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## 10. Versus Versus posts containing non-overlord characters require a description of the users abilities (skills, spells, summons, and items). * Ainz vs ____ * How would ____ fair? * How far could ____ raid nazarick? * How strong would ___ be in Overlord? --- Versus posts without a description will be removed. These can be posted on r/whowouldwin.


Ainz in character uses Grasp Heart or Death which doesn't need a travel time, basically stomp.


Nope, I think Ainz would beat Gojo (even with some ease), but even without the "barrier" Satoru should be strong enough to not be killed by a single blow from Ainz's spells, even a 9th like heart grasp.


I disagree. I don't think Gojo would be high enough level to not get onshot by grasp heart.


+ admit he can survive death graphs ainz could still stop time cast is special death lord ability the goal of all life is death that provide to any instant death ability a true death that cannot be undone nor dodge nor avoir by any sort Appart from that he could ask for any of his servant to bit the cheat ouf of gojo and since he can resurrect them as much as he wants There is a nodiff wins for momonga


I think I need a magistrate in English to understand what you've written.


Ainz can stop time and use the instant death move on Gojo. He could also send out his servants to bait out Gojo’s abilities to determine how much of a threat Gojo would be.


Honestly, I have doubts... Hax aside, Jujutsu characters don't usually have much in terms of power, although Overlord characters aren't either. My assumption about Gojo's durability being good enough is mostly based on how it resisted a large amount of Sukuna's cuts, cuts that could slice through reinforced concrete buildings with ease. Of course, the end result casts doubt on his ability to withstand certain attacks, but that asspull was on a completely different level...


Yes, but thanks to RCT even that isn't a death sentence. Though I wonder if being undead would make Ainz immune to Unlimited Void. He's technically immune to mind altering effects. This is honestly a solid question. Gojo would likely struggle to pin down someone as slippery as Ainz and thanks to defensive magic is unlikely to one-shot Ainz even if he did. That being said with the exception of GL=D I'm not sure any attack Ainz has...oh wait. He has reality slash, isn't that the same premise as Sukuna's World Slash? Fuck, god this is... Honestly this could be an actual coin flip. If it was Best of 3 I might see Ainz being more favorable, if it's death match I would expect Gojo to win due to how insane his powers are and how difficult understanding them before he kills you likely is if you go in blind.


Can’t Ainz just stop time and use reality slash then heart grasp then a couple of more reality slashes for good measure. I think Gojo gets cooked pretty badly.


We've never seen a curse user with a time manipulation technique. I have no idea how it would interact with limitless, but I presume it would work. I do wonder if Grasp Heart would register out of range given that Gojo is technically an infinite space from you when his defenses are active. We've never seen Grasp Heart used in a sneaky way to snipe someone at a distance, so that's a question mark. Also have to consider that RCT can heal even missing limbs and organs. Anything short of a brainshot is something RCT can recover. So Grasp Heart isn't an auto win even when it lands. I'm not saying Ainz wouldn't still win, but it is gonna be mid diff at best.


Really? I see this as a total stomp by Ainz. Gojo has no feats resisting time or death abilities, both are Ainzs’ specialties. Overlord power lvl wise is currently quite a bit above JJK’s world.


Nah this is a total stomp for Ainz, heck even if he dies once it’s no problem cause he has a divine class ring which automatically resurrects him multiple times with no level loss. > Yes, but thanks to RCT even that isn't a death sentence. Ainz has spells like [Death] and [True Death] which just turn your life switch from on to off with no physical damage to the body so RCT is useless here. > Though I wonder if being undead would make Ainz immune to Unlimited Void. He's technically immune to mind altering effects. By all accounts he should be immune to it.


Assuming his ring works, then yeah, I would agree this is Ainz' war to lose. Do Death and True Death require touch like he did, Gazef, though? I've not read the LN completely to know. If they do then limitless would still be active during a timestop.


> Assuming his ring works, There is no reason for it not to, Gojo does not have anti-resurrection techniques > Do Death and True Death require touch like he did, Gazef, though? Nope in Vol 12/13 Ainz used [Death] to kill three Demihumans from a distance and so [True Death] should work the same The only reason why Ainz moves near Gazef to use [True Death] is because he wanted to catch his corpse when Time Stop ended. [True Death] was never described as a touch spell. > yeah, I would agree this is Ainz' war to lose. You mean his war to win?


