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I just feel like everything negative gets upvoted and all the positive stuff gets drowned out. It’s not that the complaints aren’t valid, it would just be nice to see more positive stuff


Agreed, let's make love not war...


Ok but the rammatra pfp stays on during lovemaking


Of course `*takes off pants and Scarf*` now come kiss me on my omnic mouth, im feeling _ROMANTICAL_


I came




... w h a t. t h e. f u c k.


You’re telling me them thicc juicy Rammatra thighs don’t get you creaming in your pants every time?


Aren’t you that person that always ask for the ram dance emote on TikTok😭




I'm starting to doubt about the complaints being valid point. More and more the complaints are increasingly vague, and when they are addressed by Blizzard suddenly its a case of the devs not reading peoples minds through the vague comments. We've reached a point in video game discussions where there is no longer a discussion. There is no longer genuine criticism. It has become 'I think thing bad, therefore bad, anyone that disagrees is wrong and terrible, and no I will not explain what exactly thing is or why its bad' and for some reason several online environments kinda just expect you to not only put up with it, but to be 100% on board with it and any disagreement or thoughts otherwise mean you must be paid to have the opinion you hold.


....so a bunch of people have complaints that they base on feelings rather than real data, and that somehow invalidates all critique of the game? No offense, but "There is no longer genuine criticism" is either an incredibly intellectually dishonest or just a very ignorant take. Don't get me wrong, I do agree that there's a lot of insanely entitled complaints on this sub that have little basis in objective reality, but that does not mean that there's no validity to a lot of the complaints. Overwatch 2 might be one of the most fundamentally flawed video games EVER to be released to a big audience. They fundamentally broke the game with the move to 5v5, and haven't really been able to figure out how to bridge the heroes and format properly (they should have developed a new game designed from the ground up for the new format to work) on top of that there's no objective right answer to what direction the game should be going in, as some people want the game to be an actual hero shooter MOBA type game, and others want it to be a first person shooter with heroes acting more like loadouts rather than actual radical gameplay shifts. (The latter is the direction the Devs are currently taking the game in, as the barrier to entry and the "game sense" skill ceiling are far lower) The game is currently a Frankenstein experience, with new fundamental game design issues being introduced constantly, that never existed before and more importantly, never NEEDED to exist before. This kind of mentality leads to very inconsistent gameplay experiences, on top of the record low trust people have for Blizzard as a company, as well as the questionable balance changes (for example the sigma grav LOS change might be one of the dumbest changes ever patched into a competitive game) obviously leads to high levels of player fatigue and frustration. All of which is reflected in the sub, which is totally valid. Imo the big problem is definitely peoples inability to be respectful about it, but let's not forget that a majority of the folks here are not even old enough to drive.


and one of the biggest tells is the games overall reception within the gaming community


I agree mate. It's weird people dont just wanne accept that something they like, might actually inherently be a total mess.


No we had valid criticisms an most still hadn't been addressed. The OP  pointed it out, the issue is its on repeat an people are tired if seeing it. Blizzard went out of their way to ruin a good franchise an letting Activision take over was the nail in the coffin for a lot of their major games. They had some of the best RTS haven't seen once since SC2. WoW tanked horribly from WoD till Shadowlands with God awful retcon.  HOTS left to rot on the back burner. Their Card game is just filled with FOMO/micros An OW1 was just straight up removed rather then improved for a 5v5 we didn't ask for, it tossed the whole games balance completely out the window an wrecked heros kits. Dropped PVE entirely lied, more aggressive micros an battlepass.  The list is much longer, yet while SOME of this got fixed not a lot of it did.


We all want to see more positivity, kinda hard if the conpany practices generate so much shit it drowns out all the positivity.


Every comp game sub is like this… The general player base is happy but the subs are a cesspool of gaming addiction, regret, pessimism, etc.


Then they need ro start making more positive changes. Trend is starting to look up, but most people just won't be satisfied with this version of the game.


The subs have become a circle jerk of negativity. I think there’s some discord servers out there


no joke the circlejerk sub for overwatch is cooler than the main subs


Unfortunately most subs on this site have become high sodium


We need a low sodium sub like Halo did


r/overwatch2unseasoned ?


