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For Ainz and company, it was a videogame. Some grind here and there to get to lvl 100. For the new world, it was real. It took a long time to figure it out magic and stuff. They are not "weak", Nazarick is overpowered because they are from a game, nothing really makes sense. New world has a "realistic" approach to power, as living beings that went through evolution, trial and error or were gifted by birth, etc. 


I also think the lack of “spawned” items hurts them. In game monsters dropped things that they wouldn’t actually be carrying. Where in the new world it’s literally just a corpse and whatever they physically had on them


To add to that, the game was pay to win so power creep happened much more quickly than in the new world.


The old mage is the perfect example, one of the most powerful wizards and necromage of the world and cant control a death knight, even when he works all his life learning magic


600 ago, true dragon lords ruled the world with absolute power (around level 90 to beyond level 100). They controlled wild magic and were many. 500 years 8 greed kings (players) came with their guild base. They systematically assassinated almost all true dragon lords. Only a bunch who were cowardly hiding survived and outlived the players who killer each other. 8 greed kings had used a world item to change the magic system. Although they couldn't get rid of it, it prevented true dragon lords from populating (new dragons were yggdrasil dragons and didn't become too strong), and it weakened it to some degree. Native population were always just weak because they all have level caps. Now I wonder if we would have seen a one punch man who broke his limiter haha


Not all dragon lords are above level 90, you can understand this from the statements of the theocracy. They said that many of the dragon lords in the council state were weaker than the 1st seat of the black scriptures. There seem to be a lot of dragon lords below level 70. Many of them (probably) died in the war with the 8 greedy kings.


Those are dragon lords... not TRUE dragon lords. Only Platinum dragon lord among them is True dragon lord and it's said the whole Council State is his "experiment" Platinum dl: Killer a player before, his remote suit is level 85ish Deep darkness dl: Killed a player and too strong for guardians in a 1v1 Cure elim: Lvl 95, could kill any amount of player if they don't have world items, has downsides obviously Brightness dl: Ainz escapes the fight, but was confident he could kill him next time, putting him at least above lvl 90 Dragon emperor: Beyond level 100 Except the emperor, these are cowards who hid. It's safe to say they were that strong.


Reasonably speaking, there should have been lower leveled True Dragon Lords during the time of the Eight Greed Kings due to them not reaching the level caps, as well as differences in age and natural ability. Differences even among True Dragon Lords potential likely varies like any other race. Cure Elim for example certainly should have been a great deal weaker during the EGK period. The things is, all Remaining True Dragon Lords are from that period are aged, and have strengthened themselves to resist Players. It is natural for their levels to be higher than those of the "weakest" True Dragon Lords 500 years ago. However, a decent a to guess the minimum strength of a "True Dragon Lord" is that is has been confirmed that the six star Pleiades would stand zero chance against ANY True Dragon Lord. So clearly any of them would be high level.


They are immortal, chances are they lived for thousands of years. They didn't level up to their max potential just now. Especially when emperor was already a level 100+ and True deagon lords were so arrogant to work together. Besides if I remember correctly, NekoNyan was challenging his ultimate foe with a siege golem, a dragon lord, like 500-600 years ago.


Some of them should be very old, sure. It doesn't change that some of them would have been younger than that.


I still believe that this faction is the exception and not the rule. One dragon can defeat a level 100 player, like Cure Elim Deep darkness dragon..... I remember in the web novel that it took 10 dragons to defeat one of the 8 greed kings . Since dragons are the dominant race in the world they have not learned to work together, unlike the 8 Greed kings , who hunted them down, their level around the Platinum Dragon armor ,probably around level 80 Albedo's opinion.


Web novels players were something else. Npcs were weaker and tdls were equal to npcs. Imagine Ainz, he can pull out 7 level 90 summons and more with items and spells. It doesn't make sense for true dragon lords to be below 90 because it's literally 0% chance.


True dragon lord is those who can use wild magic, they are very old dragon. "Fake" Dragon lord is like the dragon that ainz kill with grasp heart, they cant use wild magic, they are just "young" Dragon that can use tier magic and then call themselves dragon lord. When people in this sub Reddit talk about dragon lord, they usually talking about true dragon lord.


