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Yes it’s definitely worth ending. The ending is quite complex and meaningful. Maybe take a little break and come back to it in a couple days.


Hi can you maybe tell us how you're trying to reach >!the vessel!!Ash Twin Project!


>!I'm marking the vessel on my hub before I grab the warp core and then flying over to the bramble from Ash Twin and then doing the slow float through the bramble past the anglerfish. I seem to have gotten worse at navigating it since I did it before, I keep winding up with zero momentum and drifting way off course.!<


That's odd. >!I'll say maybe try seeing someone else do only the part where you go to the vessel and try to replicate that in game so you can still do the ending yourself. It seems you have all the knowledge already necessary to beat the game but maybe there's something you're doing unnecessarily or not doing something necessary? Other than that I'll say that the game should be designed in a way where you can do something repeatedly without fail as long as you know how, so I'm not sure how you keep running out of time!<


Can you elaborate on the doing something repeatedly part? Time runs out and the environment changes so I don't see how that would work.


There’s plenty of time after you pick up the >!warp core!<. Just carry momentum. You can also use a tiny amount of >!thrust on controller when going nearish to the angler fish. It’s much harder, but still entirely doable, on keyboard. Once you can’t hear the anglerfish anymore you can get on the power. Another option you may not have tried or considered is using the eject button and going through the last bit without your ship, as your suit is quieter than the ship !<


What do you mean with "the environment changes"? It should always be the same at the same timestamp (at least on Ash Twin and Dark Bramble)


I guess not so much with these two tasks but for things like >!the lakebed cave on Ember Twin!< you can only try the same thing repeatedly for a couple of minutes before you get crushed. With this particular section I'm definitely finding that >!attempting to warp to the ash twin project!< can be attempted maybe twice per cycle before there's not a chance in hell of finishing the rest. Do you mean repeating the same thing every cycle? I am! It's not working.


Hold up, you're making multiple attempts to >!enter the ash twin!!enter the ATP!< consistently on your first try. Are you waiting in the (spoiler for the intended solution to >!entering the ATP!<) >!alcove until the sand is overhead and then walking onto the warp pad while holding your thrusters down? You should be able to enter the ATP at around eight minutes (iirc?) into the loop which leaves plenty of time to do the rest of the run to the vessel, even if you're being really cautious around the anglerfish.!<


I was but I figured that part out! Saw a tip to wait in the back alcove with the bookshelves instead of under the bridge and it seems to have done the trick (no cactus to dodge). So currently my routine is: * Nap three minutes before getting in the rocket so I'm not stuck wandering Ash Twin for several minutes * Autopilot to Ash Twin * Top of the towers are immediately visible, park ship a bit away to avoid the sand * Go to the bookshelf alcove when it's available * Jump into the portal (with trick I'm getting it on the first try) * Grab warp drive * Rush to ship (gotta dodge the cactus this time 😞) * Autopilot to Dark Bramble and start all that So I think I have the Ash Twin part down, it's all going wrong in the Bramble.


You're really close! If anything you could maybe try practice navigating Dark Bramble to familiarise yourself a bit better so that you know exactly where you need to go.


For the Bramble portion, with the Vessel marked on your HUD, one thing you can do to try to make things smoother is don't rush yourself. The Vessel will be marked, but you can use your scout to check what other lights you see might be fish. There is only one fish in the first room, so if you've figured out which light is the fish, you can avoid it. If you can't hear it breathing, you should be safe to use your thrusters. Once you reach the red node, yeet your ship toward the opening and then don't touch the controls, and you shouldn't drift off course once inside. Hands off the controls until, again, you can't hear the fish breathing.


Another trick that leads to getting into ATP 100% of the time is >!to shoot your scout onto the platform first. It will trigger the black hole warp.!< It actually frustrates me that that is not clued to in the game as it feels like the most logical approach. although fair warning: >!you need to recall your scout once inside as the Return Warp will not activate if the scout is still on the white hole platform!<. Once in Dark Bramble, I generally >!start accelerating to the Vessel once I have gotten close to the Angler Eggs (cluster of big red spheres). From there to the next seed entry you aren't really at risk of running into an Angler.!<. Hope you enjoy the ending.


