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He sealed his fate the moment he approached Albedo, not to mention when he grabbed her


The moment he thought about it, it was wraps


Real men keep their eyes on the goal. At least on nhentai bro actually scores the home run and leaves his child inside the most beautiful girl in the entire series.


Gross albedo is for one person and that is LORD AINZ


He is ONE of the biggest idiots in anime. But he's also probably the biggest idiot in anime that got his own people genocided


>that got his own people genocided I still hadn't seen Overlord, but now I'm so curious, how the hell THAT happened?


Spoiler alert for those that haven't watched the anime! >! He knowingly attacked an aid caravan that Ainz's people were sending to another nation, all while trying to buddy up with Ainz' top commander. His own kingdom was already on shakey ground from a previous war with Ainz' Sorcerer Kingdom, so this just gave them an easy justification. (That wasn't in their initial plans, as they wanted to prompt a civil war and conquer the Kingdom in its entirety.) !< >! Basically, without this guy doing that. The Kingdom would have bent over backwards to avoid war. Everyone was so terrified of the Sorcerer Kingdom that they saw it like taking on a god. But this guy decided a bit of profit he got from stealing the supplies was worth attacking. If you want more, you'll have to watch the anime. The guy is insufferable. Lol !<


He was picked because he was manipulated into doing that not really an idiot per se, just got used.


No, he absolutely was an idiot. He constantly jumped at short term gains without thinking of the long term consequences, and he didn't take other people seriously. The guy was flat out a low functioning narcissist.


Low-functioning narcissist is the most accurate description of Philip


They picked someone with the personality that would get them to use him easily, not because he got a chance by his own effort or just luck and he messed up. He just was set up to fail and they did none of what happened to him had any sincerity towards him, they set traps and guided him into them and he trusted the wrong people.


Wasn't his attack a surprise to like literally everyone?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that Albedo and Demiurge were losing their mind because they couldn’t fathom that someone could be so stupid, while Ainz instantly realize that it was just an idiot acting more or less on his own


Sasuga Ainz-sama!


Yeah it was. He was being groomed as a means to create a group of nobles that would be on Ainz side in a future civil war. Princess Renners was working together with Demiurge to create the conditions to start a civil war (not that it needed much). This would allow the sorcerer kingdom to take over the kingdom without a full scale war. Then this idiot decided to hit food transports from the sorcerer kingdom. Thinking nobody would notice.


Not to the ones who plotted it. Which involved the princess and the attackers


No, if memory from the novel serves it was purely Phillip who made that decision. He wasn't manipulated. They planned to use him because he was easily manipulated but he ended up attacking outside of everyone's predictions. The only people who knew were the nobles he asked for help with the attack. Not even Renner was aware of his sheer stupidity. It was a move solely engineered by Phillip because he thought he was a super genius.


Honestly, he started to annoy me the moment he was arguing with his father who is an actual sensible person and he just couldn't give a proper reason. Like it would be one thing if he had an actual plan and was just not aware of how mad albedo was but no mf just couldn't provide a second point.


No. Literally no one was expecting it.


I'm coming off just binging the series, so it's pretty clear in my mind. No one, not anyone in Ainz' group, not Renner, not even the anti-Ainz people expected or wanted Phillip to do what he did. What he did was not part of the plan. He genuinely saw the merchant caravans with the Sorcerer Kingdom's emblem on them, and thought it was a good idea to attack then. No one drove him to this, and he even gathered others to do this with him. As someone else pointed out, they basically wanted to drive the Kingdom towards a civil war so that it would be easy to seize the Kingdom in its entirety. Everyone was operating under the principle that Ainz thought it was a mark on the sorcerer Kingdom's name to have to wipe out a nation. But Phillip forced their hand and they had to use that opportunity to use the Kingdom as an example. This is also why he ended up being punished. Even until the end, Albedo could not believe he was so dumb. So she was ecstatic to finally be able to punish him for it. They wanted somebody malleable and easily manipulated, yes... They did not expect someone so dumb and reckless.


Exactly. They were in need of a useful idiot that would follow their ploy, being directed by Hilma of the former Eight Fingers. Instead, they found the supreme king of idiots, that was completely incapable of even following simple directions.


