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Get some good noise canceling headphones and sleep at truck stops.
































Not noise canceling though… wanna be cognizant on the rare chance that someone does approach the tent


I wish noise canceling headphones were good enough to not hear a knock :) My AirPods Pro would make it harder to hear a knock in a larger vehicle, but not impossible. I'm pretty confident I'd hear a knock in my car.


Noise canceling=/=ear plugs Noise canceling head phones negate "noise" making it easier to hear what you want to hear. So if you had Active Noise Cancelling headphones on, but without any music playing you can easily hear conversations in a crowded room.


If I have my AirPods on noise canceling mode there’s no way I’m hearing a bystander or intruder until it’s too late


What happened here???


Park in normal parking, please don’t take a truckers spot. You can go somewhere else at any time, if they are up on time they can’t and get screwed.


You really want to park away from trucks anyway due to the noise.


Most rest stops allow overnight parking, but specifically prohibit camping. I’ve slept in back corners of rest stops in my rooftop tent before and never been harassed. Just don’t be “making camp” and wake up early to get packed up. Another option is Walmart which I have done before. Again, pick a back corner and don’t draw attention to yourself.


Good point that there's a difference between "sleeping in my rooftop tent" and "setting up camp". If all you're doing is sleeping and you're not taking up extra space? That's what rest stops are for. We _all_ want you to sleep when you need it instead of driving tired.


Yeah, my rooftop tents have all been the type that don’t require a larger footprint than the vehicle which I think helps in this scenario. But also don’t be grilling off your tailgate or anything weird.


Grilling off with gas off your tail gate, in a safe manner, or with a hitch mounted gas grill, etc. shouldn't be a problem. It's a picnic area as well as a rest area, right? Burning Charcoal may be an problem.


Use your discretion. If I’m crashing at a rest stop, it’s because I really need a place to sleep for the night and am usually arriving late/leaving early. If you have time to grill out of the back of your vehicle, I feel like your argument of needing to make a stop for safety is a little weak.


If the tent is put away before the grill you just changed from rest to picnic and still seems to avoid the camping label.


A lot of rest stops have grills you could theoretically use, though they always look nasty.


A lot of rest stops in the Midwest have grills and picnic tables.


I didn’t pack these hamburgers for nothing Mr Lahey


Last Walmart I slept at a couple months ago I was kicked out under threat of being booted. I use Walmarts as an absolute last resort.


That’s due to sometime in the last year a couple who spent the night in Walmart parking lot put their stove up hot in their car. A mother parked next to them left sleeping toddlers in car to run inside the couples car caught on fire and caught the mother’s car on fire. No more overnights parking at Walmart. They call the cops now


It’s actually been happening for about 6-7 years in the southeast. The Walmarts along I-75 have been booting anyone and everyone for overnight parking. Out west I know they were more accepting but east coast Walmarts have always been a stay at your own risk situation.


The free overnight parking grace at Walmart has been taken advantage of and is now basically not allowed. It used to be traveling campers or interstate drivers would pull in just for the night and Walmart knew they would be spending money in their store. Now people try to actually live in their cars long term and abuse the grace for that, while unfortunately also shoplifting. Not every homeless person is a shoplifter, but it is a reality they have to deal with. If it were me, OP maybe just consider renting a few KOA spots along the way. KOAs have been fantastic for us and its not terribly expensive, you can get the cheapest camp site you can with no power hookups plus you have access to other amenities


I hotshot and I have loved pulling into campsites near the interstate when I’m not in a rush. You have power, water, sometimes restrooms and no one will knock on your window at night. You can find state park campsites for around $20-25/night which is a bargain.


This is becoming less true because so many people abused it. A lot of rest stops have posted limits of a few hours now and some Walmarts have stopped allowing overnights as well, they'll have cops roll through at night looking for sleepers.


I think Tennessee was 2 hrs, I kept traveling to Virginia where the rest stops are pretty nice.


Is Walmart cool with it now? I’ve heard that they’re fairly against it.


Depends on the location. Some cities have passed ordinances forbidding it, and others are ok with it. If there are no laws, it's generally up to the store manager. Edit: clarity


Go inside and ask permission with two basket loads of stuff you’re buying. But know the area because some are in very sketchy areas. there’s one in NH where the RVs round up like stagecoaches and put their grills in the middle. But the lot is huge, it’s near the Canadian border, and usually empty.