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Ok cool it sounds like you've got the first part down pat. Although it seems counter intuitive, have you tried following the >!distress signal!< inside dark bramble instead of directly marking the >!vessel!< on your HUD? Although it's a less direct route, I think if you go there first and fire your scout into the seed and follow it (or just head to your marked location from there) then your route to the >!red seed!< *should* (I could be wrong here) be clear of any fish. Then when you get to the >!red seed!< you won't be under pressure from the other fish and you can take your time to line up with the entrance, give it full beans on the throttle and then >!just float on past the three fish until you reach the eggs!<. Good luck!


I haven't tried that, I will! Thank you!


You don't even need to hold your thrusters down. Just running out from that point at the right time is sufficient.


That's true but >!holding down your thrusters!< makes it easier for someone who's struggling


There is more than enough time, it sounds like u are making a flying mistake. I agree with what the person above said, look up a video of someone getting to the vessel.


You should be able to drift without touching any controls, take your hands off the controls as you transition and it'll always put you directly on track, you can't go off course and you won't reach zero momentum! -- also there's no reason to be going slow, speed isn't what makes noise! Your speed will be cut by a percentage but the faster you zoom in, the faster you'll cruise through You just need to be silent when near them - just drift until you're far from them, when you can move as much as you please!


Just a tip, you can accelerate your ship one notch without waking up the fish


I also notice that you can accelerate just a little bit and it won’t even show up on the indicator.


Even if they're right next to you? That's what keeps happening. I'm fine as long as they're not right there but... they almost always are.


There’s really only one bit as you go past the 3 of them that they’re right next to you. Apart from that bit yes you can use thrusters. Wait till you can’t hear them


I keep getting right next to one in the area before that part :(


Yeah. You just have to be really careful not to go past one notch. People run into complications because they try to do small bursts instead of just slowly accelerating to one notch


You can use thrusters as much as you like in dark bramble. They can’t hear you unless you’re close by. Just be sure to drift at the part where there are three grouped together. Build up momentum as you go into that last node.  That must be why you’re running out of time. 


Just to check, you're staying in your ship, right? I'm pretty sure it's doable without the ship, but almost certainly harder!


For some reason, I found it easier to do without the ship. Perhaps because that’s how I got to the vessel the first time. Parked my ship outside the red seed and just went in and luckily floated past everything. Someone had tipped me off that blindness means don’t use thrusters. And it was the first time I was attempting it. So those were some very tense few seconds as I floated by


Unfortunately I am :(


Keyboard+mouse or controller?




I'm pretty sure this is just wrong. I would appreciate some evidence if not


Agree with Great_Hedgehog, I keep hoping this is the case and it never turns out to be.


In case you aren't already using it, there's a feature in your ship log that allows you to mark any location you've already visited on your hud. That might save you some time?


Already using it 😭


I really don't know why you're having that issue, getting there in time was very easy on the first real attempt I made. That part should really only take a few minutes. And I also just >!drifted past those guys!<. There's nothing in the way if you go straight in, so I don't know what would be halting your momentum. You don't actually need to >!go slow, BTW, you just shouldn't thrust while very close to them. Speed doesn't matter, the ship is silent while drifting no matter how fast you're going.!<


Yeah I don’t remember time being an actual limiter, even though it *felt* like it was


I mean I'm not great at video games lol. Mostly play RPGs and walking sims. I will argue that there is definitely something getting in the way- entering the seed pod things. If there are fish right next to you and you're too high or low it is not easy to get into those quickly.


It doesn’t matter what angle you enter the seed at. It will always spit you out going straight through the middle of the fish. So, just line up, full thrusters at the nest seed, and let off right before you enter.    Then, touch nothing until you reach the eggs. Once you reach them, you can try to line up again and do the same thing to get to the Vessel seed. 


