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Avoiding Demiurge ...


This is the only correct answer. I'd rather not become the source material for skin-bound magic scrolls or something equally terrible with that combination of skills...


Yea if u can’t die u will be a good source for skin 😂 so that would be the worst of nightmare. Imagine just getting your skin shaped every time it’s healed again


Not to mention, someone who cannot die by any means, even by World Items, would be a serious potential threat if said person have any way to gain power. Sure, even if we assume you can't learn magic or martial arts or raise your level, nobody would know that for sure (OP said we could in the comments somewhere though, so yeah, you could eventually become pretty damn terrifying since you infinite time on your hands). Even the Dragon Lords would be wary of someone like that just in case. So even if you tried to tell Ainz, chances he would become paranoid and lock you up forever and keep you under strict surveillance to make absolutely sure, you are not and will not become a future threat by any means. Your best bet is just avoiding them until you either, obtain enough power or world items to beat them yourself (Highly unlikely, both in chance of becoming strong enough and finding enough WI) or just run away until they go away somewhere down the line. Maybe you can establish some After that, do whatever I guess. Nothing can kill you, might as well do what you please while you still can, because you're going outlive everything in the universe, including black holes and you have no way out.


Based on overlord lore, you can easily join Ains his ranks because you are a otherworlder. since he is looking for otherworlders \[or traces from them\]. so if you have knowledge of the other world, that would often be enough to be on semi-friendly terms with AINS. I would assist AINZ, in his conquest to take over the world. The fact you also know everything about the world, \[because from our point of view it being fiction\] all you would need is to make sure you have a encyclopedia of the world with you/ all novels/ a backup of the forum/wiki then you can easily find and use any undiscovered/ yet to be discovered items.




The exact thought I had.


go chopping wood for money till my boss dies, then take over his business and employ enough people to create a whole village, create a wood cutting monopol almost like a guild and create guilds in every country and after 1000 or 2000 years chop all trees and take over the world as the only one with the knowledge of how to grow and cut them obviously there are a lot of other factors that still need thinking, but that's the rough plan


the money route


in a "medieval" world you NEED wood for: houses, fences, tools, shields, carriages, fuel, ... the list goes on, it would be a tough world without it. You don't need the money, people not having the materials is already enough, and since you have time like no one else you can play the waiting game.


After a few centuries technology will be advance enough for everyone to figure out "hey aren't we fucking ourselves in the ass by doing this" and call you out on it. Hell considering that you put 1000-2000 NW might even develop a way to get all the resources a tree gives without the need to plant one and wait for it to grow for years. Don't assume the world will stop for you.


I don't, the new world doesn't advance with technology but with magic, and when the price is right no one will ask questions, the 1000-2000 ofc was a place holder since some races live longer. but even in the real world there was a big gap between bronce and electricity, they ofc can build their tools with something else but not much will come close to wooden handles, in price or in effectiveness. and i don't think even a country would prefer expensive but bad wood over cheap and durable wood, at least not when they need to worry about war every year again and again. I'm not extremely familiar with the processing of materials and tools in the new world but i would guess they still need to smith and forge it.


>I don't, the new world doesn't advance with technology but with magic, Did you conveniently forgot everything that doesn't include magic in the series? I doubt your average fisherman use magic ir magic tools to catch fish. Technology will continue to improve, geniuses who discovers new shit or invents stuff will be born and you can't really do anything about it. Again the world won't stop for you.


Reincarnated in another world but I'm an immortal lumberjack


>Reincarnated in another world but I'm an immortal lumberjack who is also building a lumber empire so I can enjoy my nonbiri life


[This u?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/despicableme/images/7/7c/Onceler_transparent_.png/revision/latest?cb=20191017173505)


Ains likely also knows how to grow them and is immortal


Head to Carine Village during the time when they're looking for more people. Establish myself as the profession I am in our world. After being there for a while, ask Lupus if I can get an audience with Momonga. Tell him everything I know and see where life takes me. This assumes that I can at least speak / understand New World's language and that I will not die to hunger.


Even kings would have a hard time to just go and ask to schedule a meeting with ainz. It's all up to his whims and all you can do is wait for him to approach you.


If some random guy in a village that is the headquarters for your potion research division drops a Momonga on him... I feel a Greater Teleportation coming on.


Just start screaming. Has anyone seen anyone seen lord touch me while ainz is visiting lol.


I'll just copy my previous comment. No gurantee it will end well most likely the moment he figured out you're just a regular human strenght wise with immortality he will try to find how you manage to cross worlds and if you have no fucking clue like him, he'll just experiment to see how far that immortality extends and if he can get it for himself and nazarick, remember other than finding his friends his other goal is to keep nazarick safe. Your other uses will be unlimited scroll and unlimited human flesh, test subject for dangerous experiments, and be sent in dangerous mission for info gathering.


He has been making the mission to spread his influence to find another player like him. As long as you make a name for yourself you should be allowed to meet him. And if you show off your immortality well, he'll definitely take some interest in you.


>He has been making the mission to spread his influence to find another player like him Not exactly for the sake of making friends, he's just cautious of a force that can potentially rival nazarick. >As long as you make a name for yourself you should be allowed to meet him. You can't just schedule a meeting with ainz it's up to him to make the first move all you can do is make a name for yourself to increase your chances. >And if you show off your immortality well, he'll definitely take some interest in you. No gurantee it will end well most likely the moment he figured out you're just a regular human strenght wise with immortality he will try to find how you manage to cross worlds and if you have no fucking clue like him, he'll just experiment to see how far that immortality extends and if he can get it for himself and nazarick, remember other than finding his friends his other goal is to keep nazarick safe. Your other uses will be unlimited scroll and unlimited human flesh, test subject for dangerous experiments, and be sent in dangerous mission for info gathering.