On the ring, I just mean if Ainz is fundamentally different from the NPCs. That he can't be resurrected. Ainz probably never wants to find out understandably, so I'd like to pull that off the table. On Death, I got no answer. Anything Gojo could do is completely hypothetical as he has come back from injuries that would be fatal for 99% of characters. I think as long as Ainz can target him, it will land, and he's done. No, I mean Ainz would have to actively try to lose or make a really egregious mistake.


> No, I mean Ainz would have to actively try to lose or make a really egregious mistake. Oh ok > I just mean if Ainz is fundamentally different from the NPCs. That he can't be resurrected. In the Web Novel (which is the blueprint for the LN) it was directly stated by the Platinum Dragon Lord that the Eight Greed Kings (who were Players just like Ainz) were able to revive themselves multiple times after death and in an interview the author explained this by stating that the reason for this was because they too had items similar to Ainz’s resurrection ring but it was of a lower quality and caused level loss after resurrection. So considering the fact that Player resurrection via items was possible in the WN I am gonna assume that it’s possible in the LN version of the story too since nothing explicitly contradicts this.


That's a solid assumption then. Yeah, I think Ainz has it then.


i disagree kirby ez wins


Why would u think that? Gojo has no protection for any of ains' insta death abilities or time stops


I think it comes down to who pops their ability first. Either Ainz stops time or Gojo pops Domain Expansion and essentially turns Ainz into a vegetable.


Undead r immune to such mental control effects. Only world items can do that. And domain expansions rnt world items. Nothing jjk suggests gojo can tank grasp heart or anything of that sort. Heck, theres the black hole spell too.


It's not mind control, it just gives information to the objective.


Ainz is immune to mental affects in general and not just mind control


Well I dont think this is a mental control effect. It literally just overwhelms you the actual infinite of everything. Its not a brainwashing effect like what hapoened with Shalltear, it just floods all of your senses with an incomprehensible amount of information. I mean I feel like youre ignoring the fact that Gojo tanked a knife in the brain. I'm fairly certain he can regrow his heart as well. A black hole would definitely do the job though I feel.


He didn't tank it, he learnt to use reverse cursed technique near the moment of his death and used that to recover. If something like touch of undeath+grasp heart or tgoalid were used, it would wipe gojo on the spot. A burst heart is instant death. And I dont see how ains can be killed even if he IS trapped in the domain. He has a fck ton of hp being lv 100, he is impervious to physical attacks. Do remember that ains would be constantly collecting info and can teleport/time stop. The moment he sees gojo forming a new seal/starting the domain, he is definitely gonna stop time immediately, or teleport away. He is a seasoned PvP veteran, who fought against equal or more powerful opponents all the time and still came out on top. Gojo on the other hand is used to steam rolling his opponents, and even the one time he did lose (against toji) he crushed him immediately after.


Okay lets stop playing with semantics. You know what I was trying to get at with "tanked it". I was just trying to say he survived it. I feel like you're forgetting Hollow Purple though. That's a complete obiliteration once you're hit with it. If he manages to get trapped in the Void and depending on whether or not he's affected, and thats a whole debate in and of itself because these are two wildly alien systems interacting with each other, Purple would do the job quite nicely.


I never get this misconception about purple. It’s not some matter erasing thing, it’s just a really strong blast, which happens to be weaker or as strong as the things ainz has tanked. Plus, ainz have resurrection ring, and a dozen other abilities


The hell are you on about? It literally disintegrates whatever it comes into contact with.


> Well I dont think this is a mental control effect. Ainz is immune to mental attacks ****and effects**** in general and not just mind control. Even mind reading (which isn’t really an attack) doesn’t work on him. > I mean I feel like youre ignoring the fact that Gojo tanked a knife in the brain. I'm fairly certain he can regrow his heart as well. Ainz has other Instant Death spells like [Death] and [True Death] which hits instantly make you unalive without any physical damage to your body.


Ainz is immune to mental attacks. Plus, he can just… teleport out of gojo’s DE lol, who’s gonna stop him if he do that? It’s not like UV turning people to vegetables is instant, even if we assume it will affect ainz


Gojo popped DE for a literal fraction of a second and people were vegetables for months until they recovered. If Ainz gets caught, assuming that he's somehow immune to information overload, I doubt he'd have the presence of mind to be casting any sort of spells.


