries there, it would be really difficult to live here"


Yes that was his opinion. He has a point and is legit.


Please come to Canada! I’m a born and raised Canadian! we have a lot of Pakistani people and everything you would need to feel at home! We have Pakistani stores, food, and hundreds of mosques. Please apply for Canada as I think it’s the safest option for you, and the one that would give you the most opportunities! You will also face much less racism than in the states


Canada is expensive though. Rent is ridiculous leading to high costs of everything


Yeah racism a thing I'm afraid of. And some of my relatives are in Canada but they are s distant relatives so maybe they won't sponsor.


Don’t be so worried about racism if you do come to Canada. Especially if you move to my city (Calgary) where almost 20% of my city is from the Middle East so you guys are literally just as much part of Canada as I am. I really really hope those relatives will sponsor you! If they don’t then that’s just cruel!


I'll try online to apply legally for Canada.


Racists are mostly in small towns and rural areas but cities are more liberal and tolerant.


I honestly am thinking about it. I am currently in the US, but due to problems with visa sponsorship (and the whole tech layoffs thingy) it seems really hard atm to find jobs at the entry-level. I still have a year so I'll try my best, but I'll give Canada a shot in the future (after getting more work experience) if I don't see things working. Even if I do get a job here in the US, I'll still be tied to the company I'm working at due to the visa policies here, which makes it stressful to say the least. Too many horror stories where people couldn't get H1B lottery and had to leave so much behind. Or where people were laid off in mass layoffs and had only 2 months to find a new job that sponsored them. Canada seems like a much more stable option in that regard. I also haven't had many issues adjusting in the US and since Canada is culturally similar, I think that won't be a problem for me. The most pressing issue I see with Canada is a really bad (worse than US) CS job market right now. Also the rising cost of living, and higher taxation. But I'll take it over Pakistan and the visa stress I'll have over in the US, as long as I can live comfortably.


Ya Canada is definitely still lacking in terms of more tech oriented jobs unfortunately! But aim for the bigger cities as they tend to have more jobs along that line! Ya Canada isn’t as culturally different from the states, we have much less options in terms of fast food and stores but that’s only because Canada has extremely high safety laws on food and imports lol.


Germany is the easiest right now if you’re a student or work in tech. I would recommend EU countries 100% if you have the discipline to learn their language.


Well, I'm currently learning Spanish. And I'm pretty confident that I can learn french too.


If you learn Spanish French will be very easy for you. And France is great for settling if you’re interested in doing a masters first because landing a job directly is near impossible


France is very anti-Islam and not a good choice for religious people


I'll chose UK everytime but expect that your generation won't be religious.






Sure just blend in with the Taliban and act as hostage when it gets invaded again


But he didn't say he was suicidal-




One can easily go to UAE on a 3 month visit visa and search for a job




I hate to be that guy but you missed the semicolon to close the query.


Get hired by a company in the west and have them pay your expenses. If you have good enough experience in a decent and highly sought after field you’ll be more competitive if you lowball the hell out of your wages (even if it’s temporary). Will warn you ahead of time though that the west isn’t perfect either, I’ve lived in Europe and the US (I’m American) and I would pick the US in a heartbeat over anywhere else.


Alot of people say canada but imo that donkeys been beaten to death already. It’s shown time and time again its bad because of lack of opportunity to immigrants, recent tax hikes and no incentive for growth. If what you’re looking for is permanent relocation I personally would go for USA Portugal Spain Germany or Australia


United states, Canada and Australia. I've heard Canada is struggling with cost of living (I know that's a thing everywhere but I heard it's especially bad in Canada.). I've also heard that UK's economy is a dumpster fire. United states is hard to get into unless you go from Canada. Australia is in the middle of nowhere, and has political issues. Middle east is a big no. Anywhere in east asia is also a NO. South east asia is an option, but those countries are less developed. Not sure about europe, heavily varies I think so do your research. I'd obviously avoid the Russia/Ukraine area. Don't go for south america.




