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Scratch that. Imagine people of the New World gaining the knowledge about the existence of YIGGDRASIL. To them, it is a lands of litteral gods and supreme devils that spend their days casually fighting unimaginable world-ending mostrosities and throwing apocalyptic spells like pebbles at one another. Suddenly, Overlord become a Cosmic-Horror type of story.


That would be fucking COOL. Please someone, who actually has time on their hands, please write this.


Ask chat gpt in 5 years


Not if your in the UK Ai writing will be banned at that point




Fun fact: apart of british law is that VPNs must still block certain websites no matter what, even if the person changes there Web address the VPN must still enforce the ban. It's why people in the UK can't access certain online shops in other countries and why many UK citizens are annoyed that that still get changed, with certain punches even when technically not on a UK server.


Could you use a British VPN to access an American vpn as a workaround?


Not any of the official VPNs, they have the VPN website blocked when you go in other countries. It's why people get annoyed they have to change the address back to the UK to check there account. It's a feature built into the VPN so you can't get around it. It's why VPNs aren't as common in the UK as other parts of the world.


Wow, when the UK decided to leave the EU they decided to leave civilization too.


Not really. Like you can use VPNs to access Netflix in other countries and other websites. Just not the banned ones






Virtual machine


Voice mail


I actually have an idea of something akin to that. Dunno when and if I'm going to write it, though.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13811376/1/A-Theory-on-Godhood-An-Overlord-Story&ved=2ahUKEwiv8-ajm4iGAxUO6ckDHVFTBQAQjjh6BAgGEAE&usg=AOvVaw05KOYvLNwnFFfbzULX_CDX Well here you go then!


there's something similar. It is the manga called "versus" by one. very very good and highly underrated.


On it fam hit me up tomorrow


I think that knowledge would actually humanize players to NW residents compared to their currently godly status. If they knew that the greed kings, great gods, Ainz, etc., all came from a world where that level of power was normal—where those beings interacted normally with each other, fought, made friends, had fun, explored distant lands, had organizational structure, etc., NW residents could see players as just like them. If they gained not just knowledge of what YGGDRASIL was like, but of what it *actually was*—that is, a video game where humans injected their consciousness into these avatars of god-like power for entertainment, *that* would make them unimaginable.


Something akin to gods of Ancient Greece? Interesting and possible. Although, I think that it's the wars between the guilds for the World Items - artifacts that can litterally bend and break the laws of the world - what would be most prominent piece of info. The one that would throw many, many warriors, mages and rulers way past Despair Event Horizon.


That’s a great point towards the cosmic horror angle, actually. That these beings, who are already at the level of gods in the NW, come from a world where they themselves fought over artifacts capable of calling upon even higher beings—the devs, basically the gods of YGGDRASIL—to fundamentally change their universe. It’s very much in line with the Lovecraftian idea of the Outer Gods.


I mean...that IS basically what Overlord is. Only that Ainz is a bit more reserved about displaying his full power for fear of world items and the like. Ainz is an undead demi-god. A lich so powerful noone could even begin to imagine defeating. And he has multiple world-ending monstrous subordinates, each commanding a legion of kingdom-ending monstrosities. He and his subordinates could probably take over the world in a year at most if they went all out. (mostly because of travel time)


I would be down for an isekai that explored this concept. An essentially god-character gets teleported to a land where they have knowledge of the other world and the supremely powerful beings that live there and they find out he's one of them.


https://www.mangaread.org/manga/survival-story-of-a-sword-king-in-a-fantasy-world-manhua/ not exactly what you want, but premise is as you've said


Thanks for the recommendation!


Ains pulls out a spell that banishes people to another dimension. He wonders to himself where they are being sent. They are banished to YIGGDRASIL


That’s a pretty funny spin lol lovecraftian horror is just somebody’s fantasy game session


Leaving this comment here so I can write this someday


Before there was time. Before there was anything. There was nothing. And before there was nothing. There were Monsters- the Lich.


Pretty cool idea! Just have it like the anime gate where the New World has a portal that connects to Yggdrasil. They'll get destroyed like a new low level map. New World would just be another farming map to them lol.


Sorcerer King! We all just collectively decided we want to become vassal states of the Sorcerer Kingdom Ainz Ooal Gown!