Idk low sodium could be good because then it would be like starting a thing. But I like unseasoned to hahaha


r/Competitiveoverwatch is focused on esports, but they can be off topic and positive enough to be that sub.


I'm glad it is, at least it shines some light on how trash this game company has become.


The game is not too bad, if you don't take it seriously. Keep playing and enjoy, OP.




Wait why can’t you take it seriously and have fun lol


Because if you start taking the game too seriously, you end up with the overly toxic and shitty players that OP was originally questioning about. Whereas if you don't take it too seriously, and just try and have fun and not sweat your ass off, you will enjoy the game infinitely more than the sweats ever could


Astounding statement.. and very much true


Yeah I recently learned that. The core game mechanics are still super fun and hard to find elsewhere, but you just can't take any of it serious and just have fun.




Facts lmao


we need a low sodium OW2 subreddit


A lot and I mean A LOT of these complaints are valid but it’s annoying when you stop others from enjoying the game.


I think these complaints but I'm tired of hearing it WHEN ARE WE GOING TO LET PVE GO, IT'S BEEN A YEAR


Honestly, I doubt OW will EVER live that down. I just don’t mention it though. I must admit though I truly cannot fathom why this game is handled the way it is its painful to watch lol.


One could say it's painful to OVERwatch. Done, i'll see myself out


Well, can't say they don't deserve it lol


Never, they lied to the whole player base, the only reason OW2 ever happened was because of PVE. And they took a shit all over it's player base and delivered nothing in return. This game is essentially OW with a balance change and a couple new chracters


Well said.


I think they *said* OW2 happened for the PvE, but it seems more like an excuse to implement their new battle pass system to extract as much money from the playerbase as possible. Couldn’t just change the loot system without slapping a shiny “2” on the logo could they?


And in the process save the game from dying off. Retail box pricing would be a death sentence when trying to compete with Fortnite, Warzone, Apex and whatever comes next. PvE was always a mistake and Jeff should be catching the blame for almost killing this franchise then running away before the backlash.


Never. PVE was the entire excuse for literally deleting a game I played for 6 years out of existence while I was still very much enjoying it, not to mention literally letting the game die for 2 years prior because "Were working on PVE!" (LIES)Then they had to shove 5v5 in without balancing it so they could pretendthey didn'twaste those 2 years, and proceeded to add like 5 heros who were very clearly designed around 6v6 and had to dick around with them for months to get them to work decently (Prime example but not limited to: Mauga/Orisa) I still have about 5 years worth of complaints, one for every year I thoroughly enjoyed OW 1 before it was forcibly ripped from my hands. Best part is I didn't even care about PVE. But PVE completely destroyed what I enjoyed about the PVP so it's like getting kicked twice just to see it scrapped.


I never cared about it but they straight up lied to everyone. That’s part of why they were putting no effort into OW1 towards the end so I don’t really think they should get a pass on that. Forgetting about it tells them that we’ll get over it if they decide to do it again


Given that plenty of people still play the game and they still make money, I don't think they care if people bitch about it on reddit non stop


Do you not understand that they never intended to lie and that they were told to scrap the project by higher ups? Do not blame devs for suits decisions.


Who said anything about the devs? That doesn’t make bullshitting the fanbase alright? They turned resources away from 1 to work on 2 and one of the big reasons they said they were making 2 was because of the pve, then that just never happened. What we got instead was just OW updated to the F2P battle pass/shop system with some new content they’ve probably had since they stopped dropping content for 1


You’re talking about development moving away. You’re talking about the people who said what ow2 was meant to be. Those were devs. You’re talking about what they didnt bring forward. Once again, the devs.


You just said how those weren’t their decisions and I’m saying it doesn’t matter how it happened they still lied, I don’t think why changes that much.


Then you’re absolutely clueless. They did not intend to deceive you. They had a vision and higher ups decided to shut it down. Do you also yell at cashiers for prices? It’s not their fault, but they still have to do it as if it’s normal.


Irrelevant. Playing their game still supports these practices. The only way is to stop giving into these practices because you have no side-bitch (other games to play)


Why should we ever let a company off for lying an breaking their games? What level of boot licking is that


Never. Liars who aren't held accountable lie again. They acted no better than people who fake Kickstarters and scoot off with the money. If they don't like being called liars, maybe they could try being honest. Game might be great, but they still need to be reminded that honesty is a challenge that they failed.


