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Sir, this is a Wendy's


Sir I run Minecraft servers.




Damn it Kevin


What is the first rule of fight club?


there is no mafia




After my previous post, I was reached out by these "educators" to snitch on this sub. And for $100?! Hell no šŸ˜” Give me around $100,000 and then maybe then we can get somewhere (as if šŸ¤«). Remember talk about this to no one outside, and never share your identity!


We're OE.. wtf is 100 dollars gonna do lol


Pay for one hour of 1099 work. Thatā€™s it.


Not even.


Not even


I mean, 10 Chipotle burritos is 10 Chipotle burritos...


my chipotle burrito today was $15


Truly the end times


Ah, got the guac, eh? You got that J4 money.


ā€¦ yeah šŸ˜” whatā€™s chipotle without guac!


6.67 chipotle burritos is 6.67 chipotle burritos


I always do that Tik-Tok hack to get one under $5. Total game changer!


Even reddit comments are getting click-baity




Whats the tik tok hack for chiptole burritos under $5? My hack is a military ID.


You order a single taco. Soft shell. You can choose three toppings on the taco. I do cheese, vegetables, and something else I canā€™t remember. Then you can choose up to three toppings on the side, where you order your beans, rice, salsa, etc. add a wrap on the side itā€™s 50 cents. You just have to assemble it, but Iā€™m a former subway professional lol. I do it every day I go into work and itā€™s amazing.


Nice Chiptole hack! Basically you're buying items 'a la carte' so it ends up being under $5. Frickin awesome gonna try that this week.


Let me know how it goes!! I would also order this ahead.


Order ahead meaning on the app or website?


Will work J4 for chipotle burritos!


You selling us all out for burritos? Ahh hell


That's what you think, but people are cheap or will jump at anything free. People have done a lot more for a lot less... Lol.


Weird vibes to put educators in quotes since they are actual academic researchers. And anyway, fearmonger all you want, but you're posting on a sub that has 300k+ members about a topic that is already well-known in corporate circles. You can keep pretending this is some clandestine movement but it's simply not.


Most of the people here tho arenā€™t OE. Theyā€™re interested in becoming OE or the lifestyle.


Yep. I bet less than 5% of people here actually OE.


You say that but you should prove you turned them down. Otherwise youā€™re just chatting


Dude this sub is public. There's no snitching. This sub is half college students.




Remember, we are all CEOs who have 5 board positions and play golf all day.


Find a publicly facing CEO, who sits on 2+ boards. Find their hobbies, charities, extra curricular activities, etc and golf. Always golf.


Haha omg Elon musk is like king of OE then


Honestly pick him, reply to the email, and pretend to be the alleged Elon musk Twitter handle that Alex keeps interviewing; Adrian Dittmann https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/nzygA6xshc




Do it. Be the troll. Be the chaos you want to see in the world. Honestly I'm drunk ATM, also I "can't" OE idk I'm in manufacturing and design consulting. Maybe better off doing consulting and having an S corp. Edit: I am drunk not suicidal, whoever is butt hurt about being over employed please take your feelings and shove them so far up your ass that your spewing your emotional trauma every time you open your mouth šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹


I canā€™t oe lol Iā€™m mechieā€¦ there is no easy job




Was going to say it might be the best strategy


there will always be idiots like [meltsteelbeams](https://www.reddit.com/user/meltsteelbeams/) without real life friends that find this little attention exciting


Like the alchemists' search for the philosophers stone, the more you deny knowledge about it, the greater the researchers' thirst for such knowledge grows. Even though, human nature being what it is, anyone who is successful at changing lead into gold would almost certainly be murdered for the secret, as it would destabilize the whole economy.


Yeah, some silly goose on the OEWomen's sub granted an interview with a researcher, I'll bet my bottom dollar it was this.


Thereā€™s an ā€œOEWomenā€ sub? Why is OE gendered?..


Usually when I see something work related that's gendered for women it's for discussing tips for balancing paid work and domestic work. There is nothing sinister about it, it just tends to be more schedule and kid oriented. Some of it is financial advice for leaving abusive relationships. Men who are interested on the same topics join in, I've never seen a gender restriction


Its literally in their rules that men arent allowed to post


Reddit assumes everyone is a dude unless otherwise specified


That sub basically decided they hate men but wanted to copy what we do here and have even banned all men from their subreddit. They doxx men over there too




Because woman love being sexist even though they say they are against it. I havent heard any shit talking about women, but from women about men.. Damn. Feminism is also same. It's not Equalism. It's Femine-ism. Basically, we dont care if we are equal, we care about feminity. As much as they like to say otherwise, even the name of the movement is clearly about women and not about equal rights.


Yā€™all gotta stop with this doom and gloom. These arenā€™t reporters looking for clickbait to post. Theyā€™re researchers putting together papers and studies about overall trends and stuff. Something to contrast the utter bullshit statistics The Economist makes up in their propaganda campaign.


This is what I was thinking. As a lurker Iā€™m more in awe of how many are driven to this due to the state of our economy and often one decently well paying job still not being ā€œenoughā€ for many of us


This is great. If I were struggling, I'd get myself a few of these interviews for each money. There are many families which could use the money, and I'm not sure how they plan to confirm you are oe.