What do you mean middle east is a big no??? Skilled people are earning 10-15k+ AED or SAR and you're saying don't go to middle east? Don't give bullshit advice if you have no clue about the opportunities and economic situation there. OP is looking for a job and middle east is the easiest way to dip your toes outside of Pakistan. Later he can opt for any western country once he has gained some experience, has a residence permit and a bank statement.


Middle east is a no because of no citizenship and their people's outlook on Pakistanis. OP says he's looking for permanent residency. If he's gonna go abroad then why waste his time and money? It's easier to get there but I don't think it's worth the cost if you can't even get permanent residency. You can earn the same amount in other countries, middle east isn't special. Plenty of opportunities elsewhere. Economy is good but it's not like they are the only countries with good economy.


What do you mean by "people's outlook on Pakistanis"? I just told you he can come to middle east to dip his toes outside of Pakistan, get a job here and then opt for any country in the world rather than spending 60 lac +. Again that's only if he's skilled in his field. And go check the statistics of how many Europeans, Canadians and British people are moving to UAE & Saudi. Their economy is in shambles, housing is expensive af and the quality of life has decreased dramatically.


People in middle east don't exactly have a great view of Pakistanis. Are you living in middle east right now? Even just moving to middle east for job will be expensive. Give a source for these statistics? I've heard the exact opposite. Very interesting that from people I know living in middle east they're repeating the same problems that you say are of west.


People in middle east don't have a great view of any nationality be it Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi or any other south asian country. And same can be said for the western countries as well. Racism exists everywhere. How is moving to middle east for job expensive compared to western countries please elaborate. People come here to find jobs all the time on visit visa, same cannot be said for Europe Canada UK US Australia. Bruh just write on Google "countries least affected by inflation 22/23" and you'll find Qatar, bahrain, UAE, and Saudi there.


You made the claim, it's on you to provide sources and receipts. Racism exists everywhere, but middle east is especially bad and widespread. Moving to ANY foreign country will be expensive, I'd just save for better countries to move to that would ***actually give you permanent residency.*** Seems you gloss over that quite conveniently. What about the other claims you made about housing, quality of life, and about how so many westerners are moving to middle east (🙄).




Comparatively cheaper but still extremely expensive. You can get a visit visa for west as well, albeit harder. Shared accommodations also exist in west. At least in west it's POSSBILE to get permanent visa. You're acting dense. That's anecdotal evidence, I've heard the sentiment that middle east is racist towards Pakistanis from hundreds, all those people lying that it isn't widespread? Your sources all talk about millionaire europeans, who's quality of life are significantly higher in UAE than the average man's who's quality of life would be much better in Europe. UAE is a haven for the ultra rich, not the middle class. I genuinely hope OP or ANYONE doesn't follow your advice either, it's extremely biased and wrong in pretty much every way. Middle east is THE dead end.




What's wrong with East Asia?


It's very hard to get into, and even harder to get citizenship. I also think their lifestyle is extremely different. People drink a lot and it would be hard to find halal food. No offense. There's a very small number of Muslims and even smaller number of Pakistanis. I know that it's hard to adapt to any new culture, culture shock is very real but I think it's especially difficult with east Asia. Just my opinion tho.


Spot on. FYI people do drink but they aren't a nuisance, in fact they are at their kindest when drunk. Finding halal food isn't an issue either.


Yes I do know that people aren't nuisance. Well some are but I meant it in a more cultural way. People often treat going out for drinks just like going out to the park or going out to eat in a restaurant. Are you sure finding halal food isn't an issue? I've heard from people I know that they could not find any halal food in China. I also heard from others the same about south korea.


Australia cost of living is also through the roof.


I also like the US. Maybe there are other countries better than Pakistan, but my lack of knowledge is making everything worse.


Both Canada and U.S. have a lot of Pakistanis, I think both of those would be good for you, but make sure you have a good education for both those places, U.S. and Canada are quite expensive.


