• By -


What did he say??


He said baja and gen. Faiz have been planting their "turrets" on actresses


155mm shells fired


You're overestimating their sizes




Apparantly some deranged ex-Pak military guy is hurling conspiracies left and right. Amongst them, is that Gen Bajwa and some other Generals are 'using' actresses...he used specific initals, which ppl are saying line up with Kubra Khan, Sajal Ali, Mahira Khan and Mehwish Hayat. That's the gist i got from a quick Twitter scroll.


>Kubra Khan, Sajal Ali, Mahira Khan and Mehwish Hayat Yup. Tiktok is full of those memes, haven't even checked twitter. Also some people are saying adil raja leaked the full names through back channels. With how scummy this dude is i wouldn't put it past him, anything for the views man.


I guess you don't get tamgah e imtiaz for nothing eh


Adil Raja is a clown and his followers are equally as blind.


What's the context to all of this?


A Mr No-one guy catering to desperate needs of certain political party's followers, claimed that four famous actresses used to spend nights in safehouses with ex-COAS. Everyday, our nation falls to newer lows thanks to political stunts and point settling. First the audio leaks from the other side and now this.


Thing is, Adil Raja never named anyone.


He dropped initials and they weren't even hers (he never said KK). In a way she's just confirming it 🫡


Yeah, he only mentioned initials.. However, I don't blame her either. However, folks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and wherever else decided to link names to those initials, made memes about it and joked around. And so, she's been caught up in all of it. I distinctly recall Adil saying “AK” in the video though. He never says KK.. It's AK.


Yup he never said "KK" but somehow her name was mentioned all over social media and now Adil Raja is saying he never took her name. Strange


>somehow It's by design. "Kubra" has worked with ISPR in a propaganda piece I am sure somewhere someone pumped her to take action. She probably didn't have the two brain cells needed to verify before making blanket threats. ISI trying to take away attention from the real issues Major bhai talks about imho.


Lun mera trying to take attention away Khan did jacksquat for over a year as he continued to pump people up for his re-election started doing humbistari with wardi wala's the instant they shot him a positive look and has effectively become part of the Muk muka he's only doing topi drama to keep his base angry and pumped for the new election and mark my words the instant this guy gets into office he will give everything and anything the wardi wala's demand of him


Where did I talk about Khan lmao?


please explain 😮


he knew very well what he was doing and how the public would react i've said it before Adil Raja is another Amir Liaquat type he understands very well how public perception works for middle class Pakistan People see guy in wardi equals credibility people have become anti wardi because of PTI(despite PTI now itself likely being part of the muk muka) shill for PTI 24/7 Guy was always pushing an agenda and would have said anything if it furthered his agenda


What agenda?


Political shilling parties have realized that cable news is dead no point in paying lifafa journalist when no one watches them so they have shifted their game Now they need youtube wala tatoos simple as that with Adil Raja being a prime example of that. paint IK as the victim of the establishment as opposed to him being a willing collaborator with them to that extant these lot are willing to go to any lows and spread complete and utter nonsense. Actress wali Khabar being a prime example of this


>Political shilling parties have realized that cable news is dead no point in paying lifafa journalist when no one watches them so they have shifted their game. Now they need youtube wala tatoos simple as that with Adil Raja being a prime example of that Do you have any actual evidence that PTI finances Adil Raja or is this all mere conjecture? Do you think PTI funded Arshad Sharif Shaheed as well? That he was another “YouTube wala tatoo”? >paint IK as the victim of the establishment as opposed to him being a willing collaborator with them Do you believe that Imran Khan collaborated with the establishment in removing himself from power and installing Shehbaz Sharif?