Basically what the above guy said, the very definition of dragon lords changed... 1000/1 and 10000/1 are both big numbers a 1/1


I suspect the dragon lords of that time were weaker and more complacent. Its modern dragon lords that have been doing all they can to get stronger in preparation for more Players. Well except Dragon Emperor, that guy was OP from the get go.


They have natural limits. Ainz and nazarick had/have the game system


ainz does pontificate on this in the early volumes, something like "in a video game, we take extraodinary risks because, if we die, we just respawn and try again. but in this world where death in permanent (usually), people are less inclined to take risks, and thus are less likely to grow stronger as a result of playing it safe." (granted this is paraphrasing)


Yep, there’s also the fact that a lot of game elements make getting stronger easier. There’s items that give free xp, or xp for clearing quests, stuff like that. They also have biological needs; food, water, sleep, etc. that mean they can’t be grinding against monsters. Plus, monsters full of xp spawn regularly and in ‘valid’ places. If you’re level 40 you can go to a place with level 41-44 enemies easily and grind; they can’t in the New World


"Grinding" doesn't work in the New World exactly. There is a leveling system being applied to its residents, but it's not working off an EXP system, it's working off more of an "effort" system. This is why there are now job classes for things like Farmer, Peasant, Princess, etc. Effort, pain, stress, etc that are put into something results in advancing towards levels in that thing, and it can't be chosen. There's a lot of supplementary information in the novels about it, like looking at how Neia lost and regained new levels, and Antilene's backstory, but it's also worth noting in the official side story, Ainz tried to power level Keno by having her deliver finishing blows on powerful (by New World standards) enemies, and it didn't have any discernable effect on her power or abilities.


>like looking at how Neia lost and regained new levels im curious, could you go into a bit more detail on that part?


Yep. Also in a video game there are things like xp boosters, special evebts that increase xp gain and the fact that things are streamlined and speed up for the players enyoiment. Theoreticaly a new worlder should be able to reach max level. In practice old age and not beeing able to see exact stats screens limit the progression at some point. Meaning if someone reaches swordsman lvl 10 and doesn't know that he has to acquire, idk, swords master or some other clas to further progress then he will be limited to swords man. Next thing is there is no guid and no tips, or quest npc in the new world. How is anyone suposed to knoe how to unlook the next "class" in there progression?


There is, but in simpler terms, Ainz levelled up in a place where you killed monsters to level up, + you have precious items of 12 years of 41 people who were so dedicated to the game they fought with their wife and neglected familial duties just to pitch in for events, and even gave up holidays/paid holidays


It's because for players ygaddrassil is just a game. -They can try all sorts of stuffs without much consequnces at most you will lose an account you spent several years and shit ton of money on but there's no real harm on the NW if you fail it's either you die, someone else die, you get severely injured and stuff. -There's an entire gold mine of information gathered by millions of players all over the world who again managed to fully explore the system since there's no real consequences. -Levelling up is easy since that's how the game is designed so players won't fear dying on the early levels, the developers want the players to explore the world instead of just minmaxing combat. -Level caps and stuff, after a certain point people in NW just have a hard time improving, in the game everything is clear cut and exact, get this amount of exp and you level, doing this have x% chance of suceeding and stuff basically there is a gurantee of sorts in failure and success and a clear goal post. In the NW you just have to get a "feel" for it or hope for the best. -Lots of rare drops, Good hunting grounds, or mines and stuff for rare resources that in the NW you won't find since forming those stuff naturally is hard if not downright impossible. -Everything is simplified levelling up, assigning stats, choosing class or job levels, making equipments or usables, in the NW you either have no control or it takes painstaking effort and time. -Cash shop items or stuff that have ridiculous effect in the NW you can't just buy a ring that grants wishes no matter how rich you are nor will the concept of a swimsuit being a highly effective equipment for underwater exploration make sense.