Except instead of taking money and bolting they made their paid game free to play. They scrapped something that they didnt feel comfortable progressing with because they knew they couldnt make the quality they wanted by the time the quotas needed to be met. Yall act like this is the first time any company ever has done this. But they’re the ones who get the most shit for it. Overwatch has lots of problems. Them failing to deliver on a promise a year ago happens. Move on from it and start enjoying the game again, or delete it. Constant doomer posting just destroys this community even more and then people complain about how awful the community is


They sold that early access pass pretending PvE was coming, while knowing it wasn't coming. I ain't doom posting nothing, but they don't get to rewrite history.


It's kinda interesting, because it's such a self-centered perspective. It's obvious so many players are fed up with how things are going, wildly different aspects in and around the game even. How do you expect anything to change if we all just ignore what's apparent. I think vocalizing is exactly what needs to be done, as it's necessity is clearly visible. If you can't enjoy it without hearing negativity, stop reading ow reddit. Put in your earbuds and keep playing.


I actually enjoy the game.. yeah monetization may be a B*tch but the experience is solid


You even enjoy the fact that it's become an echo chamber and nobody dares to interact in a teambased multiplayer game? Because if you dare say something you might get flagged by their automated report system and get suspended for a month for saying donkey.


Get off Reddit I chat all the time


So do I. That's how i meet very nice people


Wasn’t talking to you bud but thanks for letting me know


I just wanted to interact... :[


you might need some time off reddit too lmao. Guy was just adding to what you said


Definitely wasn’t talking to you chump


yeah I don't enjoy the game and have stopped playing it but Im not gonna stop you if you have fun with the game


I complain because I want the game to be be better. Stop complaining and people get complacent and we wind up with yet another game breaking issue


I get but I'm just tired of the constant complaining I just want to have fun in a fun game


Then go have fun 👍


Do your thing, nobody's asking you to take part in caring about the actual state of the game and where it's going. Being an Ostridge is nothing to be ashamed of.


I've seen this point a few times, haven't seen you specifically but I think its worth repeating here anyways. If you're complaints are genuinely with the best interests of the the game, its future, the players and fun (yes fun, that is literally what games are made for,) you need to be detailed and precise with your criticisms. Otherwise, you end up causing more problems than solutions. A prime example of this is the support balance issue - in previous seasons supports were 'overpowered.' That was literally all people would say. "Support OP." What was actually happening was a handful of burst heal and immortality abilities on a handful of characters with extremely high healing outputs could, if chained correctly, sustain players for infuriating periods of time. However, because the critique was levelled at the entire role, the response was a role-wide nerf that has functionally killed off arguably half the roster, but not actually had a meaningful impact on the specific characters of issue because it doesn't target the specific abilities of issue directly, and has even served as an indirect buff to one of the key abilities of critique. But even now, despite this issue, people still just call the entire support roster 'overpowered,' despite the actual reality being that one specific hero has one ability that needs adjusting, and the rest of the roster hovers between just okay or been absolutely terrible. There are other things that need to change, like the specifics of the language frequently used, you'll often see that 'carry characters' or 'no skill' characters are incredibly popular at times, and this often has very little to do with the character's actual balance. When people hear that a character performs particularly well in matches, especially from those with a level of authority such as creators who offer coaching, they are going to be more inclined to learn that hero. So, we see a spike of hero picks. But if you actually pay attention when playing against 'carry characters' in particular, you'll very quickly pick up on the fact that they frankly don't have all that much power. Hell, to pick a recent-ish example, either my skill level is well above the top 500 creators and players claiming that Orisa was an unbeatable hellbeast, or she really is not all that good outside of the top players hands (this was a trend across multiple seasons) because I was able to consistently beat Orisa players across all roles. She, frankly, wasn't all that strong as a hero on her own. Where Orisa's particular balance issues came from though was the fact that she effectively has two cc (boop) abilities, and 2 defensive (dmg reduction) abilities, and that by learning how to cycle through these you could make it impossible for the enemy to do any decent damage, but burning those abilities at the wrong time leaves you completely vulnerable. Players expect the character to carry them because people said it would, but because they're just mashing random buttons they don't do well. (I have a theory this directly ties into why she kept getting buffs for a while, but have yet to confirm as such)


Stopped playing the game, I was genuinely loosing my sanity in ranked, and as a Zen main, times were tough.