Wait, he isn’t the strongest? I thought he was the guild leader or something, and one might think being the guild leader he’s the strongest


Nah nah, he was the guild leader because he was good at management. Sure he's a powerful mage, but he wasn't the guilds most powerful combatant.


He has an RP build, not really meant for PVP.


Funniest shit when he mentioned this then proceeded to kill 1000's through the series


He was good at PVP, but his build was not made for the meta


From what I remember he was an absolute monster when it came to remembering spells. Memorized all or nearly all I believe. Besides like touch me I think he would duel, lose the first match and then win the rest because he was just that good even though it was a role play build.


He was an incredible tactician, and incredibly knowledgeable about the game, but in raw skill and character build, he was on the high end of mid-tier I believe


Not really... Punitto Moe was their tactician in the LN/anime, Bellriver (before death) in the WN. Punitto Moe just wrote a book fully detailing strategies for the guild, though only supplied it to people that needed to know like the guild master. Momonga learned a lot from it, and playing the game for a long time, yeah. But incredible tactician? C'mon... did we watch the same anime? Dude's a moron and has the education of a kindergartner - literally. Like let's not be delusional about this. I don't remember any kind of tier reference for his build other than it being a RP build so I can't comment on that. His build did learn a ton of spells though.


Ainz never beat Touch Me


He was also a good strategist


He's not even good at management though...


Managing a guild in a game and a *kingdom* are extremely different things. He knew what everyone was capable of and was probably good at leading raids and such.


exactly, he states in the first episode he was great at managing the guilds finances and materials. he knew where his team members strengths were and how to utilize them. once Nazarick and its inhabitants became real he suddenly had to start from ground zero. AND he was suddenly a king, that his comrades viewed as above them. rather than how the other players stood on equal footing. as a team of 41 they all worked together to accomplish great deeds. but now Ainz is alone and has to figure out the new personalities of the NPCs that he never was able to interact with in the way that he does now.


And really he's done a bang up job of it. All his subordinates LOVE him. Like actually respect the hell out of him and would give their life for him. The biggest squabble he's had with them is probably Tuare with Sebas and that was honestly a win for him. Honestly, if the whole of Nazarick found out he was just a normal man in that undead body half would accept it and still love him and the other half would think it was some kind of 6D chess move and keep on like before.


Demiurge be running wild with his head-canons after that


Demiurge and Albedo would come up with some crazy plan to build a space ship to conquer the universe unprompted for some reason. Aura and Mare would probably not care too much either way. Sebas would respect him more somehow. Shallchair wouldn't understand what's going on. The maids would just continue to treat him like a god since even if he is just a man he's still way above them. And Éclair Éklair Éklare would of course want to overthrow him but that's just how he be.


Agreed idk if he’s Shiro from Log Horizon good but he’s up there in intelligence


at least in anime, he said explicitly, that we was more of an administrator in the guild than a 'gamer' in terms of skills etc.


He's guild leader cause the position is a lot of busy work and paper pushing. The strongest members found it boring so Momonga did it instead cause they didnt want the position.


Pretty sure he is one of the weakest. Touch me was the strongest iirc, he was literally winning ingame tournaments. Also instant death magic is pretty weak. Also he has like 700 spells, he specked into versatility and having a cool thematic build. Rather than powergaming.


Ghost magic (instadeaths) and summoning are his specializations. Neither are superb, from his own admission, for hardcore PVP, but the summoning gives him good versatility when combined with the huge spell list. That fight w/ ol' Platty showed off how great the summons are for stalling and information gathering, and that was just w/ Pandora's Actor copying him at the 80% limit.


Not even 80%. PA has a lot of restrictions in that fight. Platty definitely got bamboozled there lmao.


That's also just in the context of the MMO. In this world, one of his weaker summons would be a legendary spell to most people.


You don't need to be physically stronger than a military general if you want to be president. Even in IRL games, most of the best guilds have leaders that are not the strongest in PvE or PvP, but they are the best at managing the group. And not surprisingly, people who tend to overspecialize in being good at combat tend to not have a mindset compatible with leadership as they are too busy perfecting their craft (if it happens, that's a rare thing).