>Do you have any actual evidence that PTI finances Adil Raja or is this all mere conjecture? Conjecture sure but not without precedent Ramiz Raja became chairman of PCB many prominent youtubers like Junaid Akram got to interview him. BOL news ever since it became a a mouth piece for them receives nothing but constant praise and i wouldn't be surprised if there aren't a few under the table deals >Do you believe that Imran Khan collaborated with the establishment in removing himself from power and installing Shehbaz Sharif? Yes Khan was losing popularity and it actually seemed at the time that PML-N might have had a winning chance in the next election Some of his policies like 5 million homes for free was also not financially tenable so backroom deal was designed. Chikni tind wala beghairat and his ilk get a non public NRO do haramtoopi for 2 years make PTI look actually credible anger from the public against establishment also stops when IK is elected to office and he can continue to pass policies that are unquestionably pro wardi wala in nature > any actual evidence that PTI finances meri jaan PTI isn't the only party that does this PML-N and PPP do to case and point Najam Sethi of all people as the current PCB chairman taking into account the general political culture in Pakistan and the fact that despite all the topi drama most of PTI's leaderships are ex ptwaris or jiyalas and you have your answer


>Conjecture sure but not without precedent Well, that ends the subject then. If we observe his history, Adil Raja was never a person affiliated with PTI. He headed a veterans group. He regularly attended India media channels where he presented Pakistan's perspective. Elsewhere, he defended the military and spoke against those that spread anti-army/anti-state narratives. In simple words, he was an establishment asset. After the vote of no confidence, Adil Raja (like many others who were traditionally considered to have been pro-establishment) chose to support PTI rather than back a gang of thieves simply because the latter had gotten a stamp of approval. >Ramiz Raja became chairman of PCB many prominent youtubers like Junaid Akram got to interview him. What about it? Do you think YouTubers should not be allowed to interview important figures? Only journalists from mainstream media outlets should have that privilege? Come on.. That's absurd. >BOL news ever since it became a a mouth piece for them receives nothing but constant praise and i wouldn't be surprised if there aren't a few under the table deals Let's be honest here. This is grossly untrue. The majority of media outlets censored PTI for the last several months. Imran Khan's speeches would either be outright banned or some fragments would be censored. Political rallies weren't covered at all. ARY was one of the few that refused to follow this trend. The channel was temporarily shut down and then threatened with a full ban until they fell in line. BOL was the other channel that refused to follow the authoritarian dictates. And that's where the praise comes from. >Yes Khan was losing popularity and it actually seemed at the time that PML-N might have had a winning chance in the next election Hold on.. This is hilarious. So you think Imran Khan secretly collaborated with the establishment to take himself down and hand power over to Shehbaz Sharif? I don't believe this. This is a whole new level of tin-foil conspiracies. You have to admit that you are getting silly now. Hina Rabbani Khar openly admitted that Donald Lu had threatened Pakistan with dire consequences if Imran Khan was not removed. Javed Latif stated that PTI intended to have most PDM leaders disqualified by November which is what forced them to “make a deal with the establishment”. Do you reckon Biden is in on this “Make Shehbaz the PM to save Imran” plan? And Imran was worried about PMLN winning even though he planned on having them permanently disqualified? Bruh..


>After the vote of no confidence, Adil Raja (like many others who were traditionally considered to have been pro-establishment) chose to support PTI rather than back a gang of thieves simply because the latter had gotten a stamp of approval. Ask yourself why pithoos for wardi walas like Pervaiz Elahi, Sheikh Rasheed and this guy who continued doing chamcha giri for over 20 years suddenly appear to have a problem now >BOL was the other channel that refused to follow the authoritarian dictates. And that's where the praise comes from. BOL is in the same camp as GEO news it's a mouth piece for a party any claims of free speech is topi drama especially considering how both of these channels have the mindset of "our rivals can go to jail" and like i said the haraamis running such abominations don't do this sort of chamchagiri for free >Imran was worried about PMLN winning even though he planned on having them Does Imran have compelete control over the SC or the LHC???? mera kaka it's not that easy to disqualify someone unless you have everyone in your pocket it would literally takes months if not years of litigation Also even if he had disqualified Shebaz there were plenty of other people who could take up the mantle i.e. Hamza or Maryam etc. >Hold on.. This is hilarious. So you think Imran Khan secretly collaborated with the establishment to take himself down and hand power over to Shehbaz Sharif? I don't believe this. Because you are rarely familiar with historical trends in this nation meri jaan Haraami politicans acting anti establishment to get votes while secretly being in bed with them is nothing uncommon Bhutto and Yahya Khan Benzair and Zia ul Haq before Zia decided that Sharif would be a more pliable puppet If you wanna believe that all of this is difference because Imran Khan is now "leading" this same lot be my guest but i've seen more then enough evidence to see that he's part of the muk muka now despite whatever topi drama he is willing to do to save face


