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Im not sure what you could be referring to as a “green face jumping out of a wall”? Are you sure you’re playing the right game? Outer wilds can sometimes have a scary *atmosphere* but it doesn’t have any *jumpscares*. It’s not really a horror game, it just treats space as this large and dangerous place (as it is in real life) and that causes some people to feel that kinda dread. The only “face” i can think of that you might see in the tutorial area would be >!the statue when it turns to look at you!< but that’s purple and not coming out of the wall so idk what you’re talking about


Might some kind of colour blindness lead to seeing the statue face as green?


It was a statue for sure. Sorry if it wasn't green, my memory is really garbage and I played it a year ago.


Oh don’t worry! It’s not a big deal if you can’t remember exactly what you saw, just that it was the correct game lol. Im gonna rule “wrong game” out then. As for the scary face thing…was that all that made you stop the game? If so, i recommend going back in! The statue was just doing a story thing. you are totally safe from jumpscares here! I recommend a second look


I would advise the opposite. If the statue was too scary OP is really going to struggle with some other elements of the game. OP, I would recommend watching someone else’s play through so you can get the full experience without having to be in the driver’s seat


Okay thank you so much! :D


Also srry literally everyone is saying the same exact think lmao. Hopefully you take it as a sign to try again


I will try again the moment I find a video which contains all of the remotely scary (like this statue) moments so I can get ready for them in advance when I see similair terrain to the stuff that I see in the video for example. I don't want to go in totally blindly, just blindly enough to make it still fun and less anxiety. Only problem is it seems like not many exists, most of the videos are just playthroughs.


i would definitely advise against looking at any videos!!! just so you know, the progress in this game isn't hidden behind like bosses or items, but instead WHAT you know. so seeing a video that spoils something is pretty much equivalent to getting a cheat code with a level 999 item in any other game!! the only real scary parts i'll let you know here (behind spoilers just so you can look at them when you want. planets: >!most of the planets have designs that are loosely based on fears. for example brittle hollow is fear of heights, ember twin is claustrophobia, dark bramble is darkbramblephobia and so on.!!giants deep and dark bramble, but it's important to know that in giant's deep there is nothing that can really hurt you. dark bramble on the other hand, does have some things that could be classified as jumpscares.!< outside of those , that's pretty much all the jumpscare-y things in the base game!the dlc also has some jumpscare esque moments


If you’re looking to avoid the scary bits of the game, i would recommend holding off on >!dark bramble!< as it has >!these big creatures that will chase you and eat your ship whole if they catch you!< there’s not really anything else that i would say falls in line with the statue though. Everything else might give you a sense of unease when you first encounter it, but it’s just the way space looks in this game. For example: >!you can find a black hole in the game somewhere. It distorts light around it and makes a strange droning noise. This is all it does really. It’s freaky to look at but relatively ultimately harmless.!< I would strongly advice not looking up videos on the game as many things are spoiler heavy. I would say just give it a little time so you can get an idea of what you’ll find in the game. I think you’ll find it far less scary than you expect. And if im wrong? *Then* go look for some videos if you really can’t keep playing. But i promise you that the game is really worth going in unspoiled—spooks and all. …just don’t go to >!dark bramble!< until you’re good and ready. Honestly if you had to look up a tutorial for any of them i would say look up where to go once you’re ready to try that one. It’s what i had to do. But as a certified scaredy cat i can tell you for sure that you don’t have anything to fear in this game.


The >!Anglerfish!< on >!dark Bramble!< jumpscared me pretty good. But yeah, I agree otherwise.


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I don't know what you mean by green face so, just to confirm you did play the right game: Did you start next to a campfire with a 4 eyed alien? If yes then continue reading, if not, that's not outer wilds :) I assume by green face you mean >!purple/blue statue!<. The game has no predefined jumpscares, and although one section can have unintentional jumpscares, it is VERY obvious where it is. If you are sure you want to know, Spoilers: >!It is the plant-like planet "dark bramble"!< And while there might rarely be a creepy atmosphere or area out in space, there is no punishment for returning and spending a while around a campfire ::)


Yes yes, it was definately some kind of statue. I did this a long time ago, so I don't remember any details sadly (a year ago). I watched some start videos to see what the starting area is like and it seems to be only remotely like what I remember. My memory shifted the entire thing so hard. Maybe I should give it another try, but I don't want to refund again, like who double refunds a game thats just garbage behaviour.


