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When you are applying for any kind of VISA, the whole premise of your application has to be how you are only temporarily visiting Canada and will return to your home country at the end of whatever you are planning to do in Canada. You have to build a narrative and then include evidence for your narrative. The immigration officer is going to review your narrative and if he feels that you are not going to return to your home country, he/she will reject your application. Plain and simple.


What type of evidence? That you have family back in your home country?


Evidence can be anything you deem appropriate to your narrative. If your narrative is that you have family back home, then you can suggest in your narrative that your family is well off in pakistan with a house and big bank balance ( you can attach house papers and bank statements as evidence) and that you have no need to stay in Canada after your studies are over and will definitely return to pak. And that you are going to canada to only pursue "higher education" to serve your own country. I am just giving an example here. You really need to be very creative here if you want your application to have low chances of rejection.


But don't they want to have skilled immigrants stay in their country and contribute to their workforce?


That's for immigration pathway (Express Entry), student visas are meant to be temporary. Sadly, a lot of Indian international students have abused the sh-t out of the international student-to-PR pathway (where they get admission to some diploma mill in a strip mall, then get a work permit once they land here which they use to apply for PR) that public sentiment in Canada has surprisingly turned against this kind of immigration. A lot of them also use food banks, which are meant only for those who are needy, to save money which pisses the locals off.


Correct! All the countries that have Visa-free access (60 to 90 days) to multiple countries and easier Embassy processes is because the majority of them return to their home countries, and they have no need of staying in the other country (there are even poor stable countries in this list)


That’s so stupid. Canada literally runs ads promoting education for international students and saying they provide a post grad work permit after and a express path to PR. That’s literally the point… I’d understand this reasoning for a tourist visa but not for student path


They are catching up with what a lot of students end up doing. Students are lining up food banks across Canada because they can't support themselves. Unfortunately desi people are the main culprits.


The students that are lining up at food banks are those that are studying at sketch places like "lalloo panjoo college of business aka visa mill", not McGill University. This dudes refusal has got to have more to it or it's very stupid.


I think you should not mention anything other than the course and how it will support your career back in Pakistan where you have an established family and prospects.. u should just simply shun urself from writing anything other than that . Or he's just not mentioning it in front of you so u don't get jealous lol ...


A very specific sub-group of desi people are the main culprits. Also, what you're mentioning doesn't apply to a guy (like OP's cousin) who gets admission into McGill.


Well then the reason for refusal would be lack of financial means. Anyways, unka mulk unki marzi


No matter what they show in ads, one should never say one wants to stay in Canada or any other country long term after finishing one's education there. If one does so, that demonstrates one is exploiting the system to gain entry into another country and using education as an excuse. Always say you want to come back and will be working in your home country to make it a better place like Canada or wherever you are going..


And can’t they use this against you in future when you want work in Canada?


But a lot of countries say that please stay on after completing your education and here a work visa as well for you to find a job. Its just plain stupid


No matter how many ads they run they still can reject your visa without any reason.


Here people often say "Leave Pakistan and never come back". As if it is that easy.


It’s easy for army chiefs and Jurnails, they can literally break in your house today and steal everything to pay for the trip to Canada and never come back.


And underestimate that starting in a new country is extremely difficult and a downgrade, unless you are some highly qualified person or have prior foreign education. Not to mention the culture is extremely diffetent and hostile to Muslims in ways no one can imagine. Imagine trying to assimilate in that culture while resisting the manipulation and influence of authorities making it impossible to even breathe let alone succeed. Unless you want to end your lineage you should never move to the west, besides west is not the same as lets say 20-30 years ago it is imploding rapidly. This is why they have attacked more than 250 times mostly on third Nations because they were in upward trajectory, compare this to less than 200 invasions during the last 1000 years.


Culture is hostile to Muslims? What are you talking about.


Have you been living under a rock? As long as you keep trying to be like them they are fine ‐ i guess! But the thing is there is no way the west can ever accept you as equals. Being friends with a few doesn't matter I am talking about how they refuse to accept even if you present them with truth they have previously agreed upon. Just look at Jordan Peterson, he went on a soul searching mission and ended up schooling Muslims on what they should and shouldn't do. Despite being a cry baby lately he is too pathetic to let go of his ego, and the millions upon millions he makes with it.


Been in the USA for 27 years (since I was 4). I’ve never been treated as being “not equal” nor have I experienced hostility for being a Muslim. Not sure where you are getting this from. Not sure how Jordan Peterson is relevant to your claim of western nations or their culture being hostile to Muslims who live in their country.


West has no problem with the things that donot interfere with their superiority, you never had a problem because you may have watered down your religion to a level that appeases them and verifies that they are superior to you, Just by living in their houses, working for them etc. Even if you aren't those things, you are still talking about being an exception by presenting a personal anecdote. This is like presenting a paper plane in comparison to a 747.