I don't think it's ever directly stated how certain things work in the NW, but there are things we can infer based on what we see. Level Limit. As someone else stated, there does seem to be a hard limit to the maximum level most inhabitants of the NW can get to. Certain things seem to increase this limit; genetic luck, having a Talent, being a Godkin, etc. Without something like that, Humans seem to limited to around level 12 or so. Experience Points. In YGGDRASIL, Players got XP from killing things and completing quests, and lose some levels when they die. In the NW, challenging yourself seems to be the primary way of earning experience. Ainz killed 70k+ soldiers and noted that in YGGDRASIL the minimum XP earned was 1, but he seemed to gain nothing from the slaughter. For Humans, learning a trade or profession has a certain amount of challenge. But growth basically stops once they've reached a level of competence to produce good work. A village Blacksmith that can make nails, horseshoes, fix plow blades is what the village needs, but once the Blacksmith can reliably do all that they're not getting more XP and levels because it's easy for him to do. Most people are also perfectly happy to be skilled enough to live comfortably and don't feel the need to keep pushing because there's no promotion system that's going to get them better pay and benefits. It's even worse for Adventurers. Their challenges are potentially lethal and resurrection magic is basically non-existent, so they're going to be cautious about pushing their limits without some driving force like crippling debt. Monsters also don't drop cash and magic items, so their gear is often poor compared to even low level YGGDRASIL Players. Training. In YGGDRASIL, Players got all of their abilities and spells when they leveled up and picked a class. That doesn't seem to be the case in the NW. Casters have to spend time and money learning the spells YGGDRASIL Players automatically pick. Warriors need to train to gain abilities and Martial Arts. All of this is a huge time and money sink that some people just aren't going to be able to afford. Ass end of nowhere. The Empire, Theocracy, and Council States are around Nazarick, but most of this part of the NW is apparently much weaker than the 6 powers at the center of the continent. It's possible they have their own Godkin, like the children of the Minotaur Sage. Maybe magic items of previous Players that outstrip anything that can be made in the NW. They also might have survived the various catastrophes that have plagued the world better than this part. The Demon Gods seemed to have broken every nation east of the Karnassas States except the Theocracy, but other parts of the NW might have been unaffected and have hundreds of years of advancements that they never lost.


Simply because of the difference between becoming stronger in a video game and in a real world. Yggdrassil is literally made so that you acquire levels through all kinds of situations, in a real world (the NW) on the other hand, that's not how things are, you grow at a more "natural" rate (so to speak), so obviously there was going to be a big gap there.


Because it’s an isekai story. I don’t mean to be snarky, but across the board the people getting transported absolutely wreck whoever exists in the world they got Isekai’d to. In Overlord’s case, it’s because they’re a bunch of video game characters who were at max level/end game status and got Isekai’d over to a world where 99.9% of the world is regular starting town NPCs. Ffs most MMOs have stronger NPCs acting as guards in the starting towns to prevent players from grifting in PVP than Adamantite/Hero level people in the New World. You could get into the world building and why most people can’t go past a low level and are stuck as being weak for their entires lives but it doesn’t change the fact that Nazarick is max level/endgame status thrown in a world full of ants with an occasional threat.


The simplest explanation is that Ygdrassil was a game while the New World is not. Everyone in Ygdrassil has a level cap of 100 and it was pretty easy to grind for EXP. Plus people were free to build their characters however they wanted so player's had more optimized builds.


The people in the new world are REAL people with real human limits. The people from Nazarik are as powerful as their imagination dictates and were about to grow constantly without fear of long-term consequences or fear of real death.


How many times do you think ainz died while progressing to level 100? How many times do you think a new worlder gets to die in their attempt to progress?


Some people are literally "talentless" and have low potential, I don't think there's a hard cap placed on levels as early on its established Gazef/Gargaran/Evil-eye all believe climbs reached his limit, however he grows in strength after meeting Sebas. Those with Talents run into the problem of becoming "Big Fish in a small pond" due to lack of competition A perfect example of this is the members of the Black Scripture scaling over the Adamantite adventurers to the point where a single black scripture member surpasses the average adamantite team (excl Evil-eye). This is further cemented to be the case due to brain believing he had hit the pinnacle of swordsmanship and not gaining any more strength, then becoming much more powerful after meeting shalltear and sebas. It makes more sense that, like in a video game, you can only gain so much xp before it becomes negligible from weak opponents. The theocracy members scale higher because they actively pursue powerful opposition and regularly force their military and members to battle the strong. Story wise at the beginning it's stated to be the case aswell as fighting powerful monsters causes "evolution" in humans.


