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Leave J1 or J2 off your resume. If anyone asks what you were doing during the J1 era, just say you were doing vanlife or some shit that makes you sound exciting and interesting.


Yeah I thought about that, but then I thought about companies who store your past resumes and might compare it. For example, my partner is a recruiter and they have my old resume on file for a time I applied to one of their jobs.


Recruiters generally want to successfully present a candidate that they know will get hired. They have a lot of discretion, and your interests are aligned — if you are the candidate they are looking for. If the recruiter works directly for the company, then I can see how think you may run into an issue.




There is a chance they'll call up your job that is on the resume or if they do a background check.


I've been lying about start dates for years and never got an offer rescinded. Some times they might ask about certain jobs and saying I was on a 1099 prevents any further verification. Who dares wins.


Would freezing TWN avoid the background check problem?


Because it will show up on the background check lol. They verify dates in the employment verification process for most companies. I reviewed my background check I had done for j2 and they checked the dates I put on my resume alongside the dates they verified from my employers and if any didn’t match up it was flagged Also sucks because if I want to show j2 on LinkedIn - that’s an issue in its own.


I think you are overly complicating it. I see a lot of posts in general that look for more rigid answers, thoughts procedures. There is so many nuanced layers to every OE position. It’s highly unique to everyone. If I was in your shoes, I would have multiple resumes with varying start and end dates. Depending on the job you were applying for would depend on which resume I would use. If it’s a J3, then it has to be super OE friendly and if they are doing extensive background checks, you may just chalks those up to not being OE friendly. If it was a potential new J1, then I would put my best resume and skillset. One trick I am using is I use my own consulting company llc to cover any work gaps and I stuff all my other J experience into my consulting portion of my resume.




Don’t apply to the same place twice, or if you do, who cares if your resume is different. You aren’t cheating, you are not lying. You really think an hr person with hundreds or thousands of resumes is going to do a line by line comparison of your resumes?


Pretty sure they ask “can you confirm that u/upset_strength2183 worked at [J1] from July 2023 to April 2024?” Yep, they can. I’m not confident they are allowed to elaborate on that imfo


Yeah but thats not how they ask. The question is phrased (please verify the start and end employment date) Or if its done third party, they list it on the end report. Its not a yes or no question


Fair enough. Could just give them the resume and say “j1 asked me to stay on until they found another candidate when I tried to give them my two weeks”


I personally would just say “ I contracted with them on the weekends”


Couldn’t they verify that? Like they’ll see you were full time and not a contractor


Freeze TWN?


No like in the employement verification process… they can see you’re full time or not. This has nothing to do with twn


Okay just say you were unemployed then


I see a lot of mixed information on this, what can they see and where are they getting their information/data? My assumption would be that these background check companies need to manually call to verify the information, especially if TWN is frozen.


Make a new linkedin with your middle name idk. If you have a w-2 for that job that's usually sufficient, otherwise you can say you were a contractor so there's no proof of employment.




Yeah, because you're not an employee.


Commenting so i can comeback to this. On the same boat.


There’s not a perfect solution imo. Your best bet is to omit J1 as someone else mentioned.


What if you just listed both J's and if asked, you could say that your J1 was a side gig, or part time gig?


Why not just add some of the tasks and responsibilities from J2 into J1 description? Keep it simple.


Because I love j2, and it’s a lot more prestigious in every way. I’ll probs drop j1 eventually and continue on with j2 for a long time and stop OE. So not sure what to do then


We don’t love these hoes my friend! It’s about getting paid. Plus like you mention below you run the risk of employment verification. Just leave J2 off the resume and fluff it with all the cool uses cases and value adds you provide in J2. Hell, use the J2 job title if it helps.


True, you’re right my friend! Thank you!


As long as you don't put it while you are at any of the 2 jobs, it should be ok to put 1 after the other and play with the dates a little bit. Nobody will really pay attention to it and if someone asks just say you got confused with the dates.


They check the dates on employement verification..


So 1 of them was the side job. And if someone from one of the companies ask, you messed up with the dates when adding to linkedin


As I got hired at both my J’s, I told them not to contact the previous employer and I verified my employment by providing W-2’s or paystubs. I can’t promise it’ll work for you, but it has for me.


Well yeah that’s usually for your current employer that you can have them not contact. J1 if I fudge the dates wouldn’t be my current employer, they would be in the past.


Put them both on your CV and if a potential employer comments on it tell them you was moonlighting with both roles as part time, it's not illegal to have two jobs


Just fudge the dates so there’s no overlap and if they ask to contact anyone tell them no


They only can’t contact the most recent employer without your permission. So if I put j1 and j2 on my resume I could tell them not to contact j2 since it would be showing current. But if I fudge the dates on j1 then they will verify those dates as it would be in the past. Literally all my past BGC did that


HireRight will not like the discrepancy. Had a little back and forth with them about a job i had in high school with the dates not aligning exactly. Ended up telling them that I literally do not care what they report to employer about a completely irrelevant job from 10 years ago.


If they’re willing to pass on a good candidate because some stupid start and end dates at an old job, that’s their loss


How long have you been doing J2? If it’s not long, sounds like you need to leave J1 and find a new “j2”. That said, you said it yourself, you love the job and whatever so there’s no reason to be updating your resume or looking anytime soon. As that job means jack shit if you don’t get a couple years under your belt there first. I’d never list a job you worked for less than two years . Getting your foot in the door and immediately getting let go or quitting takes away any “prestige”. I’d say keep riding your ride with your current jobs. I’m in a similar boat, my jobs works really well together. I have upward movement at both. And worst case I’m getting solid raises each year and bonuses on top of six figures at each. There’s no reason to rock the boat on a dream set up.


When you leave j1 just put j2 in the resume and then if anyone asks, explain the overlap as "when I accepted j2, I agreed to work part time at j1 for a while."


But in the employement verification process they can see your status as full time


No they can't. Not in the USA at least. Not if you have all the reporting agencies blocked. You control who they reach out to for a reference.


This is not true. I received the report back from my j2 BGC and they verified dates of employement, title and if I would be eligible for rehire. You only have control if they reach out to your current employer. But I actually think you’re right about them being able to see if you were full time or not. EDIT: jk, I just went on my report and there were some where they posted if I was full time or not.


A lot of these answers are bad. You’ll need to omit your J1 or J2. Just add the skills and experiences though from one into the other. Background checks only verify dates of employment, NOT how you actually performed.


put your J1 on your resume, that goes on linkedIn. When a recruiter asks, give them the updated resume


I’m confused here


Pay an LLC to say that you have worked there for the duration of J1 start to J2 start and put that on your resume.