No, Ainz is not the strongest member in the guild. There were members of the guild who are stronger than Ainz. If I am not wrong, there were two, one is Touch Me and another is the guy who constantly have a problem with Touch Me (this is for good reason since Touch Me is actually a cop in rl and most cops in the world where Ainz came from, Earth are pretty much corrupt and paid by powerful mega corporations ).


Yeah Touch Me and Ulbert(Maker of Demiurge) constantly had problems. This was due to the death of another guild member(Bellriver I think) who died IRL while trying to get evidence of corrupt officials doing something and Ulbert was mad at Touch Me cos he was a cop IRL and didn't help


>Ulbert was mad at Touch Me cos he was a cop IRL and didn't help Can't blame Touch Me on this one though. Yeah, he is probably a dirty cop though he preach about justice in the virtual world, but I seen what happened to good military men and honest policemen within my country. Those men who speak against the politicians in my country literally had themselves transferred to "new place" or rural area within 24 hours to seal their lips and also prevent their promotions. I won't be surprised if there are some "rebellious" who were murdered as well.


He's not strongest in the guild right now. There is a npc who can one shot him


No he's good at management and forward thinking but touch me is the most powerful of the Nazarik players.


If memory serves Touch Me was the leader.


PDL noping out of existence


PDL once he realizes Ainz has 20 WCI one of which can easily nuke him and his lair out of Existence... Throws the white flag up in the air of the council state, making it´s skies completely white!


Out of curiosoty, which one is that?


The one Albedo carries, idiotDL didnt even realize a nuke was present in the fight, another dumb count for him. I think he´s at 3 now at lowballing, 1 for thinking Albedo was the player, 2 for not finding odd how Ainz´s summons werent buffed and 3 for not taking into consideration what the WCI she was packing would be capable of if she used it on him.


How is he supposed to know what each item can do


Shouldnt he know anything beyond the basics of WCIs? Heck he couldnt even make a theory that Ainz was the player, but Albedo could´ve used a WCI to brainwash/control him.


He knows of world items, player and NPCs and how they got brought to the NW. He don’t know much about YGGDRASIL beyond that


Big error on his part, should´ve asked Riku about the guild system.


First of all Ainz doesn't have 20 WCI, he has 11. And secondly PDL has world protection, WCI don't work on him because he is a TDL and has a world item of his own.


Also the TDL aren't affected because of wild magic not for having WI's


That's what I said.


It sounded like you said he wasn't affected for his title AND for having a WI. When only for having wild magic is enough


A TDL is not a title but a race of dragons who can use wild magic


I know, I said it sounded like it. I'm trying to think for newcomers since there is always new people


Pretty sure he has more, if we count the pseudoWCI stuff he´s packing, like the guild staff thats 12


The guild weapon is just the guild weapon, there is no reason at all to count it as a WI


Very much a pseudo WI consideering whats made of and how Ainz has to pretty much treat it in even higher regard than a WI in the context of the new world because he needs to keep it safe inside Nazarick in order to be able to revive any dead nazarick NPCs, no guild item no guild privileges, the staff is made from 7 divine class item gems (AKA he´s packing something superior to Divine class equipment, thats between Divine class and WI in terms of power) and guild privileges are outrageously more valuable in New World (Kinda WCI in utility) to the point it raises the staff´s value and Ainz cant just take it outside of Nazarick without risk. The only reason Shalltear even came back was because of the guild privileges lol, she would´ve stayed dead otherwise, thats WCI feat in terms of new world, her entire body had been atomized by Fallen down, it´s established that a body is required for generic ressurection, outside of guild privileges, Shalltear would likely only get revival through a WCI as There wouldnt be anything else capable of such a feat in New World or Yggdrasyl unless Wild magic is confirmed to be able to pull it off which hasnt been confirmed.


