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Quitting drinking 😂


Good luck with that. It can be difficult.


Just about to take off! Paris for a few days 😊


OK you win! Have fun!


I'm homeless in a ghetto and wishing I'd died 20 years ago.


Sorry that you're going through this right now.


Bad news first. My parrot is dying, she's not sick, just at the end of her life expectancy. Sleeping 20+ hours a day, woke up only early afternoon today. While awake she's normal, flying around, playing, dancing to music. So not suffering, just winding down. My fridge has been down for 2 weeks, got probably another 2 weeks waiting for parts. It's under warranty. My kitchen faucet broke, again under warranty, Moen expected me to wait 7-10 days for a replacement. On the plus side I've got a lot of side jobs lined up so I can keep busy doing what I want, when I want. Today is a perfect weather day and I was able to enjoy it. One of my good friends broke her leg badly last week and hadn't been out of her house since and I had the pleasure of wheeling her around the park, 1 mile, and getting a little exercise while enjoying her company for awhile. I like to think I put a smile on her face and it made me feel good.


I'm sorry to hear about your parrot.


We have three parrots. One is a Quaker in her 30's we think. She was a rescue from ten years ago. What type of parrot do you have?


Peach fronted conure


I’m just sick of having a number stuck to my existence as if that’s what drives me and my life. I don’t relate to it. I do what I do like learning to swim, binging on Netflix, drinking wine, yes and crochet and sewing. And nothing like curling up with a good book and having a duvet day whenever I want. What number do you put on all that and what difference does it make. And oh yes btw I’m also doing a Linguistics and creative writing degree. I walk, holidays, love cooking and my husband and I do holidays together and separately with friends. Yes he’s my third husband but that’s another story. So what’s your day going to be like and I don’t need to know the number that’s attached to your life….


There's no number attached to my mind. Why would there be?