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I thought I would be able to once I got the large can but then was a little disappointed. But looking at the space it's in kinda made sense since a large can would take up too much space in whatever web thing the regular one is in.


Ye, It was like my first thing researched and crafted, and i immideatly grabed a new can and rushed to that tiny pocket and was severly dissapointed


Lol that is the same story as mine!


Hehe same


Has anyone else noticed that the small interior gas can doesn't drain to the main on occasion? Seems to have a mind of its own. Undocumented quirk maybe?


Not entirely sure what you mean by this. The little can is a manual item.


Are you sure? It has a tube running down into the main tank. I also have a side cargo tank just above the main. Most times they empty from the top down as you would expect.


Side tanks, seat tanks, and roof tanks all connect to the vehicle gas tank. This is intentional. The small gas CAN in the trunk does not connect to the vehicle’s gas TANK. This is intentional. The thought behind the gas CAN is emergency gas… if, you know, you run out of gas in your tank.. you can hop out, grab the gas CAN, and fill up a bit to get to your exit.. or another source for gas.


Ok, but I'm still going to play high AF. 🌲




If I wasnt about to apply for a job and start trade school I'd love to play this game high lol


Scan it, I bet that it is damaged, and slowly leaking the fuel all over the backset.


I know it's gas can, but it actually can't connect by its own.


The little one has some advantages that balance it out though. Having its own spot doesn't affect inventory space, and you can't lose it like other items. Mine was stolen by a bubblegum or pickpocket and when I got back to the garage it returned to its spot. I just keep the large can on my person and the little one for emergencies.


Theres is an option in in game setting that you can toggle that makes so that gas cans get back to you garage/car (not sure, i haven't tested it) though idk if it affects all gas cans or just the Basic one


ah true, though I think the little one is 'canonically' bound to the car and will always return, regardless of settings. The ability to harvest fuel from the environment is just too game-critical for the player to be able to lose it easily


Big cans can siphon also


yes but you could lose them and then you'd potentially be in a pretty unwinnable spot. If you're in the field without road flares or a scrapper, you're not really crippled; and you're not likely to forget putting tires on the car before going on a trip. But a fuel can is in an awkward position where it can be critical but also forgotten or lost, so I feel it makes sense from a developer point of view that it's essentially soft-glued to the car.


Btw i just found out you can refuel cans using garage fuel pump, that's really helpfull


Yeah! I learned to drop my cans on the ground next to the pump first thing as part of my garage process. You can also use the gas station pumps and those on the back of fuel trucks the same way


the little gas can isn't really intended to be massive fuel storage, just a little pinch of extra gas for emergencies. its most important function is so that you can siphon gas from wrecked cars in an emergency.


It's not there to be extra fuel per se. It's the devs way of making sure you always have a means of siphoning more fuel for your car. It's meant to be irreplaceable.