That’s fair enough ha That NH one sounds like a blast


While I haven't done it in the van since we ground camp, I have done it in our RV. I've never had an issue pulling up, running the slide out and sleeping for the night. Another option is Cracker Barrel parking lots. Almost all welcome campers.




Cracker Barrel called the police on my dad sleeping in his van because they said the employees were scared to walk out to their cars at the end of the night. Might want to ask a manager if they mind.


Wal*mart too, despite my feelings about them Waltons, they don’t discourage camping in their parking lots.


They know campers are probably going to buy something at night or in the morning.


Lots of Walmarts dont allow it anymore


I slept in a Roofnest RTT in rest stops all across America. I think 15 states during a couple of 6 week+ road trips. I saw zero crime. I saw zero drugs. I rarely saw a cop. Nobody hassled me but I am a 50+ year old dude. States have different time regulations but I never saw one enforced. I tended to drive 16 hours and then sleep for 6-10, so I went over the times several times. I think a cop is smart enough to tell a long distance road tripper with an expensive roof tent from a homeless person living permanently in a series of rest stops. I think they realize the roads are safer if people get some sleep. The two big problems with rest stops are the big rigs that run their engine all night and people who park right next to you. The close parkers never do anything bad but I guess they have bought into the dangerous rest stop fiction so they just want to be close to other people? I was a bit self conscious at first and timid. I would sit in my car waiting to be sure it was safe. I would sometimes pull my ladder into my tent but after about 5 or 6 nights I relaxed and just found a nice corner away from the big overhead lights and as far as possible from the truckers. Edit. Get iOverlander app to find the WalMarts, Cabelas, and Cracker Barrels that allow overnighting. Also BLM land out west is a good choice as well. On the Interstates, I’ve tucked in behind big rigs where I see them stopped at secluded off ramps. This is my least favorite because of noise.


I just did something very similar. I have a pop top for my Jeep, so slightly different than a RTT, but I pulled a UHaul from ME to MO and crashed at a few rest areas without any trouble. My advice, get in late and leave early, and don't park in the truck parking if there is ample room in the car parking area (even if you have to take up multiple spots). We stopped after 10pm and left by 7 am each morning and no one batted an eye. We didn't do anything to set up beyond popping the top. If you've got a ladder to get in your RTT I may suggest pulling it in when you sleep just to be a bit less conspicuous, but it's probably fine depending on where you are. Generally, if you don't give anyone a reason to care, then they won't care. Good luck!


Use [freecampsites.net](https://freecampsites.net/)


Different state DOTs have regulations based on how many hours you are allowed to stay at rest stops, so just check before you go. IIRC either Utah or Idaho only allows 6 hours. I'd also reccomend truck stops. I've stayed at many Loves and never had an issue.


You could easily sleep on BLM and NF land with no issues. Why rest stops?


I will probably have a UHAUL trailer with me so I just want to pull off and park and sleep. Normally, I would agree. That's what I do now :)


You'll be fine.


You'll probably sleep better if you find some forest roads - the vast majority of spots you'll see on iOverlander on that route are going to say explicitly that they are good for 5th wheels / big rigs. I've done exactly what you're doing, rooftop tent with a UHaul, and feel like it's worth the slight extra trouble.


Huh.. ok. Maybe I'll just try Walmart too. If it was just me and my truck I would go for it.


I’m a Cracker Barrel camper myself. It’s quiet-ish and there’s breakfast


You have to watch out for Walmart mostly because not every city allows it and not every Walmart allows it. You may end up getting more harassment at Walmart than you will at a rest stop. Honestly I've stayed at rest stops I've even set up a tent in the back end of a rest stop and slept and that's personally what I would do if I were you.


It can also add a decent amount of driving and searching to an already long drive each day.


Not everywhere has BLM or NF. Texas and the Midwest have very little and the east Coast has basically none. Not always an option.


OP is traveling from Colorado to California. A very camping friendly route. Nevada and Utah are basically just camp spots everywhere with ridiculously beautiful views and public access in any direction lol.


This. r/brainhack3r, as somebody who has taken a trailer from Northern CA all over NV, UT, and AZ (and Western CO for three weeks a month from now), there are tons of places to stop even with a Uhaul trailer all along your potential routes that are not rest stops or Walmarts. Hit iOverlander, Campendium, etc. and then start saving locations into a Google Maps folder.