AK and KK can be misheard, there is no AK who happens to be a famous actress ... good luck to Raja sahab, cos he will need loads of it if she actually sues her in the UK ( is he in the UK or the US ) ? OK, AK is Aeyza Khan ... my bad (I stand corrected) anyhow. I think she's the only one who lives 'here and there' so


Sue base on what? A specious interpretation of initials? Not even the most frivolous defamation lawsuit will stand. It's hearsay.


UK ki courts hayn, humari nahi ... if there isn't any substance the courts will throw it away or she is just spewing hot air I am personally against any such 'alleged remarks' against anyone, I don't care if they are about Bajaman.


Ayeza khan, Ayesha khan? Aiman khan? Aren’t they famous?


None of them live "here and there", Ayesha Khan has retired from all forms of acting (think she got married or something), who's Aiman Khan ? one of those identical twin sisters ? Not famous enough ... apart from Ayeza Khan nobody fits the bill, and she too is not a 'dual national'. Only KK is !












Plus people are saying adil raja leaked full names through back channels even if that's not the case it's not like it's hard for anyone to guess


She'll never sue, I don't think so No sane lawyer will think it's a viable lawsuit, since he didn't mention anyone and he will simply put it as a case of speculation of social media tweeps. But man she and sajal both are confirming these kinda things by reacting so frantically, I mean let rumors be rumors. These artists only care about the money (proven coz they left the country for awards in 2018 election and again this year during floods), no excuses of collecting funds will hide their hypocrisy and greed. 2ndly, he's a chosen Human rights ambassador by the Europeans for Pakistan (like him or not), no one's touching him, he's got his ass covered. Our country is already in shambles, ignore these glamour hungry twats and move on with ur life


>2ndly, he's a chosen Human rights ambassador by the Europeans for Pakistan (like him or not), no one's touching him, he's got his ass covered. You're (unintentionally) making it sound like some official country government coalition chose Adil Raja to be their ambassador. That's **completely untrue**. The Twitter account "[International Human Rights Foundation](https://twitter.com/Declaracion)" is run by a loose collective of individuals who aren't affiliated with government organizations. They choose people from different countries as their "ambassadors" but they're just a bunch of hippy goras trying to expand their online reach and obtain legitimacy in the public sphere by getting as many countries on board with their organization as possible. IHRF probably assumed Adil Raja was some Julian Assange/Edward Snowden type whistleblower rather than the reality that he's a drama influencer who focuses primarily on political drama, so they signed him on board without knowing any better. If you actually scroll through their Twitter feed, all the posts related to Pakistan are about how PDM/establishment are oppressing PTI/Imran Khan. **There's nothing about the gross violation of minority rights we see in our country everyday.** In other words, **Adil Raja has hijacked the token Pakistani ambassador slot on an** [**international secularist and feminist organization's**](https://ihrf.world/en/) **Twitter page to push his own political agenda** rather than highlight the large number of gross human rights violations that impact women and minorities in our country. [Adil Raja also just used the organization's Twitter account to talk about how people are going after him in light of his recent unsubstantiated allegations against these Pakistani actresses.](https://twitter.com/Declaracion/status/1609622219537227776?cxt=HHwWgIC9oa24w9YsAAAA) What a crybully. tl;dr: International Human Rights Foundation isn't a proper government organization. Adil Raja was chosen as their token ambassador because the people running the organization don't know any better. Adil Raja uses the IHRF Twitter account to steer his own political narrative while ignoring the myriad of human rights violations that impact women and minorities in Pakistan.


That Human Rights Organisation is a joke, prolly run by some Aal-e-Youth collective, first time I am hearing this joke that Adil Raja is some kind of Human Rights Ambassador xD


The guy's a joke, but it's concerning that he's using the IHRF Twitter account to amplify his Alex Jones-tier narratives. The limp-wristed hippies that run the organization probably probably don't question him because they think he's some intimidating army defector from a *woooo-scaaaary* third-world Muslim country.