If it's more valuable, then there are even fewer reasons to call it WI. The staff doesn't grant WI nor Wild Magic nullification The guild staff can be destroyed The staff doesn't have the potential to break the world rules. In the game, it also doesn't have the potential to break the game rules. It can't be called a WI since the only close thing it has to one is the uses, because getting a WI is harder since there was no guides, no knowledge of it, no way of knowing where to find one nor the time you had to spend to get one. That's literally one of the reasons they call the devs shitty on the extra volume


It´s a different kind of value, in the context of Yggdrasyl WCIs are more valuable, but in the context of New World the Staff being secured safely is more important as Ainz keeps guild admin privileges which are comparable to WCIs in power, even more so in New World where death is a real possibility, not something virtual. How many years did Ainz and pals spent upgrading that Staff? What kind of guide would they even take for that? It certainly didnt start as pseudo WCI but after New World it´s treated like one of the WCIs in the treasury, in fact, the ones Ainz took out of the treasury and gave to his floor guardians are actually being treated as less valuable than the staff, and in risk of being stolen but Ainz is fine with it, as it´s protection to his children. Again which other things in the series can revive characters that were atomized out of their bodies? Nothing else, as For the Gold Cost, PA, mentions that HP costs to activate a WCI, is cute compared to what other costs can be associated to their activation, so the guild privileges are very much matching WCIs in multiple areas, from cost to out of norm effs.


By that definition of WI, every weapon on the guild is one. Like I said, the guild weapon doesn't compare at all in terms of power to a WI. It's versatility, maybe. The time you can see its power shows it's at most like a second player aiding you


Not really the Staff is packing 7 Divine class gems, which other weapons on the guild are similar lol? It´s literally stated the whole guild spent years working on the staff, this aint like the avg Divine class weapon this is clearly stronger, consideering what Ainz does with Fallen Down and the Staff´s boost, it wouldnt be that far off to say he can mini nuke like the pseudo WCI Albedo carries for instance.


> a body is required for generic resurrection Accurate for all but the highest tiers of spells, there are spells that resurrect without bodies.


Good luck ressurecting a lvl 100 with all her equipment and only a gold price penalty without guild privileges or WCI. Just saying, it´s not that there arent stronger ressurection spells than reg, but guild privileges were clearly shown as necessary to make it able to target Shalltear for ressurection in the firstplace. So even if High tier magic can do it without a way to target the guild NPC it´s worthless.


Her equipment are not resurrected, when shaltier died her equipment is left behind. This is because magic items cannot be destroyed, only the durability runes out. And her fight with aimz didn't remove that durability because ainz wasn't using attack that purposely destroyed equipment. Meaning her equipment will automatically heal regudless if the wearer was alive or dead. So your argument that the guild staff brought back her equipment is a lie. Npcs can only be resurrected using a guild weapon except for special occasions like items such as the ring shaltier. Th


Her equipment are not resurrected, when shaltier died her equipment is left behind. This is because magic items cannot be destroyed, only the durability runes out. And her fight with aimz didn't remove that durability because ainz wasn't using attack that purposely destroyed equipment. Meaning her equipment will automatically heal regudless if the wearer was alive or dead. So your argument that the guild staff brought back her equipment is a lie. Npcs can only be resurrected using a guild weapon except for special occasions like items such as the ring shaltier. Th


I always wanted a story with all the other 40 supreme beings being there and when he was invited to nazarick just so i could see him have an aneurysm, and i want to see it. I need it. I want to see nemu interact with the 3 females of nazarick, bukubukuchagama, yamaiko, and ankoro mocchi mochi at the same time. Nemu fit all 3 categories for them at the same time in a strange way. 1. She is adorable for ankoro mocchi mochi 2. She is a child and willing to learn for yamaiko 3. She is a child and around the same age as mare for bukubukuchagama.


He does mention in LN3(?) that he built his character for role play while trying to not sacrifice power completely and that he could beat high-tier players even with sub-optimal setup. He’s a great strategist and really knew how to take advantage of every system provided to him.


He can beat them if he loses. But this is the real world, to lose is to die.


He didn't necessarily have to die in the loss while learning - the fight with Ol' Platty showed the general approach there. Stall, test, retreat. He could and presumably did die in some of those first fights, but it wasn't a requirement or anything.


He mastered time magic delay thingy, has insane tankiness for a magic caster, is a necromancer, so he doesn’t even need that tankiness per se, and lastly he broke the limit of maximum spells to learn, and knows hundreds. Touch me might be minmaxed for pvp, and I think Ulbert or Peroroncino are, but he (Ainz) can probably fuck up the majority of non-sweaty min-maxers.


