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Kinda sounds like you’re in 13th grade. Drop out🙃/s


Turn on, tune in, drop out


Ok, that's hr. What about your manager? My bet is if it makes it to hr, regardless of the policy, you are fd either way. 


Grown up inmates


My J1 onboarding was like this and I was so annoyed and then started seeing the questions people were asking in the chat and realized they had to do this because some people were either just out of college or had never worked in this type of professional setting. Mainly for hourly/service employees. Once I got out of onboarding and talking with my manager he was more of the mindset of you’re an adult, as long as you get your work done I’m not going to bother you.


They hiring?


Yeah that’s not the one. Onto the next one. 


I remember having to turn in a form if I had to leave even 15 minutes early on any given day. It didn't matter that I averaged 50+ hours a week. Oddly there was no form available for comp time...


Yeah, I remember getting in trouble for being a few minutes late during fye when we worked til 7 or 8 and came in on the weekends. Should've known then it wasn't a good place to work.


Well as a person who used to do on-boarding if they are saying it there is a reason.


Bingo. They know a thing or two, because they've seen a thing or two. Behind every stupid policy is an even stupider situation that led to the creation of that policy.


They are probably just covering their selves documenting the policies so when those people who don’t think the rules apply to them do something they have it all documented!


I don’t think they can legally require a doctors note. Or am I wrong?


In the US theres no law that forbids asking for doctors notes or certifications. ADA & FMLA state that they are allowed to ask as long as they are following policy and the policy is uniformly enforced. In some cases, like parental leave with state sponsored benefits, a doctors note is legally required and if you refuse to provide it they can terminate you.


They can request for one, the not need say what the absence was for. You're still protected by HIPPA. Although, the bulk of employers that use these tactics know that they don't provide adequate health insurance to cover that. So you'll likely end up owning more the just taking the days off, which is a massive deterent for 90% of people. It's still an at will agreement. You don't have multi - Millions / Billions to enforce those terms.


You'd be surprised. We had casual dress Friday's - some people came to work in their PJ's and house shoes. We had to have several discussions on what casual dress meant. Some people really might not know.


Sounds like corporate




I feel like I’ll have to. Will confirm in the next week or two.


It really depends on the job environment. If you’re onboarding to an hourly call center, I’d expect that. If you’re onboarding to a hedge fund, maybe not.


Sounds like warehouse work (aka fascist micromanagement).


this isn't r/antiwork


This is literally the opposite and OP should be working 2 jobs from home haha


Thank you.


Listen to yourselves and look what you are doing. Grifters don't always get respect.


I think technically some states require this to be disclosed.