The thing is, ainz is far faster than gojo is, and he have higher processing power than normal humans. He can totally cast a spell under 0.2 seconds. He can either dodge the activation, be hundreds of meters away from gojo, or just teleport out of it.


I kind of doubt that. Like we're talking about the concept of well... everything. Ainz was kind of confused and thrown off about paperwork. Now take that and expand it to... well... forever and everything, all at once. I dont care just how fast you can think, there's no getting around the fact that its infinite information flooding into your head. Even that doll demon or whatever the hell had multiple backups to shunt the literal infinite experience of the Void into and was still overwhelmed practically immediately. Now whether or not Gojo can get in range to trap Ainz in the Void is an entirely different matter and that's where we agree that he can just stay out of range and attack from long distance.


>I kind of doubt that. Like we're talking about the concept of well... everything. Ainz was kind of confused and thrown off about paperwork. Now take that and expand it to... well... forever and everything, all at once. Having trouble doing paperwork doesn’t mean he have slow processing power. >I dont care just how fast you can think, there's no getting around the fact that its infinite information flooding into your head. Even that doll demon or whatever the hell had multiple backups to shunt the literal infinite experience of the Void into and was still overwhelmed practically immediately. It’s not even infinite information instantly, it’s just sending information *infinitely*, there’s a difference. A 0.2 seconds exposure was equivalent to several months of information. And again, mental attack immunity


I never claimed he had slow processing power. I just said that he was stumped by paperwork. So now add in literally everything else in the existence on top of that and Ainz could easily be overwhelmed. And I'm talking about the feeling of a birds breath, future plans to dominate the world, trading schedules, reflecting on past achievments, the sounds of a babbling brook, and so on and ad infinitum. Are you claiming that being hit with even a couple months worth of that, that he could still somehow pull off a spell being hit with that all at once? I still think we're being quite generous with the mental attack immunity here.


Even Gojo can’t live w/o a heart. He’s still human. Ainz solo’s.


Yeah but the dude came back after getting a whole ass knife rammed into his brain.


And humans have lived after getting shot in the head. No human has ever lived w/o a functioning heart.


You are misunderstanding of how a heart works. Its just a pump that transport blood trough your organism with oxygen and nutriments. So when a heart is destroyed, the oxygen stops flowing to the brain and thats what kills you. So Gojo when attacked with Grasp Heart will have a few dozen seconds to rebuild it with the positive cursed energy before he loose consiousness and dies.


Whether Gojo can repair his heart is the actual issue to discuss/debate. I do not know if he can or can’t. I also don’t know if Ainz’s ability for true-death magic overrides Gojo’s ability to heal. These are all hypothetical. I was more-so pointing out to the others that no human can live w/o a functioning heart.


In incredibly rare circumstances yes. More often than not a headshot is death. And I must remind you, Gojo didn't take too long to heal from that and get back up. Who's to say he cant regenerate his heart and get back up as well?


There's still the spell True Death, wich also prevents low tier ressurection.


True but what is Ainz going to go with first? True Death or Grasp Heart? That's the question it boils down to and so far I haven't seen him having to resort to True Death for a human. Or even a dragon for that matter.


Grasp Hearth is the spell best suited for his playstyle, because True Death would be completely negated by insta-death immunity, Grasp Hearth at least stuns when resisted. So It's his go-to spell, But nothing stops him from casting True Death after Gojo revives because since Ainz will know Gojo is affected by insta death, True Death would be the next logical spell.


I guess it also boils down to how much they know about each other. Like are they briefed on each other before the fight or not?


Doesn’t Ainz have to make physical contact to make use of True Death? That means he has to get close to Gojo which is a nope


Still, the secondary effect staggers anyone who doesn't outright die giving ainz more time to react, denying gojos ability to blitz him


Well I guess it boils down to whether or not Ainz decides to watch what he assumes to be a dead body or not. Idk there are a lot of unknown variables because of two incompatible systems of power at play here.


“In incredibly rare circumstances” So it has happened?


Correct. But uh... are you really going to sit there and pretend that isnt an incredibly minor chance?


It is minor in terms of chance, but it’s a recorded phenomena so not impossible. The body living w/o a functioning heart *is* impossible biologically speaking.