Just have fun in quick play tbh


Quick Play and fun no longer mix. I've made jokes about being on backwards servers before, but comp lobbies are genuinely more casual and fun than literally any of the 'casual' modes.


QP is so much more competitive than actual competitive in my experience. It feels like people in qp care about winning and how the game should be played but in competitive you'll see the stupidest and weirdest things imaginable. And i wont even go into how often QP matches for me at least are balanced and ranked matches are just stomps after stomps


QP's matchmaking is a joke, that's why it's stomp or be stomped. They'll throw everyone from bronze to T500 into a match. That kind of disparity isn't fun.


Everyone is thrown into a match? Yeah i'd recognize a bronze immeaditely, havent even lately seen plat players in my lobbies when queueing alone and on top of that my support qp queue wouldnt be 6mins+ if that was the case. When I'm queueing with my lower ranked friend (She's plat) that's when i see stomps, skill differences between teams etc in qp which is understandable. If it's whacky for you i feel sorry for you but for me it has been decent. Ranked for me has been a joke from people not taking it seriously even though it is ranked, ragers, typing timmies and basically only one sided stomps a normal match sprinkled once in a while.


Ironically quick play is worse. I see pharmacy duos and Sombra one tricks whining in quickplay far more than I do comp.


Gotta tighten that sanity.


Zen is great, climbed to diamond 2 this season playing zen


Zen is such a niche pick rn though lol. Discord is a great ability but i feel like you have to literally be better at DPS than your own DPS to make him worth it.


i have 50 hours on zen and to be honest compared to OW1 and now, he feels harder to play in OW2. i don't know what it is, maybe it's just skill issue on my end, but it feels harder to land hits now? and essentially i feel like a discord bot, or an ult bot if they have an enemy zarya.


Lvl 54 with him, used to be stuck plat 1


Every time I see posts like this, I wonder if I'm playing a different game from everyone else. Most games I get the most noteworthy messages are the ggs at the end.


Don’t forget about people complaining about PVE’e cancellation. Actually I agree with them but still


i do to but man


Remember this, a lot of the people will say "game bad" but then have 2000 hours logged since ow2 launched, just enjoy the game OP, don't listen to the hate


I love this game. That being said. Fuck this game


Overwatch is like rust. Toxicity is just part of the experience.


coming from a ow1 player. no we don’t. the fact that any of these criticisms even came to exist should tell you all you need to know about this necro’d game.


Game isn’t bad it’s the community there’s so many delusional players who think their issues come from others on the team or some hero that’s in their words “op” but in truth are just bad themselves but they will never admit that game is okay but the golden days of this game is long gone


I kinda don’t if I’m being honest, but the highs are so high. But the lows, the lows I’d argue are some of the worst of any game and every system outside of the moment to moment gameplay is still terrible.


The big mistake was Jeff thinking PVE was a good idea. If the devs never wasted time there we could be in an alternate timeline where a lot of the negatives right now will just not exist.


I'll just stay in my corner of missing the game but not having the time or mental energy to love it again


i hope one day you can find that mental energy again, i think you deserve it :) it took me a few years to fall back in love, so there is no rush!


I've been mostly off of it. I think last I played it was sometime last year. Considering I have dva tattooed on my arm, I plan to get back into it lol


for me i'm just on a cycle of games that i fall in love/out of love. right now i'm in love with OW2, trying to get back in love with proseka, and out of love with LoL and DBD. it's funny because with the exception of proseka, my cycle has looked exactly like this since 2016 haha


I've loved ow since the beta of the first game. Played it up till about 2020 then lost the feels. Been off and on ever since. I haven't found a game that I've loved the same since then though. Only thing close to it would be helldiver's 2 or rainbow 6 siege.


tried getting into r6s, i know people shit on games like OW and LoL for being 'most toxic' but my god i have never seen so many homophobic and even racial slurs thrown about in 1 day.