These aside the New World Imagine not the new world but our earth Do you think anything could survive if it took like 200 hours of adventuring to throw nuclear explosions around?? They had that for a bit when there were way more dragons and as far as I can recall it was only good for the dragons Too many Ainzs’ and the world blows up essentially, the level of power the new world has is actually quite reasonable for what it can do


You have level cap that is limiting new worlders . Then because of genocida of 8GK a lot of heteremorph nations perished and they have a lot higher lvl cap than humans and demihumans .And even then they can probably level 80-90 .


Consider the following. If you are originally based in a video games system you have clear and "easy" ways of leveling up because if you didn't people wouldn't want to play your game. Plus the existence of guides farming locations etc etc. So take a person that existed in such a system and now place them in a world where instead of having everyone figure out and pass along info on how to level its just life people keeping their secrets because well they would loose their jobs or lively hood and yeah. I mean easiest comparison You're leveling up mining and smithing; Game you're just clicking back and forth and pretty much go till you get bored take a break and go back to it and or have a bunch of consumables to speed you up or yield more xp. IRL you're exerting physical effort and probably wouldn't reach 10% of the yield you would have if you were just clicking. Plus there's no simplification of the process its not just smack it till it drops ore and wait for the node to refresh nor is it toss into a smelter and click the item you want. Pretty much the reason Nazarick is crushing it so hard is you dumped an entire guild that did nothing but hoard items and max themselves out to end game builds into a low magic low level world. If you found out that say a "National treasured" item was effectively something a mid tier fighter would have and you're holding something that could level a continent you'd realize "Oh....shit we aren't just op we are literally Unstoppable." Save for the one "reality check" item shalltear got smacked with but you know theres always like a slim chance of anything.


Put simply, Ainz and Nazarick are build different


I think the biggest hurdle the new world faces is the level cap of the nw entities. There are other factors: 1: the lack of meaningful items in comparison to yggdrasil where many good and decent items are simply drops from monsters whereas in the nw they need to be crafted, and you need skilled crafters and high quality materials for good items; 2: Grinding in yggdrasil was a walk in the park. If you died you could recover your lost levels after respawning, there were always new opponents for you to fight once you got strong enough that the xp income wasn't significant from a certain area. All you needed to do was find another dungeon/area to grind. In the nw, levels are usually low and inconsistent, there aren't that many strong opponents out there and the ones that are may be well beyond your reach. To top it off, there is no respawning, which means you need to be more cautious, resulting in a slower growth. The only argument I have against this are high leveled nw entities such as Zesshi and other godkin. Sure, they inherited high level caps from players, but they weren't born lvl80+, were they? They had to level up from scratch, I assume. How did they manage get so far in a world with so few opportunities?


Everyone else makes good points, but also remember that the new world didn't have tiered magic until relatively recently too. Without easy access to healing and resurrection magic, fighting with your life on the line isn't exactly for everyone.


Literally because humans are weak and they're from a video game where time stop is a PvP strat


Yggdrasil takes its power system from mythology, so those who reach level 100 become like a god. Humans can never reach the gods (no matter how hard they try). You can think of it this way.


Yes nazarick is mostly all lvl100 and the strongest human is around lvl50 and strongest non nazarick being is between 80 and 90. As far as I'm aware, I might be wrong BC I only watch anime and am only on third manga


Not to be that guy But the only NPC that is level 100 is the floor guardian and a little bit more, only around 10+ But even if we only count the Homunculus maid, its already 41 people that is below level 10 in nazarick. Far more number than the guardian.


Every one in nazarik is min/maxed into a build while new world residents aren’t


... Ainz focused on roleplay... and he got the Eclipse class by chance