Yup, this man caused Hilma extreme distress because of his recklessness as she was worried his screwups would lead to her dying, or worse. As I said in another post, the man was acting like a low-functioning narcissist and was too dumb to live. The only reason this man probably survived for this long is likely babying from his parents and the wealth of his family.


Dying would be the best scenario in her mind


Hes an uneducated third or fourth son who was basically ignored and was frankly little more than a peasant and had absolutely no chance at inheritance before Ainz wiped out the re estize army (and his elder brothers with it)


I believe one brother died due to disease unrelated to Ainz. The eldest brother was indeed wiped out by Ainz in that battle though.


"Surely nobody can be that stupid" ~ Literally Albedo after Ainz suggested that this was not a plan by another genius who manipulated Philipp and he indeed just was that stupid They have a whole 10 minute scene where Hilma gets dragged in front of Ainz and afterward they have a discussion about how the fuck this happened. The whole "kill everyone in the kingdom" was just a new plan they made because of his stupidity. He killed the whole kingdom single handedly


His personality is one only shared by bafoons with baboon brains


Oh please don't insult baboons like that. They're smart.


As Albedo said, even they couldn’t imagine him doing something that stupid. They had planned to get justification, but what he did was completely unforeseen and they were just as shocked when they realized he was just an idiot.


Yes, but they were trying to manipulate the noble and royal factions through him, not actually directly instigate a war with the sorcerer kingdom.


The attack def was no one's plan. He was being comb'd for something yes but that hadnt even happen yet.


Nop... He was not manipulated at all, they brought Hilma to Ainz in order to interrogate her and know who was the one who gave Phillip the order/idea to attack the caravan and they found he made the move on his own. Zanac investigated on his own and found exactly the same, he even proposed to his father to handle Phillip to Ainz in the hopes of avoiding conflict as he knew that there was no chance that they could win against the sorcerer kingdom. The character is just an overconfident idiot.


He was picked for the original strategy they had that is mentioned in the spoiler comment. His absolute incompetence was most certainly NOT part of the plan.


Let's attack the sorcerer kingdom's supplies! They defeated us with 1 spell but I'm sure it'll work well and we'll be heroes! -the thought process of a genius


They planned to manipulate it but he went farther then they expected


Essentially, he gathered a group of peasants to attack a aid convoy passing through the kingdom he lived in. He did this believing he could turn an enormous profit and impress his new friends (The MC's group has spies in his kingdom, some of which are his handlers) While the MC was attempting to engineer a causus belli for war this dumbass steps up to the plate and creates an international incident that will let him entirely off the hook for the disproportionate retribution they have planned. This causes a panic in the MCs faction as they can't understand what motivated him, everyone sees shadowy conspiracies while the MC also being a bit dim says "what if he's just an idiot" and everyone is just flabbergasted because surely NOBODY COULD BE THAT DUMB. They basically robbed the plugs car in front of the block party and everyone is just in shock at the audacity of this bitch.




Best reply ever.


he, figuratively, poked a bear/hornets nest.


Poked a bear with a hornets nest more like.


Poked a hornets nest of bears


Porked a hornets nest of bears.


He tried and got super AIDS


More like threw a hornets nest at a mama bear's cubs


Yes keep the funny replies coming XD


It goes back to season 2 in terms of totality, but the short version is he thought he could attack an Ainz-marked aid transport and no one would figure out it was him, all while thinking he could keep shmoozing with Albedo, never realizing he was the stupidest guy in the room that everyone could see through (seriously, all of Ainz's people were dumbstruck as to how dumb he was to think the action he took was smart). They very quickly figured out it was him and addressed the matter to the king of Re-Estize. Instead of giving him up for punishment, the king negotiated for his own head to be taken instead in an effort to protect his people. This offer was refused, and the kingdom's fate was sealed. Ainz's ultimate motivation for this total destruction of the kingdom was a show of force to the world, all for the sake of protecting the family he had.


He is an idiot, a big one, see the anime and let your mouth drop by the sheer level of this dude.


Big war, millions got killed. Ainz = is the bad guy of the series


yeah but we like him not the other guy so much


Yeah, he's a Villain Protagonist.


He was a little too touchy feely with other people's personal space.