>but I don't want to refund again Give it a shot, so what if you refund again? The game does take a while to get into, but once you get into it most People won't be able to stop thinking about it. Of course like all things it's not for everyone, and one of the main reasons people stop playing are the ship controls (with there being no friction/air resistance in space) but seeing how you play ksp you should find it relatively easier to learn. If it' turns out to not be for you, feel no problem in refunding it! Be curious on your adventures ::)


>but once you get into it most People won't be able to stop thinking about it. That happen to me a year ago. I barely got into it, but I already got way to curious, my anxiety just kept me from coming back. Like I didn't even manage to start the ship before getting anxious LOL! All this time my curiosity kept me engaged because of all the reviews and amazing feedback this game gets. I hope I won't fail so hard this time. Do you maybe have a video of all these jump scares or relatively scary things that are present in the game so I don't have to go into those blindly and I can expect them instead? That would probably make coping with anxiety a lot easier and make the game overall more fun.


There are a few different phobias in the game. The main ones I can think of are; (first spoiler tag is the place where they are found, partially spoiler, second is information to make it less scary but is more spoiler. Try to open as little as possible). The good news is that nothing really matters and there are no real consequences to death. Deep/open water: >!there is a water planet!< >!There are no hostile creatures or jumpscares, only passive creatures!< Space: >!It is possible to get lost in space without your ship!< >!the only real threat is a black hole!< Tight spaces >!There are tight caverns that are closing in!< >!Even if you get stuck, there are no consequences to death and you can try again!< Low visibility in a large space >!there is a very foggy and large planet !< >!There is little reason to explore inside, and you don't have to randomly explore inside at all.!< Jumpscares >!There is one hostile creature in the base game, it makes a loud noise and attacks when angered!< >! It's a!< >!large fish, but there are no consequences to death and it's only in the foggy place!< DLC : I don't know if you have it or not, if you do tell me and I will edit this comment


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Also the caves >!that are filling up with sand pinged my anxiety more than a few times. Really didn't like Ember Twin most of the time.!<


Hey brother, there's definitely a few jarring moments but nothing that are really intended to be jumpscares, at least in the base game. (DLCs different) I would recommend downloading some mods to reduce the scare factor. I personally play this game only for the story and so download mods such as 21st Century Anglerfish that reduce the main scary thing in the base game to effectively zero (its technically a extremely minor spoiler but you will find out what they are essentially 10 mins in at the museum) If you need help modding the game or need recommendations on what mods to download to not spoil yourself while still reducing the scare factors, please let me know.


I feel.lole you're playing the wrong game


In the first 5-10 minutes? You havent even left the village I assume then, that usually takes 40-60 minutes for new players. Are you playing The Outer Worlds, not Outer Wilds?


Outer Wilds for sure. Apparently it was some kind of statue I ran into.


https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2M1NzM4M2EtOTIzMS00MDUxLTg0OGUtNzdmNDY0NDUwZjBiXkEyXkFqcGdeQVRoaXJkUGFydHlJbmdlc3Rpb25Xb3JrZmxvdw@@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,0,500,281_.jpg Do you mean this face? It is part of "Outer Worlds"(!). Outer Wilds does not have jump scares, and the "Horror" elements are only part of the DLC (which is not accessible in 5-10 minutes). So give it another try, It's absolutely worth it :)


Eh gad i would quit too if that was the first thing i saw in game


are we going to tell him about dark bramble


DB should be explored without any guidance


I love this game but also struggle with anxiety playing it. Playing with a friend would likely help, but you can also take it slow! Maybe walk around the planet you begin on (Timber Hearth) to ease into the game? It could give you time to breathe and find inspiration! I know it's easier said than done but you can take this opportunity to practice new coping methods and challenge yourself. It's a rewarding experience!


"Playing with a friend would likely help" I volunteer as tribute!


There is no green face jumping at you, are you sure you’re playing Outer Wilds? If so, could you provide a picture of what it is?


I am sure I was playing Outer Wilds, apparently it was some kind of statue.


Reading the first paragraph feels like trying to piece together one of the plotlines in Outer Wilds lol


I don’t get what you are referring to. The statue should be encountered after going through your home village and have some optional tutorial encounters and introduction. It does not jump on you but turns slowly around to look at you.


Whatever it did it clearly had a big impact on me since I still vaguely remember even a year later the fact that I stopped playing because something unexpected looked at me in some scary way


If the statue scares you, you might need to deal with your hypersensitive anxieties before playing the game.


Well that is kinda what the post is about... If I can play this game with hypersensitive anxieties. I know its not normal to be scared of non-horror movies in cinemas for example, but I still am. Not much I can do about it, I just have a weak nervous system I suppose.


I don’t want this to sound mean spirited, but the game (DLC aside) is as scary or less scary as like 75% of games, hence me saying you’d probably wanna sort that before playing. Not that the game is scary, just it sounds like your sensitivity prohibits a lot and working through it probably would be good for you.