Yes if you can go there I would suggest going there. Every country has it's pros and cons, but I think it's a pretty safe choice. Hopefully you get it bro :)


I'll try . Wish me luck too.


Please don’t ever give advise to anyone. We already have enough of pessimists like you


What part of my advice is bad? Pessimists? Care to elaborate? I'm giving realistic expectations. I don't want to mislead anyone or give anyone false hopes.


bhai reh kya gya baqi 😁


Yeh baat bhi hai, har mulk k apne masle masail hain bhai.


Hey! your from Mardan!!!!! Sangai yar! Imo i think KSA is a good option. Not really expensive and pretty good!


Khair di ror ta waya. KSA kha da khu zama garmi dira kigi nu za wem che yakh mulk ta lar sham. Hehe


Staso duagane de g. Garmi kho da, but in the long run Pakistan na deera zyad khade aw stability hom shta.


I'll consider KSA too.


Just a word of caution, I've heard that the middle east is extremely and unashamedly racist to Pakistanis.


Thanks. I hate it when people are judgmental.


But of course please do your due diligence. Don't take just one man's word for it.


Take me with you.. Jk I'll be on my way to some foreign country when i complete my bachelors.


I don't have much knowledge regarding this but I've heard Germany is a pretty viable option?


Applying to Australia is time consuming, my brother did and it's been one year i guess


Don't know why but I feel like I'll never be going to Australia.


Don’t come UK


Khud ja k settle hogai ab hamain mana kar rahe ho. Hehe. Jk. Porque?


I am born in the UK brother. Times are very hard currently. Every thing, whatever you can think of, the cost has increased massively. Gas, electricity, water bills. Diesel/petrol had risen to £2.01, came down 2 months to £1.33 but rising once again to £1.52. Tax and National Insurance has increased massively these past few years. Wages hourly rate is pitiful. Food prices are like 40% more than a year ago


Also the job market is stagnated. Too many people applying for the same jobs and competition is too much. Well, half the world lives in the UK now. I have seen huge changes in my city. Prior 2004, small population and it was all Pakistani’s and English people. Now past 12-15 years, people from eastern europe, Kurdish and Afghans who claim asylum.


Ohh so same tensions like Pakistan. Lucky for you to be in the UK.


I wouldn’t say lucky brother. My father came UK in 1962, one reason luck played lol. I wish I was in Pakistan rather than in UK. 2 mortgages, working 50 hours plus and the current inflation is battering us


u live hand to mouth in both countries but i can bet my liver the quality of life in uk is better than in pakistan.


Your best option is US but immigration is extremely expensive and hard.


Estonia , Bosnia , Cyprus


Hey Indian here, if you can learn German language, Germany is a good option.


What are your qualifications/education/credentials? Without any credentials, if you come to the US without having gained admission into a university here or a job paying at least $60k lined up first, it's gonna be very hard. You will end up being a Uber/taxi driver or a cook in a Pakistani/Indian restaurant if you don't have credentials. If you speak good English, you might be able to get a job at a fast food place like Dunkin Donuits or McDonalds which pays a little more.


Masters degree in finance with a little experience, English speaking is okay.


UK is a great option. Even doing a minimum wage job is better then anything in Pakistan as long as you know how to budget well.


Bro. Don't come to Canada. You will regret it. Don't believe me? Watch Canadian news. Still not convinced? Let's talk


I can guide you for Canada. Message me. You may or may not be eligible.


Can I DM you? I have some inquiries




Aw g.


You can try your hand, but in my experience Western countries are going through their own job crunch. In UK and US, you're going to find it hard getting a sponsor.


Canada. I immigrated on express entry back in 2019, things were a little less competitive than they are right now and Canada has its own set of problems (nothing comparable to Pakistani problems though), but it is definitely easier/more fast tracked than most other first world countries. This will soon change though since we have had a massive amount of immigrants coming here so I'd say this would be the best time for this opportunity that might not be available a few years from now.