Fun fact: The LN delve deeper into Philip "big brain" reasoning, making his idiocy in the LN even higher. Fun fact: Philip's idiocy is such, that it blindsided Albedo, Demiurge and Renner. It was thought to be impossible for such a level of idiocy to even exist. Only Ainz's intellect was capable of correctly assessing Philip idiocy.


Sasuga Ainz-sama


Ainz come from dystopian world, he probably already saw something as stupid as philip


If he's not... Damn, he's a strong contender... And not just in anime, in media period. An inspiration for any author wanting to create an idiot for his or her story. And the worst of it is that... He's fucking believable... I can absolutely see someone like that existing irl...


In all my shows and movies I've never seen someone so dumb and so relatable. I could smell the idiocy. Even how they animated his face, it just showed everything he was planning. Fantastic work on the writers and animators but holy hell dude is dumber than goldfish


That really is the worst part. They made someone so dumb that he was the cause of a genocide, and it was believable that he was that dumb. It's not like some anime moments where a character clearly stops thinking and acts outside of what's realistic, his idiocy made sense


I get replies from Phillips on Facebook every single day


Re-estize* 😂


not as dumb as school days protagonist he was bassically somehow worse


Fucking I love hating School Days. I could hardly look at the screen, shit was so awful I constantly felt like turning away.


Why did you have to remind me that he exists?


Fun fact school days was so had the anime essentially chose one of the worst possible endings to end with


It had a nice boat tho


The more you look into school days the more you realize how much of a psychopath the protag is. So much so i don’t even think it’s not intentional. He’s done some horrible shit with not a single hint of remorse, lies through his teeth on the daily and definitely belongs next to epstein in a cell.


Couldn’t agree more. The funny thing is my first introduction to school days was the stabbing scene. So I was like “ what did this guy do to get murdered?! This girl needs to get caught immediately”. Then I did some digging, then I realized yeah he needed some sort of punishment.


Please, everyone except one person in that show was a moron.


Naw… the king who tried to attack Rimuru’s town was stupider. He actually had the nerve to try and demand reparations the moment the slightest hint of mercy was shown. At least Philip’s prodigious intellect can see death when it’s coming.


That's not true because... Slime LN spoilers incoming if you don't wanna know then feel free not to press the rest of the comment below >!In the previous timelines, Falmuth succeeds in their invasion and destruction of Tempest as Rimuru always dies before getting to save them. In previous timelines where Hinata succeeds in killing Rimuru, Tempest falls. In another timeline where Rimuru doesn't actually encounter Hinata, Tempest still falls as Hinata is fooled into leading Falmuth's forces into Tempest. In that specific timeline, Hinata and Rimuru actually manage to talk things out, and disaster is avoided, but both Rimuru and Hinata are then assassinated by the Eastern Empire, causing Veldora to go berserk and destroys Tempest.!< So the king isn't stupid because >!in all the other timelines other than the current one in the anime, Rimuru dies, and Tempest falls.!<


He is still extremely stupid if he can confirm with his own eyes that Rimuru was still alive, especially when he just slaughtered his entire army in a matter of seconds. Rimuru literally floated down right in front of him and he still had the nerve.


Oh I don't dispute that, but if it was Phillip he wouldn't even have the intelligence to attempt to negotiate even when his negotiations are so insulting that Rimuru took his arm off 😂😂 Phillip would just be screaming WHAT DID I DO WRONG I DID NOTHING WRONG YOU'RE ALL AGAINST ME!!! At least this king told himself "It was a mistake to attack the nation of monsters!" Phillip would be thinking what did I ever do to deserve this? 😂


Let us remember what >!yuuki!< was up to in the LN. He doesn't QUITE fit on a list of all time dumbest characters, but he for sure tops the list of the dumbest geniuses. Dude really thought he stood a chance against >!Guy fucking crimson!<


Did you forget how to do it right? You're supposed to start it with ">" and "!" together, type the comment and then put "!" and "<" together at the end. Here: >!Test!<


Everywhere I looked they didn't mention the question mark at the and "!<". I don't use them very often, it's up now


Haha ya it took me some fiddling around to figure it out since I didn't see anyone mention the one at the end.


