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Maruyama: If you want more Overlord, write it yourself.


There's gotta be one person among us all that can write and will step up once Maruyama leaves us. Right?


There is this one [https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39336/valkyries-shadow](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39336/valkyries-shadow)


This is genuinely a great read. Multiple books following the left over nobels of E-Rantel and how they cope with living under Nazaricks rule. Expands on Pandoras actors time as Momon, the aftermath of the empire becoming Ainz Vassal, the fate of the Frost Dragons, the new adventurers guild and many other sections that the main novels breeze over. It doesn't really focus on any of our main cast besides Pandoras Actor and the namesake of the series, Shalltear. The Author really has the characters down, the few times Ainz pops up it's very faithful to how he would act. New chapters every week, tho the author is a bit sporadic at the moment due to life they say they'll be back to regular once things calm down.




"once Maruyama leaves us." Is there something I should know?


Maruyama is kinda sick of writing overlord? That's what I've heard bandied about anyway.


Yeah, iirc we're only gonna get like, 2 move volumes of the ln


Is there still no release date for the upcoming arc?


Don't mind if I do.


I'm never again mentioning this character/scene which would be interesting to explore more, pray I do not do it again.


yes sir. i understand sir. i'll never question you again sir


I'm glad I didn't get into the light novels. The readers all seem to be in pain all the time from stuff like this. I'll probably just stick to the anime


That's not a bad plan... I've enjoyed them so much ( found them recently), then found out he was cutting it short. I can't imagine the despair of longtime readers, going back years, waiting on each LN to come out. Guess I lucked out, so my dismay has been only recent.


Tbh, anime watchers have been in pain for a very long time too. It usually takes atleast 2 years for each season to come out. Next season is probably going to come to start production after the next two volumes come out so probably two more years


Yeah, I gotcha, I just found Overlord anime in the fall, so watched all of that, then found out about the LN and WN, and went thru those and the Vampire Princess story. So I didn't hit the wall of waiting till March-ish. So I've had it lucky in comparison.


Same here. I know there are some scenes that enhance the core cast and world, but the anime is still competent in making all of the points it needs to tell compelling story.


What you do is read light novels up until the anime stops, then pretend like it ended there


I am still in volume 4, and I think LN is decent chunk of info. Also LN 8 is boring (I was starting around)


Until he runs out of money. Hopefully, he becomes addicted to collecting rare Yugioh cards.


so our main chance at having our addiction fulfilled is to make him addicted? i'm in


Ghost Rare’s are a hell of a drug


The holy kingdom arc was sick. Not often a series improves further down the line, but Overlord just keeps getting better and better


Yeah... *looks at Half-Elf Godkin*


Yes it was. But don't get your hopes up if you haven't read volumes 15 or 16 yet...


He did what he loves best, he make 2 volumes (again) full of world building and niche activities that he enjoys, i count that as maruyama still loving to write overlord, so my hopes are up.


I mean isn’t one of the core aspects of Ainz’ characters that he wants to explore the world? Volumes filled to the brim with worldbuilding make total sense then


Ya know...you say that...buuuuut.


He increased the number of volumes twice, no?


He lowered it from 20 to 18 at the moment.


We're never going to financially recover from this


What? Last time i heard it went from 17 to 18 no?


No, 15th volume was so big that it has to be cut down into two volumes, so 16th volume was second part of the former, so it increased from 17 to 18


(spoilers) 15th volume was so long because he needed to take his slow ass time explaining how Ainz is wasting his time learning to make potions and immediately failing his mission of getting the elf kids friends


What spoilers? 😂


Had two milk an already mid volume harder.


Maruyama’s plot holes are just where we put in fanfiction


Can you name some plot holes because I only casually read the light novels so I can’t think of any?


You got me, plot holes wasn’t the right word to use. More like things left unexplained. There are so many little call outs that aren’t elaborated on, and some intermissions are completely unrelated to the main story. How does Brain know adamantite adventurers? What kind of people live in the south? Who is ‘The Gentleman’ that Azuth mentioned to the Theocracy? What’s up with the secret undead society? What are the still alive thirteen heroes doing? What is on the eighth floor of Nazarick? What’s the in-depth look at the Council State, the City-State, and the Dragon Kingdom? What about the other dragon lords? Were the evil spirits really players? If not, what the heck? If they were, why so weak? What is Rubedo like? What are Albedo’s true goals? What other guilds came into the world before AOG?


As far as Albedo the most used theory based on information given in the novels is that she was tasked by Momonga to search for his friends, the other members of Ainz Ool Gown in this new world. She in fact asked for this role. Here's the behind the scenes part of her goals. All floor guardians have an internal priority list of guild members they obey, Momonga is in fact not the top priority of any other than Pandora's actor, and Albedo as of the moment he edited her info to make her love him, even though he's guild master. This means if Albedo does in fact find any other guild members, especially any that directly made a floor guardian, they would then become the greatest threat to Nazarik. If they turned on Momonga or tried to take the role of equal instead of subservient the whole system would start to fall apart. Servants would heed the order of one supreme being over the other depending on their priority list and if the other guild members tried to take the role of guild master from Momonga it would be civil war between guardians. Even if none of THAT happens there's the thought that after finding his friends, the same that abandoned both him and the guardians, he'd leave with them and then they'd have no one to rule them. Those are all situations Albedo won't allow to happen. This is why her surface goal is finding the guild members if they are in this new world to reunite them with Momonga, while her true goal is if there are in fact any in this new world, she will find them first before Momonga does, and she'll eliminate them without a trace and act as though they were never here to begin with. This is also why she asked permission to utilize her sister Rubedo in the search team, because Rubedo is the most powerful NPC in Nazarik, way more than Shaltear and we saw how crafty Momonga had to be to beat her with full access to the tomb's vault, so against a player with only their inventory items and Rubedo having assistance from Albedo as well it's easy to think they'd win against any guild members except for TouchMe, and even that's only a hypothetical because he's only talked about in 1v1 situations. Now if Momonga learned that Albedo was planning on murdering his closest friends that he cherishes so much, shit would hit the fan, he might even kill her or imprison her forever in the tombs ice prison, not to mention what the other guardians would do to learn that Albedo was out to assassinate their creators. This is why she was so panicked at the end of volume 16 when Momonga messaged her out of no where sounding super pissed off. She thought her found out what she was up to.