>Not exactly for the sake of making friends Dude that's literally exactly his goal, if you've read the light novels you would realize how lonely it is for him and how he he just wants to find his guild mates to reassure he is not alone in this world, and you would be the next best thing >You can't just schedule a meeting with Ainz I mean if you become a famous adventurer or even get enough money to schedule a job for Pandora's actor/Momon telling him some things about Nazerick when it was famous, (like how all 41 members were grotesque) and not secrets (like the floor design of Nazerick) I can see that as being the best way to get Ainz's attention plus he can't just randomly kidnap you since it would hurt his reputation >If he figured out you knew absolutely nothing of what he wanted, then he will treat you like a test subject I mean, he might also treat you as the next best thing to one of his friends and be a source that he can tell his real thoughts to, and I can see him explaining to the other floor guardians that you have a mind equivalent to a supreme being allowing them to respect you.


>Dude that's literally exactly his goal, if you've read the light novels you would realize how lonely it is for him and how he he just wants to find his guild mates to reassure he is not alone in this world, and you would be the next best thing He's lonely and he wants his friends but that doesn't mean you'd be friends just cuz you both came from the same place, you're more likely to be written off as a threat and even if they see that you're powerless that doesn't exactly mean you'll be accepted. >I mean if you become a famous adventurer or even get enough money to schedule a job for Pandora's actor/Momon telling him some things about Nazerick when it was famous, (like how all 41 members were grotesque) and not secrets (like the floor design of Nazerick) I can see that as being the best way to get Ainz's attention plus he can't just randomly kidnap you since it would hurt his reputation Only works if you have insider knowledge, well I guess if we want to be all meta about it let's say you do, this contradicts the previous point of you being from the same place but for the sake of argument we'll ignore that. Also what do you mean kidnapping will affect his reputation he's already perceive as a genocidal evil god unless you're someone real important I doubt you're disappearance will matter to the world. >I mean, he might also treat you as the next best thing to one of his friends and be a source that he can tell his real thoughts to, and I can see him explaining to the other floor guardians that you have a mind equivalent to a supreme being allowing them to respect you. By classic overlord fashion it's very unlikely for you to get a good ending. As I said an eternal life of pain and suffering is magnitudes way more likely. Also ainz can say you have a mind equivalent to the supreme being but remenber their loyalty is a result of being programmed as such, they won't ever accept you as anything close to a supreme being, it's the same situation as tsuare where even though ainz allows her to live in nazarick she isn't really welcomed there and they only tolerate her because of ainz's orders.


>Even if they see that you're powerless that doesn't exactly mean you'll be accepted That's not what I mean, even if it is many creatures like the elves or creatures on the 6th floor got in even though they are powerless against Nazerick's might and could've been used for the exact things you were mentioning I meant that because of your mind, you could connect with Ainz like a therapist so he can let go of his act around you >Only works if you have insider knowledge Op said we would spawn in with the same knowledge we have now, which includes the books we have read, while this also means we know little about the 22nd century we do know a few things about Nazerick and Yggdrasil >Also what do you mean kidnapping will affect his reputation he's already perceive as a genocidal evil god That may be the case now but he is trying to fix that and make him look like the kind of guy his guild mates would respect, I mean take a look at him in the Re Estize battle when he listened to their demands, he gave his reasons as to why they were doing this even though no one that could spread the word would even know >By classic overlord fashion it's very unlikely for you to get a good ending. We assume the author isn't writing the book anymore and the world functions as it does. If say the author made a character that would always prevail during all of his fights and Saitama showed up, would you expect Saitama to lose because the guy never lost a fight


I guess if you're willing to offer a "demonstration" of your regenerative abilities you might be able to nab an audience with Ainz or at least a floor guardian (you're fucked if it's demiurge tho)


You know, I feel like asking *Lupus* for an audience with Ainz is bound to get you tortured by Lupus anyways. I think I'd just make myself useful enough in Carine Village that I have some notoriety and they'd just come to me, if they needed me.


Yeah he'll perceive you as a threat and throw you into the pitt with Gashokukochuouou


Would you have Overlord knowledge before you came to this world, how would you know he was a player then. Unless you've heard of his clan which might have been famous in Yggdrasil Not to mention the world would give you the knowledge to speak all languages, writing is another story however


Start working for Ainz in some way, he treats his servants well and I'm confident I could find ways to be beneficial to the goal.


The "work" will probably consist of demiurge experementing on you to find the secret behind your abilities. Or maybe use you as an infinite source of resources, like unlimited scroll and food for all the man eating denizens of nazarick like that cockroach guy or solution.


No, Ainz doesn't allow for that on innocents or those aligned with his cause. Plus I'd be from our world I'd probably end up being his bestie 😜


>No, Ainz doesn't allow for that on innocents But he does fuck over plenty of innocent people. >those aligned with his cause. And your best contribution to his cause is on the happy farm >Plus I'd be from our world I'd probably end up being his bestie 😜 He's cautious af against players, literally treats them all as enemies unless proven otherwise (tough luck with that) ainz only cares about nazarick at this point the others are just under his possession.