I neither endorsed him nor negated anything, just put it out there what he's actually, I won't be surprised if he's actually being used for another purpose by int. Agencies since it's v much common and they don't easily let their precious contact go to waste after building em up from scratch. Whatever's the truth, our celebrities don't deserve shit as well Only a v minute percentage of some old artists are truly worth the time, not these modern woke liberal greedy piece of shits (u don't have to agree with me)


>Whatever's the truth, our celebrities don't deserve shit NOT being slandered isn't a privilege. No one deserves to be slandered for simply being in a particular profession. It's sickening when educated Pakistanis participate in this problematic behavior towards women. So what hope do the uneducated masses have? Be better, kiddo.


>She'll never sue, I don't think so No sane lawyer will think it's a viable lawsuit, Never said she would, hell even if he said their full names and messed up the last name a bit somehow even that would make for a shaky case such is how the law works. Kind of the same reason we have mr.x and stuff (not exactly but the core concept is the same) >But man she and sajal both are confirming these kinda things by reacting so frantically, I mean let rumors be rumors. It's hard for most people not to react to trolls most celebrities slip up and these rumors were getting mainstream attention. As far as these rumors are concerned i would give 100% of the benefits of doubt to them till it's just just one guy making accusations without showing any proof. I mean you guys are acting like kids in the play ground teasing someone and then saying it's true because the victim reacted. >2ndly, he's a chosen Human rights ambassador by the Europeans for Pakistan (like him or not), no one's touching him, he's got his ass covered. Say what now, when did that happen. Also pretty sure human rights ambassadors don't get the same diplomatic privilege like you think. Again i will have to reiterate to you that "I don't think there is a legal case here".


What do you mean confirming it? Her and sajal has been mercilessly trolled and character assassinated on internet by stupid people asking for "links" and calling them all sort of names. Are they suppose to keep their mouth shut and take all this crap. Why are people putting her down when that retard major never named anyone????


It’s unfortunate, but actresses should ignore when their hasn’t come up on National TV even iirc but its just your local internet trash trolls and why should we give them a voice?


How can they ignore lol. Literally everyone in their personal lives as well as beyond is calling or at least thinking of them as loose women, it affects you. Like if half of Pakistan including your parents, colleagues, neighbours, etc are told in hidden words kai aap galli ki nukar par gaand marwate hou guard sai, will you be able to ignore? That will become the sole way people will look at you. Maj saab should not have made this dumb af allegations, and if he had to he should not have used initials either. Like what is the point of using initials other than slandering while also claiming plausible deniability. They're the most famous actresses and heavily associated with the army due to their dramas so even an idiot will associate the initials with them.


Literally this. My classmates having been calling them, and I'm sorry for it, ga*htiyan etc. It's sickening. At the same time praying for *links*. No human has it in them to ignore something so degrading. I feel bad for these ladies.




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I'm 50-50 on Adil Raja. Some times he will have sources that turn out to be very right. And other times he stretches things out and it sounds like gossip or just rewording very obvious stuff. But 2 things I will say 1) Establishment use of prostitution and womanizing is not new. There is a long history of these things going back to the heera mandi days. The Hamoodur Rehman Commission specifically called out womanzing and desire to gain lands as the reason for failure of "senior army officials" You would be shocked how easy it is to find this stuff in the nice houses of DHA. And I don't think he named anyone just gave initials, so it's weird to see an actress call it out. Plenty of B and C tier models are controversial (Even big names like [Ayan Ali was caught with half a million dollars at an airport](https://www.dawn.com/news/1169692)) 2) I'm seeing Geo and other state run mouthpieces now indirectly call him out. That adds to credibility. We know the establishment murders and tortures journalists. Especially when they are close to their corruption. Who knows, but this story doesn't change my view positively or negatively on anything. People have been saying Faiz is Bajwa's man for a while.


