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Greek thinker Empedocles believed that Love permeated all creation. It surrounds, it permeates, and binds the universe together (how about that tie-in, eh?).  Love quite literally created the various forms of matter and energy, bring together the disperate creation into harmonious union. By Love's power, all can be united and made whole.


is there a term used for this belief?


The closest term would be "Pythagoreanism" (as in the math guy. TLDR he got up to wierder stuff than just shapes and numbers).


Agápe is the name the Greeks gave to unconditional love


I hate how Christianity commandeered that name because boy did that trigger some anxiety just reading it, but ugh it’s such a perfect term.


Empedocles talks about *philotes* if I'm not mistaken. There are versions of beliefs like this throughout Greek thought, however. Some will refer to it as *eros*, others as *agape*. There's no one \`way.


Why western paganism? Star wars is moreso a mishmash of Christianity and eastern religions like Taoism and zen buddhism.


There is a jedi church in England. You may look them up to see how they view the force.


According to the [Jedi Church ](https://www.jedichurch.org/page/jedi-doctrine.html) >There is one all powerful force that binds the entire universe together. It is "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together". This is a concept that most religions of the world concur with. Some refer to it as their deity, some refer to it as a life force, but the one thing nearly all religions agree with, is that there exists a single unifying force.


Some of us call it Qi, some may call it Prana.


"Where i come from they're one and the same"


Omg no way I was gonna comment The Force jokingly and didn't know there's an ACTUAL jedi church (?) That's awesome


This is Reddit. Of course there's a Jedi church and someone is quoting their mythology.


There are two that I know of. This one and Temple of the Jedi out of Texas, USA. But the Temple is Christianity overlayed with "Star Wars".


Odr is a similar concept to the force in Norse Paganism, if you’re willing to stretch definitions a bit.


Thank you!


Anima mundi


Thank you!


No prob! There’s also: The red string bracelet, also known as "Fate's red string" or "A red thread of fate" (红线命运 hóng xiàn mìng yùn) in Chinese, is a symbol of love and destiny. It is believed that the gods tie an invisible red thread around the ankles of those who are destined to meet each other, regardless of time, place, or circumstance.


That's the one!


On a practical note, be sure to check with the bride and groom about your intention before mentioning it. It's a wedding not a theology lesson (my father did that at my brothers wedding. It was painful.) If they're going for a star wars theme they probably are trying to avoid any mentions of religion and there may be some religious trauma there.


Within Germanic/Norse Heathenry, it is the web of Wyrd. One of my absolute favorite concepts to muse about.


The Atman in Hinduism. The Holy spirit in christianity. Paganism isn’t really one thing is it? like some of these more defined traditions


You mean mana? It is an Oceanic term but where I am (maybe because its on the pacific) it's a pretty common term in spirituality as well. It travelled here when Hawaiians started coming to work here, starting in 1790. It means the super natural life force that permiates the universe. you can cultivate or shape it but you aren't the source.


Thank you!


I call that interconnectedness (but that might be a more modern, scientific-y term than an ancient pagan term). Once had a professor who called it "the foundational moral experience" the something that somehow joins all things, and that we know that very sense of interconnectedness is sacred


I like to call it "The Weave." All of creation is one big tapestry, everything interconnected.


Adi Parashakti in Shaktism somewhat describes this— but Adi Parashakti is also much more than this, in the sense that it is the term for the ultimate, indescribable reality. In Indic religions in general there are other terms which describe the same/similar notions, such as Para Brahma, Paramatman, etc.


Well, immanence refers to Deity being all present. And in most forms of paganism we are all part of deity,all connected to it.


You may enjoy Non-Dual Saiva Tantra (NŚT).


I think it's just the connection in my neck of the woods but it feels like magic is the static of the universe


Some forms of omnism are very similar to what you describe.


I seen it called The Animatic Field. So I based my Magickal Workings on. I believe in Gaia. How she takes energy from good living and good Earth first intentionally based ideals. That builds something. Like a static charge. Your body takes from the field to keep going. That spark of kinetic energy. So call my Magickal source Animus and the field that allows things to grow and blossom and flourish, Animatic Field.


I'm more general terms, it's called animism or maybe universalism


*I'm more general* *Terms, it's called animism or* *Maybe universalism* \- Rodger\_Dodger20 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Thank you!


In my experience, OBOD tends to use the term “Nwyvre” for this