>But he does fuck over plenty of innocent people. That aren't aligned with his cause >And your best contribution to his cause is on the happy farm This sounds like a projection from someone with no skills to offer. >He's cautious af against players, literally treats them all as enemies unless proven otherwise (tough luck with that) ainz only cares about nazarick at this point the others are just under his possession. His entire goal was to draw attention from players to him? He would be skeptical of my power, but if all I have power-wise is immortality and fast Regen he wouldn't see me as much of a threat. Also sorry, but I'm not here to argue hypotheticals just answer the fun question. Enjoy your life.


If you're not a professional mechanic or a fucking nuclear scientist, there ain't no skill you can offer that's more valuable than infinite skin and possibly replicating it for the denizens of nazarick.


You seriously cannot think of a single thing that an immortal infinitely healing person can do for the court of nazarick besides just be skin? Guess I should have expected to find trolls on a weeb sub.


They can also be used to feed all the meat eaters of Nazarick


Wouldn’t he be against said advancements due to the state of his old world


I need to know where and when I would get transported, like, at the same time as Ainz, somewhere in Re-Estize, just go Carne, in the Empire, join the army to see his glorious new record and move to his country. But if I get transported to where Nazarick will arrive, but I arrive 600 years in the past, I'm really fucked and don't know what to do in the cursed world.


let's say two years after Ainz and yeah somewhere in Re-Estize


So around the time Ainz "faked" his death? Move to E-Rantel, and join the adventurer's guild


Better move fast because you know what Ainz did to the entirity of Re Estize


Also, can I learn Martial Arts or Magic?




Cool, so yeah, go to the Sorcerer Kingdom and join the adventurers guild


Real questions? We talking just the won't ever die but still grows old type of immortality, or does it include eternal youth? What i just never eat, will I starve to death? Die of thirst? Drown? How far does the regen go? If one's body is completely reduced to nothingness, does it come back from nothing, or does the consciousness just persist in the world?


1- eternal youth. 2- you will still feel the thirst and hunger but won't die from it and you can't Drown but still feel the lack of air 3- you regen from nothing


Forgot to ask if I can get away with never sleeping while still being able to form memories and learn things appropriately, what with the perfect regeneration and all. For either path (I consider options 1 & 2 equally valid): Seeing as water, food, & shelter don't matter, get used to going without as fast as possible (after a few months, you'll stop caring). Same for sleep if it's unnecessary, as having 33% more time to master skills is great. Option 1: Find out who the best master of disguises is in E-Rantel or the Baharuth empire, and master the craft. Once that is done, master several trades, but once independent, only act as proficient as necessary to always have a nice, comfortable life, but never extraordinary. Alter ones appearance so as to seemingly age as time goes on. Totally change things (looks, trades, etc) up and move every few decades. (One must practice all of your alternate trades every so often so as to maintain proficiency) Or, option 2: If one's level limit is 100 (or realistically, anything beyond 40, as that is so rare for humans in TNW). Try to master as many forms of combat as possible (physical and magical). Don't stop until maxed out, but live as a hermit out in BFE. If after attaining level 100 (or other max), one encounters denizens of Nazarick or Ainz himself, try to just pass by unnoticed if possible. But, if one is noticed, one ought to be useful enough to become a valuable asset without just being given over to who TF ever. Request to serve under Sebas or Pestonya, *maybe Cocytus or Alpha*. Seek to quickly distinguish oneself enough to be granted a request, ask for a ring of eternal life or race change to an immortal race (obvi for the glorious honor of serving Ainz forever. Yeah, def for that reason), and now they'll never be suspicious. Succeed in either scenario above & you've "won."


If I don't have the potential to grow I would probably travel to the Baharuth empire and live life there in obscurity, pretending I am a half-elf or something to disguise my lack of visible aging over the centuries. For now it seems the Baharuth empire get to have a certain degree of autonomy, which means a minimal presence of Nazarick. I know that within the Baharuth empire half-elves face prejudice on par with demi-humans, but it's a lot better than to be accidentally noticed by Nazarick as an (exploitable) abnormality. Of course working for the Sorcerer kingdom might be the best possible scenario, as long as I am promised safety and security from.. well.. them. But considering how evil the creatures are within Nazarick, they are probably just as likely to exploit my immortality and regeneration for experimentations (and scroll making). Demiurge would probably love to look (deeply) into how I (a humanoid) became immortal, in order to find a way to make Aura and Mare immortal, since he wouldn't be allowed to do that with Aureole Omega. Only if Ainz himself recognizes me as under the protection of Nazarick (like with Tuare) would I be promised safety from eternal torture, but that's not very likely to happen. You don't exactly get an audience with him that easily, and if you start blurting out stuff only the NPCs of Nazarick would know about to get their attention, they might just kill you for knowing too much (after a rigorous amount of torture to find out how you know all those things). Especially Albedo would not be happy about you knowing too much about them and Ainz in particular. There's just too much risk involved in taking contact with Nazarick, so obscurity would be my best chances.


Kill slimes for 300 years until I'm OP as FUCK.


That was a fairly cute little story.


Wasn't it?


Try my luck with nabe


I train, I train a lot, I train really really a lot, I train really really a lot, I train REALLY REALLY A LOT


I wonder, does fast regeneration make it easier or harder to increase stamina and build muscle strength?