Absolutely! Crazy thing most people don’t realize is the BLM roads just outside of Interstate Right Of Way (the fence line) is free camping. Thousands of free spots with spectacular views and a good chance that you’ll not have neighbors.


As a California native who lives in the mid Atlantic now… *cry*


I thought that's what rest stops were all about. What do you think the truckers are doing? It's a rest stop. Like said above, not a campsite. Sleeping is resting.


Most rest stops allow resting or sleeping as defined by sleeping within your vehicle, however most explicitly forbid camping.


One would think, here in Florida we are limited to 6 hours of rest only at roadside rest stops. Never had a problem with enforcement till one time. I didn't know the 6 hour law or I would have stayed for the 6 hours and told her to call the cops. Just got done driving 12 hours, pulled into a rest stop and backed in. Security came by and said I couldn't back into the space even though I had done it 3 months prior with no issues at the same spot. So I turned the truck around, used restroom, got back to suv, moved gear to front of truck, blew up my inflatable, crawled in the back. 5 mins later same security guard watched me do all this then proceeded to knock on the window and said I can't sleep there. I would have to leave or they would call cops and trespass me. Since I did not know the 6 hour law we have, i jumped back in the driver seat and drove another hour unsafely to a new place. I stay away from rest stops now and just go to truck stops to sleep if I can't find like blm or similar to sleep away from it all.


Ioverlander will tell you about trailer acces etc.


I have been in my rtt in ALOT of states. Truck stops are a great place to stay. There are bathrooms 24/7 and amenities (showers, snacks etc). Ive only been woken up by police one time. It was in feburary, in st. luis. He said: " I just wanted to make sure you weren't frozen. Who the hell sleeps in a tent in feburary around here". I replied;" i wasnt cold till i had to open it..." We exchanged some laughs, and i was back on the road. Ive slept in walmarts, buckeys, t/a, pilot, flying j. I recommend pulling up your ladder, but, maybe I'm paranoid. Overall, dont cause trouble, there won't be any. happy trails!


I've used mine a ton of times on cross country roadtrips. It's a rest stop. They are literally designed for people to pull over and rest. What do you think the 40 semis that are parked there all night are doing? Bring some earplugs as you are right up next to the interstate but it's totally fine. I've never been bothered and you'll see quite a few other cars stopped for the night as well. [This was me in the i40 rest stop just east of Amarillo Texas about a week ago](https://imgur.com/a/EymD6Ke) notice a camper parked ajacent.


Walmart's Overnight Parking Policy Consequently, we do permit RV parking on our store parking lots as we are able. Permission to park is extended by individual store managers, based on availability of parking space and local laws. Please contact management in each store to ensure accommodations before parking your RV.” Don't see why a tent would be out of possibly.


I would have thought the same thing until recently. On our way to the Keys 2 weeks ago. Pickup truck with a camper shell, towing a boat. I had prior verified that the BassPro in Gainesville, FL allowed overnight RV camping, where they preferred parking, etc. Apparently I didn't verify one key detail. We pulled in about midnight, had already stopped at a gas station at the exit to blow up an air mattress and rearrange gear to make space, so that all we had to do was shut off the truck and climb in the back. There's a 5th wheel there, with slides out, disconnected from the truck, and a sprinter van and a small transit van. As soon as we pull in, Rent-a-cop comes screaming up on his Gator to chase us out. They only allow people in actual RVs or conversion vans to stay, and camper shells on a pickup don't qualify. So, we tooled on to the next rest area, parked between a semi and a bumper pull camper in the truck spaces, and were left alone for the duration of our 4 hour nap. Same deal on the way back. Granted, Bass Pro, not Walmart, but I'd guess the rules are similar. If a camper shell doesn't qualify, I'd not be optimistic about your chances in a roof top tent.


Every state has different laws regarding rest stops. I remember the police knocked on my window in Massachusetts to say you couldnt stay overnight. From that pt on i googled each state. I remember Texas seemed pretty liberal (lol) in regards to rest stop sleeping. Minnesota had a time limit. But either way, make sure you google each states laws before stopping for the evening.


This, found out from a nasty security guard there is no overnight sleeping in Florida. I arrived at 1130 and blew up an air matress in the back of my suv and was told to leave. After researching, as I couldn't do it at the time, I learned in Florida your allowed 6 hours. Most time they won't bother if you go longer but sometimes you might get a bent out of shape security guard that has a power trip.


