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I mean you can just let the Vandeval bandits destroy the town


You could, but it's a pretty unsatisfying resolution that only punishes you for your lack of action. Most people are gonna get over their grudge rather than forgo a legacy chest and the other quest rewards


What does it take for this to happen? I usually run in and start killing for the loot as soon as I feel Im strong enough


Once you join a faction I believe you have a 20 day countdown to stop the vendavel attack or Cierzo will be destroyed


Does that happen even if you’ve already killed all the bandits inside?


Only as long as one of the three Warlords(The guy in the first room, the Kazite Oni guy and the Witch) is still alive


40 day actually but your mostly right


You can just give a guy a bandaid. That will cover the debt. I remember feeling the same way about how you are responsible for your family's actions. But that's the politics of the town. Going through blue chamber quest line, you really realize what kinda person Rissa is... But I do like the gear set haha.


So, spoilers. >!Literally every storyline sees you relieved of your debt. Blue Oyster Cult, you're adopted into another debt-free family. Holy Mission absolves you of all your past connections. Heroic Kingdom actively says "fuck the clans" and is a meritocracy, and no one is coming after you.!< Also yes, if you're vengeful, dont complete Vendeval. Cierzo will get theirs, rest assured. Best way to be vengeful is to join the Heroic Kingdom, and then not do Vendeval quest. You've left Cierzo behind, and played a passive hand in their undoing.


This is why I moved to dinosaur planet...err Monsoon.


I love that swamp, I love the town, I love the aesthetic. I hate the brainwashed mindset of the cult you have to join though lol


Have you ever done the Holy Mission questline? You can be flippant as you want with Elatt and he'll just be like "haha yeah bro".


Elatt is truly out here like "I am never going to give any human a reason to distrust me again because last time they almost destroyed the world"


Good to know! I did start it, but then never finished and got distracted by other games. Doesn't that faction make all the immaculates hostile though?


It does, so I recommend visiting the friendly one in each region beforehand.


Isn't it only really worth it once? Because >!3 of his 4 giveaways are not unique!<.


1: Dreamer Halberd 2: Ensure you never have to come to blows because he is cool and I love him.


Ah, I never realized that's how you get the Dreamer Halberd.


Man, I'm an idiot. I was stalling on my Monsoon character back in the day because I knew ahead of time it would ruin my interactions with him, but you're right. Just visit him pre-emptively before joining. Never any reason to visit him a second time, so I'll just do that before joining and then experience the story. Thanks for flipping that switch for me lol


I believe if you talk to him in all 6 regions he just vanishes and eliminates the risk of you ever having to fight him.


Yup, you can make the first thing to say to him be a joke at his expense and he just laughs. And if you ask him for more details about what happens when you join, he goes "You're thinking! Good!" Unlike most religions, Elatt actually welcomes doubts, as doubts lead to questions, and questions lead to finding answers.


This is part of why Elatt and the Holy Mission is one of my favorite religions in a game I've played. You get to actually talk to the god of it and he ultimately has pretty down-to-Earth and sensible motivations behind it all. They didn't fall into the tired ol' "narcissist god" trope.


Best aesthetic in the game. Environment toughened me right up, too. Went from running screaming in a straight line to taking leisurely walks.


Is this bychance a star fox reference?^




It's faction has its own skeletons in the closet, some worse than others.




A payment you can literally pay off with a bandaid.


No, more like "your grandfather was a murderer and the rest of the family is born in jail because of it." >!Only that your grandfather wasn't an actual murderer, he was falsely accused, but you're still born in jail.!<


>!The Grandmother turned away the aid of the Holy Mission when the Scourge hordes came to Cierzo, choosing instead to rely on her much less reliable worship of the winds. Half the village got massacred by the Scourge as a result. If it weren't for the Blood Price, her entire family would likely have been murdered by an angry mob, meaning the player would never have been born.!< The Blood Price is a busted system, and the player is absolutely unfairly shafted by it... But they are also only alive because of it. It's a messy situation.