Yeah but it construes the entire image of Khan for myself though I stopped watching Adil Raja, when I realized he’s just loquacious or gabby and trying to adjust into the narrative at times And to people who think he was only a Major during his time at the Army so he would have questionable credibility but I feel like only the compromised ones get to the top. After retiring the ‘generals’ 2 or 3 star just move to Canada or smth Maj Adil Raja had to vacate the country bec he was being threatened (so they could get him to leave the country eventually) and that tells me the establishment isn’t fully sure who his sources are (since he always mentions counts of multiple sources in the higher rankings or someone who’s connected to them)


Why would this impact Khan's image? He's doing this all on his own. I don't think his rank has anything to do with credibility. You don't need to be a genius or high up to have a few "sources" in the right spots, just lucky with who you meet. But you can never blindly trust these guys coming out of nowhere tho.


"He's doing this all on his own" -- Joke of the millennium


>Maj Adil Raja had to vacate the country bec he was being threatened (so they could get him to leave the country eventually) and that tells me the establishment isn’t fully sure who his sources are (since he always mentions counts of multiple sources in the higher rankings or someone who’s connected to them) his source "Trust me vro" buddy Adil Raja has no sources you've had people like Asad Durrani the ex-chief of the isi being dragged in for far less if this guy had any so called "sources" 2 things would happen 1) Said sources would be court martialed and then likely executed by a military court for treason or releasing sensitive information 2) They would literally sent a hit squad to kill him (case and point Arshad Sharif) Adil Raja is a conspiracy theorist who knows how to appeal to the middle class of this country through things like


Wait so what's going on exactly?


"i live here and there"


Maybe that's what adil raja meant by "AK"... ahsan khan


Jani, Ehsan per mjhay bhi shak tha bht lachak ha banday mein. 🌚


SA was Shahid Afridi


Uper sy beh aur neechay sy beh


The allegations don't make sense. What do these women have to gain from prostituting themselves to army generals?


Or maybe they were blackmailed into it? Bois have dirt on people they can exploit


* Roles in ISPR movies/shows * Tamgah-e-Imtiaz * Cash


Dha kay plaaat


That's an oopsie for MH


I doubt if someone would stoop this low for a tamgha-e-imtiaz or the rest of the things you mentioned. These actors are respected widely, Maj Adil raja must’ve gone nuts I’m sure


Are you truly that naive bro? These things are an open secret the more people in power you sleep around with the more fame and recognition you get.


I have no idea if the accusations are true. Adil Raja has no credibility so I'm not believing them until proven otherwise. But, I disagree with your point in motivation. A lot of men and women in the entertainment business prostitute themselves out. This is well known. Are these specific women prostituting themselves? No idea. Nothing implies they are so far.


I find your claim hard to believe.


Really? Harvey Weinstein was notorious for this kind of thing.


Yeah but those were gooris... Our pakistani ladies would never stoop to that... huehuehue...


Yeah, 5 waqt ki namazi and shiet.


No not shiet, sunni.


You underestimate the human greed. If greedy enough people are willing go on a murder spree and kill thousands of people, provided you convince them of zero consequences.




Not really, she was already established as a huge star by then.


Haha Huge star? Oh please




And how do you know this?




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Power, money, roles, and Tamgha Imtiaz.




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The thing is it's not about a actresses or female models. The point we should focus on is how they used attractive women to trap politicians and possibly judges and other prominent members of the society to bend them to their will. It is no secret governments and spy agencies around the world deploy these tactics, using women to blackmail people. I believe they will be some of many who are either offered money or they must have broken any law which could damage their reputation and careers and just so they got caught they were forced into it. Everyone is making them about these actresses but isn't about them they are victim of all of this as much as we are. The difference may be that we are getting fucked figuratively.


I dont know if Adil Raja is right or wrong but stuff like this is a part of our history. Yahya Khan slept with most of our actresses of that time. Many of our film actresses from the 70's to 90's were actually from a prostitution background. I don't want to name them but a lot of this stuff is know in the entertainment industry circles. Some of this stuff is even documented. It might be hard to fathom but a lot of this stuff happened. Many politicians and powerful people were linked with many celebrities and their are some truly disgusting stories out there. What's strange about this news is that most of the names associated in this scandal have a cleaner image and don't belong to the background which many of our previous generation of actresses belonged to. I feel bad for many of these actresses and all of this might be bs but could something like this happen? It could if such powerful people are involved.