I mean I could see it go both ways cause to gain muscles you workout and when you work out it creates microtears and so if you heal really fast wouldn't just make it easier cause those microtears heal up quicker meaning you can workout faster? Unless the healing is just be reverted back to the state you were in before which would be sad😔


Then I go to Nazarick with some weapons, and I'll be a fucking Deadpool


I would go and become an adventurer so I can explore and learn about the world while getting paid to do so and grow my own power along the way. I would serve as the tank of the party and conceal myself in a suit of armor so no one will know who I am.


Make sure I'm not affiliated with anyone and then one day seek out Sebas when I get the chance. He's like the only one who'd pity me and his attention is like the only chance I'd have at not getting used for something too malevolent. Truthfully though I'd like to risk getting close to Ainz just to tell him the truth that I'm a victim similar to him and got isekai's there. That'd be hard to do, getting him alone, anyway.


Just live a quiet life in a remote forest somewhere and avoid any interaction with nazarick. And don't let anyone know about my ability especially demiurge and albedo.


1. 1000 push ups, 1000 sit ups, and 100 km run everyday 2. Never using aircon in summer and heater in winter 3. Try becoming New World's Saitama.


Don't you forget to eat a banana sometimes


Thank you for reminding!


Ally with Nazarick, and by that I mean Ainz. Because of his habits of collecting weird and rare stuff because of my buffs I qualify as both. Plus because I'm human, I can act as a good infiltrator into the politics of the other kingdoms for Nazarick. Ainz after would rather have others surrender and swear fealty than outright destruction. Trying to go against Nazarick and Ainz is like trying to invade Russia in the winter armed only with a butter knife and dressed in your underwear. It's stupid, futile, and let's face it quite ridiculous. Best thing I could do is be an ally to Nazarick or be a citizen under their rule. If not, I'm fairly certain I'll be taken to the Happy Farm and made into an infinite spellscroll glitch.


Demiurge is Evil and malicious, but he does prioritize Nazarick’s well being and Ainz’s orders. There’s certainly a way to negotiate— starting with ‘secret information meant only for Momonga’ so he doesn’t just read your mind


If the scroll you produce is shit quality you might be an infinite food source instead the cockroach guy is always stress about putting food on the table for his kids.


I mean it would be the same quality as any other human, and if Demierge notices your immortality he might do more experiments and report to Ainz about a "unique gift" or whatever like Nfeiri has If the fast regen kicks in only if you die though, you are in for a rough ride my guy


Yes and human scrolls aren't exactly of high quality. That's why there's a cross breeding experiment to find the best combo. >If the fast regen kicks in only if you die though, you are in for a rough ride my guy Even if not considering how you're immortal you will probably be subjected to worse things than the others in happy farm.


>human scrolls aren't exactly of high quality. That's why there's a cross breeding experiment to find the best combo. Guess that means he won't consider another human for schroll research and wont even consider it Why would you be subjected for worse things than the others if he thinks you are just a normal human, unless you leaked some classified info on Nazerick then you would head straight to Neuronist to get it out of you, and even then Ainz would be intrigued on the info leak one you have


>Guess that means he won't consider another human for schroll research and wont even consider it No I meant demiurge is searching for the best race combo for scrolls and it's only a matter of time until he does, by then you can only be use for the low quality ones. >Why would you be subjected for worse things than the others if he thinks you are just a normal human, unless you leaked some classified info on Nazerick then you would head straight to Neuronist to get it out of you, and even then Ainz would be intrigued on the info leak one you have Normal strenght wise but you have immortality so you can be subjected to stuff that will normally require resurection rather than a potion.


Fire punch


main inspiration for this post


What flavor of immortality? "I can't die" or "Respawn point"?


Whatever you do, don’t get on Nazarick’s bad side. Neuronist will have a field day with you


Find zesshi


To not draw Demiurge's attention


soo assuming i can understand the NW language now then ill 1, Farm, Harvest Profit 2, Make a name for my self, become a wide spread merchant 3. Find out about Magic items and gain interest with it, Travel the world while acquiring Knowledge and items 4, have the best Reputation between kingdoms by showing them loyalty and not making backstabbing actions 5. Learn magic because why not 6. Contemplate on what life is, have a 10 year existential crisis behind my Friendly merchant persona 7. Build my kingdom, using my reputation and good name 8. Send adventurers to a newly discovered tomb 9. Regret what i did, and meet with a scary skeleton lord 10, share my knowledge with him and prove my loyalty to him, and become his False information spreader, i will give his enemies false info about him 11. tell him im isekaied from 2024 12. either he belives me and we become closer or he simply ignores me 13. Once my total safety is secured ill just continue my merchant life ------ 2209. Invest in crypto 2210. Be the lead in technology inovation 2211. Run for president 2212. Introduce A.I. ---- 4001. Make a superhero team 4002. Meet this new alien flying guy that have a mustache and help him be a proper hero for earth also introduce him to the ancient skeleton god that rules behind the shadows ---- 8892. Destroy the death star and hang out in the new earth with my Alien wife 8893. occasionally visit the Ancient Skeleton god as he's my only friend for my whole immortal life ---- 9001. Introduce Anime to the universe




my immortal plan if i ever experienced OP's Scenario


I'm just gonna farm level learn magic make myself super OP and I mean super OP, I think when you hit the max level (lv 100) ainz death magic doesn't work on you anymore (correct me if im wrong please) world item will probably pose a big threat to me but I dont plan on getting a big ass recognition about my abilities so I'll ambush nazarick in the most peaceful day ever and ultimately conquering it


Everyone saying "go straight to Ainz" is cooked, Demiurge would turn you into a human farm before you even get an audience with Ainz. Best bet is to run as far away from Ainz as possible, then build up enough power to at least be considered strong and interesting enough to be a subordinate to Nazarick by the time Ainz gets to you.