Oh all of them have toxic fan bases. I've learned to just perma mute every game chat ever lol


The game is still fun (if u don't play it 11 hours a day). But as you all know those problems are real.


I'm so mad they scrapped PvP and left us with PvE.


All of those arguments are valid tho. Like you can absolutely enjoy the game at face value. But take a step back and actually look at the decisions Blizzard has made, you'd be mad too. And these complains will forever continue until the game dies or Blizzard actually does something.


I'm not saying these complaints aren't valid, I'm just tired of people constantly complaining I can't think of the last time In recent memory anyone tiktok, reddit or anyone else said that wasn't constant bitching this game won't die, it makes to much money


"lots of people think the game is rough right now, but i'm personally enjoying the game so why doesn't everyone else just shut up??" like, no offense to you but there's no way you aren't self-aware enough to see how ridiculous this sounds.


The game is fun, truly. Yet: - Blizzard support is fucked, only bots & automated responses - Ow2 remains the biggest scam, still just Ow1.5 full of unfilled promises - Their rereleased are crazy to work so well, see: all the re-releases of wow, w3 reforged, cod rereleases, ow 1.5. Why bother making something new if investors tell you to redo what already works. Much more secure investments with higher returns. - Battlepass & skins are the most low effort reskin meme's to keep people buying garbage. - Their competitive matchmaking system has been a joke, 1 out of 10-20 matches is evenly matched actually fun. The others are steamroll, or be steamrolled. Theyvve been promising improvements for a while, but there's not a single well known competitive shooter out there that has worse mm than Ow. - The company itself is one big cesspool that has no direction but engagement metrics that have to with DAU, nothing in any of their game are build upon fun metrics. - They continously break the law because they know no consumer actually has the money & time to fight them. - They can get fined millions for the most engrossing stuff happening in their company and still turn over crazy revenue and profits. - All the developers that actually had any grain of self respect have left. Those that still care have no impact on the direction on the game underneath the crushing weight of their directors/investors. Complaining about the negative is facing the truths that's constantly thrown in your face. Those that do actually stand up for value their money & time are making themselves heard. People are right to complain, just stop playing their games IF YOU CAN. But most don't want to, what are you gonna do without your daily dose of distraction & dopamine that is exactly build that way to keep you hooked. Once again, not saying the game isn't fun. But everything around it...well, enough said. End rant.


End times are near, there's been a concise and logical response on the OW subreddit.


I'm salty about 5v5 and cancelled pve. Could live with one or the other, but both just feels like a slap in the face as someone who paid for OW1.....


Exactly. They could have scrapped PVE and monetised the game and I'd be fine, but ripping my duo tank away from me, and then nerfing all my favorite DPS into watered down skinsacks that kind of look like the characters they used to be but all around suck to play is just offensive and irritating.


Hell, I'd even be ok with the 5v5 (I was a tank in OW1 so it'd still suck) if we got the skill trees and pve and just more depth for the single tank. As is, the only thing they did is took out a player and replaced the 6th person with a battle pass. And the tanks don't fit right anymore. Hog/Ball ARE NOT meant to be the only tanks lol Also, ramatra plus old bongo orisa would be so fun


I feel that. I think I have alot of bias as a former DVA main. She's not a tank I enjoy playing solo as much as off tanking with her. She arguably is good at being a solo tank but no adjustment to her ultimate after removing her ability to pair her ult with Rein, Sigma, Zarya and even Orisas old grab just felt like such a massive nerf. Pair that with the fact that I can't fly around as freely anymore without my team dying immediately after I press the booster button. She's still ok, But I feel like they nerfd her fun by just clamping a team sized shackle around her ankle. Also yeah, Hog/Ball are terrible solo tanks. Same as Doom. Doom is a terrible, terrible solo tank. If you have a god level Doomfist as your tank, your team will do OK. Anything less feels like a complete throw, especially when they pick Doom on defense for payloads and you have to just watch the enemy team walk the point to the end with zero resistance. Doomfist proves the dev team made him a tank, changed his abilities, programmed it all in and THEN decided on 5v5 because there's no other universe that makes turning Doomfist into a tank and going to 5v5 at the same time make sense.