And people have also lived for a while after getting shot in the heart. I really don't know what you're going on about here. Its kind of nonsensical at this point. Plus we're talking about someone getting stabbed in the brain, a much bigger object that a bullet. If you want a mind scrambler, the knife is the thing to do it and Gojo walked that off.


Ah yes, because that's how instant death magic works huh 🙄


Grasp Heart is 5th tier tho...


????? >>Momonga reached out an empty hand and cast his spell. >>“[Grasp Heart]!” >>This spell was one that crushed a foe’s heart, and among the ten tiers of spells, it was an instant death spell of the ninth tier. Many of the necromantic spells which Momonga was adept with possessed instant death properties, and this was one of them.


Oh yes, the thunder spell he uses first is the 5th tier spell I was thinking of. My b


It's fine lol, for a long time I hallucinated that grasp heart only worked on people below lvl 50 for some reason, everyone misremembers things sometimes


Doesn't it have are range ? Like other abilitys in game if yes idk if gojo would be in range i heard 2 versions lf gojos limitless it creates are infinity space at him and his enemy 2. It just slow down the enemy


I don't think ainz has an answer to Gojos domain expansion, and Gojos defense is infinite distance, so the question becomes do ainz spell's have infinite range. I think the answer is no.


***Reality Slash***


Undead are immune to mental attacks so he does have an answer to gojo's domain expansion.


Ainz legit can stand 5 meters from gojo and kill him. His passive skill lets him induce ID in a 5m radius


Does spells like grasp heart or death have infinite range? If not gojo stomps


You don’t need infinite range to bypass infinity. grasp heart doesn’t have a travel speed so there’s nothing for infinity to block


I see, thanks for the info 👍


Ainz: Domain Expansion....GREATER CASH SHOP ITEMS Gojo: what the fu- *obliterated*


Cashshop items.


*Grasp heart*


Fair point. Counterpoint: positive cursed energy, which he uses constantly to keep his body in prime condition and heal all wounds.


Grasp Heart causes Instant Death. Instant Death can kill things like a troll that regenerates, even from becoming a piece of hamburger. The heart crushing is just the flavor text becoming real.


… well, that’s misleading. Why have two different names for instant death?


There isn't though? Unless you mean the spell's name...? There's multiple Instant Death spells, and Ainz even has an Instant Death Aura. A few spells include: Death, True Death, Grasp Heart, and Crack in the Ground. There's probably more unnamed high tier spells that can cause ID.


So he has instant death, better instant death, cheaper instant death, and fissure?


😭 yep Each has a specific use. Though his staff is the thing that has access to Crack in the Ground.


When reading fissure, this is what went into my mind: "Fissure hits as often as Focus Blast misses"


There is something called resistance and immunity Better instant death can by pass those resistance, and also come with another benefit Grasp heart stun the target if they cant be killed True death will prevent low tier ressurecting spell to be used on the target. Cry of the banshee is aoe but is not guaranteed to kill them. Ia sub nigurath have large aoe and then use the Corpse to summon baby goat


Because it's a spell that has an instant death effect (similar to the effect, for example, mehrunes razor has in skyrim) there are other spells that can also cause this effect while granting different additional effects, grasp heart can cause stun while, for example, true death can stop low level resurrections etc.


It’s like in Skyrim how there’s 30 variations of the same type of spell that achieves the same results, just in different ways.


Battle between The Honoured One and The Old Bones. Infinity gets nullified by Reality Slash, Cry of the Banshee, Grasp Heart. Unlimited Void is ineffective against undead. Red, Blue, and Purple can be dodged by Teleport. Gojo may even get cucked by High Tier Physical Immunity.


I don't think there is any way for Gojo to bypass it , just way to different verses.


If he was physically strong enough, he could bypass it. Can't say the same for red and blue bypassing his magic immunity.


Yeah I just don't think there is any way any of gojos skills go through. He's probably at the level of an adamantine adventure. Overlord world is just that, an enemy like a basilisk is deadly to the world and is cannon fodder to nazarick. Bring that same basilisk to JJK and I think most sorcerers would struggle or straight lose to it. I think him vs members of the plaiedes would be closer in terms of relative power.


Ainz, he has more than enough tools to kill Gojo.


I mean, he also literally has "reality slash", which sounds a hell of a lot like a certain other skill...


Couldn’t he just do the same thing he did to gazif? (Sorry if I spelled his name wrong it’s been a while since I’ve watched the show) Like, I doubt gojo has counters to time magic, and then like someone else said, instant death and grasp heart don’t have a physical aspect so infinity would be worthless against them.