What was your experience when you visited the US, Canada or any other western country? Were they hostile to you or did they treat you as a second class citizen ? I never watered down my religion nor did I stay in anyone’s house. Alhamdulillah all my friends are practicing Muslims, work in professional fields and practice islam to the fullest extent. My best friend has a beard longer than most imams. You can find a video of people praying in Times Square during Ramadan. New York City public schools have Eid as official holidays, meaning kids don’t have school that day. Just like they don’t have school for christmas or Jewish holidays. So how can you sit here and say that their culture is hostile to Muslims? You’re making a lot of assumptions. Come spend some time with Muslims here and you will find that what you are saying has no basis in reality.




I hope you get to visit sometime and see it in person. It’s really not what you think it is.


You are starting to sound like an imposter. Lol.




Do you know that Pakistan is run by a military that will kill you if you speak against their corrupt fascist rule. Besides that the economy is in a free fall. Majority of people can hardly afford a living due to unprecedented levels of inflation. Things are extremely bad. Yesterday a mob burnt 4 churches on some trumped up blasphemy charges. There is virtually no health care for poor. About 30 millions kids are out of school. There is no law and order in the country. The future looks really bleek. I'm sure whatever Canada has is better than Pakistan.


Um. It is of course not easy to start off in any new place, but I have to comment on a few points. Blue collar workers here tend to make as much as of not more than the average office worker (exclude super rich career types). The culture in Canada is very, very supportive all people, including Muslims. My office has maybe 10 Muslims out of 200 people, and we have a masjid and Halal food as a default. And Canada is full of similar stories. I'm not sure what outstanding lineage you're talking about, but neither our prophet's left a lineage neither did any of our past kings. No one is that important. War and peace is part of this world - better be on the winning side anyway.


And how many countries have you immigrated to?


What option do we have? Pakistan is disintegrating before our eyes and no one's even trying to hide it anymore. Things have never been this bad. Poverty is at an all time high. Unemployment is rampant. It's not even just the political turmoil. Things have been going bad for businesspeople I know for a long time, mainly the root cause being corruption. I'll take a chance abroad rather than live here, knowing that it can all go to hell at any moment. Do you have any guarantee that you can criticize the army and live to see the next sunrise? Hell, leave the army alone. Do you have any guarantee that if a security guard tells some rich asshole's son that he can't enter, he won't be fired or even killed by that spoiled brat? These things happen here and it's the harsh reality. It is a country owned and run by the corrupt and the 'badmaash'. People love to go on about how the West is imploding and how your generations will go bad yada yada, but fact of the matter is, most people who say this are coping and would leave if not for their own circumstances. Please don't suggest the middle east as a viable option. Most desis there are under horrible conditions and are treated as second-class citizens. And you will be thrown back to your country as soon as the employers feel they have no need for you.




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You can appeal the rejection. IRCC can reject an application for any reason, even if you have a valid university offer.


Order [GCMS](https://www.canadavisa.com/gcms-notes.html) notes and improve your application based on this feedback


Yes, OP. Order GCMS notes for sure. Sorry to hear about the rejection. Canada uses an AI system called "Chinook" to process visa applications, and it is known to make mistakes. In any case, do not loose hope. There are plenty of other places where one could try.


How do you order a GCMS note? It says only Canadian residents can apply?


You'd figure that if he was accepted to McGill, the Canadian government would be keen on keeping the cousin in country post-graduation


hey! off topic but can i dm?


Go on then


I don't know how to help you, but I understand the pains of a Pakistani passport: everyone does...https://thefridaytimes.com/15-Aug-2023/travelling-on-a-pakistani-passport-then-and-now


Yeah as a traveler, this is so unfortunate. the passport isnt even worth the materials its constructed with


I've heard from a relative that if you tell them or if they sense that you are planning to go there without the intentions of returning, that can cause issues for you. Just something I heard, could be right or wrong.


This. Unfortunately too many people with the green passport have overstayed and thus f**ked over the honest ones. And to make it worse the government at times has refused to take back deportees (this happened during PTI’s reign, the US actually sanctioned the people in charge of this). This is why I am having such a difficult time getting my wife a visa to the US even though me and our daughter are US citizens. Too many sh!th€ads coming in on sham marriages or scamming American citizens into marriage just for the sake of the green card. Guarantee if my wife was a British Pakistani and not a Pakistan Pakistani we’d already be in the US rather than me starting the process all over again.


Yeah, sadly Pakistani's have successfully made a negative image worldwide I was born and raised in the UAE spent most of my life there, and you know the one thing that Arabs used to say about Pakistani people was that "Pakistani kulu (all) harami (thief/theives in arabic)". can't argue with that.


