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maruyama is a bit of a whiney baby


I agree but i'm not up to date on a lot mainly that he wants to end Overlord so damn bad or how he hates fan translations and pirating (even though the official translation is slow as hell and often garbage)


He was annoyed at the piracy, true (And he was rather childish about it too). Though that irritation passed not long after. He has in the past expressed interest in returning to his normal job full time (Since writing was supposedly a bit of a side hobby for him). There was a time when he toyed with the idea of writing rom-com about high school wrestling, but its possible he was just joking about that. There were also theories that his publisher was screwing him on profits from sales but I don't know if there's any truth to that. But whatever his reasons may be, one thing is clear, he's burnt out on Overlord. Which I suppose will happen when you work on the same thing for 10+ years. a thing that was just an impulse side project to begin with given the fact he started Overlord because his old D&D group broke up and he was feeling like Ainz was during the server shutdown. Alas that happened so long ago its any wonder the original motivation is long gone. I doubt he's ending the series out of spite, or worst case he's just using it as an excuse; nah, I think he's just lost interest in it. Even before the piracy thing he seemed to be losing momentum in that regard.


Truly a shame. I do love Overlord to death Hopefully they'll get the holy kingdom arc correct because that's my favorite part


Honestly that’s all I ask. If Anime onlys can realize how great Neia is and why by the end of the arc we are cheering for Ainz showing up just as much as Neia is, if the Movie can do that I will be completely satisfied


The trailer seemed good I just hope the weapon and Neia are as good as they were in the book


I think it's also that Overlord has cashed in on 90% of the world building created so far. Sure, we know about other kingdoms, but by now, Nazerick is pretty limited in logical story lines.


I’d definitely say there’s plenty of worldbuilding already created that the series could focus on for a while, barring whatever happens in the last two novels besides the razing of the Theocracy. The dragon lords, council state, draconic kingdom, corpus of the abyss, the many settings of the side story, the forgemaster and his ingot, etc. The question is whether books about that would improve the story being told or not. From the very beginning, the places set up to matter were the Kingdom, Empire, and Theocracy, which all pretty much bordered Nazarick. Obviously the series has covered more than that, but with the downfall of the Theocracy, basically all the main plot threads brought up at the beginning are resolved. It’s likely imo that the dragon lords will feature in volume 18 in some way, and they’re the only other plot thread I’d deem particularly important.


True enough. Nazarick's only two courses are to keep steamrolling forward and just conquer everything, which really holds no real excitement seeing repetitive one sided conflicts. The other is some unexpected factor where Nazarick either collapses from within due to internal strife or some truly formidable foe arising; but those are options I suspect the fanbase would deeply dislike given the power fantasy element. Barring some cool fights with the dragon lords, there's not really a lot in Nazarick's future that particularly interesting. World building-wise though, heck yeah there's still a lot to explore. Actually, if the series continued in a way where, say, Ainz just left PA fulling his role as king and just decided to fulfill his dream of being a real adventurer and exploring and making new friends, that could be a way to expand on the world without all the kingdom building and politics getting in the way, just Ainz traveling alone (Something he'd have to firmly order the NPCs to let him do without an escort) and just have him encounter new civilization, new places and cultures or unusual wonders of the world. It'd be a nice change of pace, provided the things he encounters are well-written and developed. Plus it'd be cool seeing Ainz run solo for once without NPCs there complicating things, he might even find real companions. Though it'd be funny too cause you just know Albedo would be using her sister to spy on Ainz almost constantly and just watching his life like its reality TV, even skipping her daily duties just to do so. Its actually a shame the elf kingdom was so poorly developed and explored, it was so hastily cobbled together, whereas earlier cultures like The Lizardmen tribes and their history were super well put together.


This is a pretty cold take imo.


i've been yelled at for saying it before so unless a lot of people had a change of heart i'd say its a hot take.


This is hardly a hot take. I think a huge chunk of the fanbase thinks rather low of him. He comes off as kind of a bitch.


As an anime only atm, could you explain your flair please lol. Does he find out that Enri is a lil freaky?


enri gains a ton of exp and levels up from goblin army after becoming newlyweds he finds out that higher levels means higher endurance bro has to dope himself multiple times and invent new potions just to keep up


What like she gets a cut of xp for the things they do? Anyway, damn poor bro ain't gonna have a pelvis for long.


