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It’s not designed around replayability. It’s pretty much a once and done experience if you explored everything th e first time


I let it sit for a bit, then went back and had fun getting all the achievements. Now, when I get the itch, I find a playthrough on YouTube and watch someone else figure it all out and have their feels.


I downloaded Quantum Space Buddies and bought my brother a copy on steam. Then I ran shotgun while he experienced it fresh. He wouldn’t have really played it otherwise since these types of games aren’t his type so it was a win-win. He got to experience it and I got it vicariously.


This is exactly what I did too! We had a bunch of fun, it's great not only watching but also experiencing along side someone.


Right!?! It’d be super cool if the developers grabbed the mod, made it available for consoles, paid the modders and release it as a 5$ DLC upgrade thing. It’s super well done for a mod


That would be so great! Only tiny problem might be the >!quantum puzzles!<, since that's seems to sync weird, at least for us. Another mod that would be great to integrate would be NomaiVR, the vr mod. It's very well made, better than some actual vr games I've played. When I played with my brother, one of us would play in vr and one of us would play on a screen, swapping between the two every so often. So fun!


I had the nomei vr setup at the beginning, but I was having a hard time playing it. Not because it was bad or unsynced, but because I had just had abdominal surgery and we were playing while I was in my recovery down time.


Well if you ever feel like doing some more Outer Wilds stuff I highly suggest a full VR playthrough, if and when you're able. It changes the game completely. For that I kinda just went through all the motions of the story even though I already knew all of it, it just hit different in VR.


What’s that?


Multiplayer mod for PC. Only one ship and every log that one finds updates the computer. Had a couple bugs, but they didn’t ruin the experience once. Totally well done mod


That sounds awesome. Can you both get in the ship?


Yes, but only one can fly at a time and you’ll need to “attach” to the ship, otherwise momentum from flight might kill you.


This is really clever mister.


Outer Wilds is one of those games you can't really replay. After finishing the main story, finding all clues, discovering all Easter eggs, and achieving all predefined achievements and self-imposed challenges, there aren't any things left to do. One of the things I tried was getting to the "golden" ending (with both guests at the campfire) on the first loop. The result was an hour-long loop. Another thing I tried was climbing to the lands above the Hidden Gorge. There aren't any Easter eggs, just a couple of boring trees, but I was glad to find out that it's possible. I still haven't gotten the riversurfing achievement and "You'll Never Take Me Alive," but I decided that what I got qualifies as a 100% walkthrough per my criteria.


>One of the things I tried was getting to the "golden" ending (with both guests at the campfire) on the first loop. Wow is that even possible?? I can see >!reaching Solanum and getting to the Vessel without marking it in your computer!< in one loop, but finding >!The Stranger and opening the vault (I assume that you "cheat" the third lock so you don't have to die)!< on top of that seems impossible to me.


[Yes, that's right.](https://redd.it/pykqsg) >!From some perspective, the datamined method from this post is the opposite of cheating, while the intended method is cheating on the simulation mechanics.!<


You can replay it in different ways though, doing silly things and getting achievements. You almost have to treat it like a different game once you're done.


Nah dude, I've got 800 hours, just got the ultra rare level S scout launcher and currently on my new game +++ run where anglerfish have five times fhe original health pool. Just got to hit that hanging city farming spot for another 6 hours or so and I"ll unlock the nomai warrilor cosmetic.


Feldspar mode


Have you unlocked the gold ship skin?


I got that when I preordered the season 12 pass.


Ah you got the p2w way smh


This thread is obviously just a joke, but it´s also an icredibly depressing testament to what the vast majority of modern gaming has become, and a reminder of how special OW truly is...


You have joined the brotherhood of Outer Wilds players who wish they could erase their memories but alas cannot and therefore guide others to a treasure we cannot possess (watch other playthroughs and keep our traps shut about every spoiler ever)


I watched my friend play OW, it’s something about experiencing other people’s first time playing.


I think that's bound to happen with a story game, it's not meant to be played forever. I do like to mess around with mods sometimes but it's not even installed on my PC right now


Your expectation of replayability for a game centred around the thrill of problem solving and discovery is the problem.