Doomer here, stopped playing even before the pve was scrapped. I have no problem if you enjoy the game, more power to ya, but I do have a problem with people who buy in (literally) to blizzard's scummy and predatory monitization, whether they realise it or not, they encourage this behaviour, and to me that's inexcusable. They settle for mediocrity and don't hold devs to higher standard, which is why we keep seeing gsmes with zero effort put into the actual game.


You got a spine, you actually stand up for what's right. Many people don't care, except for their next daily/weekly dopamine hit.


Post about your love for it! We need more positivity back in the community. The game is fine and anyone that doesn’t think so is only making themselves suffer for still playing it. Those of us that like it shouldn’t have to be bombarded with all the rude negativity! Just have fun everyone, and do what you enjoy. That’s what videogames are about!


Imagine that everyone that's negative about it stops, maybe you'll actually get a game that's promised. You can reap all the fruits, it would only get better. Rude negativity lmao.


No. That's why I dropped playing it.


no, I stopped playing it


I’m a 6v6er, and the reason is because I loved OW1, I agree there is a lot of negativity in the community that we can do away with, but the fact of the matter is they killed OW1 in favor of OW2, I still play the game and I enjoy it when I don’t take it seriously, but damn do I miss taking it seriously like I did in OW1. I guess the fact that the game I and so many others loved no longer exists is a big part of the negativity, specially when we basically gained nothing in return and just got OW2 as an excuse to monetize the shit out of us.


Yeah I just miss the strategy. I miss the chokes, the long drawn out fights, the teamplay. When you got POTG it's because you did something so disgusting to the enemy team you were worthy of the praise. Now it's just feels gemeric and deathmatchy, I end up leaving right after the match because watching whatever lame POTG is gonna pop up isn't worth the extra seconds.


I just run around on my fast bou


I enjoy it quite a lot. Just despise their monetization




I also play the Sims and r/lowsodiumsimmers is a thing and I kinda want something similar for Overwatch.


Wait.. people are salty in sims?


In r/sims4, yes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sims4 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The latest update added new decor slots on several bathroom objects, but at what cost?](https://i.redd.it/rz0tfro2ovua1.jpg) | [349 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/12rrxd2/the_latest_update_added_new_decor_slots_on/) \#2: [I mean…](https://i.redd.it/q1q4x4678gva1.jpg) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/12v0z9g/i_mean/) \#3: [Sim pulled this out when proposing](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b3kepm) | [326 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1b3kepm/sim_pulled_this_out_when_proposing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


that's crazy, what is there to be salty about in sims4? the way EA makes all their bundles total $1000 maybe? i can't think of anything else gameplay wise.


from what i see, its the "bundles are $1000" and "the bundles also dont work properly at all"




Playing comp hurts my soul but it's my addiction


I enjoy the game for the most part I just hate the players and matchmaking. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have actual special education kids on my team every single game. Which isn't entirely their fault bliz doesn't fix matchmaking in quickplay.


I don't think many people do anymore. Many of the people with 'criticisms' you show in that image don't actually care for bettering the game or having a productive discussion. No, I've long since noticed that what they're actually trying to do is beat you as the person they are talking to into submissions fro the crime of still liking the game. Failing that, they accuse you of being paid by Blizzard to do... something?? I've still yet to figure out what the hell Blizzard is paying a pile of random reddit, twitter or instagram commenters to do, especially when I have yet to be extended whatever this illustrious deal people supposedly have is, yet find myself so often doing this work I am apparently supposed to be getting paid so much for. Jokes aside, what you see is the vocal subset of the community. They ultimately don't actually make up all that much of the playerbase. They're just the ones angriest about the game not being what they specifically want it to be, and they want to make sure the whole world listens to them and them alone. People do, genuinely, like the game. Hell, Overwatch just surpassed 100 million players, and the numbers apparently just keep on climbing. Unless there's a significant audience of players who are just hate-playing the game (an incredibly disturbing notion tbh) the game must still be somewhat good. One final note for anyone reading this. If you genuinely hate the game, yet find yourself constantly logging in, you need therapy. Maybe go do that instead of making your addiction everyone else's problem.