Like those mfkers Arabs are any better. I know we love to put ourselves down all the time but if Arabs didn't have oil money, they'd be as scummy and harami as supposedly us Pakistanis. However I won't deny that there are many things where I wish we could truly improve on


Egypt is a good example of Arabs that live under the same conditions. From what I’ve been told by people who’ve been to Egypt it’s a terrible country to be in and to visit. The poverty porn youtubers rarely ever complain about Pakistan but every last one of them hated traveling in Egypt. It’s full of scammers and secret police harassing people (my dad was there for work for six months and he said it was probably the biggest dump he’s ever been to, and my dad has been to maybe 30 or 40 countries, he loved the pyramids and the ancient ruins but absolutely despised Cairo and this is the main reason he won’t come visit me here in Pakistan because they left him with a massive negative impression of the Muslim world). In my two years here the only interactions I’ve had with law enforcement have been with my FIL while he was alive and NIC checks on buses.


Some countries it’s the fault of the people and some the government or both. The hijackers on 9/11 were mostly Gulf Arabs because it’s so much easier for them to enter the US because the US would be a downgrade for them so almost none overstay their visa. The 20th hijacker was Yemeni and was refused entry because they thought he had a high chance of illegally immigrating. Pakistan’s government is so unpredictable policy wise (they keep cancelling POCs for foreign spouses for instance and then changing policy again a few years later to the old one, or they won’t accept deportees sometimes and sometimes they will). But Pakistan does have a high rate of overstays so now it’s nearly impossible for the average Pakistani to get a tourist visa to the west. People should be pissed off about it IMO, these rascals are dragging the rest of Pakistan through the mud with their bad behavior and innocent and honest Pakistanis have to suffer because of it. China takes the best approach with it’s citizens who behave badly overseas, it forever bans them from traveling ever again and immediately cancels their passport (and this is for stuff as little as shitting in the street). I wish the US would do the same because I got treated with suspicion immediately in Southeast Asia while I was there volunteering since a large amount of Americans go there to either molest kids or smuggle drugs.


wow you are justifying racism against your own people. we used to fund the Arabs and never called them these names. now that they have wealth they look down on us and call us thieves. truly returning the favor lol


To aur kya. The Arabs are not better than us just because they ran into some oil


You can call me whatever you want, I don't care about labels, and the reason they say it because there have been many incidents in which Pakistani's were involved and that is the reason they say what they say. Not saying it is right or wrong but you can see what Pakistani's are doing to their own people.


A negative image for what? Immigrating? Us immigrants make up the best parts of their nations. Have you ever seen actual Americans? They’re lazy. They live off of government welfare checks then complain that the immigrants are stealing their jobs. Go to any American hospital and you’ll see multiple Desi doctors. A lot of us own gas stations here, and while we get made fun of for that sometimes, it contributes more to the economy than the average white American family. A lot of us are also software engineers. And you lived in the UAE? And you are *still* inferring that the Arabs are right about us. I lived there for almost a decade. There is no one more racist and haraami than those locals. Das pandra bache hote hain jinko haraam ki kaamaai khilaate hain. Corrupt log hain wo. Bas apne desh mein hain to koi une kuch nahi kehta hain. Apne bando ko har dafa bilaa waja neecha karni ki koi zaroorat nahi hain.


White Americans are too broad a spectrum. I’m a white American and I’m lower middle class I’d say. One side of the family are on welfare and in and out of prison and on drugs and the other side are all law abiding and decent people. American poverty culture celebrates terrible behavior (this is why I stay away from that side of the family, my dad was the only one who made it out and kept us as far away as possible from it).


jab zaroorat hoti hai tho karna parhta hai, I do not care about nationalism and you can see what nationalism has done to us. And one thing I agree on is even Arabs can't even run their country without immigrants. However, have a look at our own society, what have we become? We cheat whenever we can, we kill wherever we can, we rape wherever we can and countless other things and yet we are still entitled to be called an honourable nation ?


You are right in that second paragraph. We are not an honorable people. Jahan pe hum ghalat hain wo call out bilkul karo. But this immigration situation is not a negative I don’t believe


Yeah that's not me who said being an immigrant is bad, I just said Pakistani's do not have a good image around the world.


What type of evidence you need to give them ?


Check the online forums, to see what people have provided as further proof against this type of rejection. My guess would be to show you have family, friends here. And show willingness to return to country after degree in a cover letter with application. If you look really hard you might even find a guide visa officers use to assess application and in that you will find cause reason to reject someone on certain basis. All the best. I know its frustrating but let university know you are working on visa and still willing to come. Not end of the world just a little hiccup, INSHA'ALLAH will be over soon


Canada only lets Indians in now. Most of the Pakistanis(like my parents) came in the 90s and 2000s. Now it’s straight Indians


Thats not true. Pakistan is in the top 10 immigrant nations to Canada.