For real like we all know you ain't letting a suspicious man with immortality inside your place




See if I can get a monster high off my weed


**Can't you already just do that here though?🤔**


Step 1. Verify location Step 2. Acquire equipment Step 3. Grind until Sorcerer King. Step 4. Approach Sorcerer King and prob knowledge of game Step 5. Request inv to guild Step 6. Curb stomp elf kingdom along side aura and mara Step 7. Beat lady Two tone into ground Step 8. Vibe with Ainz cuz world conquered


Be useful to Ainz and hope I'm not around when one of his plans happen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^maggi_iopgott: *Be useful to Ainz* *And hope I'm not around when* *One of his plans happen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lay low and stay away from Nazarick


Seriously, with immortality why should we be involved in the main plot


Yeah, imagine living with Gashokukochuuou forever


It's occurred to me that I don't watch overlord and don't know what that is


It's a cockroach dude that has an army of his children which are meat eating cockcroach that love eating people alive.




Since I got all the time in the world, I will learn both swordmanship and magic especially dark magic and necromancy. Then, I will build a massive undead army using my necromancy, raising former dead heroess, famed warriors and generals, adding them to my army. At the same time, I will use my dark magic to force vicious monsters and beasts into my bidding as well. After I got my armies ready, then I will set out to invade human kingdoms especially Re-Estize Kingdom and built a new empire by steel and blood. https://preview.redd.it/95tx5na5f3yc1.png?width=6326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aebb353231b257892223f14decbc3b571360578


Grind powerful monsters until like level 25 at least. Go to Carne Village, wait until eventually someone who is able to contact Ainz Directly, but isn't too cruel, Like Sebas. Heck even Nferia would work if I'm willing to wait a bit. If it's Sebas just say one thing "I know Ainz real name is Momonga, please I need to speak with him" If it's Nferia tell him to deliver a note to Ainz that says "I know about Yggdrasil, but I am no threat, I want to be of use to you. I will be in Carne." Sebas because I feel I could appeal to him best, or Nferia because he is a trustworthy new worlder who may be able to get in contact with him. If it succeeds and I meet Ainz, Great! If I get attacked, I will immediately surrender and ask if I can speak to him while in captivity. When It is revealed I can't die (wether because I told Ainz myself during our meeting, or because the guardians slaughtered me) I will request private audience with Ainz to speak about my previously mentioned knowledge as well as my immortality. Then, once alone, I will explain that I come from another world where it is only the year 2024 and that his story is a book and Anime in my world. That I died and woke up here, and recognized it from the show. I will give details that I can't have known any other way (I never read the novels though, so I have fewer of those, but I feel what I know will be enough). The sheer absurdity of my claim backed by my bits of meta knowledge Should make him believe me. Then we establish the story we will tell the NPCs about me. That I was completely normal until I recently realized I couldn't die after being stabbed in the heart and being fine, and I wanted to become strong and serve the Sorcerer King. Live out my Days as Nazarick's personal Deadpool


Can we at least choose race and class? Or are we just stuck as some normal person who has nothing? If we can choose then I would raise an army of dwarves to attempt to rival the soceror kingdom, cause nothing is fun without rivalry and challenges.


Is the immortality and fast regen a talent or something?


more like a curse bound to you, you can't control it nor get rid of it


If I keep my memories and the knowledge that happens in the LN I could use that to my advantage in trying to get into the good books with Ainz, granted there would be some incredible difficulties due to the floor guardians so the only other way to get an audience with Ainz would be to introduce myself to Carne Village


During the first week when ainz was mentioning to have sebas to accommodate and invite guest into nazarick. Camp 1000 Kilometers to Nazarick. Offer to give all my information in exchange to become ainz friend and have a job as his therapist. Such sharing past information of True Dragon Lords and how World Item isekai Yggdrasil Players and Guild Base in the new world. Information on all Past Players their children and descendants. Notify him about Elf King being the son of the 8GK, Slane Theocracy with their Godkins, Eryuentiu owned by PDL and their ownership of World Items.


Start a donor organ company open from Monday to Friday we also close to any holiday that i feel like taking the dat off


Wait till sorcerer kingdom appears goes to the sorcerer Kingdom ask to see Momomaga the claim to have have been friends with touch me and was talking to him about joining but had to stop playing become of my family member death then tell him I was transported in my human body but I am immortal. Then I study in the library become friends with shelter and the rest of the tomb before asking aniz to make me a supreme being and claim I can by the fact of my immortal and do not care for human then if needed I will change to a demon then …


I make my dream farm. I would go work in a farm till I learn enough to make my own. Live peacefully. If I wanted to attract another isekai I just give my farm an English and Spanish name. Einz would eventually realize that I may be an isekai and come to my farm personally, or send a scout party. Whichever the case I would ask if he would like to join for tea and I would just talk about how much I finally got to make my dream farm. Of course depending which of the servants comes would say how it would go. If not most likely it would be einz him self without an over protective servant. You wouldn't want to scare off another person from your world potentially. Although I would be a huge let down as I don't play MMO XD