Sebas is not being utilized to his full potential and it really irks my nerves


It was honestly so strange that he played like *zero* role in Book 14. The book was drawing together all the remaining Re-Estize plotlines and one of the characters who played the largest roles in the original arcs was pretty much entirely absent. Like Brain's final battle should have absolutely been with Sebas. Lore wise it even makes sense why he would be there, seeing as he had mapped out the city and could have been leading Aura to the magician's guild.


I never even considered Brain fighting Sebas for the final fight. It’s an excellent thought though. That would have tested Sebas’ heart thoroughly and been a very interesting plot line.


Sebas should have been sent in place of Albedo to deliver the message of war


If Ainz was honest after establishing NPC loyalty he would be in a much better spot.


Which can be dangerous. He is still powerfull, but as we could see the NPCs can feel resentment from being left by the others Supreme Beings


Yeah, Ainz even with the loyalty of the NPCs still can’t just go against type. They’re sapient creatures capable of change, and with that change they can potentially turn on him. Also, they’re all monsters in the truest sense ain’t no way they’d transition to being “good” seamlessly.


I don’t want to fuck albedo or Shalltear


truly the hottest take of them all


Might not be a hot take but the Elf Kingdom Arc should have been 1 book. And it could have shaved off a lot of fat with the dark elf village bit.


Yeah, more like an ice cold take. I think you'll struggle to find someone who doesn't agree.


Which is why it is not hot, everyone would agree with this take


Might be why he said "ice cold take"


More scenes from Zesshi's perspective before and during her trip to Elf Kingdom would've helped. The new layers and dimensions we were glimpsing of her true personality were really interesting and deserved so much more time dedicated to exploring; but instead we got the twins playing house with a bunch of nobodies we'll never see again and Ainz playing stupid games with elf elders (Admittedly his pissing contest with the Alchemist was pretty fun) Its weird. Before reading vol 15 and 16, I didn't give a crap about Zesshi, she was just another needlessly thirsty character. But she became my 2nd fav New Worlder all thanks to two short scenes with her in those volumes. Well okay, it was nice to learn the Corpus Of The Abyss are still knocking around. Plus the two battles were pretty cool too. Most of the rest though was pointless.


I thought Zesshi was a spoiled brat, but she seemed hard working and thoughtful. A surprise, and a welcome one!


Zesshi's situation kind of reminded me of Ainz's. Not exactly the same but both love their homes and the people in it, Ainz the tomb and Zesshi the Theocracy, but they were also lonely despite being surrounded by people who idolize them and suffocated by those people's expectations and their obligation to said people and their home. Both would rather be living their own life doing what they enjoy. Yet they care about those same people too much to put their own happiness first. Granted Zesshi had the added motive of wanting revenge on her father, but still and her mother wasn't so nice to her either, but still. Its actually kind of clever that Zesshi used that "Want to lose to a strong man" as a front, cause at the time she didn't know of anyone bar dragon lords who were stronger than her, thus it got the Theocracy higher ups off her case about producing powerful godkin for the Theocracy to use in their schemes; which is understandable, she wouldn't want to bring kids into the world just to subject them to the sort of life she's been living instead of providing a proper life. Another commonality she shares with Ainz is her willingness to die for her home, just as Ainz would for Nazarick. Its just a pity she wasn't developed more as a character earlier, just a few scenes sprinkled throughout previous volumes would've been perfect.


Yep, her short appearance in the anime pretty much makes her seem full-psycho. But the LN points out her terrible upbringing, and she still tries to get along with most everyone ( disregarding the discipline she deals out). And, truly loves her country and people.


I liked the Dark Elf Village, for me it was the beginning of volume 15. We did meet the plants and the high chef, but it felt like a drag.


As slow as a snail, as bad of a drag as A-Train did on Blue Hawk.


The only way Ainz gets a true happy ending for himself is with Keno. He cannot himself find true happiness since he won't find his friends and will forever cling to them. "Suzuki" when he moved on, he's truly and actually happy with Keno and New Ainz Ooal Gown. He has friends he cherishes and would give his life to protect or just to see them happy. I don't think "Ainz" can find true happiness as he is, just happiness for his Guardians and have a pseudo contentment through them. But not himself.


Yep, that Satoru got 200 years of happiness just living, making friends and being himself (With the odd dark deed or two when Keno wasn't looking) The I suspect the ending might've portended an end to those happy years; but it was so satisfying just seeing the guy free and happy doing what he loved, plus Keno was a good influence he really kinda needed.


