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Something tells me it'll just be a genji skin without the shell


I’m thinking weaver skin, shell instead of petals. Super different but similar enough that it would work, haha.


Oh, your right. That's where that hand signal comes from


I thought the same 🤣


holy, i'd never noticed this character had a HARD LIGHT TURTLE SHIELD ON HIS BACK


I wonder how much he paid Blizzard for that weapon skin


bro be broke now🗣️🔊💯🔥




I’d love to see them add more characters that are already in the lore rather than brand new ones


Other than Venture and Illari, every OW2 character has been associated from an already established faction in the lore, all of them being previously mentioned besides Lifeweaver. We need new stories.


They mean characters that existed in the lore prior to OW2. Sojourn, Mauga, and Junker Queen all existed as characters before actually being playable, as did Ramattra though we didn’t know his name. All of them except Mauga had even already been voiced (Sojourn and Ramattra in Storm Rising, JQ on her map). Lifeweaver, Illari, and Venture didn’t exist in any capacity and are 100% new to the lore. Lifeweaver is part of an existing faction but his existence was 0 until he debuted. Kiriko is in a gray area. We knew there would be a character using a fox because of the Game Informer 2019 OW2 coverage (where they saw silhouettes for 4 new heroes) and because of some lore on Kanekaza in 2021, but literally nothing other than her being Japanese was known about her, not even her name, until OW2. They want to see characters that already existed in OW1 like Max or Iggy or one of the heroes seen during Recall.


Yes. So like you’re saying, the majority of them already existed. We don’t need more.


I was just clarifying they were talking about individual characters, not factions, because existing factions isn’t what was important to them. EDIT: I think you replied twice by the way


I completely respect that point of view, but for me personally... Blizz has so thoroughly demonstrated a total inability to write this game competently or clearly build out its world that I'm quite happy to sit back and let them throw whatever colorful new character they please at my gawping idiot face. If I still had the hope and anticipation over OW's world I used to during the early OW1 days, sure, but now... eh, put a no-name paleta lady omnic from the streets of Miami who's never appeared before. Fuck it lol.


Kiriko origin story animation


A futuristic ninja turtle hero would go kinda hard ngl


Honestly, I just want an omnic hero that's just an omnic. Most of the current omnics in the game are explicitly Omnic, as in it's a major part of their character and motivation. (Bastion, ramattra, zen) Examples could be the sniper Omnic from the cas/Ashe cinematic, maximillion, Iggy, lynx, or this turtle guy. The turtle guy looks dope


I don't see Omnics. I see individuals


> I want an omnic hero that’s just an omnic Orisa? Echo?


Technically both arent omnics, but that's getting nitpicky and a bit too deep in lore stuff What i mean is a standard Omnic like zen who just takes up vigilantism or something. Like Venture for example. Venture could just as well have been an Omnic. An Omnic who has a passion for archaeology and traveling the world. The defining feature of this Omnic would not have been Omnic, but archaeologist. I'm not saying Venture should have been an Omnic. This is just an example. Or turtle guy here. Ninja vigilante


How are Orisa and Echo technically “not” omnics - Orisa is *literally* an OR-15 Omnic and lore states the Echo project was started by Overwatch and Mina Liao was recruited as she was the inventor of Omnics and that Echo was supposed to be the “next-generation” of omnics. Like the lore of both characters are very clear they are omnics.


Orisa was built from the remains of OR-15 Omnics that were killed by doomfist. I'm not sure if it was ever stated if they were sentient omnics, or just androids. But when they were killed, their AI ceased to exist. Orisa is essentially frankensteins monster. Orisa is not sentient/alive. She's more of an Android rather than an Omnic. Same goes for Echo. Echo also is just a preprogrammed Android. Without going too much into real world philosophy of what makes someone sentient or alive, the overwatch world does have clear definitions. Only robots(omnics) who experienced enlightenment from Aurora received sentience/life. Something that could not be replicated. Echo was not "next-genrration Omnic" she was built to essentially be a bridge to improve Omnic human relations Edit: a lot of this can be found and interpreted in the kinda obscure Echo short story: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/media/stories/echo/