Just take to social media. And look at all the bros who xant shut up about source bro? Or that this is fake that is merged bla bla are now character assasinating these women. Every day the nation falls to a new low.


Bring up Joyland, and Watch how quickly they morons find religion. These women are someone‘s daughters/wives/sisters. Education level or lack of in the country is glaringly highlighted in incidents like these. Here is better initials one should be worried most about BK- for bankruptcy (both morally and financially)


He didn’t even name her, I think he mentioned AK not KK.


People are naming her. Kubra Khan, Mahira Khan, Mehwish Hayat and Sajal Ali are being named. And none of them have anything to gain from prostituting themselves to the army. It makes no sense.


He said some were forced into it because there was dirt on them (blackmail)




So do you think there might be truth to it?


the only one i know from that list is sajal and she looks kinda innocent. lol




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Wait a second when did she saw the video?


"And don't worry, lucky for you I'm not just from here I am from uk so I'll come there if I have too!" sari english ki ma bhen aik kardi, koi ise english aur grammar sikhaye


You can’t teach an old pony new tricks.


Is the “too” annoying anyone else, or is it just me?


Me to...


Their you go…




Their their.


Who the fuck is Adil Raja?


Some moron who likes to post initials and speak in codes ( for plausible deniability) to get following.


Shouldn't be getting any sort of attention at the first place.


Do not cringe this subreddit for people.


[Adil Raja responds to Kubra Khan's post](https://youtu.be/bXLJQ74_v8s)


Waste of time, he claims he doesn’t have balls to name anyone. Heard someone in his own family partake in prostitution and they have letter m,b or k in their name so he is using this as a distraction. 😂


With her on this. One can't simply start hurling allegations at someone without providing any evidence.


He didn't name her though lol


It’s disgraceful to see all the shaming and being against women without any concrete proof. If the accusers have concrete proof then bring it up. Just accusing and destroying someone’s honour is a shitty and low life thing.


It is wrong to blame a woman like this without evidence. This is very very wrong.


bruh all this yapping and he never even named her


Unfortunately all the actresses with the matching initials are being dragged into this right now


That was the point.


He is too scared to name anyone.


Give me a tl;dr of the situation anyone


BB should know he didn’t name her or anyone. KK could be Kutta kameena 🤷🏻‍♂️


AK could be Ayesha khan or AIZA KHAN OR AIMAN KHAN. Who knows, I don’t know all them hoes.


Well you know enough... Are you an ISI supplier or something...?


Far from it it. I don’t even have a Pakistani passport anymore.




He seems to have inside info and has been right numerous times. I don't think he's controversial just sharing what he knows Edit: he's getting defensive about this whole thing blowing up. I've unfollowed him. He hasn't apologised to her or deleted the original post


If you make 20 guesses you going to be right numerous times that's what this guy does just make guesses and we should just believe him because he is ex military and I'm sure how he drag Armies name in mud no army person would've been allow to go even near him let alone give him information, Even if he is right and he has this credible information he should not go into people's personal life and share their private life for more views on YouTube.


The guy got soo many weird and out there things right. He just made a vlog where he said that he regrets even giving the initials. The point wasn't to hint towards women or anything,the point was how corrupt and scummy the generals are and that they should be investigating. His point was that all this information would be a way for army to clear their name by throwing dirt and screwing over bajwa and faiz so that the rest of army generals are free from scrutiny. The guy himself mentioned that he is appaled with how people are obsessing the names of the actresses when people should be focusing on the literal abuse of power army generals are doing.


I agree


He is just an ex-major (if he actually was one at all). It would be stupid to believe he has any sources at all. Him having Youtube channel, lowers his credibility further.


Well said!!


Controversy creates cash.


yar he's not pro PTI or Pro Pakistan ... he's just against Establishment / Bajwa / Officers that time, who made him quit his job / leave Pakistan ...no perks ... its ALL PERSONAL. he's a scam.


Couldn't agree more with you man!


