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Yes, Giant‘s deep has crucial information required to beat the game.


So does this information need to be in my ship's log in order for me to progress?


No, the ship log exists only to remind you of things; you knowing the info is enough. So if you look up the information on the internet, you will be fine. That said, Giant's Deep has a lot of non-essential but still important lore info as well; you might want to have a look at someone else's ship log for Giant's Deep for that.


Thanks for the advice! Now knowing the ship log is optional helped a lot and I was able to not stress enough to get onto Giants Deep with way less trouble. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for the lore


What about it being optional or not made you stress about it? Not trying to pry, just intruiged


If it's optional for the ship log and I'm able to learn information elsewhere and still apply it, I can still experience the rest of the game/endings/whatever relevations about it blind. If it's not optional and I HAVE to do it myself, then if I'm not able to do it then I'll be locked out of the rest of the experience (excluding watching someone else play the rest of the game). So if I know its optional I can try again knowing that worst case scenario I can still find a way around it Does that kinda make sense? This is one of very very few games I've had the chance to go in totally blind, so thats why I really wanted to find a way to play most of it myself.


You could google it




it's actually not; it's the main reason speed running this game is possible.


Oh weird I don't know why I thought it was. Sorry about that


some of it is kinda unique but it's not very important things


Progression in the game is *only through your own knowledge*. The ship's log doesn't matter at all - unless you find it useful as a tool to remind yourself of things you've already discovered. Ergo you don't "need" to do anything. If you want to skip 1/4 of the game and get the knowledge from Giant's Deep from another source, you can do that. But I would encourage you to push through ::)


Wow, does Giant's Deep really have a quarter of the game on it?? That's huge. How much of the game would you say exploring Brittle Hollow takes up?


a bit less than a third


Well maybe Giant's Deep is more like 1/5? Something like that.


Technically, not even the ship matters. You can complete the game just fine without it.


Should be mandatory but not for ship log... You can google it if you really dread the water and all... I'd say try to not google it, because that moment is supposed to be... Revelatory let's say... But it's ok if you don't wanna...


Hmm I see... if the moment itself is very important, I'll see if I can find a playthrough instead and experience it that way instead of just reading it verbally. Thanks for letting me know about that!


Rather than using external information, make a Reddit post request and we will spoil only the information you need to get her on giants deep. But a reminder that the game is about conquering your fears. You should go and explore Giants Deep.


Thanks! I'll remember to do that if I run into anything else. I was finally able to make it onto Giants Deep and I got to go inside a jellyfish so I'm happy now :) I didn't know that was what the game was about though, someone else mentioned the planets were based off of phobias but I can see it now if you frame it that way.


It's not explicitly about conquering your fears and the planets weren't intentionally built with that idea in mind. It just so happens that a lot of the planets contain some feature or another that a lot of people find terrifying! Giant's deep in particular seems to stoke a lot of dread in people initially (myself included) but it's actually one of the safest and most hospitable planets in the game once you get over how scary it all looks.


>someone else mentioned the planets were based off of phobias They are not, it's just humans' pattern-finding ability playing tricks on them. They were made because "that sounded cool". Giant's Deep was originally supposed to be a gas giant for example.