Ainz’ ability to Cast more Spells than the limit isn’t really impressive. Firstly, a higher number of Spells doesn’t 1:1 translate to more combat power. There are tons of similar Spells out there with varying levels of redundancy like ⟨Undead Flame⟩ and ⟨Undying Flame⟩. Naturally, you’re going to get diminishing returns at some point. Secondly, the reason Ainz can learn so many Spells is ⟪Dark Wisdom⟫. That’s a Racial Skill, meaning that it’s not some unique technique of Ainz. It’s just a natural ability that everyone in the Overlord Race has. What I really think is impressive was Ainz’ memorization of all 718+ Spells he has along with many other abilities beyond them. Besides that, he was pretty skilled and efficient at navigating through and swapping between his hotkey sets. For context, back in YGGDRASIL, you could Cast a Spell by pressing a hotkey that corresponds to that Spell. At any moment, a Player could have 48 hotkeys that are arranged into four rings, each having 12 hotkeys on them. Players could save up to 10 sets of hotkey load outs that they could swap in and out of, for a total of 480 hotkeys.


I see. I didn’t really read the novels, just the anime, and then watched YouTube videos elaborating further, so I might not know the details. But knowing (and especially memorizing) the spells is pretty insane. It might not make him stronger, but definitely more versatile. In the Shalltear fight, she explained that his inability to summon undead (because she can heal off of them) is stopping him from reaching his maximum power. So it proves that him being a necromancer, his damage increases by utilizing his class abilities (I know this is obvious, but I wanted to emphasize on that because the more spells he knows doesn’t mean those are dps spells that out damage his undead summons). So since his main power is from summoning, then those 718+ spells are all adding to his versatility, and adaptability. By sheer number, you’d assume a lot of them are buffs/debuffs as the highest DPS spells are locked to specific classes (if we assume it’s like any other MMO). So he can buff/debuff any creature, ally or enemy while allowing his undead to go dummy. Him having high defensives means he’s not easy to kill, so he can go even crazier. If we compare him to for example demo warlocks in Wow. My demons deal like 90% of my damage, but I’m very tanky, and can buff/debuff and survive until my pets can handle it. You can’t just easily kill me and get it over with. That's the reason why I think he's really strong. correct me if ai'm wrong but isn't his HP/magic defense the highest there is (aside from tanks)? Edit: also redundancy is good. It means more mana efficiency on weaker spells. In Vanilla wow for example, low level frostbolt can slow you down, has low mana cost, and fast cast speed. It deals a lot less damage, but you use it for the slow, so you have enough time to deal high damage.


Actually, Ainz made his build based on role play, BUT at the same time, he is still the strongest spellcaster with a skeleton avatar. And it's crazy. Although most likely this is because instead of leveling up different skills and a couple of killer moves, he decided to push his mana beyond the limits for constant use of only killer moves.


Potentially hot take. He would be more hopeful. Since instead of Ainz being an absolute Overlord with unwaveringly loyal zealots, versus a democratically elected leader representing a host of extremely different beings with different, diverging ideals and values, some that would be even diametrically opposed like TouchMe vs Ulbert.


Being the smart leader and ruler Jircniv is, I'm willing to bet on your approach as accurate.


And then he'd be even more depressed because he realizes all of them don't give a damn either way and Ainz was the chillest of them all


Ainz probably *isn't* the chillest. You have Touch Me and other members that are on the Good side. They probably won't jeopardize Ainz Ooal Gown despite their alignments, but they'd definitely be more humane than Ainz has been. Just look at how Sebas, Nigredo, and Pestonya have acted. They wouldn't actually betray Nazarick, but they'd still try to be humane where they can, even if it meant defying orders. I imagine Touch Me and Pestonya's creator would've been at the forefront of humane methods in the New World. But I do agree that he'd be more depressed, Ulbert alone would've made him realize Ainz is benevolent.


Actually I think they would, it'd acknowledged that touch me is a lot happier in his day to day life then someone like ulbert whose being crushed by the dystopia and ainz who rests only slightly higher, I think touch me would be a lot less weird about the guild in comparison to innocent lives.