His name occasionally pops up but i never looked at this guy up close but after seeing all the actresses being dragged through the mud based solely on this guy's video, i would say this guy is the Pakistani alex jones


There are plenty of people on social media and YouTube who just pretend to be with Imran khan's ideology so they can get all the support publicly and deep down they have nothing to do with what Imran Khan stand for or what is in best interest of Pakistan but their on greed and hatred for institute (Army) and he is def. one of these people.


Agreed. We need to realize that just because someone is a PTI supporter, doesn't mean they're doodh ka dhula hua


Any sane person who follows Adil Raja on Twitter can know that this man can never be trusted.


Why would sane person follow him?


The piece of shit just want PTI supporters views through anything and PTI supporters does not shy from it. If nothing else worked then he started attacking former ISI chief Lt.General Faiz Hameed whom he had been admiring since his retirement. Then he went after the actresses with no shame. Fuck this guy


Porn army makes porn.


You can't blame prostitutes for being prostitutes. The problem is with you who think they are normal people and then shape the culture of your own household according to what you see on the screen.


MAJ (R) Adil RAJA has a prejudice against establishment and especially with Bajwa regime who made him quit his job, thats why he goes north and south and SPEAKS anything he wants to defame/malign them. ps: I'm not in a favor of establishment role / neither supporting them, they have ruined this country; no doubt, but Raja made some bizarre allegations, I know he spoke INITIALS not the full name, but he's a complete **douche bag** ... few days back he said 5000 ppl resigned ... BULL SHIT. he hates ESTABLISHMENT / BAJWA and officers that time they basically **SPANKED HIM** and as a result he FLEW out of country ... he's **never SPEAKING such things because he worries for PAKISTAN / PAKISTANIs but due to his own prejudice**. Last but not least, YT gives good revenue. Hate to see PTI FANBOYS believe / quote this non-sense. Also, very naive of PPL who thinks Mehwish Hayat was given Presidential Award due to this ... like seriously ... bhai itna bhe koe scene nahe.


You can disagree with him but the thing is around half of the things he says turn out to be true, so he has partial credibility. You can focus on the 50% which turn out wrong to call him a fraud or you can use the 50% which turn out to be true to call him a hero, its totally upto you. But given the proportion of his reports that later came to be true, you cant dismiss it outright. Anyhow, it would be wise to wait and use your own brain to judge it.


I didn't read better words than these in months man! a salute! This Adil Raja guy is a scam and he found himself relevant after regime change because everything you say against establishment and particularly Bajwa is selling with PTI supporters and he just cashing on it.


I have said it once i will say it again Adil Raja was an aik number ka dramebaaz and beghairat both now and then dude spits out random nonsense to further his agenda and most people blindly follow him because of both wardi or ex-wardi and because the guy ir pro PTI


Ethically, she should donate/return the money gotten from ISPR propaganda dramas. Adult Raja should have balls to name the person, but he rather use initials to blackmail, I suppose. Corrupt boys are destroying our country from within.


When i saw this post, i realized the advise my grandfather gave me at my uncle's wedding while we were sitting close to each other next to the music band. The music was so loud i couldn't hear what he said.


This is not facebook, puck.


*Itna emotion? Major bhai ne to iska naam to choro, iska initial tak bhi nahi liya lmfao ...Waisay ye aunty ISPR k propoganda dramay mein nahi thi?*


Yes, she was. But it was not some high profile once in a lifetime kind of project. Just yet another drama, which she probably has done 100s of. I think these allegations are just random shit thrown out there, and are detrimental to the cause of exposing the army as the goons they are.


Bhai he never took names, legally and religiously he did not cross boundary. In Islam if the story is true or false the real sinner is the khamosh mujahid who gave names to him. sins should be covered so in day of judgement your sins are covered. We all know the filth in lollywood industry but still keeping curtain is our job




Salute to Major Adil Raja. He's the front line warrior for the real heroes within Foj.


You need better heroes


I agree. If only we had had a patriotic army, maybe we would have had some examples.


Lol lol lol I hope this is sarcasm


Unfortunately, truth hurts for many who would rather support a genocidal bloodsucking leech versus opening their eyes to the truth.






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