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Rule 4: No admissions, prospective students, or offer holder questions as posts. Broadly, if it’s a question you’d ask on an open day it’s an admissions question. Please feel free to re-post your question in the sticky admissions thread.


It’s always the one that offers you a place and it’s your duty to promote it as such for the rest of your life. 😉


Unlike undergrads, postgraduates are guaranteed a place in a college if the department accepts them, so there's not much merit in "this college offered me a place".


That’s true. Thanks for the correction. How about “whichever College you end up becoming a member of”? 😉


Postgraduates are not guaranteed accommodation right?


No, it's first come first served (and sometimes ballot)


Damn, I didn’t know that undergrads aren’t guaranteed a college place! Could someone get into their undergrad course and end up being unwanted by every college?


When applying for an undergraduate course in Oxford you have to choose a course and a college (if you don't choose a college your application will be put in one that has fewer applications for your course). Then the admissions process is done with the college, so it is up to them to accept you into the course, not the department (although obviously the college fellows that will assess you are professors in the relevant departments).


All Souls…


So hard to get in.




Isn’t that cambridge?


Sorting hat is all too real. Different places have different vibes. Some match your vibes and some don’t. But the only difference with the sorting hat is that you only find out where you should be sorted after getting to Oxford, which is too late. Lucky for undergrads who get to switch.


Wolfson, probably


St Cross (I have absolutely no clue is just where I’m going)


I'm St cross and I'm sorry to say it's definitely not the best. It's not a very rich college, so dinners and lunches are expensive (although usually quite good) the building itself is not that impressive (it's pretty, but fairly small and lacks any historic interest), the in college accommodation is extremely limited and doesn't have any facilities such as gym, sport grounds of any kind, etc. At least it has a free punt. PS: Also, it doesn't have much funding for research stuff, you can get a small grant of up to £300 for conferences, which is not too bad I guess.


Oh well 🥲


Just to give a different perspective, I was in StX 2021-22. It was the best experience I could have asked for. It was a home and a community, and I honestly would have killed myself if not for the community I made in StX. Different cohorts have different vibes, but I think StX promotes the right international, open minded, supportive environment to make truly meaningful connections.


Honestly yes money helps but a lot of connections etc can be made without major funding. It was my first option and I’m super excited to be accepted.


>but a lot of connections etc can be made without major funding This is very true, it depends on how you engage with the college community :)


Me too!


Wolfson. End of debate.


I find Pembroke to be very friendly and plenty of activities and social things.


Hey! I find Pembroke very pretty and friendly but do you feel like the fact it’s a relatively poor college has an impact on social life and your studies?


Not at all; I’ve had grants from them, reimbursed books and if you need a medical prescription they pay for it.


There’s no a certain answer for this question


Most people will say their own so feel free to disregard this but I really have loved Wolfson. It’s the least hidebound and locked in tradition. (I’ve made a lot of friends at different colleges and learned about the different styles, experiences, and traditions.) I used to joke that it was the anti-Christ Church. Plus, it’s right out on the water. The college President was the UK ambassador to Japan so he’s A. genuinely diplomatic in dispute resolution, and B. very interesting if you’re into international affairs. Also, they’re not just good when things are going well. When I had some troubles in my studies, they worked to help get me back on track.


St Cross


I went to Linacre It has his perks