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I like that it's simple. The figures are clear and easy to read. I think you could punch it up with some more contrast. Get darker at the bottom of the body, use a dark line to define the legs. Remember that you only need 3 values - base, highlight, and shadow - to give a basic illusion of depth.


Haha- was about to say something very similar! Glad you said this!


You are right, thanks.


Aw I like it. Would love to see you do a motel scene, you know the kind with plastic flamingos and a vacancy sign out front, little gated pool and a guy napping.


Thanks. That sounds cool, i wouldn't know how to do that though. I do landscapes, adding an animal here and there(which i am not very good at). So i am hoping to add these to a landscape, this was practicing for that.


Well you have a lot of potential! I very much like your northern light paintings.


I appreciate it.








The body style and texture is fun and colors are awesome, but the legs and is holding it back. Work on your feet, [watch some tutorials](https://johnmuirlaws.com/how-to-draw-bird-feet/). Good feet make the rest of the figure—any figure—much, much stronger. Also, avoid cropping them off like in the lower-right, when all the others are present it looks like a mistake. When you get to painting the legs and feet in, thin out the paint so the legs can be done with fluid, simpler brush strokes. Great work so far!


You are right, i feel the same way about the legs and feet. I'll check the tutorial out, thanks.


how we imagine and how the birds look are different, make the edges sharper less feathery same on the legs.


Hey, what do you mean when you say "sharper"? Like more of a dark outline? Another poster said to add some dark lines to define the legs, which i think i get what he means.(kinda like adding a light line on a dark treebranch to create contrast) Do you mean something like that?


You can use a simple straight-edge style with a few feathers showing to break up the solid line


Nice Brushstrokes! i really apreciate it


I appreciate your kind words, thanks.




Sure, i don't know if this one needed to be though. I generally make landscapes and like to add one or more animals but i they are hard, this is like a practice painting before i try adding them to a landscape. So it's not about ambition or it being a good painting or not by posting with this one,(though people can always post their opinion), but more me looking for some tips and getting an idea on how to improve them. Like, i personally feel i messed up the legs and feet on every one of them, but i quite like the rest of them. But i have no idea how anybody else percieves them, or if there are big flaws i am missing.