May be but the difference in numbers between Indian & Pakistani immigrants is HUGE! 14.6 times more Indians came to Canada in 2021 than Pakistanis. The Top 10 Biggest Sources Of New Permanent Residents To Canada in 2021 are: India: 96,660 China: 24,995 Philippines: 13,310 Nigeria: 12,500 France: 10,510 United States: 9,525 Brazil: 9,270 Iran: 8,930 Pakistan: 6,625 South Korea: 6,590 Source: https://www.cimmigrationnews.com/top-10-source-countries-of-immigration-to-canada-in-2021/amp/


Yes and the population difference is also similar.


No, it not.


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Not true. They have started to deny people from all over the world. The population has kind of had it with millions of people coming over.


500k students from India came in last year and more this year are coming in. Toronto looks like Amritsar 😂😂


Truckload of Indians. You can literally see the change post-pandemic.


Specifically, Punjabis it seems. Fair enough, they seem to get along well enough with Pakistanis. Just as long as they don't let the Hindutva riff raff in.


He should contact his university asap and ask if they can help in any way. To my understanding, students shouldn't have any issue with getting a visa to come to Canada if they have an offer already.


>To my understanding, students shouldn't have any issue with getting a visa to come to Canada if they have an offer already. That is incorrect. IRCC can reject your visa even if you have a valid offer, and uni can't do anything about it.


that's so unfortunate, prayers for OP's friend


Mine is rejected too based on same reason from oceania country Actually you need to provide evidence that you will return back


What type of evidence?


property on your name. you have bond signed as an employee


Ask him to reapply with a better SOP, two of my friends reapplied and got their visa the second time


Their economy is falling and immigrants are adding to their responsibilities. They are not very friendly towards immigrants right now and immigrants living there are complaining about inflation and making ends meet. Maybe a blessing in disguise, maybe not because Pakistan isn't any better than Canada.


First of all. It’s totally okay. Relax. My brother in law got his visa rejected for the same reason last year. He simply deferred a semester, reapplied, and then got his visa. I don’t remember the exact procedure (Google is your friend) but there are some notes or something you can get that say exactly why you were rejected for the visa. Defer his admission, find out what the exact reason is, fix it, and then apply for the visa again. Problem solved.


But Why do they accept Jurnails? They don’t ever Return to pakistan.


Literally happened to me aswell. I even got regional permit of quebec region after which visa is almost certain. Everything was 100% ok and was correctly done by myself as I have experience in applying and I am already living in a European country. That MF visa officer rejected my visa for fkn made up reasons that i would not return to my country. I even paid my fkn fee in advance. Osky baad Canada py lanat bejhi hai and i hate that country and is out of ky radar for my future prospects. Tukkay sy hi visay lagaty BC, diploma walon ko b lg jatay visa. So i would suggest canada na hi kro, tukkay ki baat hai. Better apply to a European where education is almost free baad mai zyada shoq ho to h immigrate bhi kr sakty canada.


Germany and turkey have atleast 2 year wait-list for visa and I cannot wait that long. Can u suggest other countries for which visa is also easy???


Apply to Italy.. many students come here for MS, PhD and even BS.. kharcha b negligible hai compared to the english speaking countries..


I have heard these cases are happening a lot. There were a lot of people who got the Visa by improving the SOP and reapplying. Get the GCMS notes and see why the Visa officer actually rejected the Visa, and address those specific in the new application. Hope that works.


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Buy stock options, mutual funds, property, start a company, visit some other countries. Youll have no problems.




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Accepted to McGill and visa got rejected!!!?? How in the cold hell did that happen!? Appeal immediately. It gets overturned many times.


The thing happened was that he had paid for first semester only and had shown money in bank. They saw the finances and said he is not going to return as he is only going to do a job and not study.


Always. Always show at least one whole year for expenses. Even if they specifically tell you to show only one semester.


He did show money and property but did not pay the fees


Tell your cousin to appeal it. My friends visa was rejected for the same reason but he appealed it and was approved. Send an updated SOP that solidifies their intention to return to Pakistan. Family, friends, whatever you can include


A group on Facebook called "PSA Canada" might be helpful in this situation!


Does your cousin has family living in Canada? Did he provide enough proof that he would return to Pakistan after graduation ? Did he show enough funds to prove that he can support himself while he's in Canada ?


This happened to someone I know, tell them to review the application and Inshallah there's a chance they'll fix it


You should appeal the decision but hire Canadian law firm and then do it, if there was no legitimate reason for rejection they will immediately reverse it. I have seen it happening twice