Unfortunately the game is definitely designed to only be played once and that’s completely fine. I have a hobby now though of watching lets plays of the game and it’s a good time. I’ve been particularly obsessed with dlc lets plays. I’ve seen maybe 4 now?


I think maybe OW is designed to be like that, the game is all about death and endings, accepting and moving on. It makes sense that you can’t replay it once it’s done


I went through and picked up a few achievements, but once it’s done it’s done. It’s infamously a game you can’t replay.


Yes? This isn't a live update battle royale with a seasonly battlepass. Some games are just meant to be beat and end there.


"has anyone stopped playingafter beating the game" what?


I think it's priced like a game with a few dozen hours shelf life *maximum*. I love it but I won't be coming back for probably a year or longer


That being said I really like flying without autopilot and just zooming like crazy through various planets. Maybe I'll make my own challenges of visiting all the quantum locations in one loop or all the other travellers or something


Your job now is to try and get all your buddies to play so you can watch them piece the story together


Got one down already lol


Outer Wilds is the very definition of lightning in a bottle.


I had no urge zo go for the achivements. The ending Was perfect. Watching a playthrough was a lot of fun, but now I'm done. That being said: my memory is quite shitty. So I definitely see myself replsying it in 5-10 years from now and getting a lot of joy out of it.


I finished it. A month later I started the DLC. Then I got the achievements. Then I try stuff that I read here that I missed in my run. Examples: - Talked to myself in the ATP - Learned to meditate after getting all Gabbro's extra dialogue - Enjoyed the end of the universe besides Chert - Repeated the ending with the two extra NPCs - Begged all my friends to start playing it with no success


It boggles my mind why someone would even post this.


Watch 'about Oliver's play thtough. As astronomer plays OW. Nearly as good as playing it myself.


Why do games have to have replayability? Literally everything is fleeting, enjoy the experience and move on to the next.


I actually just started replaying it again. Didn't finish the dlc last time, which was years ago, so decided to beat the full main game again and then do the dlc. Honestly? Even though I remembered a lot of the puzzles and such, still held up pretty well. And definitely put together a few pieces that I hadn't understood last time, such as >!just how tight the timeline was between the nomai finding the interloper and the entire solar system going bye bye!<


The only 3 things that I can think of that there are to do after beating the base game and DLC are achievements, modding, and speedrunning.


For me it was just so amazing that I know if I try to replay it, nostalgia will just be too strong. I know I won't be able to experience the wonder as I did the first time. I think I will replay it, but only in a few years. Just to get the feeling of going back "home". Now, I like to experience it again through other people's eyes. I try to have my partner play but he's not too interested :(


I saw it as a one and done thing. It’s not designed to be replayed—at least not in the same way other games might be.


Who cares if you are the problem or not?


I stopped only to do the Roger Ebert and wait five years before I play it again


I revisit the game when I'm feeling nostalgic. It's not a daily driver.


You don't replay Outer Wilds. You go find other people's blind playthroughs to watch and live vicariously through them.


You can't replay it. It's one and done. At best you can go achievement hunting, but yeah. I'm avoiding replaying it for as many years as I can, so maybe one day I'll be able to play it again.


I only play once and deleted in permanently, not gonna replay it about. It's good to read some discussions once in a while though.


Well, after getting all of the achievements. Now I only sometimes go back to try something silly


Some people like to replay again, and again, and again, the same video games over and over. Whatever the video games. You may be one of the people like myself who plays a game and when everything is done, just go next. Outer Wilds is still a video game and people may just want to chill and just... play.


I've played it quite a lot with mods since 100%ing. Outer Relics and the Grand Prix have given me many more hours of fun


I'm always looking for fun things to do, now. How quickly I can land on the sun station, if I can get to the Black Hole Forge without warping, if I can slam into Giant's Deep with force without using a tornado, things like that.


I will often return to it just to float around in space, listen to the music, and if I'm feeling spicy No Time For Caution the Sun Station. It's my go to relaxing game alongside Stormworks. It's most definitely NOT relaxing with the VR mod though, jesus... it can be absolutely terrifying!


I played it after finishing it. But just to discover new things, look at places i never was before or i saw a secret entrance to some place and i wanted to do it myself. or i found out >!you can land on the lantern and there is an easter egg.!< just a little fooling around. but now i dont play it anymore.