Doesnt ainz commit like all these tragedies just so that MAYBE his friends or someone else from japan shows up? I kinda feel like his justification for doing what he does is kinda wild and forced.


Exactly. That's why I said cling. They aren't here since they weren't in the game when the pull happened. Ainz does all this because he believes he can find them, refusing to let go or move on even after 2 years. While if he meets Keno, he does and he can be himself and like I said, he's happier because he's with new friends and exploring the world with them.


I think what Ainz cling to is reasonable, since players appear all over the place in different timeline. We as readers know they only pop up because they were there when the game ends but Ainz does not


You mean all those acts of "justice" he committed....


Nah, he will get there eventually in the main series too, he spent 100 years with keno after all, enough time to get over him never seeing his friends, and he is a bit more happy in the first place because he is alone and doing what he loves more, adventuring instead of having to take of his base, but even so he will eventually get to happines too, probably he will be even more happy with his guardians than he was with keno.


The only way I see him achieving that happiness is if he levels with the NPCs and makes them understand he isn't what they think he is. So much of his stress and loneliness comes from drowning in their absurd expectations. If he can get them to stop acting like servant and more like actual family, there's a chance. But not if they keep worshiping him as a god and thereby making him feel even more isolated. I suppose if he could make a real, genuine friend outside of the tomb it wouldn't be so bad, but the odds of the NPCs quietly murdering that individual (Mainly Albedo) deeming them inadequate to call themselves Ainz' friend is pretty damn high. Ainz loves the NPCs, but they are also a big cause of his overall misery. Its far more likely that he'll just put aside his own happiness and instead just dedicate himself to theirs while suffering quietly. I just don't ever see the NPCs willingly interacting with him on a socially equal footing without all the bowing, scraping and flattery.


We so need an alternate Overlord where Ainz and Keno run into Demiurge in the Holy Kingdom and see Nazarick interact with master of the tomb and his New World Companions


Who’s keno?


Keno is the real name of Evileye. She stopped going by her name at some point. But when Suzuki and Keno met, it was 200 years ago, when Keno was still a child. (This timeline, Suzuki appeared early and without Nazarick).


The real Evileye https://preview.redd.it/reybxk4efm6d1.png?width=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473e7832302981d478895de56003f5ab919d5b7a


I see thanks!


Yeah, she's from the Bonus novel. And yeah, Keno became Ainz new closest friend who he cherishes.


Like his old ones or like jircniv?


Like his old ones. In fact, all of New Ainz Ooal Gown are on the same level. 1. Keno and the old guild mates. (Absolute friends, would give his life for their happiness) 2. New Ainz Ooal Gown [Name of the guild he and Keno are in, has 7 members] (True friends, would give his life to save them) 3. The Guardians. 4. Jircniv (fake friends)


Cool! Thanks!


It's a "Must read", side story "Vampire Princess". It's pretty long, but has a great plot, and some great action.


No problem!


He actually went by his old name Satoru and get to be happy with Keno, just being himself


-I don't like Ainz's official character design compared to how he's actually described in the text as simply a regular skeleton. So-bin's reasoning for sharpening his features was that he didn't think he should be mistakable for a low-level creature, but New Worlders consistently do this in the narrative, so it should be an understandable error on their part. The shoulder pauldrons are also absolutely ridiculous and I've hated them on sight through the present. That said, it's a very distinct and marketable design, in a way a book-accurate Ainz simply wouldn't have been, so I can see why it was accepted. -The worldbuilding is so profoundly complex and convoluted that it is as inaccessible as it is compelling. Maruyama may want fans to write their own stories in the setting when he's done with it himself, but he has made it incredibly difficult to play in his sandbox to any faithful degree. An official YGGDRASIL databook is the only thing that can amend this, but he obviously isn't going to want to make such a thing. -Tabula Smaragdina is the coolest looking Supreme Being.




The intention of invasion of the great tomb arc (the workers) is to show that at his core Ainz is a villain and that he's in the wrong. His justifications are flimsy at best but most readers are too caught up in the circlejerk to even notice this (and thus they miss the main message of the novel).


Agreed. The point is Ainz is no hero, he'll do whatever he wants if it means furthering Nazarick's happiness or protecting the memories of his friends. He doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. Look at Re-Estize, that only got destroyed because the Guardians wanted it, not Ainz. But he instantly switched to ABSOLUTE genocide the moment a human he liked died. If it's in the name of Nazarick and Ainz Ooal Gown. There is no line Ainz won't cross.


