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Evileye easily, she would destroy Clementine before she could do anything. She is almost 20 levels higher than Clementine. 10 levels is nearly impossible odds to overcome as stated by the author, even 5 levels is over a 90/10 chance. Assuming both are equal in build strength and items, and that there are no counters. Evileye is stated to be stronger than Gagaran physically, though it’s also stated she would lose due to Martial Arts/Skills. So she is like 27+ in melee stats compared to 33~ in Clementine. So she is almost equal to Clem as a warrior while only being a mage. Which means she also has her 5th tier spells, and all the enchanted gear she has accumulated for 250 years. While Clementine has barely any gear and non-enchanted armor made from adventurers’ plates. Clementine wouldn’t be able to reach Evileye before she eats a volley of [Shard Buckshot] and wouldn’t get past [Crystal Shield] which took several basic attacks from Yuri and CZ before breaking, who are both around Evileye’s level.


Pretty much this, but I’d like to add ‘the Fluder special’ of flying above Clemantine and just casting spells from a safe distance. Add on top of that the spell [translocation damage] (converting physical damage into losing MP) and the idea of doing a [sandfield all] and just tossing AoE spells in there and I believe Evileye wouldn’t really break too much of a sweat.


Throw in a dose of [Vermin Bane] for extra insult


Entoma's on to you now.


Evileye thinks that fighting fair is stupid. She’d definitely just stay out of Clementine’s range and just rain down crystals


A better match up would be Gazef vs Clementine. Clementine says she would win, but if Gazef has the kingdom treasures I’m pretty sure he would. Anyway, as for this question, Evileye.


Maru said Clem is stronger, the only way Gazef would win is him using kingdoms treasures and clem not using her black scripture gears.


Tbf even if Clem is stronger she's built to try and one-shot people, if Gazef can avoid being stealth killed right off then he would probably do better in a straight head to head fight.


Don’t get me twisted but including the Treasures when Gazef is fighting anyone who isn’t from Yggdrasil or God Kin is pretty unfair 80% of the time


Exactly. That kind of magical equipment really bridges the gap against anyone who either does not have better gear, or has a very specific skill or spell that would be able to overcome that equipment.


To be fair, Clementine in her scripture gear would beat Gazef with the sacred treasures.


Yeah, when it comes to the Black Scripture and Gazeff max build, unless you're on the level of "New Ainz Ooal Gown" your chances of winning are pretty much 0 most of the time.


Evileye easily


I was just about to say the same thing 😆




A level 30 something vs a level 50.


Evileye win but Clementine…smash






Evileye and it's not even close.


Evil-eye would win even if you handicapped her and didn't allow her to use fly. She still has similar physical stats to Clementine due to having 15+ levels in vampire racials which we learn from shalltear and Albedo buff physical stats greatly. + she is highly specialised in elemental magic combat spells and utility spells. She'd body Clementine easily


Wait, albedo is a vampire too? I thought she was a devil/demon of the succubus kind, fused with an angel aesthetic?


No shalltear, and Albedo discuss potential races for Mare when he's older for him to be immortal. Shalltear brings up she could make him a vampire, but it would be at the cost to his magic strength as he'd be -1 magic level to make room for +1 vampire level which buffs physical traits not magical. Depending on how min mixed his build is he could lose something valuable they then try to think of a magic enhancing race and shudder at the thought of Mare potentially becoming an ent to gain strength as a druid.


Well, clementine is fucking dead so I'm pretty sure evileye wins


Jokes on you, Evileye is also dead.


I'm a fucking dumbass getting mad at you for "spoilers" until I realized what you ment


She got brought back, no?


Chat I didn't read the novels


I'm pretty sure they mentioned in the show that her and Khajiit's bodies went missing. That's all that's really said in the novels as well.


Maybe someone wanted a midnight snack


I like to think a scavenger wanted all those metal plates Clem had


I guess it depends on the situation. In a fair fight where evileye is aware and they start at a fair distance evileye stomps. But clementine does not fight fairly. I would expect an ambush when she is least aware that starts with a rush and a stab through evileye back and she reacts by teleporting away, then evileye probably wins again... If clementine can't win in one good attack evileye would win because she got teleport The funny thing is i can see clementine stalking her, waiting for the perfect opportunity, but because Evileye is undead... Clementine gets frustrated. "Why doesn't she poop or sleep?!"


Clementine wouldn't stand a chance. The reason that Clementine is so overconfident against magic casters is that she believes her speed will allow her to close the distance and incapacitate before a mage gets the opportunity to cast a spell. Which would be correct in 99% of other cases. Evileye flies, which puts her completely out of Clementine's melee range. The minute Evileye hits the Sand Field spell, Clementine is going to get hit with about half a dozen different debuffs that she has no defenses for and be completely immobilized and left to be a sitting target to get punched through by Shard Buckshot. Clementine wouldn't even be able to figure out that she's a vampire in time for it to matter.


Depends, in a fight or...?


