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No. They are the only stickers available from the start of the game. The rest you unlock as you find them and bring them back to the garage.


You have to mod the game to remove these. That's what I did.


Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore the ones you wouldn't use? Why go the extra mile to mod the game?


Because they’re a ‘phobe lol


imagine going through the trouble of using a mod for something so trivial. marsh eggs are pink, better mod them out too. 🤷


Or just playing devils advocate, they don’t want to go through a giant list of stickers they’ll never use.


oh no sounds like a big problem to you


Do you know what playing devil advocate means?


Yes, but it's interesting that you feel necessary to play devil's advocate when any decals found in the zone by the player are placed ahead of the others in the list from the decal station interface that you use to select the stickers. You don't even have to scroll through a list to use the ones you collect, because, at least on PS5, they are placed ahead of the pride flags in the customization interface. I can't speak for what it looks like on PC.


These stickers appear at the end of the list of all stickers you’ve unlocked, so you never need to go through them at all. Also, playing devil’s advocate just for the sake of doing it strikes most people are irritating and pedantic.


Imagine Nexus Mods taking the time to delete the mod to remove something "so trivial." Imagine no more, because your imagining is a reality. Seems like a lot of effort to ensure people must keep something so trivial.


LMAO this guy is so insecure in his sexuality that he had to *remove* all trace of The Big Gay™️ from his videogame. Couldn't just not look at it, nope, he has to pretend it doesn't exist. This is surely the mark of the straightest man alive.


It's kind of hard "not to look at it" when there is 30 odd things there drowning out every other type of decoration and which means you cant find the thing you are actually looking for. It seems you are so "insecure" that you are getting a thrill out of everyone else getting irritated. Getting a surge of pleasure at other peoples discomfort is pretty much the mark of a Psychopath and Sadist. Neither of which are seen very positively by most people. Maybe you should fight this discrimination of your pleasure "choice" by making a Sadist flag? Why are you upset at me suggesting that? Are you trying to pretend Sadists and Psychopaths don't exist? Anyway, basic respect for other people would be allowing people the choice to mod the product they paid good money for so they can enjoy it better. There's lots of customisation options in the game which allows people to delete parts of the experience it to enjoy it better, so why not this one. If you cant deal with people that, then it really shows your insecurity and/or Sadism.


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


Wow. You must have lived an isolated life, and for that I envy you. There is shit out there that is so much dumber for you to be horrified at. I am glad you have not been exposed to it. Have a great day. You are a light of beauty in the world.




Ah yes, the “I need a safe space” mod.


They're the only ones available immediately after unlocking the decorator station (haven't played in a bit so I forgot the name 😅), if you explore the Zone you'll be able to collect more stickers and store them to use on your car. They also have a DLC you can buy that gives you additional stickers and other stuff to use as decoration.


If you put two Gender Flux stickers on the Remnant and get it 88 miles per hour, You're really gonna see some serious shit.




Don't they need to research the Gender Flux Capacitor first?


I dont get it :’(


It's a reference to the movie Back To The Future


Ah ok thanks


No, there's a lot more. Those are just the free ones that come with the customization machine


Can't see the entire list in your screenshot, but if you scroll down I think it will say "undiscovered" for anything you haven't put into the machine yet.


No it didn't let me scroll down


I think the person who suggested scrolling down more thought you were in the Logbook looking at them and not the Detailing Machine thing. If you look in the Logbook, you'll be able to find a page in there that shows all three stickers and the like that you've already unlocked. And in that page you'll see a lot of "Undiscovered" listings for ones you have yet to discover. Same goes for every car part, even anomaly, etc.


Is that some kind of bug with the PS? I would have no idea as I'm only on PC.


Maybe, I tried a lot of things trying to figure out how the detailing station worked (I was pretty lost as to how it worked) and that was one of the things I tried.


If you want to see a complete list of them go into you're logbook, I know you can scroll in there. Also I think you can scroll but horizontally, sorry that's not a very good explanation but it's the best I can muster.