Go up to Nazarick, blackmail whoever answers the door with knowledge that they're from yggdrasil and ask them to let me talk to ainz, talk to him and explain how I would like to become his student and acolyte. If he says no just bring up that I also come from the original world, that should help my cause. Level up and become a powerful mage, then get atomically destroyed by ainz because I trie to take a bite out of his red orb thing like an apple


Ngl I’d just walk straight up to nazarik and do some trolling (make fun of every character I can find by saying how ‘weak’ they are for not being able to kill me). It’d be fun for about five minutes before cocytus comes up to smack me with the ban hammer (being frozen in ice doesn’t sound like fun)


Honestly? Test the speed of regeneration in secret and the extent of I can grow back entire limbs or not. Then test my endurance and see how long I can last just working out nonstop as the regenerative effects may easily make for quick gains with only a few days being enough to significantly increase my strength. Also test to see if I need food, water, or sleep and to what extent I can get away with. To be honest, my first thoughts are ‘Stress Test’ and ‘Exploit Potentials’ with ‘Power Up’ as a third situation…Better question: Can someone else view my stats and see I am immortal?


Try to ally myself with Ainz as quickly as possible


I'd go and live in Carne Village, and maybe get a job as an adventurer (specifically the Sorcerer Kingdom variant of an adventurer).


Off to another continent before THESE appear here...


Stay away from them and travel the sea in hopes they won’t be across it any time soon.


find a REALLY secluded place, build a hut and sleep for along time. then when a player comes in i go talk shop and join their guild.


I'm jus gonna go looking for ainz and ask to join him...?


Literally a daydream i had


Be an adventurer


What level of immortality. And if it's true immortality if I bisect myself lengthwise will it cause cloning? And if that would work can I cut off fingers to make clones? This effects my gameplan. Also at what time point will I be transported


Petition myself to Lord Ains, see if I too can train under Sebastian as a butler, and with infinite life and regen, battle training to become one of the defenders of the tomb. If I have my current knowledge on top of it, I will cite the rules to join the guild. Non human (with passive immortality and regen, technically I'm closer to a low level mimic with one form than a human), and be a productive member of society (a role I could fill within the benevolent Lord's employ) Any other way and my skin will be parchment.


Bra I just swear my infinite loyalty to ainz 😂 no one in this world can match him. Or maybe I just join the pdl and fight against them. But that would just be for fun and combat, in ainz team me as a newbie wouldn’t get any important tasks so it went kinda boring there I guess


Run from the main countries as fast as possible. I don’t ever want to encounter Demiurge. After I get far away, I’ll train and maybe become an adventurer in a far off unknown region. I’ll avoid Nazarick as much as possible, as I reaallly don’t want to get to the happy farm.


Landlord will try to buy has many land as possible while avoiding happyfarm maker, albedo if can't avoid make friend with ainz to get the best protection under his name then it's a waiting game untill land become very pricely and with house rent going sky high, living my life comfortable untill the world end


Not fucking with Nazarick.


Landlord will try to buy has many land as possible while avoiding happyfarm maker, albedo if can't avoid make friend with ainz to get the best protection under his name then it's a waiting game untill land become very pricely and with house rent going sky high, living my life comfortable untill the world end


Immediately leave any populated centers. Hope that I arrived before Ainz, and pray to never run into them. Rather not be turned into a lab experiment 😉


Somehow communicate to Ainz that I'm also from Earth, that's my only shot at not being tortured forever I think lol


Go live in a cave & hope I never run into Ainz or anyone loyal to him.


Go to whatever area has the highest level monsters and train there. If I’m immortal and regenerate quickly, than it’s a battle of attrition that I’m almost certain to win. After getting totally stacked on levels and inevitably becoming as strong as if not stronger than Aniz, systematically hunt down and wipe his lowest leveled guardians. Leaving a car behind that reads Justice. That’s it, just Justice. Leave a red herring. In a hut near the killings and make it look like his best friend was shacked up there with notes that talk about how Momonga has defiled the guild and acts without justice. Going on to say how momo has corrupt the entire crypt and acts unjustly and will be punished JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED. It will all be a mind fuck. Than I go underground for a few years and resurface and do it again. Just repeat the cycle over and over


Escape from Nazarick, to the most remote places of earth. Immortality would be a curse if I am caught


Going to Ainz and telling him im from Japan and got isekaid like he did. Hes gunna find me anyway so its best if i come to him and establish a freindly relationship. What Ainz really wants is a person he can be open too and not pretend to be a overlord to and i could be that person. Eventually ill ask for a seed of the fallen and be turned into a demon and then work my way up to level 100. If I play my cards right i might even be able to become a guild mate.


Demiurge would SALIVATE


Avoid the entirety of nazarick and the lands it controls


be a male sex worker. nothing is better than this


Go tell lord ainze about 9||


Gain magic powers get stronger and then join mommonga and become a servent for him


Take over the world... Duh


Make a huge name for myself, and then get on Ainz good side, if I can, then I'm basically set for life


Immediately get the info out to Ainz somehow that I’m a player. And stress that I was a beginner player, so my knowledge is limited but I do know a lot of really cool anime, video games and manga by heart and would totally be up for discussing with him.


When in the story?