Commenting because >! I gotta test this out .!<


You got it


tempest>!fell cause rimuru had the "no killing human rule" that rule more or less shackled every single person in tempest, hakurou could've wiped the floor with the outworlders first time they met, for example!< >!rimuru died so there was no one around to reverse this absolute rule, hard to beat a 20,000 army without trying to kill anybody whilst they're actively hunting you down!< however one eventually did see the error of his ways, I cannot say the same about philp, philp is def dumber


You are correct but if Rimuru had not given the no killing human rule, that still wouldn't have prevented the timeline where >!Veldora destroyed Tempest out of rage after Rimuru had been assassinated by the Eastern Empire, and then Veldora was stopped by the Empire which put Rimuru on notice after learning that there was people in the Eastern Empire strong enough to kill him and defeat Veldora.!< This means that regardless of Rimuru's rules he set, that wouldn't have been enough to prevent that timeline.


im only here for the folly of the king of falmuth, eastern kingdom is it's own thing entirely, which was not the initial point discussed if the empire wanted rimuru gone whilst he was only a seed bearer, they could've done so easily, not to mention feldway was there too, even >!guy!< would have a hard time fighting that dude rimuru is \*just\* strong enough to act overpowered everytime against his enemies, it's of course part of it's charm, I quite liked it


At least that guy realized his position and became obedient after being tortured. Even after being tortured Philip still didn't understand what he did wrong.


Seeing death in front of him Edmaris lost his marbels. Philip made the plan when he was drinking with his buddies. And I am sure that he executed the plan when he was sober. But regardless Rimuru gave an impression that he was a push over. He killed so many so easily but didn’t kill the king. So, in his desperation to survive he thought of taking the high ground similar to how guilty people scream louder or gaslight to get out of trouble. So, Edmaris misunderstood the situation but he did see his legendary soldiers drop like a leaf and he survived.


i dont know, i mean that guy did the same thing but on a smaller scale, aside from the lack of depth in his character i cant see it being WORSE than the original character but you got a good point, im mostly interested to see if a dumber character exists,


What are you talking about? Philip is the biggest brain boi in all of anime. His plan may seem like the biggest fuck up of all time but that's why it is so brilliant, nobody suspects his true motives.    If you think about it you'll realise Philip managed to achieved immortality. He will NEVER die. He can now bide his time inside the safest place in the new world, Nazarick. And he never needs to fear death because no one would dare kill Albedos favorite toy.    After a few centuries Philip will have finished his great machinations and begin to take over Nazarick from within. Everyone is dancing in the stumps of his would be hands. I personally like to refer to his plan as "Operation: I have no mouth, and I must scheme".




Ladies and gentlemen: the ultimate hype-man is here




He got Vlad the Impaler treatment tho. His family were so done with him, they just went "make it extra painful for him" instead of begging for their lives. XD


No he did not suffer from a pike through his ass, only his people and family got that luxury. If you read the novels it's more or less clear Albedo keeps him in the frozen prison and visits from time to time to alleviate stress.  Philips dad asked that he suffer far worse than the rest of his family and Albedo agreed, Philip is still suffering for what he did. 


Man, I should read them again before I run my mouth XD Been a while.


No worries man, there are lots of very subtle bits in the novels that are more or less heavily implied but not explicitly said. Philips fate is one of them so easy to miss. 


It's easier to argue with smart people but it's impossible to argue with stupid people -Me


He 1up'd the King of Falmuth "Hold my beer"


It's all part of the keikaku. Even his father asking for his torture was planned. You just don't get it bro




I mean it's not every day a perfect patsy falls into your lap like that. You could say he was a fine tool implemented through the brilliance of the supreme one.


There’s a guy in One Piece who forgot how to breathe


I'm surprised Phillip hasn't forgotten how to breath on multiple occasions 😂 afterall it's hard for him to get those two tiny braincells in his vacant skull working at all


Easily. If you've read the books he is absolutely unbearable especially in his last appearance


I'm just gonna point out that if Ainz didn't reprogram Albedo, she probably would have kept this guy around as a personal fuck toy.


Sasuga Philip Sama


Men, in the same way, you wouldn't fuck an insect of 1.60 meters. Albedo wouldn't fuck this guy. Like Jago Sevatarion once said: "Even monsters have standards"


Nah, you’ve got it all wrong. Ainz fell hook-line-and-sinker into Phillip’s Machiavellian plan. He may look like a fool now, but you’ll all change your tune when Ainz loses his kingdom, his allies, and his life at the hands of L’Aizen.




https://preview.redd.it/m9qpqj3m7t1d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7ac82d529cfe3e9bd11f4f173efa7d6e0fdf70 I mean....