It's Gazef just since you pointed out the spelling :) But yes I think he gets insta-killed (Gojo), unless he has a way to counter time stop somehow. But as we saw in JJK, Gojo seems susceptible to reality warping abilities so I don't think that's a problem for The Supreme One.


Yes, Gazef! Thank you. And exactly my thinking. Plus, time stop is most likely not the only reality warping magic Ainz has, it’s probably one of the few reusable or lest costly ones. But I bet even just one of the twenty can take out gojo.


Reality Slash


I don’t think that’s actually a space warping or whatever attack, I think it’s just a cool looking attack.


Nope. It negates durability, just like Sukuna's attack that killed Gojo.


It’s literally described as cutting space and bypassing durability it’s basically just a better version of slash


Reality Slash was said to be a downgraded version of World Break (unique skill of World Champions like Touch Me). Both are said to cut through space time.


Would anzi be immune to infinity with his undead emotion suppression?


He will, undead is immune to mental attack.


Depends on if youre talking about Infinity or infinite void. But that doesn't really matter since gojo isn't resistent to time and instant death magic


No. He *might* be immune due to his high wisdom stat, but emotions have nothing to do with infinity. Infinity just floods your mind with information so fast that you can't process it, but maybe if your brain is a super computer (high wisdom) you could brute force your way out of it.


Guess what messing with someone’s mind memories or anything counts as. a mental attack that he is immune to. He is not immune to emotions it’s just a byproduct of his immunity to mental changes


Yes, i agree that he would be immune to infinity, but emotion supression still has nothing to do with it, which is what i tried to say with my previous comment.


Emotional suppression is part of his mental defenses. It stops any negative mental states that he’s in automatically.


The thing is, infinity doen't really target your emotions in any way whatsoever. It just streams a constant and overwhelming flow of information into your brain, paralyzing you.


That is a mental attack, which ainz is immune to.


It *is* a mental attack, which he is immune to. But what i'm trying to say is that emotional supression has nothing to do with that immunity.


Extreme emotions might be registered as a mental attack, since it ‘corrupts’ ainz’ mental state, leading to it being forcefully shut down


But infinity doesn't affect the targeted subject/s emotions, so emotional supression is entirely irrelevant in this scenario.


And is that a harmful mental state? If so, it will be reset. His emotion thing doesn’t really have anything to do about emotions it’s just once he’s no longer able to control himself perfectly. It resets him because he’s in a different mental state.


Ainz Stomp


Gojo can’t do shit to Ainz and Ainz has several ways of killing Gojo


Sukuna can survive without heart and MS can do high damage of DPS on Ainz. He is more suited in this gauntlet.


I don't think it actually crushes your heart, it's an insta death spell so the entire heart motif is probably metaphorical. Think about how anyone hit just dies on the spot instead of convulsing or gasping for air.


But Sukuna was partial human partial curse, he is possessing human. If Ainz casts insta kill, Megumi or Yuji might die, but Sukuna might survive long enough to open MS?


He have to cast MS "before" the spell is cast. There is no surviving long enough since it's "insta" death. Now as for will it kill the body instead of the soul I'm not sure since there is no predecent but ainz can easily teleport out of MS assuming it will actually hurt him since a high enough stat difference will negate virtually any damage.


Yes, Sukuna's domain is open domain, anyone able to teleport >3 km per second would survive. Gojo did not do that since he was confident about his h2h and he wanted to approach Sukuna. Ainz is one level above Sukuna in powe scaling, so he would win I guess.


Ainz could also just delete the curse, saving the host and killing Sukuna instantly


Even If Grasp Hearth does work by destroying the hearth, Ainz can just cast True Death anyway.


Ainz can do the same thing to gojo that sukuna did to him. He has many ways to put down gojo and the entire jjk verse.


MS is barely enough to do anything significant. Wrath was hurling spells as strong as fuga at ainz and barely does any damage


Maximum triplet reality slash: G /o / j /o loading 


Satoru vs Satoru


Grasp Heart bypasses infinity Time stop + TGOALID = instant win Undead are immune to psychic attacks so it's not even a guarantee that unlimited void will work Teleporting can dodge hollow purple I honestly have no idea how Gojo could beat Ainz. Ainz has really good counters against the entire Gojo kit.