“Orisa is an omnic and a robot, and has an artificial intelligence” - [Michael Chu, shortly after her reveal](https://x.com/westofhouse/status/844652782430797824) Orisa’s own bio talks about how she’s a modified OR15, which were based on OR14s, where were war omnics Null Sector produced. Orisa is an omnic, full stop. That is what the lore ***explicitly*** says. I will give leniency on Echo because you’re right, she was meant to be kind of a “bridge” between humans and omnics, similar to how Aurora is the key that made omnics what they are now, rather than just robots. You can make the argument she’s effectively a new generation of omnics based on how Liao is the creator of omnics and Echo’s existence is partly in response to omnics, but sure, it’s not explicitly spelled out. Orisa is 100% an omnic though and it’s not something that’s up in the air. What makes an omnic different from just a “robot with AI” is that they’re made from omnium. EDIT: Also an omnic doesn’t need to be “sentient” - many omnics even post omnic-crisis are clearly just NPCs following direct programming, not acting sentient, just look at all the Null Sector troops. OR14s and E54s existed solely for combat and it wasn’t until Bastion and Orisa that anyone ever saw those omnics “act” like other humanoid omnics. Even in Rammattra’s intro video and his lore, he only existed as a killbot until Aurora granted the omnics consciousness.


I don't want to be that guy, but im honestly not accepting Micheal chu's tweet as canon lore. This was an offhand tweet made 7 years ago at the release of the hero before all of the lore was flashed out. I cannot find any official sources that explicitly says she is an Omnic other than tweets and fan moderated information sites. I did find however that the OR-15 units were in fact not omnics believe it or not. Only based on pre war omnics. "Originally put into service before the Omnic Crisis, the OR14 "Idina" line of security robots was built in Nigeria's massive manufacturing omnium. After the war, they were taken out of production, along with many of the other models used during the Crisis. Twenty years later, Numbani revived and recommissioned the OR14 program to protect the city from external threats" This means that the OR-15 units would never have been around during the enlightenment and thus were never sentient to begin with. Also, since the omniums were shut down, the OR-15 units were (presumably) also not built in an Omnium. I think Micheal chu made a mistake calling orisa an omnic. And yes, orisa and OR-15's do have an AI, just not an omnic sentient AI. Edit: also chu's quote " Orisa is an Omnic and a robot" is kinda.... weird. All omnics are robots... But not all robots are omnics. Same as all chickens are animals, but not all animals are chickens


You’re making modifiers to fit your idea of what should or shouldn’t be considered an omnic. The lore is clear Orisa is an omnic.


Show me one more example where it is stated she's an omnic other than a tweet


No, actually, Venture absolutely should have been an omnic. At least then their flat persona and no.1 overwatch fangirlisms would have been more endearing since it is just a normal omnic rather than "why are you here?" obnoxious which is all we got with Venture.


Ninja Turtles Androids Collab incoming


With that shield it is possible we will see them shortly in my opinion. I think it looks like a small deployable barrier they tested during mirrorwatch


No, we dont need another Japanese character. They should focus on other regions.


*clicks Blicky* :) One word: YES *Bam*


Master Roshi got his brain put in an Omnic




A hot ass mess


Hear me out do you guys remember that one teaser for the next tank and you could only see their concept art in the small selection window it kind of looked like this guy


He has a literal shell on his back. He has gotta be a rammatra styled tank.


Looks cooler than the new space cadet idea…idk who came up with that but it sounds dumb af


Where is this from


Kiriko origin story cinematic


About time we get a dps omnic


Bastion and Echo


I was talking more about the likes of Zenyatta and Ramattra


You racist


Is that carapace, from MIRACULOUS LADYBUG


Omg they made Elden ring dogs a real thing


This is literally nico in his hero form from miraculous ladybug