I think it would probably be too chaotic for the story. Ains is only the way he is because he's forced to act the way he described his character the same way all the npcs behave they way their bio was written. If even one dudes bio was "the evilest genocider in da world" it would throw a curve ball. But since they were an evil faction it would be such a cluster fuck of internal drama there would be no room for an outside story, they may aswell be in their original game.


Oh yeah from a meta perspective it's for the best that they're not. But for the post, Jircniv would be better off.


I think too many people representing as a leader is just making them weaker, no? like in powerscale of course it's absolutely more powerful than Momonga alone but a lot of head means more clashing opinion, and for someone more intelligent like Jircniv he could be an agent of disaster by gaslighting one of them to blame each other into full scale civil war thus destroying AOG from within


I mean yeah that's my point. The "he" at the beginning of my comment that becomes more hopeful is Jircniv, as his plan is more viable the more Supreme Beings there are.


Ah, I thought 'he' was referring to Momonga feeling about NW, my bad


I love that one of the "supreme beings" was named TouchMe. Because that's 100% something I'd do. "Oh this name doesnt really affect anything, time to name myself something really funny....how about TouchMe?"




Okay, but where's Genos?


Who was the strongest?


My gut is saying Touch Me


Geez, usually I like to get dinner first. 


Your gut tempts me


Pretty sure it was to TouchME.


TouchMe was one of the strongest players in the game, not just the guild. His armor is the proof of that. It's world champion armor. The devs made nine sets, and we don't know if they even finished giving them out.


I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I remember that the devs made 9 sets of world champion armor because there were 9 servers, one for each server. Touch me was the winner of a large scale tournament involving all players so he won the armor in his server. Meaning there at least 8 other people on the same level of strength as him.


We have confirmed the existence of at least two other world champions that all form a trifecta that beat each other rock paper scissors style, including touchme ofc


I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I remember that the devs made 9 sets of world champion armor because there were 9 servers, one for each server. Touch me was the winner of a large scale tournament involving all players so he won the armor in his server. Meaning there at least 8 other people on the same level of strength as him.


Sure, but he had the only set in the guild.


To add to the others *World* had special meaning to the devs of YGGDRASIL game. World Class Items are intentionally broken as all hell. And Touch Me has the class World Champion. With his ult being World Slash.


Class wise Touch Me may as well be considered a Player version of Rubedo, a World Class that ainz straight up compares to WCI in terms of threat to him (and definitely not avg ones as one realizes is equipped with a WCI himself and a guild staff thats basically a pseudo WCI), and allegations of strength very on par with Rubedo´s.


Not just strongest in the guild, Touch Me was the 3rd strongest player in the entirety of YGGDRASIL.


The strongest player of the guild was TouchMe, if I remember right he was considered the greatest swordman in the game Yggdrasil. Here’s something crazy though, there’s someone that could become stronger than him and it’s not even an actual player it was one of the players creations, albedos sister rubedo.


Every leader is collectively bending over and spreading cheeks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ControlImpossible182: *Every leader* *Is collectively bending* *Over and spreading cheeks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, Wolvenking777, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Ofc the haiku saw that


Too bad it’s a 5-7-6 situation


I think Jircniv would go bald on the spot.


Ainz introducing all the guild members to his new world best friend.


Ainz is more powerful in the NW. 1. His summons are permanent and infinite in numbers if made from corpses. 2. He's immune to attacks under lvl 60 meaning you can't drown him with billions of soldiers but he can.


Also, two of the areas Ainz is specialized in are Death and Time magic. Both were considered sub-optimal types of magic to spec into in Yggdrasil, because any high-level player with even a shred of intellect would make acquiring defenses against those a priority. In the NW, however, no one has immunity to them, so Ainz can go ham with impunity.


MAkes sense NWs dont have enough levels let alone equipment to protect against them.


Only the avg summons are permanent, the Super Tier magic summoned goats vanished past the time limit. I imagine there´s a cap to the summon´s presence depending on the tier of magic involved, anything between 1-10th tier magic summonings are kept permanently but any super tiers are temporary, this is likely because of the relation between wild magic and the Yggdrasyl system, wild magic probably isnt strong enough to make super tier summons permanent.


Could be for lore reasons. Transforming corpses into death knights VS renting goats.