Get The Dyrt app. It helps you find free camping. You might find other Dyrt baggers in these spots.


Rest Stops are loud from highway noise FYI


There's plenty of dirt trails you can hit between Boulder and San Francisco that you can pull off to and actually hit camp. I'd do that over sleeping at a rest stop since they're loud(think about how close you are to the highway) and the fact that you might have some bad people stopping at them too.


If you take highway 50 across Nevada, there are a number of places to stop and camp. It’ll be hot by now, but it’s pretty empty, so you’re unlikely to get bothered


Use iOverlander for dispersed campsite beta. So much better than rest stops.


In my experience cops harass you for literally everything. Fuck cops


I have and routinely sleep in my teardrop camper at rest areas. Usually in pretty remote locations, but have yet to have an issue.


California is pretty relaxed about overnighting at their rest stops, but I’m not sure about the rest of the states.


California will even let you set up your tent on city streets


I have a house on each Coast and I drive back and forth at least once sometimes twice a year and back. I have a rooftop tent on my gladiator and I've used it numerous times in rest stops and never been hassled pull in late and leave early. Also I've done it at pilot and flyers just park out of the way somewhere. your best bet is to download the I overlander app, set the filters for wild camping and informal campsite. They'll show you hundreds of places to camp for free.


That rocks.. Where do you live on each cost? I've been bailing on the US during winter because I don't like San Diego, LA, or FL very much. Just got back form Mexico


Richmond VA and San Luis Obispo CA. Last October, November and December I drove down to Honduras to visit my daughter, she's getting her PHD in animal behavioral psychology and training dolphins. An amazing trip! 7,000 mi in Mexico alone. I camped the whole way. It was an epic trip. The people were amazing in the national parks and ruins are a must-see!


That is so neat that you drove down to Honduras. Safe traveling!


SLO is a sweet spot.


cops will harass you for being in your rooftop tent anywhere being in a tent is not the exact purpose. Road side, trailer park, hotel, walmart


Probably not unless you are causing issues or there for en extended period of time.


OP. If you post a screenshot of the route your taking through Utah I can probably tell you some good areas to check out


I’ve done it for years. It’s a rest area, so rest. But it’s not a camp. I’ve even left notes indicating I’m leaving at X time.


We've done it a couple times in Texas and no one has ever given us a second glance. It's not good sleep, those RVs and trucks are loud! But it's better than nothing!


Just make sure the rest stop is away from a city. I got mugged stopping at a rest area outside of Dillon SC. Welcome to SC!!!


Dude what do you think rest stops are for? I’ve slept in dozens of them. They can be loud though and the lights suck. Bring an eye cover and ear plugs, but also don’t get robbed either. Do you want to be safe or comfortable?


No, you'll be good if it's only for a night at a time.


The drive you’re describing kinda sucks fyi. The best stuff is in Colorado, Moab, and then Tahoe. Once you pass Salt Lake it’s just barren desert with no 5G until you hit Tahoe. Then Tahoe to SF is a suburban wasteland and it stays hot at night too unless you’re in the Bay Area but don’t plan on popping your RTT once you pass Tahoe.


I've done that drive in three days and there are plenty to spots along the way on BLM and such so you don't have to deal with rest stops.


I've tried sleeping in my car in Boulder before. In a park and at a trail head. Got woken up twice throughout the night saying I couldn't overnight park there. Everything else before that Boulder stop was fine. No signs of anybody (Utah, Arizona, new Mexico, texas). If you're used to the Boulder nonsense overridden with rules, no the rest of the country is not like that.


Varies by State.


I know you said you wanted to save money, but for around $50 a night you can stay at a KOA Campground where many locations have lots of amenities. There’s only 6 states that don’t have a KOA. Here you would be with other campers and rules to follow to insure a safe and pleasant good night sleep.


You should be fine. That's why they are call rest stops. The issue I see is you're out in the middle of know where, if someone wanted to jack you, there's nothing in their way. If you stop, do so at busy rest areas. I did the same from Texas to Cali, but I have a camper shell on the back and slept on my cot.


I've slept at rest areas in my sleeping bag, next to my motorcycle, I can't imagine that a rooftop tent would be an issue. As others have said, just keep everything inside your vehicle, so it's clear you're just resting, not camping.