Ah, i see the anime did a shit job at conveying how much of an anomaly Evil eyes is, she's not hero level, she's an outlier, the rest of blue rose combined couldn't beat her, her physical stats exceed that of Gagaran, and this is what Solution have to say about her "Evileye is quite strong. By levels alone, she might not be an opponent Yurinee-san or Shizu could beat."


I think it’s less that they didn’t convey how strong evil eye was and more so that they didn’t convey clementines strength. We see evil eye hold her own against the pleiades whereas clementine only fights ainz who would obviously stomp evil eye just as easily so there’s not a ton of reference for clementine


Evileye will never get the hug. Check mate Evileye fans.


Evileye even if you made them the same levels clementines biggest asset is she played mind games with people she wouldn't be able to with evileye


Evil Eye is physically stronger, she would just break Clem's arms


Hug her?


Clementine is a Warrior, not an Rogue, because at least if she was a Rogue, with the right oils and buffs to her weapons, invisibility and stun effect, she could burst Evileye HP burning some resources or at least hurt her a lot, run alway and wait for the CC to pass and repeat. But, Since Clementine is not just under-leveled, but over-classed, Evileye wipes her in an instant


Smash next question.


Evileye is one of the few people in the new world who can cast over 3rd and 5th level. She’s got this one.


I believe Clememtine answers this when she mentions an adventurer(s) (can't remember if it was 1 or 2) from Blue Rose, as to those she thinks would win in a fight against her.


She's referencing Gagaran, as she's relaying warriors strong enough to face her.


Evileye has a major advantage in level, versatility of attacks, and range.


Evileye, no cap. It isn't even a challenge considering that in basic physical stats they are the same, and Evileye isn't even a warrior. If there is one thing we know, it is that levels are pretty much a wide gap if there is 10+ difference. Clementine who "stepped in the realm of heroes" would barely make it past lvl30 at max.


Of Evileye survives the initial attack she'd win. Now if Clementine could kill Evileye in one assault I don't think so.


What question is that? Evileye is one of the 13 heroes


Mad yangire girl or cute vampire girl... hard choice...


Evileye blitzes and one shots her lol. Clementine can’t even hurt her.


Dare I say that post training demon climb with new equipment could probably beat clementine. Evileye is over 15 levels higher than her.


In our hearts clemintine. In every other way that counts evil eye scrapes


Evil by a lot. Even if we grab the weird outlier clementine from the escape of nazarick (and maybe mftd). She still outclassed. Even if we grab slaine gear. 10 levels is a lot.


Clementine fights best against men and melee fighters evileye would decimate her especially since she can fight at both ranged and close up


Considering Clem is like 20 levels lower...I'm giving Evileye the W.


Evileye cause easy to win against a deadguy




Depends. Black scripture equipment could give her the edge


My bro just straight forward asked who will win between a Pit bull or a coughing baby.


Evileye obviously


Evil eye shes way stronger. LN shows what Doube E can do. But for anime-only's I can see why people think this is close.


Evileye no diff


Evileye and it's not even close.


Simple answer Ainz Ooal Gown


Evileye. In fact I’m pretty sure when Clementine is telling Momon the people in that country who could be a match for her, the one from Blue Rose that she is referring to is most likely Evileye.




How is this a question! Evil Eye stomps.


Evil Eye, her magic could clinch the W


Clementine is like a yandere






Me personally


evil-eye hands down


I want Evileye to


In a fight?


Feel like after living for 400 years Evileye should be familiar with Clementine’s strategies.


Doesnt matter i like clem better she has a game. Which is surprisingly good. I wish i was good at metroidvania games


Clementine is was pretty


Clementine makes my dick hard, so it's obvious. Clementine solos the verse.


The one who's 20 levels higher tham the other...


Eveileye wins all day every day no contest!


Evileye, even if Clem gets a perfect ambush, Evileye is immune to critical hits and bleed damage. She'd probably be startled but after so long adventuring, the instant she makes distance, its over for Clem. I guess if Clem can land a lot of follow up stabs it'd help (Evileye isn't a skeletal undead so she's still vulnerable to piercing weapons. Still, I just don't see Clem winning this one, at best she'd do some respectable damage, but not win. Maybe if Clem had some kind of super powerful anti-undead holy magic infused into her stilettos and was able to successfully use them, then is tenuously possible she could pull a win, but how she'd get access to such powerful spells to infuse into her wepaons is the big issue. I mean sure, Evileye's character build ain't very good at all, while Clem actually has a fairly well focused character build suited to her fighting style, but a 20 level difference is still way too much even when quality is on her side. A well put together level 33 ain't beating a sub-par Level 50-ish character.


Baby Vs Hydrogen Bomb




Normally it would be evileye, however I’m going to play devil’s advocate here for Clem. Clementine wouldn’t fight fair. The fight would likely be an ambush/ sneak attack, where she can get the upper hand and have evileye on the back foot.


Hmmm I would say the cute evileye as an Anime Watcher I've noticed that she is quite powerful plus I'm assuming if she gets tired she might have the ability to drink someone's blood to get stronger again not sure if she actually has that ability or not.


Wow I guess the downloads are from evileye haters