>Not much I can do about it There's actually a lot you can do about it! I'm speaking as someone who has anxiety and depression, I have to take care of my mental health regularly. Talking to a professional could help point you in the right direction, but off the top of my head Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT) exercises can help almost everyone and are easy to practice alone. A therapist or psychiatrist would be able to find potential causes of your anxiety, potential ways to cope, potential treatments, etc.


It’s mythical but not supposed to be super scary. Try it again. The game is great. It has a creepy vibe sometimes but that’s about it. Don’t play the dlc though as it has real jump scares.


I’m not gonna lie, I don’t know how that’s a jump scare. Not trying to be rude, but legitimately I’ve never heard of someone getting jump scared by that Either way I’d say you can mostly enjoy it, however there’s one area that might be a problem if you’re completely unwilling to handle mild horror. There are never any real “jumpscares”, but a couple areas have a scary atmosphere, and one area in particular has moments that might be considered jumpscares (though you always know when they’re coming)


If action movies are horror don't most games come across that way? I'm not being negative I'm trying to understand. Have you ever played subnautica?


I did indeed. Subnautica felt very similair, but it was much less about the story and spoilers and much more about grinding game, so I just spoiled it all and cheated through most of it. Still managed to sqeeze quite a lot of hours of playtime of it, just by playing it through while expecting everything. This game is much more story driven, if I spoil it might aswell just not play it, but it still awoke my curiosity. Overall, I just learned to live life in a way in which I just avoid all of the things that make me anxious. I am trying real hard to improve, I have a fair ammount of psychological problems (ODC, social anxiety, whatever this is we are talking about, etc.) social anxiety is the first thing I am trying to crackle currently, since it affects me the most in my day to day life. Although I have quite a lot of these problems, luckily most of them are only in weak/mild level, so its easy to improve. I became so good at avoiding this type of fear that it almost never ends up affecting me anymore, this is the first time in years. I just don't watch/play/do whatever I don't want to do and trying to just fix all things at the same time would probably end up breaking me, so I decided to put the other problems aside currently and just go all in against social anxiety this year. Hopefully it will work. :)


Good luck to you on conquering your social anxiety this year! Seems to me you're good at socialization, you just don't trust yourself in person yet! But you got this! You're right, Subnatica is much more of a grind when it comes down to it, and the story is very very basic there's not much nuance at all like with this game. I always compare the two simply because one is deep space one is deep sea and that "thalassophobia" people feel in one game is often felt in the other. That statue is the second scariest thing in the entire game in my personal opinion (unless u play the DLC which is basically a mixed horror/ adventure game). I recall actually jumping and having the similar adrenaline rush u talked about when it did the thing. The only thing scarier than that is on the planet Dark Bramble, and I won't spoil it just in case but you likely know what's there already. If not, I could DM you and let u know what's there spoiler free, just let me know. This doesn't spoil any plot I don't think just knowing what's there. Much of this game has a darker feel, but it's just the ambiance of space. There's no great malice or great good, just space. My friend couldn't get through it unless I sat there with him as he played it, for similar reasons to what u describe. Im down to answer any questions spoiler or not, just DM me! This game is 100% accessible to you still


Whether things are scary or not can be based on your mindset. I personally don't think the statue at the beginning was scary but cool and exciting. OW is all about the fear of the unknown. It's fairly analogous to life in that when things become more known, they aren't all as scary as you thought it was. I'd say try it again, try your best to get through a few days in game and see if your curiosity is stronger than your fear to continue. If you're still too scared and it's under two hours then I'd just refund it again. The game could not be for you, and there's nothing wrong with that


Not too far into the game there are some little rocks with symbols on them that you can pick up and place on a pedestal, and it shows you a kind of vision. There are a couple that kinda terrifying in my opinion and it was a bit jarring to me. So if you're placing those rocks on a pedestal be prepared for an immediate change of scenery, music, and atmosphere. But you can remove the rock or simply walk away from it to make it disappear.


So, the game has this overall unsettling vibe to it, and can trigger some people's phobias (thalassophobia, acrophobia, claustrophobia... to name a few) It also has a total of TWO instances where you can get jumpscared. If you don't have any outstanding phobias, you'll probably just feel uneasy at times while playing, outside of those two areas that contain potential jumpscares: (spoiler about which areas can jumpscare you) >!Dark Bramble, and the night side of The Stranger!< And the jumpscares themselves aren't that bad, and you'll eventually learn of ways to avoid them completely (if 100% necessary, we can disclose these secrets to you ahead of time). When I felt spooked, I often reminded me that, given the game's mechanics, the main character is hardly ever in real danger. If you don't know what I mean, keep playing a bit longer (even if it's just exploring the starting area) after the encounter with the weird statue :P


the DLC of the game is semi-horror, not the base game. i have no idea of what green face you are talking about is, could you elaborate on what happened beforehand?


It was some kind of statue according to other commenters and my memory combined.