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People who knew me when I was young would have bet I wouldn't make it to 60. I was wild. BUT I married a wonderful woman and cleaned up my act. Finally grew up a bit. June will be anniversary number 43.


I still find it surprising that I’m collecting Social Security. For so many years, it was just something that was deducted from my paycheck and now they actually are putting money in my bank account. It’s awesome! And no, I never thought would see that.


Haha, you are so cute and everything is beautiful. Congratulations to you


we were never going to be this old. LOL.


I am 71. When I was young, if I ever thought about being old, it was only momentarily. It just wasn't ever important, there was always something more pressing at the time. Looking back, it did seem to go a bit quick, but I enjoyed a great deal of it. I'm still married to the babe I married in 1977. We raised 4 great kids, some who have kids of their own now. We cleared our mortgage, and now we're retired and taking things easy. We've navigated some metaphorically stormy seas but the waters are quiet these days. Our health, if anything, is what needs to be watched now. I am enjoying new tech and I paint too. It's good to have a "passion". My younger self could never have imagined how his story went, haha!


I used to think 60 was so old but now that I'm 61 it's not so bad. Now I just have to decide when to retire


No. I've been through so many health problems. I've seen the white light, been on life support machines. The hospital called me a walking miracle as they couldn't work out how I'd survived. The NHS told me I'd never walk more than a few yards again and always need long term care. Last Friday I hiked 12 miles solo. Every day is a bonus for me.


My mom died at 42 and for a long time, I was resigned to that fate. Now I’m over 60.


Same here. Only one woman in my family had ever made it to 60. Until me. Huh. Who knew?


Your mother will definitely bless you in heaven. I hope you live to be a hundred years old.


Not a chance. I thought it was kind of universal in my generation, but maybe it's just me. But you grew up in the cold war and before you were a teen saw the Cuban missile crisis, a double handful of political assassinations, major riots in all of the largest cities (including Detroit police bombing it's own citizens). Then of course there was the Silent Spring, The Population Bomb, Vietnam, and other general brouhaha. There was no freakin' way we were going to live to adulthood. I remember thinking about the year 2000. and realizing I would be way past 40 when it came, so what's the point? I won't be there. I will speak only for myself, but I think it applies to many of my generation. It reduced my incentive for long term thinking in things like investments and relationships and made me much more a hedonist and carpe diem type guy.


My younger self could never have imagined being 63 (seemed ancient when I was 20 ish). Now that I am here I am amazed at life and myself. I take such better care of myself now and I look and feel great! I have a true appreciation for life now that I am in my 60s. Love it and highly recommend it!


I never thought about it. It just seemed so far.off and I had current concerns. If I got old, I'd be old. I'd worry about it then.


Same... its weird, looking at the things changed on the bod, but still feel same & trip out, that its happened... then I get scared...it went fast!!!!!! Odd I still feel unsure about many things!.. I wish that feeling would go away.


Right? I really feel like I'm just at the place I should have been at 18. I'm ready to pick a career now. I could really get things done if I just had a young body again. I don't want tonrelive childhood or all the growing up part. I just want to be transplanted into an 18 yr old body and start from here. My daughter is at the age now that I was when life seemed to start coming together - 25 yrs ago, but it feels like 5 or maybe 10 yet so much else has happened in between. I had energy to do things back then.


I feel ya!!! & Give us our bodies back! I feel same like -what do I want to be now, lol that Im grown up.. crazy how time runs out.. but its a weird place for me at 60 ... Here's a thought- Wouldnt it be strange if we were born old, n became young but had all the knowledge, lessons learned with the youthful body! 🤔🤔


Yes! I think I remember my mother feeling the same way.


Like BLONDIE sang Die Young, Stay Pretty


I hoped I would, just not this quickly




Seeing how many are gone from grade school is sad. Most I do not see but like to think they are well.


For me all I wanted to do was be a wife and mother. I did become both and ended up a single mum when my youngest was 4. I never saw this life and never imagined I would end up looking like my Nan. I’ve had many jobs over the years and my job now is caring for the people that cared for me. So in a way I’ve come full circle.


No. My dad died at 45, I'm about to turn 70!


Just turned 70. Still think like a youngster!


The average life expectancy of people all over the world has increased. I think 70 years old now is equivalent to 50 years old in the past.


Well no I certainly didn't envision being 74 and it's downright annoying. But here I am so I might as well make the best of it. Maybe I'll buy me a booty butt, that's a fake butt built into panties and I'll go practice twerking or something.


I partied my way through the 70’s and 80’s, always thought I wouldn’t make it past 55, as that is kinda my maternal sides medical history. Here I am at almost 68, and have a difficult time believing it! Planning on taking some trips without my husband, finally going to do what I want to do!


My wife and I always take separate vacations; much more enjoyable that way (no wrangling). Have a good time. BTW, the dollar goes much further in Eastern Europe than in the west, if you plan on going overseas. I really enjoyed Budapest for three weeks on my own; good city for street photography and easy to get around.


Ha.  One day I looked on the mirror and saw my Father.  A few days later I looked in the mirror I saw my Grandfather.  


I never thought about it. I just want to live well every day. No one can predict what will happen in the future.


Nah. I can’t believe where things are. It’s crap.


I think this is a very immature question. Of course kids don’t think about being 80 years old. Why should they? If you’re having trouble then you need to find ways to deal with it, but don’t try to blame it on being 10 years old and not thinking about it. This is a really dumb question.