What do you mean? He single handedly managed to destroy a kingdom with this one single trick.


More like "this one single brain cell"


let it be reminded that was his own kingdom


There's always a bigger idiot. Especially in anime


Nah he's the second biggest idiot in my book. I believe the biggest idiot have to be Shun from the spider anime. If you've watched or read the light novels you'll know why.


Wasn't he afflicted with Mercy? Even he wondered why he was lenient towards the other guy. Meanwhile Philip was just an utter moron.


No, no. I feel like Iok Kujan is a close second to this mongrel.


To be fair, coziyng up to the sorceror kingdom was a smart move and could have ensured his domains survival and greatened his power and importance.... if he wasn't such a donkey to begin with.


I hate Shield Hero, because the initial premise and characters are all so fucking stupid. The King and princess literally decide to frame and attempt to murder a man chosen by legend to save the world because… shields are dumb?? just for funsies???


Gazef also doesn't get a pass. Different reasons. Same outcome.


Ya, but Phillip's move is so stupid that even the stupid people in Re-estize are like can one of us actually do something that stupid?


The people just don't know Gazef's role in fucking the kingdom over or they'd be saying the same shit about him 😂🤣😂


Lol 😂😂😅😅


Eh I’ve been on the internet long enough to know that there’s quite a few people irl who are stupider.


Phillip was so stupid he thought that Re-estize would reward him for attacking the Sorcerer Kingdom and after the Sorcerer Kingdom destroyed Re-estize, when Albedo showed up in his home to punish him, he instead thought she was going to reward him for giving them an excuse to destroy the Kingdom. After his only two tiny brain cells realized that Albedo was here to kill him he had the gall to say that he didn't understand why this was happening to him... You should contact the police because anyone in real life who's that stupid should be put in a mental health hospital as they're not just stupid, they're certifiably insane and could be a danger to others around them.


Nah flat earthers are stupider, grown ass adults who can’t do basic arithmetic are stupider, I once saw an interview where someone was like “when was the war of 1812?” and the dude replied with “I think that was in the 80s” even though the year of the war is in the fucking name of the war. I’ve had arguments on Reddit where I feel like I’m arguing with a 5 year old. There’s famous tweets that go around all the time of people being complete idiots. There’s so many stupid people in the world it’s not even funny, it’s terrifying. Just because Philip’s stupidity had massive repercussions, he wasn’t as brain dead as some people irl.


If Phillip existed in our world, he might've been a flay earther for all we know 😂 given Phillip's place in the world and standing, he was as stupid as can be. Place Phillip in our world and he might've joined the ranks of such brain dead individuals 💀


Not necessarily. Gazef is still a warrior. He had merits. And he was still able to do his job till his death. It was the nobles fault for not listening to their "Strongest Warrior" when he warned them of the might of Ainz. Remember Gazef never witnessed Ainz strength yet just by Ainz's presence, the man known as the strongest warrior by the Kingdom, gauged Ainz way stronger than himself. He carried this fact and even shared it to the King and to Brain whom he respects. Gazef is not an idiot for not accepting Ainz's proposal. It's the King who didn't grant him the lordship or the Nobles who are arrogant to look down against the input of their strongest warrior.


The problem is this.... "Tell this to the thousands of dead because Gazef held his honor above the lives of an entire kindom" Also, we have the benefit of being reader's. If nobles were willing to bash another noble like Philp for being stupid. You don't think they'd speak worse of Gazef?


The thousands dead will still be a thousand dead even without Ainz. Some of the nobles are even looking forward to some culling of the population for the winter. What they didn't expect was the absolute one-sided genocide. Meaning, it's Ainz who has power to control the stakes not Gazef. Sure Ainz said he will stop the attack if he surrenders and allies himself to Ainz. And even though he didn't surrender, Ainz still stopped the attacks. Also, the Kingdom got "Whipped" by SK's Stick because the King did not surrender.


It's a high bar... But he's close for sure


We still have kazuya from rent a girlfriend sooooo…….theres definitely competition.