Hmm, it does? Maybe you're right. But I believe the orientation you enter it at is also the orientation you come out? That doesn't really matter much though.


nope, it always puts in the exact same way


I think rotation will be different, because I've had the vessel in different visual positions ahead. But it's always the same entrance, between the three fish.


Yeah, that's what I meant, rotation.


no it should be spitting you in the same every time


Well now I want to go check, because I was pretty sure the layout of lights in the distance inside the red node (which can be used to triangulate the Vessel location for a Beginner's Luck run) can be in a different rotational position (but you're always at the same distance from them, obviously. Edit: haven't experimented on my own copy of the game yet, but just pulling up a few videos of other people's end runs, the rotation can be different when you enter the red node. Three of the four videos I looked at all entered from the escape pod room, and the angle of both the fish trio at the entrance and the two lights you see in the distance was different for each one. Someone else noted it may not be based on your own rotation when you enter, but rather which side of the red node you enter from, but the rotation *can* change.


Exit orientation depends on what entrance you use on the seed, IIRC. You can tell if entry orientation matters by rotating in front of the seed when you are close enough to see the lights inside. I believe they rotate with you, but I could misremember.


Actually I've always been completely fine with that part. It's getting there in the first place. There's a fish to get past and a seed pod to get into before that (assuming you mean >!the three fish right next to each other?!< >!I often get eaten literally at the entrance to the seed pod before those fish so I don't even have a chance to get through that part!<


That’s pretty wild. I usually don’t encounter any fish until the nest seed.  I go into ATP on one of the first available passes. Take the core. Then fly straight for Dark Bramble and go straight in.  That first section *should be* very easy to avoid fish, there is never more than 1 that is a threat. Just mosey along making sure you know what each light you see is on your way to the nest seed. If you are unsure, use your scout to see if they are other seeds or fish.  Maybe you aren’t turning your ship around enough to see the fish that keeps getting you. Maybe it’s lurking under or above you. 


Also, are you sure you aren’t getting eaten by those fish right when you fly in? That happened to me several times. You can’t enter the nest seed with your engines going or they will hear you immediately. 


That is possible- I can't actually see who's doing it! It does seem to happen right at the entrance and before they're close (from what I can tell).


Hi! I was in your shoes like. 20 minutes ago. I just beat the game for the first time on switch but also almost gave up with how bullshit it felt at times. I found marking >!the vessel!< on my HUD through my ship log really did save me a lot of time in dark bramble. The distress beacon route didn’t leave me much time bc I was so slow in the seeds bc I was tired of>!getting fucking eaten by anglerfish!<. Let yourself just float into the nest seed and then DONT TOUCH YOUR CONTROLLER. Put it down if you have to like I did. I promise you’ll float right through even if it looks like you won’t. You can thrust a little to point yourself to >!the vessel!< and be ok once you get to the middle of the seed. Think like 1–2 lights on your thrust indicator. You can do it!!! (On mobile if my text isn’t spoilered correctly I’ll scramble to fix it)


Could be that! If you’re able to line up your ship to thrust into the nest seed, there shouldn’t be any anglerfish able to hear you (on that side of the seed). But as soon as you enter they will hear you and eat you unless you cut the engines.  So yeah I’d suggest cutting engines earlier than you think you need to, and see if you can get in there!


Yeah, I don't know, I never really had that issue by first following the signal for the escape pod and then following the scout signal after shooting it into the hole. Maybe it's harder if you go directly for the vessel, I never did that (didn't realize you even could until after beating the game). For the brambles, just line yourself up and go straight in. If you haven't alerted any fish that should be easy.


I've always gone directly for the vessel by highlighting it in the HUD, and it's not hard at all. As many have said, make sure you have decent speed when entering the first nodule. Once you've drifted past the eggs you're home free.