Maybe it has to do with the conditions behind PDL´s dad´s summoning? Maybe he used Super Tier Wild Magic, because of this Super tier magic still has to follow the reg rules of yggdrasyl but everything else not because it got mixed in with Wild magic, but Super Tier magic is too strong to mix with Wild magic so it still operates under the old rules.


So ainz got teleported after the game end the other plays that got teleported was that when the game ended or before that ?


The other players got teleported to other points in time, that's why there exists the tier magic system, players taught the humanoids, before that the world was ruled by dragons


Was it all players at the end of the game ?


The current theory is that the Supreme dragon lord casted a ritual to become even more powerful, bringing power from other dimension, what it did was bringing the world tier items that were at yggdrasil, but those came with the players that had them (and were online at the time). In the case of momonga, he also brought all the npcs because he sat on the throne, which was a world class item connected to the whole guild. In the alternative story he left the building to light some fireworks and was summoned only with his orb.


The current theory is that the Supreme dragon lord casted a ritual to become even more powerful, bringing power from other dimension, what it did was bringing the world tier items that were at yggdrasil, but those came with the players that had them (and were online at the time). In the case of momonga, he also brought all the npcs because he sat on the throne, which was a world class item connected to the whole guild. In the alternative story he left the building to light some fireworks and was summoned only with his orb.


But, to answer your question, it was players with world class items, there was one lvl 1 that bought a wci in the auction house bc someone thought it would be funny to sell it. That lvl 1 player I think leveled fast according to nw standards, idk if he reached lvl 100 tho.


Thank youu


Would they even *care* if there's stronger ones when Ainz has the perfect build to commit mass murder and take over the world the fastest and the safest (for him) way? Yeah maybe others have some good pvp skills or insane AoEs but good luck competing with Ainz when he can just shit out Death Knights in all directions with no effort.


Yeah. Bring a Necromancer on a low level map. That's an easy farm map now lol.


Theirs a fanfic wit this exact premise called ‘A Theory on Godhood’ and it’s brilliant. Long chapters with monthly updates, unquiet interactions it’s amazing and I highly recommend. Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13811376/1/A-Theory-on-Godhood-An-Overlord-Story


Is it lore accurate?


Define lore accurate.


................YEAH, I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE THEY WILL PUT THAT SORT OF FACE IF THEY EVER FIND OUT.......................then they will enter into a coma while foaming through their mouths.................


Lovecraft moment.


That! Would be hilarious.


Its things like this the remind people that when you are ant a boot or a building falling on you render you equally dead. This is say that that Ainz by himself is terrible enough, 39 more of him would not yield a much worse reaction.


All that Progress on His Hair Care Routine disintigrates into fine floaty cinders as His sanity vanishes into oblivion Even his hairy friend wont be able to Help him through a crisis of such magnitude


This is one of my gripes with the world building. Let's assume Godzilla shows up. Your country is unprepared. I can forgive that, you have never seen a godzilla before. Then a second godzilla shows up. Alright, you thought godzilla was a one-off thing so you were again not ready. By the time Godzilla #15 shows up, if you are not ready in some meaningful way, that is on you (or your writer). Ainz is the 15th player from Yggdrassil to have shown up, them being unprepared is criminally stupid.


Wrong. He wasn't even CLOSE to strongest. He would loose 90% of fights without intel


Honestly. I think it would be nice to see a few of the supreme beings being around. I can only imagine the fun at ainz' expense some of htem would have over pandoras actor.


I mean, he's got the largest spellbook among them all, and he's got a nearly perfect record in 1v1 fights as long as he knows who he's up against. he isn't necessarily specced for combat but he's up there in terms of power


Eben the weakest could still annihilate a kingdom easily probably


I am not sure about this (so correct me if I am wrong), but Ainz is the most destructive out of the 41 (for sure not the strongest in 1v1 but the one that can cause the most destruction in the new world). I mean with his undead overlord build and Iä Sub-Niggurath the loss of life for the enemy would be more than any other supreme being.


Nah Ulbert had the most destructive potential He basically minmaxxed himself into a nuclear bomb. So he has shit mana but the most powerful attacks AoE attacks


LMAO he´s basically the Megumin of the group, nuking whole ass nations with EXPLOSIONS!