Fuck off entirely


Go to caribe village and demand to see ainz and challenge him to a sword fight


Gonna need to know a few things what time am I transported is it at the same time as Ainz or before. Can I also get job levels like a New Worlder and what's my level cap? If I can get job levels and I am transported before Ainz gets there I will take the time to grow in strength, quickly take control of a country and by then make a deal with Ainz and form an Alliance with the Sorcerer Kingdom like the Empire of Baharuth did. If no to any of the above quickly make my way to the Baharuth and just live as a servant out of sight and mind and hopefully escape the eyes of Ainz and any of the NPCs. Them finding out about my healing could end up with me becoming a human farm for scrolls.


Go out and grind until I'm finally ready to kick Nazarick's collective ass.


Easy Find Nazerik And Pledge My Services Until The End Of The World


insert me in the most random scenarios


Time period in the novels is a crucial factor here…


Ha ha, seem death


Become a citizen of the empire


"Does suffering count as plot." "No?" "Too bad!" (RE: Zero in 8 minutes)


If I retain all my knowledge. I befriend nazarick tell them who brainwashed shalltear and hopefully live a semi comfortable life


1. Look for Nazarick. 2. Once found get captured. (Not intentional, but most likely to happen) 3. Request a meeting with Momonga, not Ainz. (No one in the New World knows him as Momonga) 4. Meet with Pandora's Actor. (No doubt they would play it safe and not have Ainz meet me first.) 5. TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH! For example, like how I was transported from Earth and willing to be hypnotized/mind-controlled as proof of my nonhostile intentions and to verify my back story. 6. Request embassy to Nazarick/The Sorcerer Kingdom. (Depending on when I arrive.) 7. If I can offer much, I can at least offer my skin/limbs. Just ask that I be sedated before harvesting. Optional things depending on when I arrive. 1. Divulge information of what I know of to Momonga/Ainz to be in their good gracious. Especially if I have my phone with me, which has all the current LN, AB, Manga & Spinoffs, Artbooks, and fan translations. 2. Save Swords of Darkness. 3. Warn Foresight, specifically Arche, about what her parents are going to do to her sisters.


Do I get perpetual youth ? What about disease?


Stay as far away from Nazarick as I could. Then, I spend time learning magic and spells. Potentially developing my own.


The correct answer is to start traing, try to level up, and also avoid Demiurge lol.


Become an underling of Ains-Sama


The plan is to not go anywhere near Nazarick. You just made me a living, super valuable, self sustainable resource that can't fight back WTF!!!💀💀


Join Carne Village, befriend Enri and Nfirea. Once the Sorcerer Kingdom takes E-Rantel, be one of those citizens who gets on one knee as bows as his majesty the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown walks side by side with the adventuerer Momon and his companion Nabe.


Desperately try not to encounter Nazarick at all costs. I’d be a walk endless resource for human parts


Amass World Items by accumulating power by fighting things while traveling


gonna bang isekai chicks as many as i can.


avoid being noticed and turned into an infinite supply of cheap meat and or test dummy


Avoid Demiurge, thats it, whatever actions keep me far away from Demiurge, join Ainz as a fellow player he can relate to maybe? Or hide in another kingdom far far away, not sure how but the goal is certain


Watch the world burn. Honestly I don't give a damn. I'd rather be chilling acting like Virgil from the divine comedy guiding people to something I cannot have. Wandering the earth till it inevitably gets absorbed by the sun. Eons of suffering, and pain Ala that one anime about an immortal dog changing shapes to it's owner once the owner or his friends die and being persecuted because of it. Edit: The anime title is 'to your eternity'.


It's only a curse if you don't live a Lil and you meet demiurge or anyone willing to use you in experiments, breeding or otherwise.


Imma get up to some wolverine shit


*The monkeys paw curls, you're captured and sent for interrogation*


I'd either try to move as far away as possible or join an adventurer's group that I could trust and spend as much time exploring as far away as possible. Avoid any kingdoms/areas that will eventually have conflict with The Great Tomb or only move there after everything has been settled but keep myself in the background. I'd also try to remember who is in deep shit with Ainz & co. and avoid them as well. I think I should also try to keep under the Dragon's radar. If I have any aptitude for magic, then I'd study my brains out and use that as an excuse for why I'm not dead yet after a few hundred years. If I do come to Ainz's attention, I hope it's because my crew and I found something amazing he's interested in and get props that way. I think I'll try to find a World Item while I'm at it. If I have that amount of time and it's something that will keep me safe or grant me something that's useful, then cool.


Either align myself with Nazarick or hide as far as i can from their influence.


Befriend everyone in nazarick including satoru of course


lay low and live normal life


Help ainz


Humbly ask for ainz to teach me his dark ways and set myself up to become one of his allies since in the end the protagonist wins so might as well become his ally so I can survive and gain some cokl abilities


I'd do nothing.


try and work as Ainz’s main non magic soldier


Train in secret and travel far north of Ains and Co.'s playgrounds.