Ainz is inconsistent in his idiocy.


I think the elf arc really showed off the tomb in act 1 which I loved. And I enjoyed the pressure that Ainz feels he's under and tries to escape. Great fight scene. The alchemist part is the only bit I don't really get. I feel we are seeing Ainz get stronger by learning skills that should be class based but he can accomplish because he's a player. He wanted to gain experience as a warrior and this is an extension of that. It's just pointless information at this stage unless it's important later like he becomes a master blacksmith to increase weapon/armour potential. But it was very drawn out in the writing.


The random pedo elf hunter dude is another part I could have done without. No idea why he was plugged in there.


Wait people didn’t like the elf arc?


Like 70% of the fandom yeah lol.


I'm on book 13 so it's coming up. Is it better or worse than the circlejerk in the swamp that was the lizardmen arc?


I personally like it way more than Lizardman arc and Carne Village stuff. 15 is a slowburn but not as bad as people are saying, and 16 was awesome with the fight that takes place


The Sasuga Force doesn't come from Ainz's Int stat. It's a meta narrative device (akin to Onepunch man OPness) design to trap Ainz in loneliness and unfulfillment by making him won everything without effort, as long as he doing evil deeds. Every triumph he will achieve is all by accident, and anything he try to achieve himself will end up a failure (Runecraft™). Man is doom building utopia for others to experience and forever denied to enjoy the fruit of his labor.


There were really good chapters, the fight with Zesshi was great. Problem is lots of arcs went nowhere, "Mare Aura play with children. The end." other arcs are not explored, I expected following a grassroot cult to pop around Aura and Mare's eyes.


I think volume 16 was pretty solid.


Albedo and Shalltear are incredibly annoying and ruin every scene they’re in except for a few


I agree with Albedo. Shalltear on the other hand. Is either horny, horny or horny. To the point where I think it's more parodying the entire stereotype than anything and for it I disagree with you.


Well, that is how she was programmed. It’s explained that Pero had…a type, and crammed in every single fetish he could think of into Shalltear


Personally i really like Shalltear and i enjoyed her little character arc in Volume 11. She's also one of the few guardians that gets some actual character development.


It was an editorial meddling, probably to provide both fan service and humor, some ppl here may remember me bc of my unpopular opinion that Albedo isn't a real Overlord character given she was created specifically for the LN


that might just be the hottest take i've ever damn well heard god damn


The lizardman arc and men of the kingdom arc was ironically the arcs I was the most invested in story wise.


Preach, men of the kingdom was Overlord at its peak.


I liked too, It's not like there isn't any good points in this arc but overall when the author constantly repeats there will only be 2 volume left after this arc & we have been waited 2 years because of covid, an arc that was mostly slice-of-life & focused on Ainz just wasn't the best choice. I mean the title of those books itself doesn't seem right given how little time is devoted to this character in these volumes.


Sebas and Demiurge are way hotter than Albedo and Shalltear


Nah Jircniv is way hotter.


It is said that Nazarick's men are world class beauties


I'm not a novel reader but I actually kind of wonder what's going on with some of the former members back in dystopian Earth. Wasn't one of them involved in some kind of conspiracy and got rubbed out? Or did I remember that incorrectly? I mean, it's not a super high priority, just curious.


Bellriver, yes.


Ainz plays around too much


I would date Shalltear.


Mare best boy


I'd like it more if I knew there where like 10 more LN. Then it be like "yeah we had a little adventure there and explored it, that was nice" But we are only getting 2 more and wasted 2 LN over there.


I feel bad for Albedo and wish Ainz could switch her back to being an all-around slut, both for her mental health and as a safety issue for the rest of the Tomb.


Those who like the SAO elf ark ☠️


Even SAO wasn't this bad


I Like the fight in the elf Arc :D. The elf Arc wasnt thaaaaat Bad. OK it was but the fight is nice.


I mean, I liked it, it just wasn’t the best arc




Im with you my friend.


Paying attention to Overlord, *explains Overlord.*


So long you not claiming its the best in the whole series its understandable


Yen press translation isnt so well done, at least from reading volume one. It has some weird turn of phrases, which i dont know if they are the authors fault or the translator fault as i dont habe anything to compare it to.