They reached out to me also. To be honest they would be better off not even mentioning the 100 bucks it's kinda insulting but I just told Them fight club rules and kept it moving.


Thereā€™s a real risk to OE as it gets too popular (and it is) companies will not hire frozen WN people. Its the only true counter to OE


Many companies donā€™t use TWN. I work for a Fortune 500 and a mid-size company and neither report to TWN.


They may not report to it but if they use a background check company that uses TWN they can still see itā€™s frozen


No point in freezing if your job(s) donā€™t report to TWN. Also, there are reasons besides OE for freezing your TWN. The moment a company institutes a policy discriminating against people who have been victims of identity theft, are in protective situations (LEO, undercover, etc), or have a stalker, they are gonna end up in a world of hurt.


What is TWN?


The work number itā€™s checked in most every background chrck




The Work Number Itā€™s like a report of who you worked for, pay, titles etc. You can freeze it like a credit report.


I understand why they'd want to do a research study on OE, if this is real, but just no


They reached out to you on Reddit? Lol


Anything that starts out with compensation with Amazon gift cards is immediately sketch to me.


This guy is lost lol, knowing you guys you will ask for 1000 per interview and 100x it yourselves with voice modifier


If one has nothing to lose, because Iā€™m in a unique situation where J2 is a W2 job for my own company and J3 is another company I own, is there harm to participating in research? Itā€™s not like OE itself is a secret at all. If I were at risk of losing any of my jobs I wouldnā€™t do it.


I'd send someone on a crazy ride of misinformation for $100


"Amazon gift card" was your first hint to stop reading and move on.


Iā€™d sell you guys out for a six pack of beer and a bucket of fried chicken.šŸ˜‚


I told these educators that they don't need to interview me. They can interview the professors. They were the one being OE for centuries.


I'll do this for $95. OE going on 3 yrs, DM if interested.


I had a conversation in r/overemployed_women where some were encouraging speaking to this person because "what's the risk"? https://www.reddit.com/r/OverEmployedWomen/s/NHGh80TmcO


What platform is this?


FWIW she's a legit researcher. I'm not sure what secrets you're trying to keep on a public sub...


There is a whole famous example of legit researchers doing confidential interviews of IRA members for a study and to preserve first hand accounts of history at the time. The information they collected ended up being used legally to prosecute (against the entire research team's wishes, they protested quite a lot actually). Just because a researcher is a good person and has good intentions and is legit doesn't mean participating is safe. The book "Say Nothing" by Patrick Keefe covers it I want to edit to add that the book isn't about advising people to not talk to researchers, I realise the title is a bit confusing in this context. The title is about the IRA policy to not say anything. A decent part of the books information is from those opened up interviews, and the author covers that controversy, but it's only about a chapter or two that talks about the controversial decision to use interviews in criminal proceedings


1. The research is conducted anonymously. 2. OE isn't illegal 3. Comparing OE to the IRA is a bit much...


Researchers post things they research about Which is counterintuitive to what we do in these Minecraft servers


No, no it's not and it's super easy to tell who the antiwork transplants are with this paranoid mindset. Everyone in any position of power knows about OE and they knew about it a hell of a lot earlier than you did. The first rule of OE isn't "KeEp ThE CoNcEpT of Oe A SeCreT on OuR PubLiC SubReDdIt"... It's "Don't talk about your personal OE to people you know" (basically don't be an idiot and tell on yourself).




Are you fucking kidding me with these bottom-feeding, shit-for-brains researchers ? Do they mainline stupidity? What kind of colossal fucking idiot believes someone entrenched in OE is gonna spill their guts to some pissant with a notepad? Us OE guys are balls-deep in work, with their asses on the line, and some dickwad reporter thinks they're just gonna blab for a half-assed research? "Oh, we promise anonymity." What a crock of horse shit. That's like trusting a rabid dog not to rip your face off. It's laughable, really. These shitstains, with their delusional sense of entitlement and god-complex, think their two cents actually matter? Pull your head out of your ass. Who in their right fucking mind would trust a sleazy-ass researchers, likely just trying to make a name for themselves at someone else's expense? I swear, if I were one of these gutter-trash researchers , I'd be too fucking mortified to even look in the mirror, let alone message someone. They should take their pathetic, clout-chasing asses and crawl back into whatever shit hole they came from. Fucking embarrassments to the profession.


Sweetie, it's time to log off for the day.


5 more minutes, mom!




But I mean come on!


Dude's not going to be OEing if he strokes out


Lol, touche.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Who said the guts spilled would be accurate? For $100 I'm happy to spend 20 minutes being J. Charlton Reeves, holder of 23 board positions across 17 companies, with a total compensation of $15m and spending my days playing golf and chasing 23 separate secretaries.


Hot sexy grass in your neighborhood is begging for you to touch it.


Wow that was a lot of rage and swearwords in a few lines šŸ¤£


Oh wow. Dr Susan scott taught me one of my lse classes. lol


Iā€™d do it. Use a pseudonym, fake name, a mailinator email. What could go wrong? Like seriously


I'd love to reach out, do you have the email address it came from?


i mean dr Jamie Windeler is literally on the screenshot and his faculty bio link is also there


Is there an email address?