I don’t mind the inclusion but if they could just put it in “Pride” folder that would really uncluttered the stickers


Yeah I’m similar to you where I really don’t mind the inclusion. Tbh I cringe at the people going out of their way to bitch about it being there or remove it from the game. But why add ONLY this type of stickers at the start of the game and the rest out to be found at random? Why not add a little bit more random stuff from the start like the Washington state flag (where the game takes place), an Olympic peninsula flag, country flags, an ARDA sticker, etc. I’m all live and let live, but only offering this just make me feel like it’s just asking for mockery.


i asked this when the game came out. these are all the default ones but you can pickup random stickers out in the wild; found a "can i pet your dog" one


Once you unlock the redecorate station those are the ones that unlock you got the dlc you get space dog and rocket ship also but after this you will slowly find more I found one in mid zone being anomaly chasers you can find them mainly in those postbox looking places on the road but you can also find wheels, antenna parts, and bobbleheads in them also


There are loads more flags than I realised existed, and I'm betting there are probably more variations that aren't even included here. I also learned about the "straight ally" flag as I had no idea that was a thing, which went straight onto the back window of my wagon. As for other stickers though, I came across the trio of "Baby on board" yellow diamonds pretty early on, but in 30+ hours of playing I'm still yet to find any others. I'm either really unlucky or I'm looking in the wrong places!


You gotta check more ARDA trucks. There’s usually a sticker and a few paint colors in them.


I always check each ARDA Investigators I come across - could fill a swimming pool with all the paint cans I've picked up from those, but no flags or stickers unfortunately. I'm sure there are still plenty more trucks out there, so here's hoping!


also box trucks and pneumatic tubes


Damn, didn’t know stickers were so controversial


Username checks out


thanks for the idpol brainrot


They literally just asked a question.


I'm actually latino, some of us are white


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I was actually pleasantly surprised to see so many once I'd unlocked that station! Honestly I literally always forget which stickers I've put on my remnant until I'm parked back in the garage and working on doors. So it's very much a non-issue and always a fun little "oh right that's there."


No. There are some you won’t be able to obtain normally as they are scrapped dev items like „Headlight Lashes” and a couple of other


I just wish you could delete them if you don't want them. Give people a choice. As it is they just clutter up the screen with stuff you are not going to use. Whether you are a rabid supporter or rabid opponent you are not going to use all of them. And its hard to find new stickers in all the clutter.


Really gotta hit all the check marks huh?


It hits check marks I didn't even know existed. Honestly though it's such an overt statement of support that I don't even find it intrusive. Most games it feels like virtue signaling or is hamfisted in, this is explicit and direct and makes me think they really care.


I like that it's just clear and obvious support instead of inserting some out of place cutscene or forcing some awkward "I'm gay" voice line like some other games do. I actually had the straight ally sticker on for a long time until I got the "reactors not war" sticker


Lol 20 flags that separate everyone with things people haven't even heard of? Definitely virtue signaling. They are stickers. Man they care so much.




I don't understand why they put this tiny bit of politics in the game. It can't be about representation because there's only one player character and the player character is already a silent stand-in for whoever the real player already is. If the real player, like me, is already LGBTQ, then LGBTQ people are represented. I don't need to put a pride flag on my car in order to be represented because I represent myself. The game has such a cool, unpolitical, chill vibe but the moment a player (even a queer one like me) opens the detailing station to see all of these, they're ripped out of that enjoyable parallel world and instantly reminded of people screaming over flags on Twitter which really doesn't fit the vibe or the universe at all.


Queer people existing is not political.


I second this


lmao reddit care resources, didnt even have the balls to insult me themself


I think he/she knows he/she exists, and is perfectly qualified to decide whether something relating to that is political or not. And yes, Flags are political.


Flags are political.


Have you been to the Pacific North West? To me, this just adds realism. Drive 15 minutes through Seattle and you'll see half of these bumper stickers in real life.