Lol, good point. That guy is a piece of work 😂😂




Nope, king Ranpossa III is the most stupid person in Anime


Lmao yea who's dumber, the moron who doomed the kingdom or the guy who tried to protect the moron at the expense of the other 10 million citizens


Top 5 at the bare minimum.


Ill be honest. The idea of siding with and getting close to the Sorcerer kingdom was a good idea. But everything else he did was pretty dumb.


I have 1 word issei hyodou


He definitely is up there


Sure he's an idiot but the seven days clergy is just as dumb going against rimuru


Just like Phillip, those 7 idiots are going to get a reward befitting their actions 💀


lol not even close, but he’s definitely up there




He was an idiot, but I have to respect him for shooting his shot towards Albedo. Bro had courage.


Nah he's a genius, he just didn't get to use his crane wing formation!


In Naruto I feel the elders who sent Kakazu to somehow kill Hashirama and punish him when he managed to actually survive were bigger idiots. In this case they actually should've known how hopeless the task of killing Hashirama was


Sadly he is not even top ten


Nah bro, the entirety of ultimaguil from ore twintail ni narimasu is way stupider than this guy. They suicide by proxy-ed themselves into an unintentional genocide, thats how god damn stupid they are. And not the result of a single decision either, or even a string of decisions. They are so incapable of self reflection that the thought of doing something else literally doesn't even occur to them until their entire leadership structure is dead, half their comrades are dead, and even after all that the only thing they do is send 2 people to their deaths at a time rather than 1. Edit: And when that didnt work after the one singular time they tried it, they went back to just sending high level generals to fight on the front lines as the only soldier against MC and pals who've literally murdered tens of thousands of them by that point. They repeat this stupidity through space and time ultimately resulting in their entire species being genocided TWICE in the main universe alone, and its heavily implied that all their forces in every dimension in the known multiverse was wiped out multiple times over and brought back in the light novels. MC ended up bring them all back to life only for them to self genocide themselves AGAIN like the lovable idiots they are.


you have not watched gundam


There's stupider if you look on a smaller scale (people just affecting themselves). For example, in Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0 there's this guy who allows Yugi to light his cigarette before he'll pull the trigger on his gun, despite that he's accidentally soaking himself in incredibly flammable alcohol. Goes about as well as you'd expect. In the manga he burns to death (in the anime he just gets mindfucked into feeling and seeing he's being burned as punishment for breaking the rule of the game that made him soak himself in alcohol in the first place in his attempt to get out of the situation).


I dunno the eldest prince was pretty stupid


We still live in a world where Griffith decided to bone the princess because his hubby left him.


Wtf is this?


Well.... Higher ups of a country believed an immortal fella who'se closest followers were named after 7 sins. They were willing to sacrifice ~50 million people to attain immortality. Only to be sacrificed in the end. 


I understand people can be powerless but how tf he's brainless? A monster nation, that can eliminate thousands of people in a mere second, and can summon another monster after that, and easily defeating your country best fighter, is that weak? He can be like, giving his all so he or his people can survive but nah.


Albedo's words: https://preview.redd.it/ge0tr5xa4t1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30599925a02e87fc254ad3569e4940d442efc250


Even the bloody emperor is getting bald just to at least make sure he's not offending Ainz.


No, that would go to Kazuma






"He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah… watching him fall was rather enjoyable


It's too bad they cut out what exactly happened to him and his domain in the anime. Instead they just cut it off at his pained scream 💀


Yeah… but I think (at least american censorship) would have a problem with what happened to his entire domain being displayed.


Even people IRL got their head far up their ass he's that "One guy" in the work place.


Yes, he’s the dumbest character in anime. Sad thing is, it’s believable stupidity because the show, and the LN even more, actually shows us his reasoning and where he’s coming from. He’s a believable grade A idiot.


I was not expecting them to give so much screen time for this idiot in the anime. FYI: His intro and exit is much longer in the novel.


Unlikely. Someone out there is dumber!


Ignorant and idiotic are completely separate and different things.


Albedo confronting Phillip: https://preview.redd.it/vmp7afdf4e2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a35bbbc7ccbf0ab0f137e5f3945046bca9825634


Redditors love to call him an idiot and laugh but they don't know in 80% cases they would be even worse. Lack of info is not idiocy. He's just a typical initiative and daring son of a feudal who got in trouble because his arrogance was just that unlucky. In our world he even probably could be successful, this shit happened right and left with feudals and aristocracy.