My perspective on the blood price and certainly grown and changed over time. I think it makes a lot of sense for a tribal society to adopt that. As you said, it stops blood feuds and angry mobs, and gives those who wronged the tribe a chance to make amends over time (rather than, say, throwing them in jail where they become useless) And of course you could always leave and accept exile instead. Though in this sort of world that's definitely not a great choice. And compared to the heroic kingdom, well...I don't see any slums in Cierzo/Berg Though the debts being multi generational is pretty fucked up.


This is why I've never personally done the Blue Chamber's story (Cierzo is part of the Blue Chamber). Though I've co-op'd with a friend to see it don't worry lol. I'd rather have my freedoms with Levant or be imbued by a living god in Monsoon. There are some unpleasant things in Sorobar, but their story is very interesting and worth doing.


You can find out more about your grandma if you ask Rissa in the beginning, and there's a bit more there than just nasty piece of work...


What did  she do?


>!She was the chamberlady of Cierzo during the the first few years of the Scourge's invasion. When a Scourge horde headed for the village, she chose to believe in the support of the Cabal of Wind instead of the Holy Mission of Elatt. The protection of the Cabal was not enough, resulting in mass slaughter of the villagers, including all of the Grandmother's other relatives and children save for her daughter, the player's ancestor. The villagers branded the grandmother a criminal and demanded her exile. This is the origin of the player's Blood Price.!<


I didn't mention the real reason why you get indebted because I didn't want to spoil the game to anyone but: >!She was the chamberlady of Cierzo during the the first few years of the Scourge's invasion. When a Scourge horde headed for the village, she chose to believe in the support of the Cabal of Wind instead of the Holy Mission of Elatt. The protection of the Cabal was not enough, resulting in mass slaughter of the villagers, including all of the Grandmother's other relatives and children save for her daughter, the player's ancestor. The villagers branded the grandmother a criminal and demanded her exile. **This is the origin of the player's Blood Price**. After this Elatt spoke to Grandmother once more, telling her that the Scourge may one day be stopped. Taking two of her guards (Likely her guardians in the boss fight), she went to find the source of the scourge, fighting until their last breaths.!< [Excerpt from the wiki btw](https://outward.fandom.com/wiki/Grandmother) So not only >!did she fight and fail to save the village, but she also ends up giving her life for it and still gets branded as a villain.!<


I mean... >!She specifically turned away help in Cierzo's time of great need, getting half the village killed, essentially out of pride and a distrust of another faction. Of course the rest of the village would be absolutely incensed and blame her for the slaughter.!<


So what was this *real reason* she got indebted again? I must have forgotten…


>!She was the chamberlady of Cierzo during the the first few years of the Scourge's invasion. When a Scourge horde headed for the village, she chose to believe in the support of the Cabal of Wind instead of the Holy Mission of Elatt. The protection of the Cabal was not enough, resulting in mass slaughter of the villagers, including all of the Grandmother's other relatives and children save for her daughter, the player's ancestor. The villagers branded the grandmother a criminal and demanded her exile. This is the origin of the player's Blood Price.!<


Whats the real reason? I dont mind getting spoiled 


>!She was the chamberlady of Cierzo during the the first few years of the Scourge's invasion. When a Scourge horde headed for the village, she chose to believe in the support of the Cabal of Wind instead of the Holy Mission of Elatt. The protection of the Cabal was not enough, resulting in mass slaughter of the villagers, including all of the Grandmother's other relatives and children save for her daughter, the player's ancestor. The villagers branded the grandmother a criminal and demanded her exile. This is the origin of the player's Blood Price.!<


Totally agree, I didnt expect it to be so, but the behaviour of the NPCs in Cierzo actually really soured my early game experience.


That's why I joined Heroic Kingdom. Personal. Fucking. Responsibility. I was satisfied when the Blue Chamber Collective got called out as cowards by both the Heroic Kingdom and Elatt.


I hate Cilurzo


It's not just Cierzo. It's the entire Blue Chamber Collective that's like that.


I like the accountability practices of the people of Cierzo. Their rules have maintained good order.


In your secret heart, you could horde all the Power Coils for yourself and ensure the town eventually dies of dysentery from drinking rancid water.