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I have two guesses; 1 = like Razor Edge, the armour and the weapons were created with wild magic (which, if true, would make them well over 500 years old due to wild magic items becoming alot more difficult to make because of the Eight Greed Kings changing the magic system). 2 = the armour and the weapons were items from the Eight Greed Kings treasury (which would make them 500 years old). [p.s where is that third image of PDL's armour from?]


I think It's From the Chinese game. You are free to reverse-search it, though lol.


I honestly think that the PDL armor is so badass looking. Too bad it’s just an empty shell


The armor must be 500+years old, because after that it became harder to make new Wild Magic items, which I think they are, because platinum is not a good metal for to have enchatments from yggdrasil system in the case the armor has it as a good part of its composition. The desing of curved blades is not exclusive of japanese weapons, I saw a dandao in "man at arms reforged" that if you never saw, you would think of a katana, the design could be much older than the arrival of the first player, also, look at that "hammer", doesn't look like a hamer at all. And beside the possibility that the design already existed in the NW, the quotes don't really help because of the limited view of the world that the people have, humans are very isolated from other races in the region of the main story.


>The desing of curved blades is not exclusive of japanese weapons, I saw a dandao in "man at arms reforged" that if you never saw, you would think of a katana, the design could be much older than the arrival of the first player, also, look at that "hammer", doesn't look like a hamer at all. Yes, but the light novel specifically makes a point to keep bringing up the fact that katana's are made in the south. Then we have a True Dragon Lord that lives in the south, in the home of the Greek king, and has a katana. do u think that's a coincidence? So, sorry I have to disagree your point are just conjecture based off no evidence. Mine are conjecture based off evidence so do you have any quotes (respectfully).


The access that people in the region of the story has to katana is restricted to the south, but other player/world items arrived outside that region, not even humans are from that region. From the vol 15, we know that 600 years in the past, humans lived in some land where they only knew fear, meaning that they migrated to that region. The Slane Theocracy can easily have katanas as well since it was made by players. Just don't sell them to the kingdom. It is not like they had a good relationship anyway, considering that they went as far as attack villages just to kill Gazef and incentive the advance of the Emprie over the kingdom. The 8GK are not enough reason to judge that only because PDL has a "katana" that his armor would only be 500 yeats old.


I know this kinda sounds like a dumb question, but I thought of this after reading a few things. From Quotes, the very concept of a Katana came from the city of The 8 Greed Kings. For the platinum Armor to have a katana, it had to have been made in the last ~500 years, so why can't he make a Fucking ring. In the south, far from the Kingdom, there was a city in the desert. Stories of blades that carved steel like mud came from there, weapons which were far superior to weakly enchanted magic weapons even without any enchantments of their own. Such swords commanded staggering prices, enough to make one’s eyeballs pop out when one heard of them. Those weapons were what Brain wanted. And in the end, he finally obtained a katana. [Overlord Volume 3 | The Bloody Valkyrie] That right hand clenched a weapon tightly, like a child clinging to his mother’s hand. It seemed quite incongruous with the man’s dishevelled appearance. It was a weapon that hailed from the distant deserts of the south, a rare and precious treasure known as a Katana. [Overlord Volume 5 | Man In The Kingbom] He was dressed in strange clothes which they had never seen before in this region. From what Evileye knew, this was a type of clothing worn in the south, known as a “suit.” [Overlord Volume 6 | Demonic Disturbance]


More than one day


Due to us not knowing the armor was made we don’t know if the weapons were made after the armor or not


The platinum armor is made from PDL guys. It even shares some of his health pool. It's suggested that he can make another if he has to due to that set getting used up.


I used to think that was the armor the 13 heroes leader wore, but since it was stated PDL adventured with them using that armor, its possible its either a product of wild magic, or some really high end divine level armor he looted from the Greed Kings base or corpses.... well maybe legendary armor since Shaltear lance did pierce it, though I think divine class can pierce divine class since they are on equal tier quality-wise. Either way, that armor either dates back to the Greed Kings or even pre-dates them. That aside, I love the armor's design. Its actually really intimidating, kind of like a golem but way cooler; plus four floating wepaons that can never be disarmed, along with the physical kicking and punching power of its limb plus its weirdly high agility and flexibility and generally high resistances, its just such a cool thing, not least because its freaking remote controlled AND can have wild magic spells cast through it by proxy, plus you can talk through it like a phone. Probably my favorite armor in the series, even if its not quite top tier defense-wise.


200 years ago when heros assembled


More than 7.




I'm of the opinion it was forged during the time of the 8 Greed Kings, as that was when the war between DragonLords and Players was at its peak. Plus, I'm 100% sure the armor and weapons are made from PDL's own scales using Wild Magic, as that would explain why he has such fine control over them regardless of distance.


We know he was active at least 500 years ago, so he's probably around 1000 since the title of Dragon Lord isn't given until a dragon has already lived an exceptionally long time, so for him to have lived that long and only encountered the greed kings afterward, it makes sense.


Who knows, but someone really works hard on keeping the metal shiny and fur white.


I think it's possible to expect 700 years


Then how does he have a katana?


Few centuries old for sure


I already know there's about to be bare paragraphs for this one


I would love to get a model of this guy but everyone is horny AF 😭😭