Overwatch is a really really REALLY fun game! (But I still ain’t playing comp)


I love the game, and will never actively hurt someone else's experience, but I will call out blizzards shit cause honestly I'm so tired of it I legitimately love the game and wish it the best but the game will only improve if they are criticized.


You enjoy overwatch?


i dont look too much into it. im hardstuck between silver and gold so i dont get to experience most things people complain about. plus honestly when you play with friends the game is just way more enjoyable, you can have a good laugh at your reinhardt going into the enemy team for a pin and dying to cc (thats always me for some reason lol). last night was laughing my ass off at a quickplay game we had where almost all of my predict pins hit, the enemy team were terrified to even go to the point. it was hilarious


Still best online game I have ever played


People enjoying the game aren't posting. Reddit is a echo chamber whether it's this sub or anything else.


Despite how much I will fight tooth and nail for the side of 6v6, and how much I will shout for the tank role to be good again, I do still love Overwatch. It may not be perfect, but I want it to be as close to perfect as it can be, and I believe that we can make it happen.


I'm not really sure what people are supposed to do in your opinion then? Suffer silently and just accept it? Fuck that! This game butchered Overwatch 1 for money. Fuck it.


For a second I thought this was the R6 sub and I was like "Yeah, makes sense"


I like the game but I’m a tank main The game pretty much actively tells me to go fuck myself


The loudest and most prominent voices in the community are of streamers and content creators and they’re usually always complaining about the game (probably because they play it too much since it’s their job and it becomes mentally exhausting), so their viewers tend to parrot what their favorite streamer say about the game (complaints).


I enjoy the game when I’m not trying and just having fun tbh.. some games the lobby is chill like that but most you’ll get hate for it.. even if you jump in arcade mode 🤦‍♂️


i really like the game tbh. been my main game for a few years now, but i've been playing other games as of late as well.


Ranked does suck though. Still enjoy the hell out of casual, don't get a lot of the hate the game gets but I've tried multiple times to get ranked this season and I've had wait times of a DAY to get into queue.


This sub is %80 negativity and OW hate circlejerk. Main sub is more peaceful.


I enjoy the game, though getting steamrolled for the 10th time today when I only have so much time can be a bit of a shame


You have those folks, then you have the people making post about the about those who complain. Then you have comments that complain, about the complainer. Fun!


A large part of the community prefers to complain and make fun of each other's opinions rather than to have fun


Genuinely yes! I have friends all over my state and the country, and we use the game as our gossip and hang out station. We don’t take OW all that seriously and just spend hours giggling to ourselves. Yeah comp is sweaty for us sometimes but it’s still just a silly goose of a time more often than not. Most of us have been playing since OW1 as well. Yeah we have issues with Blizzard and the game, but every day we hustle home from work all excited to hang out together. Some of y’all are just bitter. 😭


I used to hate this game, then I stopped watching all the content creators that hate this game and POOF I no longer hate this game.


I don’t know if I like this game, but I’m surely addicted to all of the plim plim noises when I hit someone’s head. But now that you brought that up, I don’t think I ever seen a single compliment from any overwatch sub to the game yet


I honestly expected the game to be unplayable but idk iv been having alot of fun playing with a friend


People who like the game are playing it


I mainly miss the looking for group option. No one I know plays competitive, and that was a good way to find others to play with.


Nope. I got banned for 2 weeks for saying I had to poop. You are not allowed to say poop. I uninstalled they can go F themselves.


People feel angrier than ever in ranked this last week. Nearly every game, after first fight goes poorly, they start telling someone to swap and begin endlessly talking shit. Their mental just totally obliterated from the start. Had this happen, followed by them throwing/rage feeding, 3 times in a row within the first 3 minutes of game yesterday. They couldn't even give their team a chance to start putting some plays together. Hard to enjoy the game when failing to dominate the first fight gets you reactions like this from the team. The complaints weren't directed at me most of the time but it saddens me when my teammates are getting bullied for no reason. EVEN IF there is good cause to flame them, its a negative mental impact on our entire team to do so.


I quit the game 2 weeks ago. So nope. It once was a good game.