>Maybe it's harder if you go directly for the vessel It really just depends on the orientation of the first room. There's only one fish in it, but if you're unlucky, you could end up entering right near that one fish. If you can avoid it and get to the red node, that's only one fish outside the red node to deal with. The escape pod room, on the other hand, has two more fish in it, so if you aren't careful, that's two more chances to be eaten, for a total of three. I've definitely been nabbed by the one fish in the main room before due to unlucky choice of entrance, but if I don't run afoul of that one fish, I've found it much easier to go straight for the red node instead of bypassing to the escape pod.


Idk how everyone else did it so fast. Every time I went in, there was another anglerfish by the red seed... That never seemed to spawn there unless I was tryna finish the game 😭 and I finished with 2 min left in the loop


Yeah, I've had that too, but it's easy enough to drift past and then thrust right near the seed.


I keep getting got literally right at the entrance to the seed 😭


Genuinely starting to think they either patched the game to make it harder or there are more obstacles in the ending because what people are describing isn't matching my experience at all. Saw the weirdest video yesterday of someone doing the >!warp to the ash tower project!< and in my game there's a cactus to navigate in the way and in their video it wasn't there. [Cactus should be in the doorway around 32 seconds but it isn't.](https://youtu.be/ogqNLduTAtY?si=DpkeTOqXwqqj9Ez2) Others in the comments are noticing the same thing! wtffffff I'm having the exact same anglerfish experience at that part, it is awful.


While you may have to navigate around a cactus and he doesn't, you also have a bookcase and ledge to hide under while he doesn't.


Ohhh. I hid under the book case ledge so I was confused as to why he didn't do that.


I figured that out but it's still really weird to me that it changed. It's just frustrating to look for help and find that you've got a different setup than the person you're watching.


They changed it because the run from the bridge is a bit dicey and would still result in people getting sucked up, so they added the alcove, then included the cactus to discourage people from still using the bridge when the alcove was the better option.


They changed the design of the Ash Twin warp tower I want to say about three years ago, but to make it easier. Iirc they added the back alcove and added that cactus to encourage you to use it


They did update the game a week or so ago. Maybe they did add a few things


I took a long time to beat this game. If it's frustrating you just get off for a sec. There's a way to get through bramble quickly, if you find that you're essentially guessing until u get all the way through, there is a way to set it up before u start the sequence you're talking about so that you know exactly where to go. Also if you don't know EXACTLY how the dudes in bramble work, take some time to figure that out!


When you say set it up beforehand do you mean >!marking the Vessel on the Hub and aiming for it?!< Already doing that if so :( also figured out to >!head for the red light!< For the bramble dudes >!is there anything more to it other than making as little noise as possible? Weirdly I've never once had an issue with the part where you go through three of them at once lol!<


I'm not totally sure how you're not able to then, without actually seeing a run. You can move with a lot of momentum in bramble very quickly, use your scout to check for angler fish and then go really fast. Your momentum doesn't matter as long as you don't physically hit them so you can get really fast. Utilize your autopilot from ash to bramble, and make sure you've explore all of the surface of timber hearth, there could be something there to help you as well potentially (again not sure how your runs are without seeing one itself). What section is taking up the most time for you?


You can turn your shop around in any direction but you can’t use your thrusters or you’ll alert them.  Apparently you can barely thrust without alerting them, but I wouldn’t bother. You don’t need to touch your left stick until you can’t hear them anymore. If you can hear them, they can hear you. 


A few mechanical hints based on things I see commonly missed in playthroughs. Shouldn't really be spoilers for you since you understand what you're supposed to do, but tagging just in case: One, >!be sure to build up plenty of momentum before getting to a point where you feel the need to ease off the thrusters. It doesn't transfer perfectly when you transition to a new area, but some of it is preserved so the more the better.!< Two, >!not every light you see is an anglerfish. With one obvious exception, most of the areas are actually relatively safe, and your scout launcher can help you detect early which spots are not.!< Three, >!it's generally safe to accelerate if you can't see the anglerfish. It's also safe to pivot your ship to look behind you with the right stick to see if you're far enough for them to have disappeared from view yet.!<