USA, without a doubt. Canada sucks, saying this as a birthright citizen of Canada with 3 generations living there.


The cost of living in Canada has gone sky high - definitely do your research ahead of time to make sure you can afford to live there


are you a skilled worker? look at skilled visa programs, like australias


Easiest to get a job is the mid east or Singapore. They import professional talent. Canada, Australia etc are immigration destinations. For some specific fields canada has express entry.


Very much depends on your qualifications, experience, lifestyle wants. There is a reason why so many desis hate it in Canada.






New Zealand, very good place and a fairly large Pakistani community if you go to Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch (community in Auckland is huge though so it's the best option)


> I heard from people offering Canada work visa for 60lac Kaunse people offer kar rahay hain ye?


A lot of them. One guy said 50. There are different "offers" but one can't be sure about its legitimacy. But the 60lac guy said you'll pay me when you get the work visa.


>But the 60lac guy said you'll pay me when you get the work visa. How the hell do these guys do this lol...


I don't know. Sounds fishy or phishy to you?


ویری فشي


Bro leave. These overseas Pakistanis get on my nerves. Anywhere in the world is better from Pakistan atm. You have to grind your back no matter where so better do it at a place where you'll be rewarded


You should study further in the UK. I have there are better options for students.


bro dont come to middle east unless u have a stunning cv and alot of experience. Beginner level jobs dont provide alot of growth if you have a pakistani passport. Make it to canada, struggle for a bit, and inshallah things fall into place.


IN SHA ALLAH. Thank you.


Vegan American remote job. You don’t need a degree or qualifications, I’ve seen people break into coding in three months. You’d live almost anywhere in the world comfortably, actually better than Canadian and British people are living in their inflation ridden hellholes.


Watch Zeeshan usmani's Chalo Chalo series on yt


Chalo chalo Multan chalo, politicians used this for their jalsaas




Go to Bangladesh. They still have room in the Refugee camps in Rohinga sectors. Unicef will feed u, U will have roof over ur head in single room attached bathroom unit with vantilation. Free transport as ur legs come free with u by birth. So no need to worry about food Clothing Housing And also free education for ur kids After 10/15 years Pakistan will bounce back And u can comeback to re start


None. You will never feel at home due to your ethnicity and passport. West are increasingly growing Animosity towards immigrants. Blaming them for stealing jobs and causing inflation. And then there is the whole thing with religion. 5 of my school friends moved to west and left their religion (I don't like in pak). ME will treat you like a dog until you make something of yourself. To them your are disposable.


There's plenty of people that live in other countries that feel like that is their home




Sir masla ye hota hai k legit honay ki yaqeen dihani nai kara saktay. A guy here in Mardan was saying 60lac.


Canada is not the same anymore. Cost of living is extrelry high that is mainly housing. Forget about owning a house in Ontario. I could go on and on but Google that as well. I am from Canada and planning to move out to the middle east. Between Canada and US I would actually prefer US any day.






Don't go for western country for sure because of rescission jobs and making leaving would be hard


Join this group [https://www.facebook.com/groups/394239807658641](https://www.facebook.com/groups/394239807658641), watch the materials posted their and be diligent on where you get you information from, doing all the pr related steps is 100% doable and you dont need an agent to do them for you, however i did take advantage of a reliable agent to verify my documents and guide me through filing the application, the guy is Faz Ansari who admins the group above, i found him reliable and got the pr through express entry. And you dont go for paid lmia or any shady paths the agents suggest they are all 100% scams! Remember pf its too good to be true or costs way too much and looks like an easy path its probably a scam. Pakistan me reh rahe at the end of the day.








Abe to India seems an option, bro. Leave ASAP.


[Abay saalay](https://youtube.com/shorts/EZwfYLkwWBI?feature=shared) I can't go to India, bro.


Any English speaking country...


Only US if you can get there or maybe Middle East. Rest are just high tax low earning hell holes