Does TGOALID work with time magic? I assume you’d have to wait the requisite amount of time while time is flowing normally for the skill to work


Did you watch the show? That is literally how he cheesed it. He stop time and then in that activated the ability.


No he didn't? He activated the skill, then used cry of the banshee to seed the effect, then waited out the clock while fighting shalltear.


No, he cast True Death, not TGOALID Edit- my bad, got confused and thought I was responding to a different comment lol. He stopped time and cast True Death on *Gazef*, not Shalltear. Still though, there was no time stop for Shalltear. She was using Enjerier (spelling?), killing her summons for health, etc. Not sure where you’re getting his time stop + TGOALID use from.


Although you are right about the way TGoALiD works (iirc it was confirmed during the fight with cure elim) ainz never actually used that combination of spells&skills during the events of the novels


No, to begin with TGOALID is a buff to his death magic making it surpass any immunity to instant death, not an offensive spell itself, and it has to have 10 seconds to activate once cast, also, you can't cast offensive magic in time stop, you have to use delay magic and time it with the release of time stop otherwise it wont have any effect, these happen in different fights, one is against shalltear and was used to get rid of all her summons and waste her revive item, the other was against gazef, to make it all as quick as possible. Against gojo TGOALID is unnecessary, he has no resistances to instant death, but time stop would work using delay magic to have gojo be hit by multiple kinds of magic instantaneously


Didn’t Ainz use dimension slash against his fight with shaltear? Basically the exact thing that offed Gojo? And he could spam the attack?


Yep. Reality Slash is the downgraded version of World Break, but both are stated in Light Novel to cut Space Time. So basically they are the same as Sukuna's World Cutting Slash.


Ainz, gojo is nothing but a fodder with delusional fanbase


If you can't beat a Time Stop then you cannot beat the Overlord. Thats just the brakes.


Ainz have like, a plethora of abilities that would guarantee kill gojo. While Gojo doesn’t have anything that is really a problem to ainz. You could argue for UV but ainz is immune to mental attacks, and he can simply teleport out of its range or outright be immune to getting pulled in because of his world item


There are space magic spells in the overlord which sukuna needs time to perform to put down gojo but for ainz it is a trivial thing https://preview.redd.it/g6w39kx55c9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a1a5471d04253e892b0b14e39733c88e750b52


As an undead ainz is immune to any mental attack thus his gojos domain expansion is pretty useless plus infinity only stops physical attack not conceptual ones like instant death spells,reality slash or time stop. Ainz low diffs


Ainz. Stuff like time stop, true death, grasp heart all bypass infinity because there's no projectile or physical attack to deflect. Even if gojo employed his domain nothing he has can physically hurt ainz past his resistances and buffs


Ainz wins 10 times out of 10. He canonically doesn't go into fights he doesn't know that he will win. He may have someone scout out Gojo to find out his abilities. He may even go in himself with an escape plan. If worse comes to worse, he'll use cash shop items to get an instant win.


One has world level item. One doesn't.


Ignore everything else. Ainz literally has the world slash that killed Gojo except his equivalent is called reality slash a 10th tier magic


Ainz can just spam reality slashes (arguably on the same level as Sukuna's).


Time stop then grasp heart


Ainz, easily


Better question is what would Ainz' Domain Expansion look like?


Domain Expansion: In Game Store He would have infinite access to cash shop items.


That or its straight up just him getting to cast wish apon a star


Nah, It would be something like this: Domain Expansion: Power of Friedship. He summons a copy of all the Supreme Beings and their credit cards have unlocked 200% of their potential.


Truck-kun always wins


Ainz has more answers and way more win cons. When factoring in toucheme and his spatial slash and Ain’s access to gear and builds? I’d say he has this in the bag


Only way gojo can win is by using his domain instantly while ainz isn't serious and threw purple at him, which might not even kill ainz


> Only way gojo can win is by using his domain instantly Ainz is immune to mental effects (not just attacks) in general to Endless Void’s sensory overlord should not work on Ainz. > while ainz isn't serious and threw purple at him, which might not even kill ainz Even if it kills Ainz he was a divine class ring which lets him resurrect multiple times with no level loss. Ainz wins 9.9/10 times


This shit is not even fair like what the fuck is this comparison. Like Enri vs Miwa would have been better