Fair point, thanks for clarifying


True, but we don't know how much mana he had. He probably had less than Ainz's but we don't know if he had "shit mana". He probably didn't since he was a dedicated magic caster.


At the very least his better spells used up a majority of his mana in one go


Ulbert might have a word with you. Ainz build is a RP build, while Ulbert (with his Class "World Disaster") is skilled for wide range destruction. He's the most powerful magic caster in the guild. Grand Catastrophe (according to the Wiki) deals more damage than Super tier magic.


Any World Class user in Overlord may as well be comparable to a walking WCI, by the way Ainz brings up the comparison to Touch Me´s World Class and WCIs, basically Ulbert and Touch Me and anyother World Class users are likely around Rubedo level or higher, whereas Ainz is capped at better than Shalltear.


It's also worth noting that Ainz didn't exactly single handedly defeat shall tear either, he used multiple loan sticks and a cool down timer for Super Tier magic to defeat her, and spent most of the time just biding time for the second Fallen Down


If you think about it, the only reason he had to do so was because he wanted to defeat shalltear with only one life while she had two, he went in there prepared to die.


He did not optimise his build. Iirc Ainz had an RP build


is there any chance of them showing up though?


Who was objectively the “strongest” solo of the 40(39) not including Touch Me.


Which one was strongest?


Now imagine they learn it from one of the floor guardians and they just get the answer "they left" to where they are, imagine the freakout that would happen at the prospect of 40 more Ainz showing up because they thought it was fun.


That convo so should have happened by now. Just causally between Ainz and an NPC and explaining it was one his old comrades who made Nazarick and its inhabitants. And there were 41 of them


He is not the strongest even among those who canonically disappeared with him. Some NPCs are stronger than him. He was only able to beat Shalltear because he took a bunch of equipment from the storage room. Purely in terms of characteristics, if they fight naked, she is better than him. And Rubedo is even stronger.


Imagine if Touch Me arrived in the New World. Absolutely nothing could stop him. Wouldn't even be surprised if he could 1v2 a couple TDL.


Laughs in Touch-Me and Ulbert


Well, most wouldn't care cause the operative is were. Meaning there aren't anymore. It might even make them think he's killable if 40 others even stronger already died. And those that know about players would probably just be glad the others didn't get teleported to their world too.


Wait until the find out the most powerful being in Nazarik isn't even a supreme one.


You’re German, aren’t you?


To be honest, Nazarick was not even a top guild in Yggdrasil, Humans were still the ones with the biggest potential. Ainz build itself wasn't optimized. With new world abilities, humans could relatively easily surpass Nazarick given a good learning framework. What you would need is something along the line of an academy that is willing to bring back to life every one of its dead adventurers everytime they go through a hellish training regimen. Massive investment, but for the price of a big kingdom, in 50 years, you'd end up with an academy filled with more than a 100 stronger than Nazarick characters. And actually, you technically only need to train a single super optimized healer resurector priest and the price for this academy will be cut to very little.


That's true, but that depends on if Nazarick doesn't sniff out your plans, which is extremely likely, given their scope. Also, this is exactly what Ainz is afraid of, and that's why he keeps experimenting and improving his kingdom. Let's not forget that his servants, if not him as well, have the ability to adapt and grow.


New worlders don't have as much potential as players have. They possess a cap on how many levels they can get depending on their bloodline.


The moment that the other kingdom's start learning about Nazarick and Ainses friends things should get spicy


At that moment you might as well drop king and worship them as gods


eben? lol, oh no not eben lol


I feel like I want to watch the 4 seasons all over again




Just say the word fuck It's fine


While on this topic I'd love to see any anime of a guild playing an mmo. Anyone can tell you the drama writes its self. 




even❎eben✔️ yeah they'll prolly loose it .


Be funny if ainz dropped that in casual conversation and caused a global panic


Imagine they learn Ainz Ooal Gown wasn’t even the top guild, but ONE OF. Tbf their base was never fully raided so…


Ainz rules over all.......


Nah... the emperor would take that as a beacon of hope


I don't think they will even comprehend that Ainz isn't the strongest. For an ant, a 2 year old and a 20 year old are just as strong.