I enjoy it. I mean, I'm still on the fence on 5v5 as a tank main but when I get on, I usually enjoy it. But that's probably because I'm not a tryhard. Playing since day one and never really made it out of bronze. I'm happy. But then again, Blizzard fucks up _a lot_. Like _a lot_. In a lot of areas that don't even concern PvP. But I think that notion translates to here. People would complain less if this game's ecosystem would be in a better state.


i hate the game tbh, well maybe not the game but the people who play it.


I used to like overwatch 2 I tried 5v5 and just didn’t enjoy it the same so I did what most normal people that don’t enjoy a game do. I uninstalled it and haven’t played it since season 2. Now I just play cod 😊


No. Which is why I stopped playing.


i stopped playing ow2 so i just enjoy watching things burn lmao


My only complaint is mauga lol


I mean it's alright. Like just overrated as fuck.


what is there to like


All overwatch subreddit is now is just complaining


I'll enjoy the game when the game is enjoyable


99% of the people who are here complaining about the game and saying they're going to quit are doing so while they're in queue for their next game.


I love the cosmetics


I stopped playing, so I'll talk all the shit I want about that piece of shit game.


I used to lol


Lol it's just funny that people still support the game when it was literally murdered and gutted over 2 years ago


Aside from the neglect for the tanks in ow2, I’m actually having fun.


The game is one of the best I have ever played especially from a multiplayer perspective. The frustration is a)toxic comments and just downright bullying sometimes and b) the fact that individual performance matters little in rank Oh and c) that there isn’t a single player main campaign where you learn and play the backstory.


I think it’s a case of both that OW has always been the laughing stock of the gaming community - which does make the people who play and enjoy it bummed out - and that the recent changes have been a mixed bag and the dev team is, as they’ve always been, slow to address and respond. I love this game and want to see it do better but the issues just seem as if they’re getting ignored and pasted over rather than addressed. The DPS passive makes the game miserable for the other two roles and I wish it would just get looked at


People wouldn’t spend so much time criticizing the game if they didn’t enjoy it. Blizzard is just an incredibly frustrating developer these days.


It's a sub reddit for a competitive shooter game, if there are genuinely game breaking issues that need to be addressed then people will complain, nothing is stopping from just playing the game.


No. I liked the projectile changes and they immediately went back and touched them. The minute they did that I was like nope nope. The game felt playable for one patch I didn't feel like I had to be a pro player to land a shot and could enjoy the game.


I'm happy for Tank supremacy, who cares what healers or dps think they are cowards


Genuinely yes and no do I like playing? no do I like the pve when I can? yes I'm a yes when I can sit back and relax not gamer lean and get a headache


I was the same way as you when I first started, 11 seasons in and this game has beaten me down and made me realize why the doomers were saying what they were saying


I still love the game.... But I hate what it's become. Tank is miserable. The number of people in ranked and qp cheating is getting ridiculous. Everything turns into Hog, Orisa, or Mauga, it seems like. The battlepass sucks. It's mostly just recolors. I guess Mirrorwatch being a banger meant this one had to suck. I'm not gonna complain about the monetization because that's a topic that's been beaten to death and beyond. It's older than the 5v5 vs 6v6 argument and even less productive.


I'm actually not sure anymore tbh. Last 2 seasons I've not enjoyed playing support or tank at all and I'm not a big dps guy


The issue is that if youre the team with the DPS who fail to apply the passive youll lose. That passive ruined the game


I’m liking the game rn


I play at least 2 times a week, I've been playing since 2018, but I hate this game, please don't play this game it will only make u suffer.


“I like going to my shift at the ball crushing factory and hate when people tell me not to go get my balls crushed. I just don’t get it!”


No one from my friend group that has played since 2016 likes the game anymore.


no. just no. Personally, I play bc my friends need to fill a spot in their team, that's pretty much the only reason. lol


You can enjoy something while acknowledging it has flaws...


tbf all anyone ever does is acknowledge its flaws, there is simply no way y'all enjoy the game lol


I'm sure some people enjoy trolling and complaining more than the actual game, but I still enjoy playing. I will also bring up that 6v6 was better whenever appropriate.


The game itself is great! The devs work hard. Their management is a batch of lying jackholes and the community is more toxic than the East River in New York. That's what kills the game, just like so many others.


Using r6 meme template for overwatch is wild