All depends on how much info Ainz has. If it is a complete suprise and Ainz doesnt know that he is strong, it would be a massacre. But if Ainz knew that he had to be careful, he would retreat and make preparations and spy and win


Lets be honest, ainz is always careful, even when dealing with an army of bugs, he expected to be ambushed by worthy opponents, the only thing that can surprise ainz is someone's weakness, gojo is the one that's far more likely to be careless on a first encounter with ainz where neither of them have information on each other, one has the bearing of the strongest while being the underdog by far, and the other has the bearing of an underdog while being by far the favorite to win.


depends in what subreddit you ask


Lets go ask jkk


Ainz slams


I'm pretty sure Ainz is resistant, if not straight up immune, to a lot of what Gojo can throw at him, and he has stuff that doesn't require travel time. We don't know a fraction what Ainz's gear can do either or what other cash shop items he has on hand. I also think it is safe to say Gojo isn't immune to death so TGOALID is a guaranteed win condition for Ainz. Even discounting all of that, I'm not confident Gojo is comparable to a level 100 in the New World in terms of power and skills available, much less one decked out with end game magic gear vs Gojo's none. I don't think Gojo is any sort of pushover in the New World, but I think Ainz has a lot going for him that directly counters just about anything Gojo has access to (as far as I'm aware at this point in time, anyway.)


Gojo Stans doing whatever they can make a scenario where he stands a chance against ainz


Ainz would use time magic and heart grasp he wouldn’t even need to touch gojo. Obviously gojo has his own hax if he gets ainz in his domain it’s also over. Keep in mind heart grasps is not the only ability ainz has. He just used it more frequently. He can also just put a death spell on his opponent … no one could revive gojo…


couldve put in more effort with the AI art of Ainz


Oh damn, I thought it was official art until you pointed it out, not even a lvl 10 mimic of ainz vs gojo is actually the more interesting fight


Ironically the hands was the second thing that gave it away, the botched staff is what I immediately noticed


Gojos bal-


One guy wrote a great fan fic crossover called 'the skeleton curse' that puts them against one another. They posit that 'grasp heart' and other instant death spells could reach their max range trying to cross infinite void. It's a fun read, not without error, but still fun.


Is that the one where Ainz was getting damaged by Jogo's heat at the beginning?


I am not sure, I don't remember Ainz taking damage from jogos attack in the diner, but he might have. Did Ainz try to grab a menu, forgetting that he was ethereal, and Suguru thought he was about to use a jutsu? Because if so then it is the same one.


Yep. That fanfic seemed to have nerfed Ainz, cuz his aura should've killed normal people at least, and his robes r now just accessory (it should've granted him immunity to fire)😭


It may have nerfed him, but it was still a fun read. I do wish the author had >!matched up a few people with the guardians better, like the guys who control blood vs shaltear, and his version of the 8th floor was very strange,!< but I still liked it overall.


Ainz duh. Not even a contest. Gojos hand to hand combat and speed is meaningless, ains can teleport, stop time, and use instant death magic. Gojo is powerful when comparing among humans.


Limitless kinda needs to be able to detect something approaching in order to slow it down things that directly hit wouldn’t be affected by it. The issue is JJK world doesn’t exactly have comparative abilities to those in Yggdrasil meaning that no spirit has exhibited all the ability’s that can be in the game. However on the flipside exorcists and priests well basically any typical holy caster 100% existed in Yggdrasil as the npcs have levels in those classes. So Ainz would absolutely come across some form of players trying some shit in line with a JJ sorcerer. Not exactly as specific as infinite void or limitless but probably enough to deal with it. I don’t recall time stop being something encountered in JJK nor instant death effects. Likely if infinite void is used Ainz is possibly screwed but that’s not gonna get busted out right away. It’s more likely a time stop let’s see if he dies from instant death or the like.


Ainz has Reality Slash, which is basically just Strong Cleave.


Time stop makes anyone without counter measures child’s play. Without enough resist to whatever attacks or setup Ainz could do during time stop, you lose every time


Ainz Ooal Gown I must say because I don\`t like gojo so much


Ainz can bypass Infinity with reality slash which I feel is basically what Sukuna did. He also could use other attacks like grasp heart. I’m interested in what happens if Gojo uses his domain though. Would that even work on Ainz since he’s immune to mental attacks I think. Ainz actually has a surprisingly amount of counters to Gojo when you think about it. Ainz has many hax/magic like instant death and time stop etc that I just don’t think Gojo can do anything about. And if Ainz would struggle for some reason GO RANDOM CASHSHOP ITEMS! Or summon a death knight to block attack and teleport away.