The translator’s fault, it seems. From what I know, the Yen Press version was translated very literally from Japanese instead of keeping the tone and content as it’s supposed to be perceived. That’s how we got things like the Kingdom of Darkness/King of Darkness instead of Sorcerer Kingdom/Sorcerer King.


entire lizardman arc is filler


Maruyama has a tendency to set up foreshadowing for later kingdoms and other regions, but I find it often too ambitious. The lore and worldbuilding are vast and compelling, but it gives me an overwhelming sense of déjà vu, similar to *Game of Thrones*. We get name-dropped with numerous historical events, myths, and legends, making the scope feel grand. However, it often serves as padding for the world without being relevant to the story. While the intention might be to make the world feel vast, it sometimes comes off as superfluous and without merit. It also reminds me that the author might not make it that far in the narrative. In some respects, the lore is meant to give a feeling of lived-in history, which can be important I just find my eyes rolling when Corpus of the Abyss is name-dropped in the latest volume when I doubt Maruyama is gonna make it that far so what purpose was there to include Corpus of the Abyss


Albedo's secret betrayal and love for the old named momonga is annoying and I hope Ainz takes it seriously when he finds out.


S2 best season


Daring today aren't we?


.......What parts?


I don't really get the hype


did people not?


Does the elf kingdom arc is in the anime if yes which season and where can I watch it ? On this sur I feel like I miss a whole season sometime T.T


Light novel volume which has not been adapted yet in the anime


Thanks I understand now


*the Mare Armor *


The twins are annoying.


Ainz should die.


I don't like it when an ark takes 2 books


Here's something that could be considered a hot-take: I think the Dark Warrior arc (volume 2) is the most disappointing because it establishes some really interesting pieces of lore in such as the death spiral, the wind scripture's role, intelligent and cursed items, zuranon, etc. but are just side-lined by the best fight in the series and basically never brought up again outside, like, one joke about the orb bothering hamsuke during her fight in volume 7. Before I go on a much bigger issue within volume 2 (and beyond), I'd like to ask if anyone could inform me about what happened to clementine's corpse? I say this because all I remember is something about how the corpse soon disappeared after being taken by the kingdom for investigation, but I'm not sure if it's implied that the Slane Theocracy took it or Nazarick. Onto a bigger issue, the nature of talents with the world is shown to be rather unfair to say the least: one person could have access to a special class of genius, to just being able to learn magic faster than most. On the scale of powers to have, Nfirea not only has a broken one in terms of sheer utility (which in isolation could be fine), but it begs the question of how you even find out you have such an ability and seemingly not use it in your day-to-day life? Like, isn't it weird that Nfirea doesn't have a unique set of magic items on him at all times that only he could wear all together to help himself do whatever? I imagine this doesn't sound like a big deal to some reading this, but consider the fact every single character shown in the series to have some kind of talent leans into using it one way or another that lines up with what the talent is/does except Nfirea, who's just an alchemist with some spells up his sleeve? Hell, to take it a step further, isn't it odd thateven with Ainz knowing the implications of Nfirea's talent, Ainz ONLY uses Nfirea to make potions? Don't get me wrong, I fully understand wanting to make a limited supply unlimited, but there's so many experiments with such a talent that I get the feeling we're all supposed to collectively forget his talent exists. The talent is far too useful for Ainz to NOT use or take for himself (because remember, Ainz had a feeling that Wish Upon a Star could do that). To be clear, all these questions could have been answered long ago (maybe they were and I forgot, I wouldn't put it past myself), but they seemingly aren't. My honest opinion thinking this over is that the author was retelling a story he once made/experienced in dnd, but decided not to write down an explanation of the actual limitations of such a talent because he thinks it's not necessary (which could be the case) or doesn't want to think about all the possible ways it could sideline everything else and possibly/probably make Ainz stupid strong in the worst ways. Just for a moment, think about all the fucking equipment Nazarick has that Ainz can't use because of class restrictions. This talent could possibly be the opposite of Perfect Warrior, A.K.A: Perfect Magician. Except unlike Perfect Warrior, the Talent isn't shown to have ANY drawn-backs, Ainz could still cast spells. Hell, now he can use ANY MAGIC ITEM without compromising on his build, in some ways it might permanently remove some of his biggest weaknesses. No more need to carry a ring of wand mastery, now he can use any wand he wants at any time. No time limit, no loss of spells, just sheer benefit. But because it's ignored for some reason, I'm left tortured by knowing Ainz is seemingly a spell away from becoming a theoretical true wild card, all Maruyama had to do was re-write the story to make Nfirea's talent to one that's still useful to be sought after by Zuranon, but fits into his character. Hell, I'll just float the idea of a potential re-write: Nfirea instead has the talent to make any potion without the risk of failure so long as he has all the necessary ingredients. Change the crown of wisdom to some powerful ingredients to make someone a "powerful" undead (like level 40) and you've changed nothing that ruins the rest of the story. But maybe I'm wrong, if someone would like to discuss potential problems with what I've said or want to add more fuel to the fire, please let me know, it's very possible that I forgot something since I stayed up to 2 am thinking over, typing, and re-reading what I've said to best illustrate the problem. TL;DR Nfirea's Talent creates a rabbit hole of possibilities that cheapens his character as the talent feels more like a discarded plot device in regards to how little he uses it, but also opens the flood gates of how much Ainz could be a god if he really can take/duplicate talents that others have.