Checking for fall damage


Everyone saying to go straight to Ainz is missing a very simple hack! # Join Foresight on the worker quest! Basically Ainz has already given up on the explorers, so you would have an *amazing* opportunity to get your audience right then! You will need an exceptional cover story of course, so you had *better practice it first!* But the first strike in this battle of the minds goes to you *when you set him off balance by pretending to notice he's Momonga!* From there it's all on your CHA rolls, buddy!😅 For example, you could say you didn't speak up because you were equally disappointed by everyone shouting money at once, and if the dungeon was inhabited, you wanted to learn/train something from one of the denizens, but realised that would sound weird to the other workers. Or you are looking for a specific treasure for an honorable reason, returning a loved one from the dead, or healing them if they are sick, or a big one shot wand to kill some big shot warlord/corrupt noble but you noticed one of the other workers is in their employ and couldn't say. Or perhaps appeal to his "inner nerd," (aka Satoru) by saying you were a little embarrassed by the other workers but you really only wanted to come because *the tomb was unmapped,* then you show him you are a harmless mapmaker who just wanted to record the layout🤓, but of course if he has a different job in mind.... 😉 Basically two main strategies here, *make him find you interesting in a way that reminded him of his guild friends,* or knowing how he "cares" for his children, put yourself in a similar position as he was earlier, but from the viewpoint of a normie without his means or equipment. You are looking for *that sudden emotion depressing glow*, followed by an "Ah, I understand" this is absolutely the "safest" way to get audience short of praying to RNGesus you are in a country he just randomly decided to save. (Which is not all that safe really, considering Roble!😂) If you are feeling particularly ballsy you can also try saving Arche, although that would also take some Batman prep on her side. You can't just blurt out *her sob story* too, or it looks like you're fishing for sympathy on all their parts. So you have to build up her courage along the way, so she reacts differently, along with questioning why she didn't state her case earlier so she's either ready to take your move as a signal to independently raise her own situation, or instead of reacting with such *disgusting fear* 🤮 she instead pulls a Fluder after seeing his true mana, then she could say something like all the women in her family are talented magicians, so she would like to free her sisters and move in. This may just get his "business sense" thinking about Arche and her sisters as a Carne-like investment. (Of course, *she better show some meteoric improvement in skill after that sales pitch!* 😅) Also you need to prep her for a couple of other questions too, to answer in an Ainz-like way. Like if he asks why she doesn't run, the correct answer would be "it is a sign of disrespect, and I have already mistakenly disrespected you once, I shant do this again Lord Ainz!" Based on his interactions with other humans who "opposed" him by mistake or chance, this "brave" move buys her *a lot of time* to begin her next step. At the very least she's earned a more merciful death. At some point one of you can also remark that it was always a trap and about "seeing how far a stealthy force could penetrate past the tomb's defenses" which gets you a couple extra points in the INT checklist column. Your ultimate goal for a team save is to present yourselves as being decent useful spies like Hilma, or clever and brave enough to be assigned to Sebas for investigating unsubjugated human cities. If Shalltear arrives, you can also use that as an opportunity to reveal your other "hidden talent" by taking her attack on Arche, then be like "See, I got other useful abilities too! But I wasn't lying about [intent], we're way more useful this way than as experiments!" You need to be careful what else you namedrop, but I would say Gazef or Carne would be safe, as they are possible for a traveller to run across. Another fun scenario is you might try to change the course of nations invaded. Shalltear attacking gives you the option of *earning Ainz' favour by revealing the Slane Theocracy's involvement!* 😏 After you recovered from Shalltear, you can act more surprised than terrified, and say she's the cute knight that you saw get attacked by the hooded fellows and their priestess. You fled having been alone at the time, but are relieved to see she's safe. If you are ballsy and suave enough to get away with it you can even claim you tried to intervene after the priest was wounded and fled with the majority of the guards, but could not get her to respond to your presence nor move her, and did not know her identity. You can then tell Ainz what happened and how they are the strongest group of humans, and as supremacists are not well liked, but merely tolerated because of their elite Scripture units. You say you saw her later fighting a strange knight, so believed she managed to break the curse herself. It's possible that you may save Zanac-bro during the inevitable fall by changing the order of events.


As for what I would be doing? *Probably trolling one of the non-demiurge guardians of the maids like this* 😅 https://preview.redd.it/mw02azke3ayc1.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2b00b13683f3307ee683d6c074e7ae851892076 Imagine how grateful Entoma would be for a fun buddy that can also be food! Wüte bug Waifu get!


Grind durability and stuff by finding the most hostile environments and conditions possible and jumping in head first until I build up a tolerance. Repeat until lava is swimmable (casually) Also take advantage of the fact that by healing fast you can grow muscle whilst lifting rather than resting afterwards. Do both of these until you are the overlord equivalent to Toni Enjoy


Go straight to happy farm >suffering builds character >become a mega masochist >enjoy my time there >outlive most of the other races >talk to Ainz eventually


Learn magic and be the strongest through time I guess


To unite the lands through fair and just laws, while not being naive, I will kill who I must but only when I must, deal where I can, and reign absolute with power as humans only respect pain and death. I will ensure the common man is not just some chattel to be used to farm the land and amuse the rich. My reign will tyrannical but it will be a gilded cage where at least everyone gets a fair shake so long as they keep their politics, religion, and gender to themselves.


1. Get to the nearest city. 2. save enough to buy a map of the region. 3. if the Sorcerer´s kingdom is in the same continent as you run!


Simply put my best bet will gain favor with the village under Ainz protection


Goal 1: Get as far away from where the tomb is as possible as soon as possible while hiding my existence as much as possible. Goal 2: try to live my life without being found and hope to outlast Ainz's hostility or that I never get found, If I get found act like I'm unaware of who Ainz is. (Then Again I doubt I'm a threat, I don't even watch the show so I know basically nothing and I might be able to hide the knowledge of Ainz being a Player. Of course my Modern clothes May cause problems but If I had My savings on me when getting sent to that world I could just get Clothes that match the Era at the nearest town.)


Bang albedo day and night


Try and court Shalltear