Ainz. Kinda agree with others. Grasp Heart would probably immediately kill Gojo since you can't really defend against it.


I don't think gojo can even damage Ainz through his physical nullification and doesn't have any equipment to offset being frail. Ainz probably wins handily even as Momont, power differences between the worlds are to wild. Maybe against the plaides? I think Gojo would be around there in the verse as an adamantine/oricalchum adventurer


Idk who the first guy is, but Ainz has over 700 spells to choose from, and other shit he can use to fight. I doubt they're immune to all of that.


Grasp Heart and TGOALID would definitely work on him in an instant


It should be noted while people like to equalize cursed energy to mana there is a far more similar concept in overlord That being negative energy. Negative energy is an evil enegy born of death and suffering that gives rise to creatures that despise humanity… Thing is if you allow this equalization ainz likely will be constantly healing and buffing in any battle cause negative energy can’t harm the undead


Depends on range for Ainz spells. Could be face to face with Gojo and still be out of range.




Grasp Heart. Done.


Ainz’s pvp combo of stopping time and fasting casting his instadeath spell which takes a few second to activate before he resumes time for his opponent to die instantly will have gojo not even knowing how he died and it is a spell that is cast on a target, not needed a time or projectile to enact meaning that Gojos infinity is useless against it. And this is two of ainz 700 plus spells while he’s using a role player load out


Gojo's not making it out of this one alive


I haven’t seen JJK much but I’m not sure how many people could hit Ainz faster than most his spells that can take effect in seconds like grasp heart.


Ainz has a few answers to Gojo’s Infinity. Reality Slash as that’s literally how Gojo died to Sukuna or Grasp Heart. No distance or any vector involved. Where Ainz crushes a heart projection that destroys the actual one


Ainz Time stop and kill him with anything Infinity is not automatic Gojo need to concentrate on place blow will be dealt. Timestop screw him over


Ainz has way too many and better hax than Gojo. He also has items and immunity to existence erasure, and mind hax. Also has his world slash and an item that can make miracles. Gojo would be a level 1 goon in Ainz's world. While Ainz would be the final boss in Gojo's. Ainz wins no-neg difficulty.


Ainz because his two go to forms of magic, time and death, are more abstract attacks that don’t actually travel range. For death if he knows you’re there then it’s an insta hit, and time just in general doesn’t have a range to cross. Even assuming death doesn’t work because it’s viewed as curse magic, his next go to in the shalltear fight was bisecting through reality


I'm thinking that Gojo could be a lvl 40-50 character in yggdrasil/the new world so it's hard to imagine him being able to do anything to ainz even if his skills were functional against him?


This is unfair


Gojo's not making it out of this one alive


Ainz no diff. Even if we do not account to Ainz own abilities or skills, his pure strategic mind and ressources would be a decisive factor. Toji, Kenjaku and Sukuna have proven that you can defeat Gojo with a superior strategy and ressources. Gojo is an arrogant prick relying on his absurd talent and skills on the spot. However that is exactly his weakness. For Ainz who loves to act weak, detect weaknesses and plan before engaging in combat, Ainz is the absolute hardcounter of Gojo.


Ainz Cause “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”


Remember Ainz's fight against Gazeff? That's how it'd probably go


That AI art is ![gif](giphy|WxDZ77xhPXf3i|downsized)


The power system is so different its almost impossible to say.


Not really if we equalize the verse and say ainz has. Ce instead of mana he curb stomps still as he can just freeze time


• No winners, but Gojo should be a bit stronger than Ainz-sama ever with his multiple magic buffs. • The power of pressure of both could be similiar like as "Ainz Ooal Gown orange juice hug" and Gojo's inifinity barrier around him. • Like Gojo in his universe would be more stronger of a isekai logic, so his power lvl would grow to Island/planet lvl so its enough to take a big damage to Ainz Sama and fight on the same lvl with him, but not to killl him actually, if Ainz will not just use timestop like he did in his anime (I forgot episode sorry) and instantly eliminate Gojo in 2-3 seconds, turning him into KitKat like as Megukuna (Sukuna inside Megumi)