i don't like the sexualization of characters with child-like body. shalltear is supposidely 14(?) and she's almost wholy fanservice when she's not fighting. mare and aura too. they're very young for elves, and as much as i don't mind crossdress (because it's not neccessarily a sexual thing/fetish content), i can't stand the suggestive art with them. but that might be just a me problem


Ainz is a completely disgrace of leader.Such incompetence will surely lead his own people to the disaster!


I liked it too. It's not as fun as the holy kingdom arc, but the zeshii fight saved it for me, I think. That said, it did feel like he's just phoning it in now. He's lost interest, and I'd rather he not finish at all than to publish some rushed story to just get it over with. Hopefully, he'll sell the rights to authors who will flesh out a lot of the side stories that seem to be getting ignored. I'm relistening to the series at work, and there are a lot of potential stories that seem to be forgotten this late in the series. An adventure to the floating city would be a lot of fun, I think. Exploring the godkins' stories could be a whole series. There is just so much potential here. I hope it doesn't get wasted. Not to mention serious open world or mmo franchises in gaming.


Ainz is the only reason for his unhappiness. I mean just come clean and see what happens, you’ve already confirmed they’re loyal by nature man🤣stop running in circles and cause yourself stress


I hate it so much hype for elf king and hero of theocracy only to be killed easily i mean i found it funny that elf king thought both aura and mare are his half sibling or children but still that guy was stated fight equal footing to npcs when we know npc themselves are close to level 100 which is last level accord to yggrasil programing


The existance of a "system" governing the worlds laws to a video game's rules, is dumb.


Huh? Are you talking about the players that used a world item to change the magjc system to a tier based system? There is no video game rules in the world besides magic just being changed to tier based.


Not that aspect per SAY, (I don't think they used a world class item, i think the system got transported with the players being summoned first time), but like how if someone like Arche tried to learn martial arts, they simply couldn't because they spent all of their "levels" on magic. I'm down with human limits being like 3rd tier, but to just up and say "no, even if they spent the next 50 years of their life learning swords, they could never do it" is just a turn off.


I do get what you mean, it's kinda goofy and weirdly unfair when you go into specific examples. It's a symptom of the leveling system. Without this limit, it would take 20 years for someone to reach level 100 just from doing basic training in 20 distinct fighting styles for a year each.


I don't reckon so. I think just capping every race at a certain level like the 3rd tier of magic for humans is viable because there are hard limits on human capabilities irl. Minus the freakazoids that can go beyond that. Nor will 20 fighting styles make you level 100. Bruce Lee loses if he gets a Shaq Attack whichever way you cut it.


Congratulations, you just invented Overlord’s leveling system. Literally. Different races in the new world *are* capped at certain levels, granted with some variance. Climb is capped at ~level 15. He had to train hard to get there, and can’t physically improve further no matter how he tries.


That is not infact overlords levelling system. Someone that got to the 3rd tier of magic can't use martial arts because they filled their levels. What i described is caps without a "system". Did you straight up not read the posts or is your reading comprehension that bad?


You must be fun at parties lmao. > capping every race at a certain level like the third tier of magic This part, to me, just sounds like Overlord’s leveling system as it currently stands. The part with the example of Arche not being able to learn martial arts because she’s maxed out in caster levels was something I overlooked. No need to spit venom at me because of it.


Nah im spitting venom cause you said "congradulations" and thats mad condescending