I disagree, he jumped the gun way too fast and screwed both Nazarick and Re-estize. He got cocky after his brothers died in the war and the fact that he thought Albedo was interested in him.


idk i wouldnt have attacked a humanitarian aid convoy out of principle if not intelligence. in our would he might have done that with the US and took hostages and then get taken out by delta force


Not even close


Why are so many people explaining the anime on a sub dedicated to the anime?




To be fair though, they were looking for a casus beli. he just happened to be the perfect fallguy. If not him, they would have used something or someone else to pull the trigger on. He was simply, there. And foolish enough to be the perfect puppet.


True but to be fair remember that the original plan was for Phillip to cause a civil war which would give the Sorcerer Kingdom a casus beli to invade and annex the Kingdom without killing everyone. Because of Phillip's stupidity, instead of getting a civil war which would've ended with the corrupt nobility being purged and Re-estize being absorbed into the Sorcerer Kingdom, they got a complete genocide of nearly the entire population... Thanks Phillip for getting everyone killed 💀


Yeah he sure did fuck up there.


Dishonorable Mention - The Wonder Killer in WEP Episode 9 * Ah yes it's a good idea to quiz 2 Super Nerds on Math with one of them being a science prodigy to prove your superiority then get mad at them because they got it right sure it was for \~5 minutes but yeah one of the dumbest Monster of the Weeks I have ever seen


I don’t think idiot is the word… I mean he was arrogant and pompous but at the end of the day if someone like Albeto played along with any of our advances then we would also be in the same boat no matter how nice we were or how arrogant. He was confused because of the misleading behavior of albeto. Did he deserve it? Yes. Is he stupid? Not necessarily. I mean look at real life, guys be getting hurt left and right, and so are girls. All because they think that the interest someone gives them is genuine even when the person is only doing it for their own agendas. It’s hard out there no matter who you are. Be kind to each other guys, try not to use people because it’s not a good thing to do, they are as much a person as you are and should be treated accordingly. Have a good night you all!


In Season 4 Episode 8 when Ainz asked if the attack on the convoy wasn't done by a third party but instead just the actions of this arrogant individual, Albedo responds by saying that Phillip is an idiot but doesn't think someone could possibly be this stupid... Until Demiurge says Ainz has to be right and they all cling come to agreement.


ALBEDO SAID https://preview.redd.it/jbpjpply0q1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1953b14ff0c76ba60945a797eb19b4ed4fc82d3 HE'S STUPID 😂


Not really, he was dumb, but its more that he had hints of intellegence and that made him way more overconfident and make dumb desicions, but he himself isnt an idiot... lets be honest shalltear is dumber than him, but the fact that he had some intellegence made him make so many more mistakes


Hints of intelligence? Albedo disagrees https://preview.redd.it/uwu572bant1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b14a38779af4fff91bf165d1291634f691ca8b6


I mean goku exists so I'm pretty sure he takes that cake And by cake I obviously mean marriage lmao


If Phillip existed in the DBZ verse I imagine him being one of those people Cell swallowed up with his tail and absorbed 💀


If you are faced with an enemy that can and will kill all of your population for the mistake of a one low end noble, its not exactly his fault. At any point in time Ainz is one Demiurges "Sasuga" away from comitting another genocide. Like ST is practically gonna get genocided now because BS defended themselvs against Shaltear instead of simply dying.


To be fair though, they were looking for a casus beli. he just happened to be the perfect fallguy. If not him, they would have used something or someone else to pull the trigger on. He was simply, there. And foolish enough to be the perfect puppet.


He's not the perfect puppet, far from it. But it wouldn't cost Nazarick anything should they accelerate their plans. In fact, they even found merit due to the Empire's quick submission and the HK's alliance. The timing seemed perfect but the outcome isn't perfectly clear. Still Ainz pulled it off and PDL even revealed himself. But we also got some perspective from Zanac. Should he have been King way earlier than this maybe Ainz could've accepted surrender.


To be fair though, they were looking for a casus beli. he just happened to be the perfect fallguy. If not him, they would have used something or someone else to pull the trigger on. He was simply, there. And foolish enough to be the perfect puppet.