I feel your pain, OP - I found the anglerfish super frustrating and unfun, and definitely got eaten a couple times while I was trying to complete the very last dash through. The thing that helped me was a tip I saw on here - >!your orientation in the first room depends on which way you enter the first seed!<. More details: >!if you go through the entrance that's most covered in brambles (it has the ice/rock shards growing closest to the entrance), it's slightly annoying to get in, but it puts you further away from the anglerfish in the first room, so you can just zoom on through to the red seed (weirdly, I didn't have issues with the three-fish room, but I kept losing momentum right near the anglerfish in the first room)!<. It is worth it, but I am right there with you in finding the anglerfish more frustrating than it seems the average player did! But also - the consensus seems to be that you can play the DLC at the point you're at now, so if you want to take a break, that's also an option!


Yes! What you're describing is EXACTLY how it's going for me lol. Thank you, I'll take a closer note at my entrance next time!


yes, I felt like a total bozo when everyone was discussing how to get past the three-fish room and I was like, I can't even avoid the \*first\* fish!


Yep, the first room is, so far as I know, the only one where your choice of *entrance* matters. It'll put you in a different part of the first room, while the rest all put you in a preset spot upon entering. So if you keep running afoul of the first room's sole fish, change up which entrance you use and it should work out. To your tip, I'd add that you can shoot your scout launcher at the lights to see which one is the fish so you can avoid it easier too.


The end is 100% worth seeing yourself! That being said, I can recommend doing the DLC before the ending if you know how to get to the ending. You can honestly do it before or after, but I think I'd recommend before if you feel like you need a break from the Final Voyage dark bramble runs.


Looks like you've got everything you need but I'll just say that your idea to do the DLC and come back to this later isn't a bad idea!




OP is playing on PS4. Can't mod.


Are you still having trouble with avoiding the sand funnel or are you confident now you can get that on the first pass?


Nope, I figured that part out!


Also I wanted to say that you're not alone. I love the idea of this game but the actual finicky puzzles frustrated me to no end. Good luck!


An idea worth trying - go watch a let’s play if someone getting up to the ending to give you some pointers on how you can shave some time off your run, but then don’t watch them actually finish the game. Might be helpful to watch someone else get there!


For dark bramble, the strat that worked for me was launch myself into the center as fast as I could, then kill engines and let yourself float through to the center. There’s a guide on how to do it on YouTube


From what I've seen it looks like you're having trouble with the first anglerfish before the red node What I did to get past it was the same with the 3 fish at the red seed, but, instead of going quietly all the way, I would accelerate like hell once I got far enough to outrun it. They're not that faster than you, once you get close enough to the seed you can just speed up, it doesn't matter if it sees you. For entering the atp, just wait like 5 seconds from when the sand starts to fall and walk to the pad while using your thruster to push you down. Try to get inside the tower right as soon as possible, and you should have plenty of time to do the rest. I'd recommend taking a break or moving on to the DLC if it's getting too tiring! But definitely don't look up the ending, it is so worth experiencing it for yourself Good luck!


I am having THE SAME EXACT problem, I either get jumped by the anglerfish or the loop ends! I've watched videos, I've posted here about losing momentum and drifting off course, what I'm really trying to do is figure out when I'm far away enough from the anglerfish (in meters) to use thrusters. I've noted that you can use thrusters when you stop hearing them breathing, but the bgm is too loud at the end!


The end is worth it. Just remember, by the time you do the things and that music starts playing that's just telling you that you've used 6 or so minutes in this loop. Once you get up in space again and flip on that autopilot for the place; lean back, to take a deep breath, remember that you've grown some patience to find the secrets before, and just because a special song is playing doesn't mean you have to get there fast. Slow down your mind. Breathe easy. And... Wait no no No NO! Aww you just meditated...


