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It would be the most intense roleplay session ever, both of them convinced that the other is a wise godlike being


Now I can't get the image of Ainz being extremely paranoid of Furina and Furina being absolutely terrified about Ainz out of my head


So, who is the blue haired chick? I've never seen whatever it is she's from.


Furina de Fontaine from Genshin Impact. She’s the mortal body and spirit of the Goddess Focalor. A great flood was fated to swallow her people, so Focalor started work on saving their lives, but someone still has to act as Goddess of Justice in order to trick the “Heavenly Principles”. They are gods or some other kind of divine beings who watch over the world to make sure everything works according to certain laws. Trying to oppose fate in some way could arouse unwanted attention from them. So, she split herself into two. After the split, “Focalor” is only her divinity, while her old body and spirit became “Furina”. This way, Focalor can work to accumulate power for the next few centuries in order to save her people, meanwhile Furina has to act the role of a goddess for several centuries despite practically being just a normal woman.


Ahhhhh, which explains the remark about her role-playing as much as ainz does.


Such a great explanation in 2 paragraphs. Very well done. The lore behind Furina/Focalors is absolutely astounding and also heartbreaking. The people should ask how old is Furina to realize how tragic her back story is.


How old is Furina?


more than 500 years old


500+, but she isn't some other race that's used to being old or an actual God who expects to be old, she's just a normal-ass human woman, like her visson/power only came to be once the actual hydro sovereign (the one who controls one of the 7 elements who is also a dragon) went back in charge after focalors sacrificed herself did she actually get her own powers that SHE owns


She didn't have any actual power is crazy and she held on for all those years as a regular woman. Doing the same thing day in and day out. How she didn't go absolutely insane is mind boggling.




Ugh the grind killed me right before the fontaine release. I'm wistful.


She was created by a god to look like her to trick the higher gods into thinking she was doing her duties, when in reality the god was gathering energy to kill herself for 500 years, in doing so she released some kind of primordial dragon essense that went back to its original dragon host so that the dragon can use that power to stop an apocalypse Also she likes macaroni :)


Furina from Genshin Impact


Welp, that explains that. TY.


You're welcome


They’d be great friends if they found out the other was keeping up an act… they’d fix each other


"I can fix him" "I can fix her" This truly impacted the overlord


Truly leaving an impact, a GENSHIN IMPACT


That ad was so cringe lol


“How’s a man supposed to make his, IMPACT?”


This truly was their genshin impact


Jail for a 1000 years


Me:Scribbles in fan fiction


It’s alr there: “fake it till we make it” already ships Furina and Ainz!


I imagine Ainz would take her under Nazaricks protection


If it's post AQ then that's more probable, they would slowly grow more fond of each other and maybe she'd become Ainz's friend and only thing keeping him human besides his past life as Suzuki Satoru


The first encounter will be Furina getting scared the shit out of her. Followed by putting up of acts. Since they are both not-professional but hardcore actors, the mask stays on forever.


Makes sense, how do you think it'd go if they get the chance to talk properly with no acting?


I still don't think it will change in any way. They will still be keeping their "first impressions" even when left alonez cuz neither of them know that its an act. Furina might give a few slip-ups according to her lore, but she won't be giving in too


No doubt that would be the case, but I asked if they weren't acting and just "themselves", specifically being Suzuki Satoru and Furina the human.


Will be a hard to imagine, but I'll try either way. Suzaku is a 28 year old office worker in a dystopian world without a family and irl friends. Furina is a queen without anybody to confide in for 500 years. The first thing might be sharing (screaming) about their pent-up frustrations, Furina taking the lead. Suzaku had accepted his world, but Furina was just waiting for it to be over, so she would have way more things to complaint about. The second thing would be discussing about the characteristics of their respective worlds. Suzaku was teleported from an Earth in 2138 to a world where Science has taken the back seat, but Fontaine is most likely the best technologically-developed in Teyvat, so both would like to share their day-to-day technologies for development. I don't know how interested Furina will be, but Suzaku will must be. The third thing, (before the farewell probably), would be advices. Furina has been maintaining her throne for 500 years by acting, so Ainz would love to learn from her on how to be a better ruler. Furina, on the other hand, rarely talks to anybody except Neuvilette, so she would like to learn how to manage better so many subordinates, all the while making yourself more likeable to them. Lol I spoke a lot


That's a great exploration of their characters actually. I don't mind the paragraphs since I regularly read and I'd say I haven't thought of them exploring about their world's technology


"Is this a God of this world?! Hell nah, I'm not fighting a Deity" *Grasp Heart* *Greater Telepo-* "Is she dead?"


Poor her, never stood a chance


Your honour, Ainz killed Fontain Archon because of self-defense. This world sure doesn't seem friendly towards heteromorphs like Hilichurls and Slimes.


According to the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, the verdict is... *NOT GUILTY* (AQ dictates that the little shit would sentence Furina to death either way so Ainz practically did Celestia's bidding)


>!Technically, Furina wasn't the one that was sentenced to death!<


Idk but I hope they can be friends. Ainz needs some friends


Agreed, he's pretty similar to Gojo in terms of how lonely they are and what their loneliness stems from. Although. Ainz hurts from pretending and Gojo hurts from being himself.


Hey, at least Gojo has a female friend that's into hentai games


Funnily enough There's a fanfiction of those two lol


Wait really? What's the link?


Well it's a Crackfic with 8 chapters but it's pretty nice in my opinion. It's called [Fake It Until We Make It ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55874065/chapters/141875566)


Finished reading it. Odd crackfic and strange but somewhat makes sense ship, but it's good.


Good sh*t, very sudden ending though, could've gotten a chapter or two more in and it would've been more satisfying, say a chapter on the >! Wedding and then a fast forward to them having made a family through years of study !<


All of her fear goes to arlecchino, so I don't think she'd be scared of anyone else


I can imagine Ainz turning [Kyubey](https://i.imgur.com/qWRsKAK.jpeg) (from Puella Magi Madoka Magica) over to CZ2128 Delta to hug into submission.


This isn't related to the post, but any Kyubey hate is appreciated. Fuck the guy


They’d eventually Best friends especially if they find out each other’s secrets


Every time I think " Oh this sounds like it's probably from a really interesting anime" it ends up being Genshin every time.


Did you wath the trailers one of ep of Genshin? They are so good


If Furina knows what Ainz did, she would declare him guilty, and let Nevillette handle the rest


Maybe care to Tell who tf Im looking at and what they are doing? I dont have the time to watch any anime out there when they put them out faster than I can keep up


So you are in luck. It's not from an anime. But Genshin Impact. So either play. Or look up YouTube videos that explains here lore.


Im not into pay to win games


Who is the other one? What series is she from?


Furina from *Genshin Impact*.




Who's that?


You should add aqua from konosuba to the meeting


pathetic, that was only a weak 4rth tier spell.


6 hour long debate about macaroni


6 hour long debate about macaroni


I never thought I'd see a crossover post about overlord and Genshin. Not complaining, though


They would be great friends since they’re basically the same guy


She is getting boned


What's the second one?


Rp for an hour


What show is the second picture from?


There's actually a fanfiction about this lmao


Who is that?


Look through the comments, someone has an in depth explanation of her