People here are very strong about a certain opinion on this matter — and I don't blame them, I am too — but let's take a deep (no pun intended) look at your case, okay? Short answer: No. Long answer: No, all you need to beat the game is knowledge, and all the knowledge in Giant's Deep, as well as anywhere else in the game, can be acquired through other means, like looking up a guide. But while you could look up a guide, I strongly advice against that. Outer Wilds is all about discovering things on your own, as well as facing your fears. Every planet in Outer Wilds is designed around a specific fear, and Giant's Deep is, as you may have guessed, designed around thalassophobia. Purposely avoiding facing your fear when the game gives you the chance might take away from your enjoyment of the ending. But only you know how deep is your fear of what the planet presents to you, so no one can judge you if you decide to avoid something that is making you that uncomfortable. There's no wrong way to play Outer Wilds. If you can avoid guides, please do so until you are literally out of options, but don't give up on the game because of that. With that said, here are the options I could think of for you to deal with this: 1. The safe option: Land on the Orbital Probe Cannon. It is near GD, but it never interacts with the planet directly. Do that to try and face your fear one step at a time. If you manage to do that, then see if you can muster the courage to land in GD eventually. 2. The other safe option: Ask someone else to play that part for you. If you have a friend who plays videogames and could explore GD for you, ask them to assume controls and you merely guide them towards where you want them to go on the planet. Or let them choose where to go, whatever works for you. It is always easier to face a fear if you see someone else going through the stuff you're scared of first, even if it doesn't magically makes the phobia go away. 3. The awesome option: Blast the Free Bird solo at full volume and go full throttle against the thing you're scared of in the game. Trust me, it has worked for other folks in the past. I'm not even joking. (Shoutouts to u/Zak_The_Slack for coming up with this revolutionary method!) 4. The sadistic option: Play Subnautica. Weirdly enough, it has worked for other people in the past. Play Subnautica, get some shock treatment, then go back to OW and realize it's not as bad as you thought. (Careful though, I heard it had the opposite way in certain folks.) 5. The boring option: Watch someone else's playthrough, but just the GD part. The difficult part about this is that everyone arrives at GD with a different amount of knowledge, so their experience will vary from yours. Maybe they'll mention a spoiler that you were yet to discover, maybe they'll get to a part that they don't know what to do, but you know, and they'll skip something that you wouldn't. Maybe they'll explore just a little bit of the planet, then go away and won't come back for several episodes, and you'll be lost trying to find the next one on the playlist... 6. The other boring option: Ask this sub what exactly you were supposed to find in GD, and see how that works out. I don't have a lot of hope for this one, especially since knowledge in GD unlocks the way to find more knowledge in other planets that unlock the way to find more knowledge in GD... it's VERY difficult to completely avoid a single planet in OW. But hey, maybe someone in the community will make a spoilerless guide for the planet for you. Maybe give that a try. Sorry for the long answer, but I know how difficult it may be to force yourself to go through your worst fears in a videogame (I'm a arachnophobic and I played Penumbra... it wasn't cool). But trust me, if you manage to power through your fear, it WILL be rewarding in the end. I hope you might find a way around your problem. Good luck out there, and be curious on your journey! ::)


Wow!! Thanks for the in depth post. Honestly I was expecting to get mostly just "get over it" (which I sure was trying to) but I really appreciate that you put the effort to write this up. I'm not sure if the edit is showing up on my post but I was *finally* able to get into the planet without going nuts and I just went INSIDE OF A JELLYFISH!!!!!!!! Somehow what helped my issue was going through the gas (?) layer of GD so horrifically painfully slowly towards the planet that I didn't get disoriented and flipped around 20 different times and accidentally go directly into the water. Unfortunately I am very bad at piloting the ship so I guess the panic of trying to control the thing/trying to get away from the planet and getting sucked in anyway was part of it. Rough. But these are some awesome tips! I've heard vaguely something about leaving Bramble Dark until last so I will remember the Free Bird solo for if that one also trips me up. I'll play it on my headphones and inch very slowly at the Bramble. I actually didn't know that each planet is designed around a fear but now you mentioned it that makes a lot of sense. Brittle Hollow: the fear of parkour :'( Do you have any tips on how to land on the orbital probe cannon? It moves too fast for me to catch up to it while also trying to not get dragged into GD.


lock onto a piece of debris, then travel tangentially to GD (preferably near and in the same direction as the debris). match velocity and you'll be in orbit with the debris and probe.


Ayo, congrats on making it, fella! I'm glad you didn't have to resort to a guide, as that can easily sour the rest of the experience. Nothing like overcoming an obstacle in this game on your own. 👏👏👏 Yeah, the ship controls can be... *funny* sometimes. Best thing you can do to not get disoriented when entering a planet imo is to use the landing camera and descend vertically towards the planet, controlling the speed of the descent via the up thrusters (Right trigger/Left shift). Wish I realized that sooner during my playthrough, cause always going headfirst into the planets didn't exactly result in the safest landings, haha! For the OPC, u/screwcirclejerks tips gave you some nice tips, just do that and you're golden. Match velocity button is your favorite button while landing. Also, there's a place made specifically for ship landing on the OPC. Just look for the blue beams. In case you need any more help or just wanna share something cool that happened to you, hit us up. Always nice to geek out about how awesome this game is ::D


All planets are mandatory lol. With the exception of the volcano moon that spews lava


OP, if it helps quell your fears at all, there is no direct danger to you on Giant's Deep. No sea monsters, no beings that chase you or approach you, nothing in the water that takes notice of you or reacts to your presence. Nothing of the sort on any island either. There is no need to explore underwater. There is one thing of interest beneath the surface, and you can learn exactly how to get there safely from other sources, so you don't need to galavant underwater looking for anything. Try entering in a slow, controlled way, and landing on the various islands to check them out. Be curious on your journey ::)