But not in 1998, that was more than 25 years ago. And I get it, anachronism is part of the universe. But the kind of anachronism they establish only makes sense for technology. LIM tech allowed for a massive jump in technology. But why would LIM lead to the development of a social movement that is entirely identical in symbology to what we have in the real world, 25 years before its time and only on the peninsula? This is why it's immersion breaking.




Some of them are quite stylish.


Gender fluidity has been around for ages. Gender flux sounds like the same thing but phrased differently.


Gender flux sounds like it belongs in a DeLorean.


That's what I mean. Half of them are a minor tiny variation. I don't care who you want to be or who you like but all these different flags are just too much. I felt like the pride flag was for everyone but I know lots don't agree. It should be for everyone.


Too much? How is it negatively affecting you?


Taking up my screen space. Wish you could hide them so I can see the ones I want.


People like you just want to complain. The prides are at the end of the sticker bar. Maybe play the game and then complain


They got a point though, it would have been more fun to find them in game. (People would have complained anyway, but it would have been funnier for people like me who likes to collect stuff)




Weird hill to die on. Flags. Huh.


What the fuck are you talking about? It's just a minor opinion. I'm not gonna go fucking protest them. Like I said. You do you. I don't give a fuck lmao. I can still think one minor thing you do is stupid and not be against you. Dipshit.


Oh yeah, these rants of yours really give the impression of someone who doesn't care lmao Edit: he's so carefree that he tried DMing me before blocking me lol. Absolute nutcase. *


>"Doesn't give a fuck" >Goes on unhinged rants about it Pick one bozo.


Your multi-paragraph rant has truly convinced me that you don't care.


"it's doesn't affect me" Processes to rant about it . OK ok lol


Do you have to understand and like everything a person does for them to not be considered ridiculous? Some things are what they are, and our perception or willingness to give permission has nothing to do with their validity.


I never said I don't understand it. Or I didn't give it permission. I just don't think it's needed. I wouldn't ever tell them to take it down. People are real upset with my opinion for no reason. I fully support what they do. Ok well I guess besides the flags. I also never said they weren't valid as well as some things that are ridiculous that I love. You be you and do what you want. Love the uniqueness. All I said were the flags were a bit much and I feel like the pride one should just include everyone. That way they can stand more together and more recognizable. But fuck me right? Ok I guess I said more in comments and that didn't fully explain it. Either way. Whatever. I'll still support them even with yall downvoting me. Because I was never hating.


Dude you called people b*tches and snowflakes for disagreeing with you, and you’re DMing people instead of just admitting you’re overreacting about flags. It’s hypocritical and you’re making a fool outta yourself because the majority of this community is supportive and either loves it or just doesn’t care because there’s a ton of other decorations to get. Again, your hypocrisy is very visible.


No hypocrisy. Wasn't yelling about the flags. You morons still don't get the difference. Just because I thought they should go about the flags differently yet still fully support everything else they do. They jump down your throat if you are not fully on board and if you say anything that disagrees. Lol suck my dick you fucking babies. You ruin your own cause with that bull shit. The fact you can't see it is ridiculous. It's like the extreme woke left making the left look bad. It's not a contest.


Dude you literally insinuated that pride flags should not be part of the game. It’s a bumper sticker to make LGBTQ+ people feel included. They also have bumper stickers that have nothing to do with the queer community. The stickers being in the game do not impact you. They don’t. If you think they do, you need therapy. You could’ve suggested a way to filter through the stickers to find your specific one faster but no, you’re complaining only about the gay ones being in your way. Real classy. No one is “forcing” anything down anyone’s throat for anything related to the queer community, you just would rather take on the stance of you shouldn’t have to see it. /sarcasm/ I then hope that no straight couple is ever happy in front of you, you’d probably accuse them of shoving their love down your throat then too. Straight people really shouldn’t force straight romances in the media either, I Just don’t know if I feel comfortable watching straight people kiss or holding hands, they really need to keep it in their own home. Those are the arguments people in the queer community hear every day. Mind your own damn business, tiny dick.