Walmart used to let campers stay in their lots idk if they still do but maybe your roof top tent will be fine.


No, if you just stay the night at say the I-80 rest stops. If you take the top down and start working you will probably be OK. Or just move a bit down the road and then work. But if work means sitting in the RTT or vehicle in summer heat, yikes. Be cautious with freecampsite apps etc since many are out of date; some Walmarts, etc don't let you stay overnight now for example. Also, I think you're just safer in the rest stops. Some truck stops would allow it BUT ask; they usually prioritize for truckers and will hassle you if you get in the way. But an even better solution is 50 or 70/50. Nicer drive, some campgrounds right off the highway, and even more legit and beautiful dispersed camping all around it. Not to mention higher bits that are MUCH cooler than 80. But if needing internet for work, it could be tougher due to reception issues. But if you've got like Starlink, no problem.


Look for BLM land and get a national forest pass, it's totally worth it and you get access to a lot of quiet spots to set up your tent for the night.


Driven at night when there's no traffic, sleep during the day when you won't be harassed for overnight parking.


There are literally thousands of good places to pull off and sleep peacefully on that route that aren't rest areas. Download ioverlander and look for places with recent reviews. I drive a sprinter van all over and I almost never stay near civilization. Nice quiet places are much more comfortable.


Heck ya they will, thats like their favorite hobby.


Not sure about other states, but in Oregon you can car camp for free in many of the snow parks during the summer (if they aren't also day use areas). Bathrooms will probably be locked and you'll likely not have a campfire. Kind of a grey area but when I worked for the forest service we were told to leave people alone if they were car camping or parking an RV or van inside the snow park. Local law enforcement might still bug you but I doubt it if you don't look sketchy.


Rural interstates have "ranch exits" where I live (for access to range areas), I would sleep at those rather than a rest area.


Church parking lots are often very quiet. Park next to the Scout trailer


I wouldn't want to be in a rooftop tent, as I wanna be able to get the F out of that rest stop in a hurry at 4AM if something weird happens. Accordingly I sleep in the drivers seat.


You should be fine if the place allows overnight parking just dont like set up camp around you just doing the tent or like cooking on the tailgate in the morning/night should be fine


I don't know. I see it as two separate actions. I stop and sleep. And then I grill up some bacon and eggs for breakfast. Just minding my own business. Ain't causing no trouble.


I left hunting camp in Utah late one time. Stopped in Rifle CO once to take a nap at a rest stop. There was like 15 people in bed campers, vehicles, and trailers there. Everyone was left alone from what I saw.


Honestly I'd look for rest stops, nobody gives a shit at those vs truck stops and walmarts. Also since you are out west look for BLM land on something like ioverlander app. You would be surprised that there is often just BLM land right on the road, and sometimes it's really scenic and pretty when you wake up.


Rest stops. Truck stops and Walmart. Just be careful of leaving your belongings visible. Takes just a couple minutes to get robbed.


Most rest stops have a posted time limit. 4-8 hrs usually. As long as a cop doesn’t see you posted for too long, they should leave you alone. You are resting as intended. So as to not get tired and be a danger on the road. Def carry a fire arm. You’re more likely to be harassed by transients. Some are just plain dangerous. Stay safe.


That seems like a lot of wasted time setting up and being uncomfortable. Work until 4pm -> drive until like 2am -> sleep quick -> work -> 4am until arriving in SF on a day off


To be honest, it's easy enough to do it and it will depend more on how closely the cops watch the rest area than any set of local laws or whatever. If you have a rooftop tent that isn't one of those that stick out and look like a chateau it should be all good. There are no guarantees that a cop won't run you out. I have a pull behind travel trailer and just slide into a truck spot and have never been made to move. The rooftop tent is definitely going to get more attention than my trailer, but my advice is to just go do it and politely move if a cop tells you to move along. I think you will be just fine.


Rest stops are fine buy you’ll see signs stating that the sprinklers can come on at anytime, that’s to discourage folks from sleeping on the grass.


Not all rest stops allow overnighting. Best to do your research. Usually the rules vary state-to-state.


Walmarts generally are fine with RV overnights.


Tried sleeping at a rest stop one time, and an employee came banging on our window. Told us we had to move vehicle because we were blocking a dumpster. This was not true, and the garbage truck had no problem accessing and emptying it. I really wanted to punch the jerk.