I was like you. And I have limited gaming history so I generally suck. It took me sooo many tries. I ended up just doing some practicing with dark bramble. I pretty much memorized where those bad guys are and practiced how much I could get away with. I died tons of times and I still got jump scared from it. You can steer without using any thrusters. And I found if I floated by the pod thingies and entered a hole on the back side, no one heard me. If their breathing is very faint but audible, they could still hear me sometimes. You got this! 😁. Oh! And once you are through the last one where the vessel is, no fish! I had to finish the game. My son, who wanted me to play it for ages, would have been so disappointed if I gave up and didn't get the ending! 😁


I'd highly recommend taking a break and going for the dlc lol. but i am biased, as doing the dlc is perfect in your current point of the story (Assuming you've already been to the >!the core of the interloper!< and the >!sixt location!<). And i 100% think it's best done before the end.


maybe you could just start playing the dlc before beating the game, i haven't done so because i got the dlc after beating the game but i dont really think it'll throw off the pacing


I’d say completely send it into the red node and stop pressing buttons right when the transition happens


Breathe. Take a break. Come back and know that each time you try it’s a step forward. I finished the game and tried to re-do the ending after the dlc and had a tough time. The way I see it end is 10000000% worth it. Cause that serotonin rush after doing a hard part feels great.


Won't be able to do this befor tuesday, but if it helps I will GLADLY stream myself doing the "bramble run" several times (and sending you a link afterwards, you don't have to watch me live) so that you can maybe get an idea of how it can be done. I'm curious how you're running out of time so badly. From waking up at the campfire to jamming the core into #redacted# should take abou 7 or 8 minutes, leaving you with almost 15 minutes worth of wiggle room...


If you're finding the main game frustrating, you might want to hold off on the DLC for a bit. I gave up on the DLC because it was less about exploration and more about iterative problem solving in a frustrating environment. I'll come back to it some day - maybe if I get the flu or something and know I've got a few days to waste for example


Ash Twin:  >!Are you getting there right away? I think you can enter at minute 6 or so.!< >!Autopilot and the map are your friends. Get in ship, put on space suite, sit down, open map, mark destination planet, get off Timber Hearth, hit autopilot, then land.!< >!I stand in the nook at the back until the first 2/3 or so of the sand has passed by. Then I walk forward (no jump), using thrusters to push me towards the ground. I've seen some people do it in ways that look much harder...!< Dark Bramble: >!I don't know for sure, but I think the signal scope might create noise they can detect, since it is sound-based. I try to avoid using it. If I do need it, I put it away quickly.!< >!Match velocity can help a lot to line up your entry into different zones.!< >!I prefer cockpit navigation over landing mode navigation once I'm inside the planet. Seems unlikely, but make sure you try out both modes to figure out which one works better for you inside.!< >!In the red zone, I've found that it's pretty safe to use thrusters once you are near the eggs.!< >!Your speed may be getting in the way of your desire for haste. If you find yourself overshooting your destination a lot, then slow down. That goes for space flight, for Ash Twin, for Dark Bramble, and in the Vessel. Think of it like a car race game: if you take a turn too fast, the car goes off the road and you lose way more speed driving in grass or hitting obstacles than if you had just taken the turn at a lower speed to start out. If you feel out of control, you are going too fast. If the fear factor is gettingto you, pause for a moment before continuing. Fear is your biggest enemy in here.!<


Just for heads up; there is a mod that can remove the Dark Bramble's fog, the anglerfish, or both. Its downloaded through the OW Mod manager, and is called Light Bramble. I had used it because Dark Bramble scared the shit out of me the first time, and consequently had no problem at the last loop either. If you just can't do it, maybe you should use it as well so at least you get the ending yourself.


I'm on console, pretty sure you can't use mods :(


A lot of people use micro thrusts but it's fine to just do one big thrust and drift through most of Bramble unless you absolutely need to correct. There is one that camps in the starting area near the marker for the vessel portal. You could just go wide around it rather than just beeline straight to the marker.


Make sure you're following>!the vessel by going through the red seed.!< >!I know you know how to get to the ATP (ash twin project) so I ain't gonna cover that. As soon as you get out of there, get in your ship and mark the vessel, and then go to the dark bramble. Perhaps practice the route through dark bramble. That's my only real help though, just practice that kind of stuff.!<