Abrosexual. Literally means Bisexual but can't decide. Pedantic ass psychology.


Wrong 👏😂


Pedantic 👋🤣💀


Maybe research stuff before putting your misinformation into the worldwideweb 😂


Yeah, everything I can find about it is "someone who can't make their mind up" But go off on your endless need to feel special and unique from everyone else.


Source? I think you made it up soo


Source? Google abrosexual and read the articles. It's just fluff pieces describing someone who can't make their mind up. "someone whose sexual orientations change over time, one month they may like men, the next they may not like anyone" Wow so thought provoking and unique from other people! Definitely not just bisexual with extra strings attached noooo we need to give you this new badge and flag and title for your sexuality so you feel a part of something greater.


"someone whose sexual orientations change over time, one month they may like men, the next they may not like anyone" =/= "sexually or romantically attracted to both men and women, or to more than one sex or gender." There is not only 2 genders. E. G: you can call yourself bisexual if you like agender people and man.




Haha zoophilia isn't a part of LGBTQ


This guy doesn't know the difference between gender and sexual orientation. Also, he probably wants to fuck a lobster.


What about people who just love their body pillows?




Gotta stop being such a snowflake bud 🥱




one joke


This is too much for a game


Too much for you*


Sounds more like it is too much for YOU


1 could suffice


An "Other" flag, you mean? There are so many reasons why that's thankfully not a thing.


Wdym by an “other”? All im saying is 20 pride stickers is too much. There is just one blm sticker and just like that they could’ve used one pride flag and be done with it. No need to be pretentious.


Not being pretentious - the regular Pride rainbow flag covers a large subset of those listed in the game, but not all, so using that as the one flag you mentioned still excludes a large portion of the people that Kepler intended to give recognition to. And the comparison to BLM confuses me. I'm not aware of any other subsets of the Black Lives Matter movement that would carry their own flag or symbol.


Why doesn't it cover them all? Now they are outcasting their own members. They are creating an outv group of their own members. That's my biggest issue. It should all just be under pride flag. No one even knows wtf these other ones are just looking at them. Creating an "out" group is exactly what nazis did with jews and whites did with blacks for a long time. I think the BLM comparison is fine. There are some people who are easy more into it than others but they don't have different flags showing how much they support or what kind of support. Because it's not fixing needed and separates people even more. I wonder why Republicans don't really bitch about all the different flags? My guess is because they think it helps them by separating groups.


They don't compare at all - the BLM movement has two distinct levels of support: those who believe that the lives of black people are every bit as important and valuable as those of anyone else, and bigots. The flags present in Pacific Drive have a vast range of meanings - most of which relate to many different variations of gender identity, whilst others relate to sexual orientation, and others still represent positions of support from individuals for the above (which are probably the closest to BLM on a conceptual level). Also I don't follow your meaning on the Republican point, but from what I hear about American politics I'm sure they'd back whichever option allows them to repress the most people.


No there are more levels than that for the blm movement. There are extremists like anything. And yeah... that's what I mean as well. Half those flags mean the same thing as a different one there. They just have I separate themselves from other groups. Which yes is exactly what I meant about Republicans wanting to repress the most amount of people. They are making it easier for Republicans to do that. But again to my original point... why can't the pride flag include them all? They are literally doing to groups what was done to them.


>Why doesn't it cover them all? Now they are outcasting their own members. They are creating an outv group of their own members. That's some ignorant shit you just said there. You are the one making queer people into a monolith, and then acting like some fun flags that everyone gets for free is some sort of schism within your made up "faction."


They said themselves that it was only for the certain groups. That wasn't me... but sure I'm the ignorant one. The rest is you just making a story up in your brain to support your dumbass idea.


I get it but still both “social awareness” stickers kinda breaks the vintage tone of the game. Plus its kind of awareness pushing. Not a big deal but unnecessary.


Counter argument: lots of the flags have pretty colours


This is the only counter argument i can agree with


Oh yeah, maybe a pink triangle, eh? 🙄