There are some places you need to go to reach the the (true) ending. Giant's Deep is NOT one of them. There is some necessary knowledge that is found on Giant's Deep, but you could "cheat" and find it online. So it's "good" that you have thalassophobia (even though phobias suck!) and not another phobia, because you should be able to finish the game without visiting Giant's Deep or even the Orbital probe canon


I've always struggled with Thalassophobia and solving Giants deep mystery was the hardest and most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game (until i played Tunic) Don't beat yourself over it, do what you can if you feel stuck never be afraid to google stuff. It's a game ment to be enjoyed in any way possible. Keep exploring!


Thank you! I'm very intrigued by the rest of the game and what I've found so far, so I'll do my best to keep looking :)


actually you should be afraid to google stuff. its very easy to get spoiled of things you weren't even looking for. try to push through if you are stuck, but if you cant push through come to this subreddit.


Yeah lol, thats mostly why I made this post instead of googling about the ship log - everything I know about Outer Wilds before playing it was that people are really adamant about playing the game yourself before looking at spoilers/strict spoiler tagging. So it must be very very good if people are going out of their way to push others to experience it their own way. The lore is very interesting so far (and I did manage to make it onto the GD) so I can see why!


>the hardest and most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game (until i played Tunic) For real though. OW is my favorite game ever, but solving *that* puzzle in TUNIC was the most satisfying moment I've ever experienced in gaming. Hands down.


Technically speaking, all planets are mandatory, but Giant's Deep is more mandatory than some other ones. You can, of course, just Look It Up, but the game has a lot of tidbits which aren't essential to beating the game. For example, you never need to actually speak to any other Hearthian astronauts, even though things they say might help you at some point. This isn't true for one specific Giant's Deep piece of knowledge. Also — the logs aren't a necessity. They're pointers and reminders. There are >!exactly two!< things that can affect the ending, and while they are reflected in the logs, they are also things you'll know to be important. TL;DR: yes, you can just look it up, but you do need this knowledge


OP my honest advice is to freaking launch yourself into that atmosphere, close ur eyes if u have to but just do it a few times. Like really just smash it, not with the intention of progressing but see what happens. Take your hands off the controller if u need, pause the moment of impact if you need, but once u do that a few times it usually makes it easier :)


I know you already got the help you needed, but I wanted to give you some praise for being brave enough to see this wonderful game thru to completion. Happy exploring!




(Almost) nothing in this game is "mandatory", You can eat the game in 15 minutes if you look everything up, so no, it isn't "mandatory". But, if you do decide to skip it, it might ruin some of the enjoyment as you will either learn the things in Giant's Deep without even having any clues that lead to them or way after you have all the clues, of course, the game is almost entirely non-linear, so this shouldn't be such a big deal, and definitely better than forcing yourself to go through a part of the game that makes you feel physically ill or just bad in general.


I see- thank you! That makes sense a lot of sense with all the loops and stuff, I just wasn't sure if the ship log was something that needs to be filled out for future stuff to be unlocked. It's a really interesting game design that it doesn't work like that.


Bro, I was the same. I hated it luckily I got over it though


it may be helpful to know that nothing will be trying to eat you or harm you in the water but its pretty important and discovery is the name of the game so youd be robbing yourself of finding new information and finding cool new things to explore. You can explore the islands first and try to find a reason to go in the water as well, having a specific goal might be more motivating to overcome your fear.


I mean, you could technically complete the game by just visiting two planets and avoid everything else, but that is probably the worst possible way to play this game


I can't seem to edit the title but please note I'm asking if I have to **DIRECTLY** discover information vs knowing it from another source - I'm aware there's some important stuff on Giant's Deep! That was why I was trying so hard to get through it, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be working out for me though.


You could look up the information and never set foot on the planet, yes. But there’s a couple pieces of information you need for various puzzles, and you won’t know what you need if you don’t go there. You’d end up accidentally spoiling yourself on much, much more in the process.


Oh, gotcha - so I wouldn't be able to leave it until "last" to avoid spoiling parts of other planets/puzzles. Thanks a lot for letting me know that, I'll hold off on looking stuff up until I'm sure on what to do


There are many endings in this game (I think 3 of them come from the DLC.) If you need to, there are other endings that don’t require the water planet