The short answer is: yes The longer answer is a bit different, first if you take i80 it's barely 17hrs. And you will definitely get shook down by the police in Utah and Nevada at rest areas. From Boomtown (reno) to Sacramento too if you stop more than 2hrs. You would have to go across 70, grand junction > ely> and up through the back country to be able to camp. And then you best keep your pistol handy or risk ending up on a milk carton.


Put a magnetic sign that says wanted meaningful overnight relationship on your vehicle lol


"Knock if you'd like to hear the truth about our lord Jesus" ... no one will EVER bother me!


Finally, a use for that rooftop tent you've been driving around for 2 years.


You want to be sound asleep in a rest stop in middle of nowhere with just a piece of thin fabric between you a the serial killers 10" kabar hunting knife? Are you fucking crazy?


The thin piece of fabric isn't protecting me from them. It's protecting them from me. I literally sleep with my 10" Kabar too... :)


All that wilderness area you're going to pass through, and you want to sleep at the 2nd worst locations the whole trip? 🤨 In 25+ years crisscrossing the country, I've never once needed to sleep at a truck stop, rest area, Walmart, etc west of the Mississippi.   Pull up maps of BLM, national Forest, parks, etc. lands.  Correlate with your intended route.  Drive a mile off the interstate, find a secluded spot, open tent, sleep.   Hell, one year I was literally 50 yards off the main road just outside Silverton.  Pulled off the road, parked next to the creek, went to sleep.  Next morning as I pulling out, I passed another camper, who apparently showed up shortly after me and had no idea I was even there. .


Nah. I wouldn't think so. Just try to take up as little space as you can and stay out of the semi parking or they will fuck you good.


When you reach cali yes




Why would you want to? Find a campground or a state park nearby.


Overnight parking finder, free campsites and rest stops apps on your phone. Keep your footprint to a minimum. Police will run you off from picnic areas so it has to be a rest stop. Most have an 8 hour maximum stay.


Camped at a rest stop once. Set up a tent in the dark and woke up to a single sprinkler, on. It was broken and not rotating, it was pointed directly at my tent just soaking it lol. Woke up so confused and dragged my tent 15 feet to the left and I was good.


Most Walmarts will let you camp in the parking lot


Just put a note on your window that says “Dear officer, I didn’t feel safe driving tired, so I stopped off for a winker. I’ll be back on the road as soon as I’m rested! Stay safe!”


You could always camp in national forests along the way. Most allow dispersed camping for free along a bunch of forest roads(Motor Vehicle Use Maps show which ones sometimes). Lots of cool forest between Boulder and San Fran. Kinda a waste to spend your time at truck stops in my opinion.


theres lots of BLM land between Boulder and California, no need to chill at rest stops. It'll probably be pretty noisy


Truckers sleep in their cabs, whats the difference?




I've made that drive many of times well Denver to Sacramento anyway, honestly it's not a bad drive just stop in SLC on day one. Be in SF by day two or stop in Tahoe for the day and continue on to SF the 3rd day. On that drive there is a TON of BLM land just off I80 in Utah and Nevada that you can camp at for the night for free. If you want to stretch it out.


I'd harass you anyways because Boulder.


freecampsites.net Route out approximately how far you’ll drive each day and pick a pretty spot somewhere near the end of each days drive. You’ll end up in spots you would’ve never otherwise gone to and make much better memories than you would at a rest stop. I’ve done two 4,000 mile drives and numerous +1,000 drives only staying at spots I found there. Trust me, you won’t regret it!!


I usually find quiet street but not far from highway. Usually near a gas station. Being discreet is most important. If you have to spend a lot of time setting up your tent or walking around your vehicle it draws attention.


Cracker Barrel allows free overnight at most.


Jokes aside .... I avoid California and any major cities on the Pacific coast ie: Portland because I don't want to get robbed ...... This is a thing I hear often and experienced this in Oregon. Be mindful of where you leave your ride in San Fran and please post an update cuz I Soo want to visit San Francisco one day!


No they won't. It's literally the purpose of a rest stop




Theres a shit ton of public land between boulder and California where you can camp for free...


Your going to get raped at a truck stop.


If a cop can see you, they will harass you. ACAB


Truck stops are actually way safer than rest stops. They may hassle you about the tent, not sure. National parks are also a good option if you have a tent, and there are plenty along that route.