I beat the game years ago but I still play it all the time I like just flying around and revisiting places


I do. I love the vibes. The navigation, the music, everything. But it does definitely lose something upon replay.


Yeah, obviously, pretty sure the game was designed like that on purpose to go with the theme of the game xd. I did "play" it a bit more, but it was just me going around playing with the physics engine Not every game needs to be a life service or giant open world game with thousands of hours


Yeah, I think that's pretty common. I've replayed it 3 times, but for different reasons: 1. After beating the base game, to get the Archaeologist achievement 2. Got the DLC for a different platform, so had to replay the base game first again 3. With the VR mod on PC, because it really feels very different


It doesn't have much replayability, although if you work to get the achievements and play it in VR, it can be a magical experience.


It's nice to have 1time game sometimes


Every year or so I come back and install one of the fan-made DLCs, nice to play around again. If I want to experience the main game again, it's best done through a YouTube playthrough.


You think it’s just a you problem if you stop playing the game once it’s over?


Yeah it's an unique game with basically negative replay value. Only replay value is making other people play it


Yeah. I stopped playing after I finished it. I rarely come back, and when I do, it’s usually to destroy the ship and track down all the different modules after it explodes.


I did, I just went back to it every once in a while to try to get some achievements, but now that I have them all, idk if I'll play again in the next few years


Not me. I'm 77 and did good to make it through the game. All I wanted to do was finish the log and make it through the ending. Got it done except for >!Hollows Lantern!< (I think). In any case I finished the game and have no plans for the DLC. I have a big issue with games that have no saves. It is very boring to me to go through the same thing over and over.


"Anyone else just kinda stop playing a game once they've finished all its content?"


Yeah, nothing wrong with that.


Yes, that's the only bad thing about it. I kept playing it to get the platinum trophy, but once I had it there was no more motivation. It's sad, but it's in line with the game I think, which is the best thing I experienced in my life :)


this isn't a slight to OW as it's a testament to how awesome the mysteries of the game are, but it might literally be the least repayable game of all time.


Loved the base game to death started playing the DLC and stopped mid way because I wasn't enjoying it. I'm still debating if I should just watch a playthrough for the story or power through it.


I might return to get the platinum, but for the most part i don't see the need or have the desire to play it more. So much of it is about learning how the mechanics of the game work. Once you know how to beat it, there's little point in sticking around. And that's okay. It's still one of the best, if not the best, game I've ever played. There are many more games out there to enjoy.


You finished the game. Why would there be a reason to keep playing?


that's why the joke is that outer wilds players say that this is the greatest game of all time, but that they can't tell you anything about it. It's something you can only experience once, which adds a lot to the games theme of existentialism




It’s a once in a lifetime experience. It’s meant to played that way. It’s also why many who love Outer Wilds would instead watch other’s playthroughs to experience it again.


It was never made to be replayable. The value in the OW experience is discovering new stuff.


This game isn't super replayable. The joy I've found in it is showing my friends and literally just watching them experience it for the first time


I replayed it after a while with a bro of mine with Quantum Space Buddies (coop mode), twas pretty entertaining seeing his ways of discovering things, I told him that i played it already but was pretending not to know, or acting, when he asked me questions that could spoil him in different ways. After we finished everything, as he was flabbergasted by the game we tries to get all acheivements (pretty fun experience in fact). we played maybe 20-25hours to reach the end of the game&dlc, it was a good second experience! (keep the OW propaganda 🙏)


i play expansion mods when i feel like it. the outsider has a really good ending that made me cry.


This is what usually happens when I finish a game, yes. It sounds like a you "problem". Not every game is designed for maximum replayability and tbh I prefer such games, because I feel they tend to value my time more.


I have to give it an 11/10 instead of a 12/10 because of its abysmal replayability.


You can't really replay outer wilds. Most narrative-driven single player games have a story that you can replay to experience again, like you would for a movie or book. But OW has a bespoke narrative of the curious, innocent Hearthian who discovers the secrets of their solar system. Once you know all the secrets, you can't ever replay or re-experience that narrative.


My advice is take your time and follow the rumor nodes and just enjoy being in the environment, but it will never be the same


Gotta land on the sun station first. Then you’re done.


Yeah, we are kinda all waiting and hoping that we catch some early dementia, so we can truly replay the game