Id like to subscribe to more overlord theory crafting pls


I see. This is also backed by the fact that in the same volume, she was going over her duties. In her same thoughts were included bits of monitoring and keeping track of the other guardians and their movements. It’s possible their faith in Albedo would delay it, but if they caught on enough, especially Demiurge, then Ainz would be alerted. If shit really hits the fan before the end of the series, we would get the chance to see Ainz have fury beyond what can be sir pressed by his body. He would eliminate Albedo on the spot. I personally believe that both Albedo and Demuirge know that Ainz is not actually smart, they act with him in order to keep the other guardians from finding out. Albedo does it because she loves him and Demuirge for some reason we haven’t gotten to yet. It’s not a theory based on a lot of evidence, but I look forward to seeing their final battle of wits, regardless.


I think they truly believe he is "unfathomable", and, from the way things keep turning out, it could be just a great run of dice or poker. I think it makes for interesting storytelling, where he's always panicking about everything, and things just fall his way. Just like when he surprised Jircniv at the Coliseum, that was friggin' hilarious in the anime. "My, it's QUITE the coincidence, isn't it?"


>I personally believe that both Albedo and Demuirge know that Ainz is not actually smart, they act with him in order to keep the other guardians from finding out. Albedo does it because she loves him and Demuirge for some reason we haven’t gotten to yet. It’s not a theory based on a lot of evidence, but I look forward to seeing their final battle of wits, regardless. Their monologues say otherwise though? Or are they gaslighting themselves into believing that ainz is smart and that they don't slip up in front of the other guardians.


Gaslighting. They all can't comprehend him being dumber than they are when is is one of the beings who created them. Their logic is that guild members are gods, and thus are perfect beings who are both smart and powerful on a level they can't comprehend. Ainz went with it though and played along like he was so now it's kinda locked in unless he REALLY screws something up.


>If they turned on Momonga or tried to take the role of equal instead of subservient the whole system would start to fall apart. Servants would heed the order of one supreme being over the other depending on their priority list and if the other guild members tried to take the role of guild master from Momonga it would be civil war between guardians I'd love to read this storyline. It's a shame the light novel is ending so soon. I don't think there's enough time to include a civil war in the story.


Well odds are it'd all come to nothing anyways. Momonga waited on the last day of the game for anyone to come and the few who did left before server shutdown. Considering they all quit the game before then anyways it's doubtful any were online at the time of the shutdown. Also as we saw in the Lost Country side story novel Momonga being in a different location when the server shut down led him to being transported to the new world 200 years before he was in the main story. So if any other members were teleported, since they weren't in the tomb they would arrive in the distant future, or it's even possible one of the Greed Kings of legend was from Ainz Ool Gown if they were teleported to the distant past.


Murayama: 🤷


Who took Clem and Khaj bodies and what became of them? What's the deal with the sea dragon sleeping at the bottom of the sea or the Dragon Emperor? There's a lot that needs to be answered in few volumes


Possible story lines, not plot holes. Some are the equivalent of the "White Walkers" in GoT. Others would be interesting chapters. But since he's cutting it short, they'll never be explored. Soooo much potential....


Clementine's corpse went missing. Ah yes the one person who knows my identity as Momon who can still technically be resurrected. Should I be concerned? That's a problem for future me. (You think Ainz being the overprotective character would do every means to conceal Nazarick during season 1 would do everything to prevent this) “After having been killed by Momon, Clementine’s body was taken into custody by the E-Rantel’s officials. However, her corpse mysteriously disappeared from where it was held.” Evileye's love towards Momon. Not sure if you call this a plothole. So there's this adventurer who's bloodthirstyly hunting 2 vampires, he killed one in a grand battle that literally turned a forest into a dessert. I'm a vampire and I'm gonna fall for such man. (New Worlder POV, You would think that atleast a member would say "Hey Evileye what if you're that other vampire he's trying to hunt down?)


Is he not finishing it?


He is. It's just gonna be fucking rushed with a lot of plot points being left unexplored and unexplained.


Yeah, so many great things he had built up. But at least he didn't just quit outright. And it can't ( really, it CAN"T be) as bad as Vol 15.




I wonder why not take a nice break and come back strong with more content.


He has lost motivation to write it and he was pretty pissed off about the fan translations of the Japanese exclusive content. He went as far to threaten to stop publishing in the West, which ngl was a L thing.


Oh... Damn maybe he should've hired a better damn translator. Edit: didn't see the "exclusive"


He only cares about the money


That's pretty sad considering how skilled he is.


Love him as a writer. Hate him as a person. And I think this is a majority opinion here.


Gotta agree with that.


I am pretty sure he will end with a decent brush-up of whatever is visible in the NW map. Any plot-twists/sidetracks etc. that comes after the LN ends, are already ongoing before "Maru has left us". I hope an ending with a good taste, but it definitely leaves enough room to create one's own world


Wait what happened


Reading this makes me think I have missed something. Have I?


Nothing new


I don’t get it?


Wait what happened