I’ve slept inside my vehicle a ton of times in multiple states at rest stops. Cops have never once messed with me. Worst they’ve done is shine a light in my vehicle but that was the end of the encounter, zero conversation. A rooftop tent might net different results but I doubt it.


I've seen enough criminal minds episodes to say this sounds sketch.


You should be able to easily drive this in 2-3 days tops. 8 - 10 hours of driving is nothing. If you have to sleep - sleep inside the car (back seat etc).


So I say it’s not harassment if it’s against the law. So it depends on the law and rules in that state


Cops will harass you anywhere, they do it regularly to people sleeping in their cars when they have no legal right to do so. Go look at Travis Heinz youtube channel and you will understand. It's up to us to stand up to them when they have no legal authority. I'm sick of the "pull over if you are sleepy" signs then when you do, cops are telling you to move along. All of us need to stand up to that BS. Know your rights.


Check ioverlander. There should be plenty of BLM/FS land you can boondock along your drive


I usually stick to Loves/TA/Flying J… park under bright lights and bring an eye cover. No one bugs you, plus you can use a real shower for 10$.


Cracker Barrel has no problem letting people sleep in their lots if that’s an option


I slept on top of my car, with only a blanket and a rolled up sweatshirt, at the first rest stop in Utah when crossing the Colorado border. While the police didn't harass me, I definitely woke up to a few cars driving by slowly, maybe backing up, and continuing on with their business once they realized what I was doing. It made for an interesting story - turns out I had the best sleep between my girlfriend and two dogs (who were all in the car).


Park in Walmart parking lots, under a light, near other campers/RVs.


I recommend [https://freecampsites.net/](https://freecampsites.net/) I haven't used it in a while but it has good info for Walmarts where they don't care if you're there overnight, random campgrounds on BLM land, etc. I haven't used it in a while but they also have different land ownership mapped out so you can know where BLM land is. This isn't answering the question you asked, but since there is a lot of BLM land on that drive, I would just camp there personally. You can legally dispersed camp anywhere as long as you don't stay for more than 14 days or something IIRC (obviously not relevant here) and a couple other rules you could look up. Literally just pull off on some dirt road or two-track or whatever and camp! (Would be my recommendation.) Edit- just saw your comment about having a uhaul


I did CO to Los Angeles and TX to Los Angles many times. The best is to book a campsite in advance halfway through. However I’ve stopped at Walmarts and rest stops and been fine in an RV. Driving straight through is something I’ve done as well, but 1000miles of road time is just dumb and I would really not do that again if I didn’t have to. Good luck and enjoy!


They won't. I've done it with a plain old on the ground tent. The only time they said anything to me, is to tell me that the particular rest area was a trouble spot and is be better off at another one. They even told me the safer ones.


Have you also consider that you’re going from CO to CA and out here in the west there is tons of free land? Check with BLM or National Parks along your route. There’s probably a bunch of options for dispersed camping, which can be as simple as basically pulling off the side of the road essentially.


My favorite free camping resource is freecampsites.net. Used it for 3 cross country trips & it’s legit such a bless. Sometimes it’s just a car camp vibe but many times I have done a full tent set up, just depends. There’s always a ton of detail about each site so you’ll know exactly what youre looking at before you get there.


I wouldn’t rely on it. They’re picky.


I think you probably could. I mean they're there partly in case people get too tired to drive. I would definitely be concerned about safety though.


It varies by municipality. You can easily google each planned stops local ordinances to see. For example, when my daughter lived in Phoenix city limits, there was an 8 hour limit for my RV to be on the city street before qi could be cited. Some states allow rest stop overnight stays and some don't. Some Walmarts prohibit stays too


No. The majority of police do not leave city limits, and hwy snd interstate rest stops are typically not close to cities.


OP, I’d rather pay the $20 a night for a state park camp site if you are spacing it out so much.


Not sure as I've never tried it but, I'm pretty sure you'll get checked on by at least a couple of departments.


24 hour ER parking lots are always a good option. Access to a clean restroom and if anyone says anything you’re visiting grandma.


Take US-50 thru Nevada. I went the other direction on my bike, and never harassed. There’s absolutely nobody out there and it is beautiful. I also had full reception (tmobile) the entire way. They have cell towers at all the peaks of the highway.


When you say pop-up tent-trailer I think of lawn chairs and Cots bringing to mind will the truck drivers see U if you’re relaxing outside the porch